Holla Forums kisses this woman's feet.
I love Evalion.
Holla Forums kisses this woman's feet.
I love Evalion.
le redpilled gurl is the new girl gamer
Kennedy and evalion are the best youtubers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Kænnedi is befriending her
kænnedi dubs
Evalion is perfect. I want her inside me.
no, most pol user's don't, she's a proven shill who only makes videos to draw money out of beta faggots
like these guys
Bani Checkem
Bani Fap
Jew detected!!!! KILL YOURSELF!!!!
kys fgts
How easy to fake. gg user
Clearly faked by the Holla Forumsniggers.
I'd put my fingers in her butthole.
Im in love anons
She's Eva Braun reincarnated.
i don't know if shes being ironic but she is completely insincere
Evalion would never be a shill like that disgusting woman! She is too pure!
She needs to brush her fucking teeth
She probably would have made Atheist videos instead had it been 10 years ago.
She can count my shekels any night
i have a pal, who decided we need to go shopping for a hoodie right now, cuz hes cold. We were on a trip. He bought an article of clothing on a whim and spent 80 moneys sayin he can afford it.
Th problem is ppl and their ease of money spending. U r the consumers - u dictate the prices. I its expensive, u dont buy it. But no, u dont. U rush out to buy a game right now and spend 60$, instead of pirating it 1st an then buyin it once it costs 30$ or less.U go to camwhore sites and give whores money so that they show their pussies, instead of demanding pussy now and payin after the service, not buyin a cat in a bag. U have tons of free porn, but u go online to pay for it. There r ppl who record the camshows and upload them for free, but u still wanna pay such manipulative bitches money.
U should pay for your stupidity, but u shouldnt pay her or it.
i hate u, u desperate morons.
The way that she uses so much pol /chan language in actual speech apparently unironically makes me believe she's a jew.
Kænnedi Cötarelo is a natural and organic meme
Try Kirsty.
Fucking kill yourself
Isn't Evalion a furry artist, who mostly does feral dragons? I'm a little disappointed.
Gee I wonder if you found her channel from Leafy?
Underage faggots.
Clearly you are the underage faggot if you know who Leafy is.
No they don't, moron. Just like Sinead McCarthy or anyone else with the balls to question the holohoax on camera those chucklefuck idiots instantly side with the shills tearing them down. Go try and start and thread about her, Lana Lokteff or anyone else and see what happens. They'll be character assassinated, called everything from crypto jew to coalburning whore (without any evidence, of course) and the average low intelligence lurker will be left with the impression there's nothing to see here.
You're obviously new here so I'll let you in on a little secret: Holla Forums is like the KKK, just a clubhouse for FBI informant types, shills, and a few well intentioned but mostly clueless mods. Like a broken clock it can be right once in a while but some kind of "bastion for the cause" it's definitely not.
So basically, this "Leafy" fuck is an autistic kid that plays video games & cries about other Youtube channels…
This is what became of Youtube? No wonder preteens / teenagers now days are so illiterate & talk like autistic mental deficients.
Didn't she call it quits in her latest video?
I haven't killed myself so no.
So where do you plan on vacationing?
>>>Holla Forums
Why do people keep saying things like this? Is everyone turning into a guru now?
she's shilled so badly there the threads are terms for nuking, no one cares about her.
just another normal attention whore
Trying too hard JIDF.
It's nice to see you guys aren't like every other board with the general cringeful weakness of beta orbiting.
I'm not the one needing redpilling here, faggot.
Goddamnit, she didn't even say "fuck the niggers" or some edgy shit at the end, like in a "haha just kidding! i'm not actually a normie!" kinda way. The fuck kinda gay ass shit are you watching, user? Kill yourself.
there was a good reason why women weren't allowed to vote
further evidence that /pol promotes degeneracy
They shut her down.
wow, that attention whore can't even sneeze without trying too hard to sound feminine
Holla Forums says she's a jewish shill, look at that nose and droopy eyes, obvious kike.
No nigger, just look at those eyes, obvious inbred kike, the nose doesn't lie.
Those are jewish beady eyes, she belongs in an oven.
this stupid bitch has nothing on Nicole tbh
fuck off faggot mods banned this bitch on Holla Forums for a reason, stop spamming all the boards saying you are from there
Remember when Holla Forums was fun before it got BTFO by NACSOC faggits who think they are actually doing anything?
Next you're gonna say Holla Forums and Holla Forums were fun
I know it may be hard to believe but at one point the internet itself was fun.
Now I just want to destroy it.
Personally I think Holla Forums was fun back when it was original and unhinged, back when Holla Forums was a meme factory instead of a place full of normalfags posting shitting memes that make thrillhouse look good, all the shit you see in this board is lame unfunny posts about a shitty parrot and some hispanic ugly camwhore now.
Serious question, how new are you?
Older than a exploding van and an afro negro wearing a suit
Well then you should know by now that Holla Forums was never good.
nice old meme speak
The mudkip crows at midnight
did I get it right?
But it was original and entertaining once.
Now it's full of dumb ass reddit faggots who celebrate ugly whores who don't even post tits anymore.
When was the last time Holla Forums even made a meme anyway?
We're as lame and insipid as 9gag and eBaums now.
We? Who is we?
Holla Forums was never good. It is either full of autistic redditors and normies like on cuckchan or it is full of autistic NEETs and pedos on fullchan, there was nothing good about Holla Forums ever, Holla Forums was always shit, whether you enjoy this shit or not is your choice, it is also your choice which Holla Forums is less shittier for you.
There was a time when Holla Forums was fun, back when we made most of the memes and retarded shit.
That's a meme that we made too, but since you're a newfag you took it seriously and believed it since you were too new and missed the golden age, I pity you truly.
when was the last time Holla Forums made a meme anyway?
now Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the only ones making awesome memes, why don't you answer that?
I think Holla Forums hasn't made any good memes anymore because, like I said before, cuckchan is full of normies from facebook so they obviously can't make good memes, here on 8/b/ we are full of parasitic pedos and and ponyfags who just come here to fap so we don't have the quality traffic that is capable of making good memes, but why does that matter? Do you judge a board by the quality of the memes that it has? No my children, that's not how you do it, you judge a board by the quality of the drama.
Memes are born out of wit and creative force, and they die for the opposite reason, once they turn into repetitive predictable stale shit.
Memes are the bread and wine of a board.
Sure, you can claim Holla Forums is shit for discussion about actual Holla Forums, Holla Forums is shit for discussing vidya, but the fact they can come up with shit that makes you laugh genuinely, from the belly means they are still entertaining.
When a board can't even make memes anymore you know there's nothing left, specially if they suck at discussing the topic they are made for, Holla Forums has no topic, Holla Forums has no memes anymore either, Holla Forums has nothing.
/cow/ shits at drama queens all the time, let me assure you drama =/= quality at all since the retards /cow/ laughs at are 200% certified disasters
Check it out Holla Forums, this chick is seriously starting to piss off all the normies, this faggot already made two videos on her, so did leafy and a bunch of other small time youtubers.
Try not giving them ad shekel views you dumb fuck.
Fuck all youtube e-celebs, worthless camwhores the lot of them.
Her ex-bf released a new video with her clearing up all of their past drama.
State of Holla Forums : EvalionGate
I am banned from 8ch.net/pol/, 8ch.pl/pol/, and 4ch/pol/.
We have threads on masterch and endch.
We have a hashtag on twitter: twitter.com
There are three evalion content backups (ain't clickin'):
(zip files) mega.nz
(torrent) kat.cr
(lo-fi yt backup) youtube.teknikata.com
Where were you when SHTF on Holla Forums?