This is going to be my final post; I just wanted to say goodbye. Since no one ImageBoard seems to have what Holla Forums did, I'm going to become an IB drifter after this, without a Board to call home. We've had some pretty good times, anons. These are memories I won't soon forget, but don't think that Holla Forums in it's entirety is dying, for the true spirit of Holla Forums lives on in our hearts.
You kikes need to calm down b is the only board thats still in chimpout mode.
Andrew Allen
I think I'm just done.
I just can't anymore…
Good luck, and Godspeed, Op.
I wish you the best, and I wish I could go with you.
But I am on a journey I must take alone.
Anthony Wilson
;_; godspeed user
Joseph Scott
I somewhat doubt this was / is OP's last post :3
Isaac Lopez
I've got no where else to go
Brayden Hernandez
Nothing of value was lost, and fuck this dumb blogpost.
Now, who's up for a Spiderman Thread?
Logan Thomas actually works pretty well, it's like the old Holla Forums, speed-wise and site-wise.
Joseph Thompson
They don't want you to post here Why do you care what they think?
Luke Torres
Because we're all right, and it's a shitty site with a shitty community.
Jackson Thompson
see you tomorrow brudder
Thomas Ramirez
Ethan Jackson
Those look like his trapcatcher glasses
Lucas Myers
daily reminder that anyone who posts a flounce will always come back for more attention
Gavin Ortiz
Aw man this place has turned into 4chan overnight with the roll threads and faggot shit. I'm right behind you OP. Fuck Jim's data farm. So long suckers.