How do you protect your daughter from online predators?
How do you protect your daughter from online predators?
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support Jim.
Her dungeon doesn't have a computer
Keep him from talking to her…
Take his computer away!!!!!
Rape her whenever you see her on the computer
you basically just need to approach her anonymously online, groom her like a sexual predator, and then send her pictures of your hairy unwiped asshole. that's what i did and now sarah steers clear of online chat rooms and doesn't accept any messages from people she doesn't know
i'll probably confess this to her late in life, perhaps when i am on my death bed. for now, she's 12 and doesn't need to know about this
Its him who should be worried about her preying on him!
Keep his computer in the family room where all can see. Then he'll be safe.
Post her nudes
Let her live and learn. Experience is lost on the young, they have to learn for themselves the bad lessons in life.
awwwwww, so cute
I don't think she has to worry as much about online predators as one who is nearby.
Who worries about online, when you can face-to-face?
Kennedi dubs confirms
Destroy skynet and fuck Sarah Connor
lynch all pedo's
Introduce her to Holla Forums
Don't fall for it, guys. He's researching.
Make her pregnant. In Predator 2 the predator spared a policewoman because she bore a child.
It has something to do with their hunting code of honour.
Good boy
i don't have a daughter but if i had a son i would tell him not to show his dick and ass to girls on the net since most of this girls are not real…
I would tell him to ask for tits and timestamp first
No daughter of mine is going to be naive enough to need protecting. Or be stupid enough to put her real info out there.
online predators are a myth, just tell her she has to ask if the boy is really 12 before sending pussy pics
Just tell him "Whatever you do to her, I'll do to you"
Honestly I'd ask them to introduce me to their internet friends. I'm probably gonna be a stay-at-home dad given my career path so I'll hopefully be chill with all my kids. At that point they wouldn't be all secretive unless something was up, and then I'd give them a talk about online predation (and probably the sex talk to preface it if they were old enough).
I've probably already given them the strangers talk, so same principle but with the internet.
But what if he wants your daughter to wear a strapon and rail his ass?
This is what Christians need to understand upon all people lel. :^)
I would seriously do this. Pray that I never have a daughter.
It is actually good to touch little girls
They need to know about their bodies but most parents dont let them
So it is up to you to give them a wider perspective on things. Touch their vagina and pull your penis out and let them look at it
I guarantee you their world just did a 180 and they are questioning so many things
And isnt that the point of being a true teacher? To have your students question everything and explore ideas and criticsl thinking by themselves to eventually be self reliant?
Children need to face the true world how it really is and not be coddled by parents. Learn to stand up for themselves or forever be the victims in this cruel world
If Im touching a girl and she doesnt like it, but she doesnt tell me, I keep doing it until she cries Even then I will still tell her to meet me after school or else I will be mad. They do t want me to be mad so show up and get touched again over and over.
Until she realizes she needs to make her voice heard it will keep happening to her
Legit yes it does. Last year I met a 5yo. Cutest little thing you ever saw. Got into an intimate moment with her and lifted her skirt, pulled her panties to the side, and stuck a finger underneath her panty band and felt her vaginal lips. She grabbed my wrist, pushed my arm away and flat out looked me in the eye and told me, "No! I dont like that! I will tell Mommy next time!"
I apologized and we went back to playing. We were friends for a few weeks before I stopped contacting her since I knew she was a very strong willed independent little girl whom I wouldnt be able to molest again. So I cut my losses
But it goes to show that experience and speaking up does work
You cant be with her 24 hrs. Tell her of the dangers, and not to send anything she doesn't want mommy or daddy to see later. Anything she sends will be reposted somewhere. If she will send a pic to a boy, make sure it is nn.
Agreed, but molesting them will help that? Have you ever encountered a well-adjusted molestee, outside your ridiculous fantasies ?
Helicopter-parents are bad, but worse than child molestors? No, its the lesser of two (relative) evils.
That is the thing you dont understand
Teens have no clue what social engineering is let alone children
All you have to do is ask a few things nonchalantly
Then ask about a favorite restaurant and say you live close by but not sure where it is. Ask for directions to that restaurant
Within the span of a few short minutes you know an approximate location of said girl and can honestly just stake out the place and find her
Most people just dont do it because we are all lazy and it is too much work but I did do this one time. I was on YouNow back in 2014 and a girl from Texas was on cam
I lived near her so started talking to her. She was 13 and said her and a few friends were going to go eat but she would be back later for more likes. Before she left I quickly asked where they were eating and where it was next to
She gave me the info and I went there and saw her in person. She had a lot of friends (all young) so I couldnt really talk much. I just bought her, her food and left
And she wasnt even concerned that I met up with her or anything. It was all just a conversation and little girls dont understand a lot of people want to fuck them regardless if they want to fuck them back or not
If she was alone or walked with me to my vehicle I could have easily kidnapped her if i really wanted to. But as I said: Im too lazy for all that jazz of rape
Molested children have a heightened sense of self awareness and boundaries with others
Im sure you make me out to be a monster but I assure you I 100% believe what I am doing is right and best for all parties involved. The parents are too trustworthy or aloof to see what is going on right under their nose
The girls are too trusting and believe every word a stranger tells them
And Im here to open their eyes and be more aware of their surroundings and how they are perceived by others
If a girl speaks up I honestly stop touching her. If she doesnt say anything then I play that I didnt know she didnt want me to take her clothes off. If you dont tell me - how would I know? I CANT READ MINDS LITTLE GIRL
God/The Universe/Allah
Whatever you believe. There is a reason for everything. I have a plan, I set my ideas to action, it is up to the girls and their family to decide where it goes from there
Tbh while the pedo approach seems really extreme, I think sex ed is the best way to prevent abuse.
it's what the socratic method is all about
This, but beware of shoops
Don't let your kid use the internet. Why would you want your offspring to become human waste.
I would be fucking her constantly. She wouldn't have time to go online
dont' allow them online until they are 16 unsupervised
keep the online computer in the living room. With absolutely NO camera.
Thats' pretty much all you can do.
Perhaps install logging software, so when you are out, whatever she does can be secretly monitored.
Let her have full access to a laptop at night after you fall asleep. I hear that works great.
She's online at home. As long as she doesn't leave the house, what could go wrong if she has unsupervised time on the computer?
She will not be physically harmed.
This is the best advice in the thread. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. You've got iphones and friends to content with too.
I would say lots of spying but be honest about it.
Just tell them that you can see everything that they do online and that will check to make sure that they are being safe.
My mom was clueless about my online activities. I got away with murder. My children will not be so fortunate.
*contend with
Are you serious? When kids become teenagers, they can get really really sneaky, evasive, and deceptive. All it takes is "being in love" with some online persona and a late night trip out a window at home for the bad shit to happen.
Even if she "doesn't leave the house," she can still strike up a "relationship" with who-knows-who, and that can actually be as bad as leaving the house and getting boned by some random 45 year old gym teacher from Des Moines.
A close friend of mine, an idiot, let her 13 year daughter old have unsupervised access to a laptop (even though I warned her) and lo and behold, she accidentally discovered her daughter had been "involved" with some guy online.
Then it happened a 2nd time with some black guy named "dog" who as it turned out was in prison.
Then it happened a 3rd time with another black kid (close to her age at least) who she had cybersex with and video chat with naked and who knows what else. The black kid hates the mother and of course the daughter has had her head completely turned around to the point that my friend is kicking her out when she turns 18, because she's become irredeemable.
I hate people that instead of talking about the dangers of the Internet with their children, use Parental Control. It's a lazy solution, it's bad and there's plenty of flaws kids can and do exploit, it doesn't really teach them anything and it makes them think you're a control freak.
Man, if parents of tweens and older knew what their kids were doing online…
It's up to them to just talk about the potential dangers and stuff. Blocking and stuff doesn't work, kids always find a way around it and when they do they're unprepared.
What a picture perfect daughter! Protect her, but teach her.
That doesn't always work. Kids think they understand but they never do until it's too late. It's a parents job to insure their kids are safe until they can fend for themselves. Part of doing that is just preventing them from accessing certain shit.
My friend had the cops even speak to her 15 year old after she got caught in her 3rd online "relationship" and even made her watch "Safe," but the kid of course knows better and "fell in love" with some other kid from another state and all she cares about now is that retard.
And it should be mandatory for all parents to have to visit camkittys and spend an hour on there looking at the content.
just promise not to spy on their online lives, then install a keylogger.
I mean "Trust." That Clive Owen movie.
Both my daughters have been in the cellar for years. They only have a radio for entertainment and their diet is protein deficient, so they rely on me for supplements. Online security is the least of my worries.
Meh, you can ask them about what they do on the Internet and know where they are so they don't go meet a pedo on their own but I really hate these control systems, they're not supposed to do the parents' job of educating. I knew I wasn't supposed to give my real info since I started surfing the Internet and that was thanks to my mom, who I thank for never having used that kind of software.
Sneaky but that's a lack of trust in your children.
Nice meme.
Be the predator.
You want them to be intact by the time they reach their late teens, or are you more interested in bonding and "healing" together after they receive a size 12 poop chute from some guy who spends every waking hour trying to influence and lure young kids away from their parents?
Then why don't just be sure they can't just go meet a pedo like that? If you worry so much about controlling their Internets, you should be even more efficient at knowing where the fuck your children are. Besides camwhoring, there's little a pedo can do to a child through the Internet. That is, unless you let your child just go wherever they want meet Mr Pedo and that would be terribly irresponsible.
You're not paying attention.
Online predators can do plenty to a child through the internet including turning them against their parents and convincing them that the predator is their only real friend and the only person who understands them.
Not to mention coaxing them to show themselves naked on cam which is always recorded and lives online in perpetuity.
You seem to have a child's naivete about this in that you think that as long as they're in their bedroom, nothing bad can happen.
is me
tbh, i have 2 kids. grill 12, boy 14
They live like my cat and their mother: at my expense and doing pretty much what they want without prying or dispute.
I consistently refuse to get involved with their online stuff. Mom probably does spy, but I've never forced her to admit it. Why would I?
If you do your job as a parent in the first 10 yrs, the rest is cake. My kids know about dicks and pussy, they know how low humans can fly and they know I'm there if things go bad.
I see it very difficult about a child trusting more a stranger than its own parents. And about the camwhoring, disable the webcam or don't give them a webcam. As simple as that.
But you're involved if you install a keylogger. But it's better than parental control filtering crap, I guess.
Get them to pretend that they're an online predator. They have to chat online with you, who are pretending to be a girl. They have to lure you in by any means.
The rest you're totally correct. If you talk with them and actually be a parent, you shouldn't need parental control crap.
Seems like a weird technique, what are you trying to teach them there? The ways of the predator? Seems a little bit far fetched.
And yet it happens ALL the time. All it takes is a kid who doesn't feel like their parents "understand" them who may also not have many friends or who may be just anti-social. Give them a device with wifi and you have a recipe for disaster. Anti-social kids are still human. They WILL seek out other "people" online.
If I had kids, they'd know about everything (within reason) and I'd never let them do anything online that I wasn't aware of.
the keylogger post was irony.
saying one thing, when in fact I meant the inverse.
I don't have children.
Then a solution would be talk about what the child does on the Internet if they spend a lot of time on it. Ask them about cool things and eventually ask them if they met someone "nice". Also, I'd wait a lot before giving a computer of their own they can use in their room, I'd first be sure that they're responsible enough for that.
more from that artist?
Yeah well there's another guy that took your post seriously I think. Because really, it's a valid method some parents do use. But personally I consider it a lack of trust.
Firstly I would be a "fake" the predator. Chat and shit.
Flirt and other bunch of stuff, then in the end we would meet up and I would reveal that it was dad all along to teach her a lesson and bring her punishment for trusting an online stranger.
(normal end)
Secondly, if things get smooth and she still wanna "do" it then DO IT.
(perfect end)
make her a furry faggot tomboy SJW
Yeah, and that's what my more European friends did. They only allowed their kids an hour a day or so online but they had to be in the same room as the parents while online.
Most parents are fucking clueless about this stuff. Handing a 10 year old a smart phone or a tablet is fucked. You say "there are monsters out there, be careful" and all they can picture is fucking Shrek or some shit.
My friend's cute young Asian daughter managed to find a smart phone my friend "thought was lost" and get online when she wasn't supposed to be online. She also was getting online through a video game console at a friend's house. There are so many avenues for getting online, it's ridiculous.
I cannot fucking believe this thread.
Is the world turned on its head?
Me, a fiftyyrold old fag arguing to leave your kids alone online, while you, a gang of adolescent virgins argue for complete control and stringent censorship?
I am:
And further back in the thread, also 50, and not sure how an older person would not be a total Nazi with their kids being online after seeing the shit that goes on behind the curtain.
My theory is, the best way to train you about pickpockets, is to have you pick some pockets.
Yeah I think letting them have their own devices so young is the real mistake.
Hey, I'm young and I'm advocating for their freedumbs too.
Do your job old man, don't let a dumb program do it for you. Many parental control blocklist don't block a whole list of chans and other sites with pornographic content, it's up to you to do your job.
That sounds retarded.
By being the first to eat her cute innie little pussy.
ban lowcard and the Holla Forums mod staff
no, they don't have iphones
Anyone under 15 cant' afford an Iphone, so the parents must buy them a phone. Guess what pumpkin, daddy got you a new phone *kid jumps around all excited until you pull out this…….THERE, you are now able to phone all your friends. But this phone has no camera, nor internet.
You want a camera phone, get a job. The job is gonna make you responsible, as well as you will be able to get your new iphone. In a years time (at the price of iphones)
and it's that simple folks.
Just tell your kids not to share their real personal info on the internet like name or address. Tell them that lots of people are looking to scam, abduct or abuse them badly and it's very dangerous to give out real info even as an adult.
Kids mostly want to be adults, so if you show them that you do this as well they'll be careful.
Monkey see monkey do.
Sexual molest your kids online and get them to send nudes and post them in this thread.
Show them what damage can be done so they won't get tricked into doing it themselves in the future.
I think you are ON to something here, user…
Other than for homework while being closely supervised, she shouldn't even be on the computer.
They are kids…they can be outside getting exercise.
where is the vid of her???
None exist…wrong girl chum.
She is a cutie. NEVER let her on the computer!
This thought is literally what made the millennials such a fucked up generation ….
Did you ever read her court documents. They described some of media found and most of it never leaked. It exists in an FBI database somewhere.
I know of what you speak. Different girl in the records. That was an old halfchan ruse to match a girl who looks like OPs girl. It failed a long time ago, but many still propagate the confusion.
I heard this before. The two who half chan says are the same look very different. They are not the same.
Inside the house, she falls in love with the guy she's talking to online.
Then she'll take any means necessary to see him.
Tbh her daughter seems like a serial coalburner, it's time to put her down before she gives birth to race-mixed bastards.
Give them no access to the internet and be the one yourself molesting her.
This shit's scary tbh
I gave her a computer earlier this year.
At first I had installed monitoring software that also tracks her history etc.
Emotionally I had a reaction to want to check and control everything she does.
Rationally I changed my mind though. I remember my dad did the same approach, and it just thought me to learn how to be a sneeky cunt rather than actually keep me from doing shady shit.
I still have one software installed that warns her of potentially dangerous websites, but she can click to continue anyways.
I think the best you can do is inform your daughter well, and trust her to be smart enough to handle it.
>correcting spelling on an anonymous message board
Exactly user, you've done well. I would however not give my kid an Internet capable device before he/she's mature enough to use it with responsibility. But that's just me and it's not like I have a kid yet, I'm just 19.
when is someone mature enough though?
Take a look at ltcorbis, she's a prime example of an 11 year old who's parents allowed her to freely use the internet from a very young age (I believe she said in one of her videos that she's been freely using the internet since she was 6).
While I still think 6 is a bit young, and ltcorbis is a bit too foulmouthed and edgy to my parental liking, I do feel like she's smart enough to deal with the impulses of the internet well. Her exposure to the internet also clearly made her a lot smarter, eloquent, mature than her average age-peers.
However that must be because of how they raised her. Another kid who's raised in a different (worse) way, might have become some degenerate transspecies faglord instead.
My daughter is 11 now.
Internet is just part of their world, I can't stop it unless I want her to be that one Amish kid who doesn't have a TV or a computer at home.
I trust to have raised her in such a way that she will make the right decisions for the most part.
I just hope she doesn't finds out about chans :^D
I won't bother protecting or taking care of her. I'll just throw that burden right onto the whore who birthed her.
There's no age in which your kid automatically becomes mature, I think. It's up to each parent to evaluate if their child would make dumb choices or not when exposed to the Internet. If you think there's a high possibility, then it's maybe better to wait.
I actually started using the Internet when I was about that age too. But then again, I'm now an autist posting on an imageboard…
Hey hey hey, I never said that. There's many ways she can use tech devices without Internets m8. But I get your point.
Then I agree with your decisions user. It's your daughter after all, you should know more about her than me. If you trust her, then there's no problem with it in my opinion.
Unless your girl is an autist, don't think that'll happen. It might happen with edgy teenager boys looking for le anonymoos HQ (Guilty here) but your daughter will probably hang around Youtube, Facebook and the normie web in general. She might look into porn though for curiosity so there's that.
I trust this study with sample size of 1.
I did state that this would not be the effect on everyone.
perhaps. but you can't really tell what causes what in this case. internet exposure as young, parenting, cosmic ray hit right spot right time, genetics?
Just make her watch every episode of To Catch A Predator.
Then tell her the story of Amanda Todd.
Then she'll know that people are not the gender, age, or picture they sent you online, that everyone you do on the internet can be recorded, and once something gets posted on the internet it will be there forever.
Kill yourself
wow rude
also delete pedo threads
find out which community she's using and hit on her with a fake account myself
when she sends me nudes i send one back myself
either she learns her lesson or i get her virginity
it's a win either way
why tits though? boys are even more flat than young girls
take her electronic devices away
I wouldn't allow her to get online in the first place
Who is this chick and why do you keep posting her? Did she get murdered or something?
Raped probably
That's shitty. What's the story?
Not completely sure but I think she was molested by her father who recorded it and uploaded the images/videos to CP sites
IIRC he was caught and is hopefully being tortured in prison as we speak. Someone even posted a link to the case file for it on here once if I remember correctly.
Fantastic shitbumps, asslickers!