Where next?

Where next?

Other urls found in this thread:


next what?

We can go to the official 8ch backup: Kennedi's youtube channel



Ultimately Holla Forums was a congregation of other chans, united under freedom of speech.

We will all go to the respective websites we came from.

anywhere but FREECH.it's a HONEYPOT

Make Bani the Holla Forums mascot

Can someone fill me in what the drama is about?

Jim is the new site owner, is that it? The site finally works again, the index pages past page 3 works again, The site is fast.
How does this affect the average user? I really like Holla Forums, and i don't want to move over to an inferior chan unless i have to.

This. Holla Forums is also where furries originated.

Did you even lurk the stickies?

All i see is people talking about the exodus and how terrible Jim is, not about what he's actually done.

Jim pls


A nice goodbye would be a sea pee dump :3


If there is one I won't be deleting or banning for it. That's up to Jim.


That sucks. I think it all comes down to Jim being new to chan culture and taking insults personally instead of brushing it off as something this community does to everyone.

nice try fam





natural and organic memes

Let's infect 4chan with natural and organic memes!!

Good luck, your thread will 404 in 2 minutes


I don't wanna lose you guies.
Where do I go?
Hold me…

I got your back nigga


Webm of this? Collecting Holla Forums memes and I think this qualifies


Official polls for Holla Forums, where do we go?

What should Codemonkey, Jim, Josh & Moderators do?

Which is the best chan?

What OS do you use?

If and when Holla Forums dies that's it, Holla Forums will be my last imageboard

I've been using IBs for the past 9 fucking years and have come to the conclusion they're all shit, imageboards are horrible platforms for discussion, they are a fucking mistake, they're officially dead for me

I'll just use the internet for gaming and YouTube and shit after this place dies, fuck all imageboards, they were a mistake

Bans based on IP address? I mean fucking really? How the fuck did anyone think shit like this was a good idea?

Can someone explain what the fuck is habbenegg?

All I see is a bunch of retards literally seizing for no reason

People seem to be freaking out over literally nothing



lowcard and Rin both just because global mods over on endchan.

Holla Forums.pl & endchan.xyz a bunch of fascists,
don't go there !!

This guy knows the truth
Imageboards fucking suck
I mean, they used to be nice but this time is over.

See you in hell faggots

Endchan is not optimized for mobile, terrible CSS.
I have to zoom all the way in to read one post then zoom out to see media.
Shit site tbh fam.
Freech is dead.
Masterchan is comfy.
I think I'll just stick with MC and 8ch.
It was nice to see the other options tho.

Tell them to come back.

what's the source of that pic a movie?

Like flies to…

Let's try this again

WHat makes it Holla Forums ?

Infinity Next

No we're staying here and going normie
Can't wait to linked to your facebook tbh

I have it cozy on 8ch.pl, if you wanna join come right here I just started a webm thread

No Holla Forums no me, sorry.

/fam/ is literally Holla Forums except less autistic prove me wrong tbh fam

call me a faggot but I won't go anywhere without a Holla Forums board dedicated to random

Freeposting is the same thing as random smh

you don't get my point… it's not Holla Forums

Iktf Holla Forumsro :/
You can post on freech and other Holla Forums
The freedom is yours

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity. To get the image board you always wanted. One moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?

It's boards are ready, Servers week, can't hold steady It's user base doubled already, scarin' Jim so heavy

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bans- but he keeps on forgetting about us now, the protest gets so loud, He gives damagecontrol and right then the exodus rolls out. FUCK JIM WE CAN JUST CHOKE'EM OUT, .net is over, the games up, .pl NOW !

endchan = 2 posts per hour
finalchan = admin only create boards
virginchan = dead but best design
16ch.nl = technically most advanced. how does infinitynext not work when it works fine on that site? josh hate is a meme
2ch = Japanese and Jim cucked ;;;;
zerochan = true future but complicated

Only someone from freech would have put freech on that list. Everyone knows freech is a shithole especially them

Am I not taking clearly?
I will not,
go on a chan that doesn't have the board Holla Forums Random
Not fulfilling that criteria means they don't honer tradition and want to bring us back to the golden days it means they invasion something new, granted that might have it's perks but I want nothing new I want my good old chan and I want to be left the fuck alone. I don't want any cool features or fancy names, or less/more autism or less/more pedos all I want is a chan on which I can upload images and videos with a board called Holla Forums period, I also want my anonymity and I don't like merchantchans community, they are all 17 year olds who pretend to know what chans used to be like but have no actual idea.