as a third-generation Holocaust survivor I fully support the protest of rape survivors
In the United States and Canada, The Birth of a Nation was projected to gross around $10 million in its opening weekend...
Now that's a movie I'd love to watch.
Wow. Just like red fail and all these others? Who would have thought that racebaiting films wouldn't generate shekels?
Wow. Just like red fail and all these others? Who would have thought that racebaiting films wouldn't generate shekels?
Break out of your mental cage Drumpfling
They already tried this kind of racebaiting a short while ago with the same results. Hollywood must be getting desperate now that Holohoax movies aren't selling as well anymore.
Time to troll Parker by calling him racist for the next few months everywhere on social media.
They're making a Barbie movie staring Amy Schumer. Desperate doesn't even begin to describe it.
Oh, I don't know. It seemed to work quite well for Dolan Hrumpf.