These things are addicting as fuck I can't stop eating them help guys!

These things are addicting as fuck I can't stop eating them help guys!

enjoy your diabetes



As a person who suffers from diabetes (its type 1 I swear shitlord my weight has nothing to do with it you can be fat and healthy okay?) I find there memes very triggering, please remove them or put a trigger warning on them next time and check your able-bodied privilege thank you!

Fuck man blood-sugars high better tale insulin fuck


Like sticking a needing into some ugly-ass green fruit my friend

I've never seen insulin being injected into the arm. only into the stomach

I personally prefer the stomach but you can do it pretty much anywhere save for the back of your leg

why not there?

I foget why, something about it not getting absorbed well from there or some shit, and there's a lot of muscle there is supposed it hurts more but I've done it there before and never had a problem with it

just a spoonfull of salt, helps the medicine go down. It will counter the 'beetus.

Is that the dancing slob cuckchan made cry ?

eat shit

Fresh fruit is nature's sugar hit from.eating these third world candies.

the only ingredients. they tasted so good I couldn't stop eating them.for. a week

I found one of bags



I can't stop eating pussy