Daily pedo thread


Poor guy, you don't browse very often, do you? NN is banned now.

but is it official?

Well, Jim and Codemonkey said it was but if you wanna try your luck…

there's already a thread

both is good
need posters



pedo threads are not allowed anymore

prepared to be banned

/b is the new /pedo, Jim dun goofed

you actually made one


The DOST actually never says that "pedo threads" are not allowed, it just gives 6 examples of what is not allowed.

jim has an actual life so this thread is safe until he decides to get on Holla Forums

Yes but the OP pic is against the rules.

jim will be very angry…

Keep posting then guys, more of dat butt pls.

jim doesn't care about dost and rules

he don't like pedos so pedos must go

You mean raising pigs and doing yoga to try to lose weight? That's hardly a life. I'd call it a sad attempt at trying to be normal. The guy is old as fuck and attaches himself to imageboards because the user base makes him feel normal. That guy is a fat sack of shit with no kids. The only thing he has to his name is a bunch of pigs.

jim will ban you for ever with no reason bcuz he don't like pedos on his chan
