British people in american television

Is this portrayal considered racist?

Britbongs aren't a race lad

Nationality is race
No such think as black,white,brown or yellow. The only race in America is the americna race.

They may as well be with their shared physical characteristics such as crooked teeth.

Is this racist?

no, but insulting the royal family is an even worse crime

its teethist

that's hatespeech smh tbh fam

Is this some kind of alien race?

no because they're white and muh british empire.

The eternal anglo strikes again. When are we going to send these mutts back to their island once and for all?

tbh your comment is quite racist

Britbongs are filth, I wish Churchhill was still alive so I could kidnap him and rape his children in front of him.

Churchill would bitch slap you

It's definitely racist. Why isn't he a Pakistani Muslim?

Churchill was obese, had blackened lungs from incessant use of tobacco and was a drunkard. I would wager that his physical capabilities were not very impressive.

Not for much longer, if Merkel and her like have anything to say about it.


Hah. Now you know what it feels like.

He'd still bitch slap you

Anglo-Saxon is the word your looking for. They are a race.

Is this portrayal considered racist?

Is this portrayal considered racist?

is this portrayal considered racist?

Is this portrayal considered big?

Is this portrayal considered Homophobic?

I'll rape you too, snaggletooth.

My point is that the choice is made in film or television to personify a country, concept, or ideology through a character. They exist to be the British man, the American gun toting 'Murican, the Big guy or the fucking faggot. That's why they were written in.

Using accents or lingo that is actually unironically used in real life by real places is to drive the point of the character home, or for some cheap character development.

As for your cartoon episode of Batman. It's a kids show, what do you expect? They wanted kids to know he was British, so gave him a heavy British accent, and had him use British slang. Seven year olds wouldn't pick up on a subtle accent, and the character would loose it's uniqueness.

Also, Europeans shouldn't ever bitch about racism. It's unbecoming.

Op is a major faggot.

Ethnicity is the word you're looking for.


Oy well that's a difference of opinion, Mate. Some would argue that Ethnicity is a new aged term that's been introduced to the west through KGB subversion efforts, the point being to further trivialize race as a concept through linking it to culture instead of differing evolutionary traits and backgrounds so that we feel less compelled to unify and work together as a cohesive tribe.

protip:the KGB and Russia in general are inept as fuck which is why they collapsed as a super power decades ago.
They might be the same tier as the south park episode where Stan stumbles on a mystery deuce and the government tries to take credit for all the conspiracy theories.