So, tell me captain, if the federation is so great why aren't there any good Star Trek movies?

So, tell me captain, if the federation is so great why aren't there any good Star Trek movies?

Tell me Dukat, if Cardassians are so great how did they fail to Remove Hasperat?

Brush your teeth, Dukat.

All the TOS movies are good except V

The TNG/Reboot ones are garbage though

Don't even start again, Norn.


Star Trek V has one memorable line, "Why does God need a starship?". I bet Roddenberry though to himself, "checkmate theists".

Presumably you haven't gotten out to the cinema in the past five years.


True, none of his movies stand up on a second watch. None of them.




JJ's Star Trek trilogy is the only good Star Trek, you petit bourgeois.

Fuck me, I forgot my name. Can't be a pretentious, Marxist faggot who sucks Jewish cocks without that!


Stop being such an antisemite. Jews can't help the fact that they control so much media. Who else is going to provide quality entertainment, alt-right Nazis? Of course not.

Yes, the alt-right will.

You'll just pozz it again. The Alt Right is infested with sodomites.

I will tell it like it is:
Stargate> Star Trek
Even Babylon V is superior to Star Trek.

Filthy rootless cosmopolitan.

thank goodnees Milo's irrelevant now

Yep him getting his Twitter shoahed was the last nail in the coffin.

Why was Data so smug?

If you watch them all with in a week its not even that bad
same with Rocky V

That's obviously Lore. I can tell because I've seen a lot of TNG in my time.

he had multiple occasions on which to be smug

Muaaah the smug