"Y-year of the Spoontang they said…"

not sure if srs

People who like D&D like hearing people ramble for 20 minutes, user. That's basically what D&D is :^)

i remember the counter monkey videos being relatively well received within his fanbase
they were certainly preferred over his streams anyway

fug meant for

more like 80


into the trash he goes

man even before the current political insanity in 'murrca. he was being "checked into the hospital" a lot and most of the times it turned out he was coked out his mind and picked a fight with someone way bigger than him, the dudes a junkie burnout who owns a videocamera now.

Didnt he voted for trump?

Didn't he call for Trump's assassination? Besides, Spoony's downfall is currently boring, it doesn't look like he's going to kill himself in the short term. I'd rather watch DSP's downfall, is so much more salty. Specially when he starts to blame Google for conspiring against his success.