New pedo thread
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Is this one official?
Babyfags truly are degenerate
this girl wants to go to candyland but i want to bring candyland to her
hi ;-;
hello ;~;
New pedo thread:
New pedo thread:
Fuck Jim edition:
best pedo thread tbh
where everyone go? need my autism fix or i will do something stupid.
come to endchan for love autism and shitposting
The pedo fucks went back to MasterChan AKA honeypot chan, since literally every other chan board will not tolerate pedo fucks
I don't think so, it's still dead as fuck over there
Could this be the start of an epic new meme?
Since we're dead now, I should totally get banned. :^))
This is new
Yeah, I own almost no sets at all, with the exception of Newstar Cutie's. Could never delete those for some reason. :3
Just trying to get banned so I can move on anyway, heh~
Ahh I feel ya. The only sets I have left get too obscure for fullchan midway like pic related
I'm not sure if we're actually banned, I've been posting cuties for days with no repercussions. I guess we'll still just have to wait and see
stop it
It's no spam this time mate.
Well, I just had bans for some address. Somehow Sarah's butt broke DOST even dost applies only in genitals and pubic area ;)
And why care about this place anymore. It was found around principles of freedom but those were sold away.
XD :^)
Well we'll see yes, but apparently Jim & Co deleted boards and banned a load of users, also outlawed candydoll etc…
This place just doesn't feel good anymore after hearing this ._.
Cutie does not approve of DOST
Oops I did it again.
You should be banned from the entire internet tbh.
pls :^)
I was here before internet tbh.
Yeah, you were here even before dinosaurs.
I am a dinosaur.
Pretty much, Jim doesn't actually know how imageboards work, he actually bought this one to try to make a profit off of it, top fucking kek
Yeah, especially with lewdcard and a few BO leaving it's more likely that this place will devolve into another cuckchan before it gets any better
As incompetent as HW could be, at least he knew that freespeech is among the only thing that keep people tied to this slow, error ridden site. Hopefully cockmonkey will actually be able to fix the site errors without bullying different groups of the userbase, but I wouldn't hold my breathe
Ayy pedo thread butts and feet edition
Yeah, especially with lewdcard and a few BO leaving it's more likely that this place will devolve into another cuckchan before it gets any better
this, 100%
didn't even notice, heh :3
Hey finn, do you know what the set is called (or the number of it) with sarah where she has the greyish colored top and no bottoms? I was looking for a bunch of her stuff the other day, but didn't know if which one was the good one
Just wanna what it's called so I can go look for it
No I can't say I do but I'll check what I have. :^)
appreciate cha
I can't fine one at least :/. I'm no Sarah pro so maybe I'm just missing it.
However, there is one set where she has pretty much only a hat and red scarf tho:3
Just what I heard anyway :3
No sweat, thanks for looking though
I guess I'll have to find that one too on my next trip to onionland :^)
This is actual exploitation.
This really is the end of times
kek'd, heh
meow meow
No-one ever explained me what "good stuff" is tbh.
Some of her older stuff because
Excuse me sir. Have you seen my dost?
wat post next?
better check dat pastebin
Where can I download the sets of this beautiful sand nigger?
Wut you mean?
I have no idea, got her sets years ago
She is called "Newstar Cutie II" though~
I mean obviously the best way of selecting the next content to post is by reading that pastebin document and act accordingly to it. :p
then upload the sets somewhere?
I'd love to have em :)
Those are too big for my current internet to handle, unfortunately >.< |
Cutie II is 1.15 GB already, which would take forever…sorry user :/
fuck, then keep posting please
I don't have all of her :C
I might be able to upload what I have.. but you'd be missing
or maybe not?
okay. :)
other part of this set is here btw
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at
my fault, sorry~
Stop posting your hardcore child pornography on my blog
ah shit sorry
second part is coming bit later
It will be cutie 30-70 which is only I have. But you'll need bot hparts. This is alive for only 24 hours.
being the user-saint all over again ^.^
banned yet?
still alive….sheesh
You're not the one to blame for sure. ^.^
Why normies want to control everyone else's life so much?
inb4 suggesting child fucking
fuck you and your prejudices
normies gonna norm ._.
oh my. :33
head might be quite too big lel
so it's pedo business as usual?
now just some mods gone and more rules?
I dunno. You tell me?
Breddy good :3
Also hay poke
Everything is just going fine
Pls mind what you're posting Mika.
You're raising chan quality too much with those :3
Thanks. and… no one knows what is going on with Holla Forums. ;_; I guess this stuff will be deleted and we'll all be banned again when some moralfag see it, like that last sticky/cyclical thread . :\
Thanks. Head might be too big though lel
One of these pictures was the first Laura picture I ever saw back in 2008 back in 4chan. lel it was a little too lewd for me but she was still cute and still is :3
seemed like normal business since i saw familiar names/flag
but that could happen
if it does, even youtube with their self made loli videos would be too extreme for Holla Forums lel
yep ;_; CD is too extreme for Holla Forums now lel
Too lewd for Poke. Such high level moral!
Look at her and how terrible she is. She wants to be like Madonna; Bitch, I'm Jim, the worst femi-nazi ever!
This is sex
Too lewd for me.