Best Pone Edition
The Official Pony Holla Forumsread
Other urls found in this thread:
nth for
Trumpire when?
If Bernie beats shillary shitstain then it might never happen
How is that even marginally possible?
Okay faggots, I've killed this fucking site, and you still won't leave.
The entire reason I made this site go to shit is to get rid of the ponyfags, yet HERE THEY ARE!
Bernie is the only one who can stand up against Trump
And yet he can't stand up against Hillary. This like some sort of rock paper scissors shenanigans?
That's a pretty absurd claim, in particular because you're blatantly trying to take credit for others incompetency.
It is pretty well known the main reason people abandoned Holla Forums is due to the post infinitynext drama and the torrential issues with posting on the site. People were not capable of posting for weeks on end, I even had to make a script that people would use on the site to submit the post again, repetitively so that the post may go through eventually without pressing the submit button over and over. Yet here you are claiming to have triangulated events that lead to the sites departing userbase? LMAO JUST LMFAO
Should we migrate to or another website??
Stay here until the ship sinks. I don't have an Android app for any of those websites, and don't want to open them in mobile Firefox.
I'd prefer /trash/ in all honesty.
The democrats are beyond corrupt and have something I legitimately had never heard of before called super delegates.
So no, because he's anti establishment, he probably won't stand to Shillary Shitstain.
never too early to drink
I think your app would work easily if you just allowed it to work on, it's the same API as this version, just different domains
also I would much rather sick to instead of .pl, nobody really uses .pl version of this site afaik
I am one with Intel, to be honest, family.
Those cum skin new fag scum degenerate normies will fall dead, haha XDDDD
That may be true, but reality is there are more people behind Hillary atm solely because she has a vagina. This is why she is currently racking in more support than he is right now and why she is the trending topic on twitter and reddit.
do you have twitter?
r34 of this when
I did this incredibly lazy image.
What do you guys think of Warrior Cats?
you dont know how pony fags work, do you?
there are no people behind Shillary, just corporations, banks, Dem leadership and Super Pacs. All her supporters are either paid shills, party members ordered to vote for her ass, or possibly a few feminazis.
Yeah, I hardly want to call them people either.
thats weird when flootershai's colors are reversed she turns into flutterhulk
Shrills, it's the perfect word. It's a combination of "shrew" and "shill," and also describes the sound they make.
G'day Blewby, how're you?
I understand your pain. as a Trump supporter, she's the best chance at getting him elected…. but the fact that she might actually win…. *cringe*
haha i can rotate my pictures and post normally. topkek
even if she does stand a chance, it's a very remote one. I think Bernie might get ahead soon. Not many like her. even Glen Beck, the guy threatening suicide over a Donald election now made a full 180 and is admitting the odds are against Hillary and Bernie and it looks as though Trump will run over them both.
Oh shi-
are they telling us to leave?
I Know I participated just a few times, but I enjoyed watching the images you shared, in your ponybread and I was surprised to watch, that even though I spammed grotesque imagery, you welcomed me, looks like this is a good bye, where ever you are and whatever you do, take care guys.
every poll shows Bernie beating Trump, but Hillary is either tied or slightly ahead of him. And that's with all her notoriety and paid shills doing their best for her.
See yas around shitpost pal! Thanks for all the grotesque images.
Pony chat
I don't know what else to believe if not polls. Is there a skitty fortune teller you prefer to listen to? The fact of the matter is that Bernie is a stronger general election candidate between him and Shilly. He appeals to independents and even some Republicans. Shillary appeals to no one. Ever.
Where's Squirrel!
I've something for them
All the polls had been saying that Ted and Hillary were going to run over Trump for the last 4 months and look what's happened.
Skitty, denying that Bernie could beat Trump is silly.
He is easily the democrats strongest candidate, and he could actually win.
That is if the absolute corruption of the democrat party doesn't keep him out.
Blewby, to assume that polls are accurate is dissonance.
They are run in select groups by organisations to get the results they want to attempt to control what people see think and believe.
Yes, Bernie has a chance, No it isn't certain nor as strong as you'd believe
The end is just another beginning
I have never seen a poll showing Cruz beating Trump. He's been ontop of polling pretty much since forever.
There have been some inaccurate polls, sure. A bunch showed Shilly beating Bernie in Wisconsin where he won handily, but if the consensus of dozens of national polls show that Bernie is preferred to Trump, I'd generally say that's a good sign for him. I'm not saying he's GOING to beat Trump for sure, I'm just saying that by the data available, Bernie is a stronger general election candidate than Shillary.
Holy shit bizarro AJ is Trixie????
If Holla Forums falls.
I quit all Chans and MLP all together.
Shillary Shitstain has no chance.
Fuck that ginormous cunt
Hahahaha wow thats cool. Lookit me I'm posting worst pony
I cant decide Glimglam or Trixie for worst pone.
Twist is worst pony
Point out where I explicitly denied his chances at an election.
if something does happen, reminder that we can simply meet up at
it's where we've occasionally shitposted, an upside to it is there are more people there than here anyway
with the colors reversed Trixie literally turns into AJ
good :^)
some of /mlp/ is there too
you questioned the polls that indicated he would beat Trump. What purpose could that serve other than such a denial?
Since when does questioning a polls reliability equate to outright and blatant denial? I'm telling you I don't find these polls very trust worthy. How many polls have you participated in? I know a lot of people who are voters, nobody's doing any polls. I certainly have not. The polls are not a reliable indicator of events to come and to be so credulous, hailing them as all that is holy is silly to me. If they were so accurate, than Trump should have been left far behind in the race since January.
I know, a large portion of /mlp/ left to that board after some anons (including me) started to persuade hiro to allow any form of shitposting to run rampant and redact rule 15 from the board. After a while he agreed and the devious degenerates interested in porn who frequented /mlp/ set sail to the bastion of /trash/ and so they remain to this day. Surely if we moved there the threads activity would amp up a little.
Roger roger
sigh… Skitt. The polls dont question everypony. Its a randomly selected portion of the population.
Also, the polls showed Trump winning the race consistently. The PUNDITS are the one who said he had no chance. Trump has consistently been ontop of every Republican poll except for a brief moment when Ben Carson mysteriously overtook him sometime before Iowa's caucuses.
Alright, I'll just come out and ask you. Do you think Bernie is a stronger candidate aganst Trump than Shillary? What do you base this belief upon if not polling?
I cant go back to 4chan, and I wont steal the WiFi signal, of my neighbours.
I fear 4chan could recognize my mac address and throw me back into the Ban coffin.
That's why I will quit chans and MLP, I wont have any one to talk about MLP, but /pone/ sucked for me all I did in there was internet fights.
Yeaah although it looks scary.
I don't pay attention to the polls. Unreliable way of forecasting tbh. simply by looking into what can be dug up about either candidate. Not much can be found on Trump other that his university incident. Hillary has way too much stuff to dislike about her, and atm nobody is really focusing on Bernie, he'll be next once he over takes her if it happens. There's quite a bit of stuff on Bernie as well, ridiculous rape essays he's created and the fact he puts Cuby on a pedestal, wanted to personally shake gands and congratulate Fidel Castro while being denied by him. He's a goof.
I'm not Skittles, but I base the belief on What I know of the candidates.
and jewtube.
it's more reliable
I Actually like, how she looks with the colours inverted, she looks like some kind of Druid mage.
… so your political predictions are based upon irrational guess work and emotional reactions. Sounds about right, thats basically what most Muricans use to vote.
THE GREAT AND POWERFUL APPLE JACK likes to pay attention to policy, polls, data. You know, boring nerd stuff.
You can predict whatever you like, but if LITERALLY EVERY POLL shows data that directly controverts your assertions, yeah, that doesnt bode well for your predictions. Every single poll has shown Bernie beating Trump by around a ten point margin in the general.
the great and powerful applejack is indeed a druid mage.
So pone where are you planning to Exodus?
You must hold a Guinness world record because I've never seen anyone jump that far into ridiculous conclusions before.
No where MLP dies with Holla Forums in my case.
good news everyone
I got my hands on /pone/ at endchan lol
You show a distrust and revulsion for hard data and facts. Its pretty clear you're a Trump supporter.
Can you link it?
We'll see Blewby
this is pretty what I just told them but he somehow thinks I am basing things off of emotion. I need to remember this is Blewberry I am talking to who has a tendency to careen on a subject.
Hai new pone.
Look, you can see pretty clearly that the Republican polling has been accurate, showing Trump in first and Crus followed by Kasich trailing distantly. This was in late April. Cruz and Kasich used this polling to inform their decisions to drop out. The polling worked in your guys favor, and yet you still call it into question just because you dislike data and facts?
How old is your cat?
and, again, this poll shows what I shouldnt even have to try to prove, namely that polls have consistently shown Trump on top of the Republican field all year except for a brief spike from Carson. Polls can have errors, but when amalgamated only an anti-intellectual buffoon questions their accuracy. ESPECIALLY when the polls favor the preferred candidate of anti-intellectual buffonos.
lmao wow the entire site is going to shit wtf
hotwheels s no longer in control?
jim is nuking things? what do?
I'd fuck her.
Stickied this thread. I find it unfair that the pedos get a sticky and you guys don't.
16 months
Thanks m8
Thanks, amigo
Heya Miraclepet!
Hello how're you?
Also, how are things, and what's the word on the chan?
This is how the End times look like, Damn… then I must Post my Best pone…
Tough decision.
she owns my heart.
Aj, the best pone, on the front page forever.
I can agree with this :3
im good. I just lost my job though so cant really commit to buying you that chromebook though = (
Trixie is best pony?
Aw that must suck but its alright I couldnt get an address anyways
I'm sorry about your job, what happened
ah ok now i dont feel so bad. Its alright I can draw unemployment for a bit while I find work.
ok back
No way Bani and Enzo are Cancer.
Man you call that shit posting?
If the movie is any indication, and it certainly is, you fuck me in the back of a car, then your fiancee shoots at us, and then everypony dies and then you get old, troll some scientists, and also die.
…wait WHAT
I want to cum inside Bani
w-what movie are we talking about what
real Discardio here, can confirm this is me
might as well sticky the pedo thread
Bail that water son! Ship is sinking m8 get that bucket!
Are we gonna die when it sinks?
Luckily I can fly.
No, we're economy class. We just don't get a lifeboat.
So where did we decide to go?
Man ask a mod to sticky the last Travis thread of Holla Forums.
We didn't, we're not. Should the ship slip underwater, we'll gather on /trash/ and THEN decide where to go after this shitstorm.
Pretty obvious.
best option because: more ppl, new ppl, free roam and did I mention there's more ppl?
the kind of people who end up participating in a place like this are the same people who end up having their threads movied to /trash/
it's been proven, everytime we post there we get someone new
Also, we're cycling again lads.
They'd say no because they're anti-travis fags
r8 my new meme guys
also, the fake one might change his name
Trash Confirmed. Just checking and making it confirmed
He what's up Dat boi
Mfw I will never be able to go back.
Everything is dark here, I think I'm going bliiiiiiiind
also hello
Smokey'll be fucking pissed.
return of the cyclic Holla Forumsread
Although a poser had said he wanted to fuck Bani, I also want to fuck Bani.
Evade ban.
i want to rape bani
I cant man my Morals get in the way.
Read this if you would like:
Can't you just turn your router off, unplug your modem and get a new IP after 10 minutes? try changing the routers mac address, then plug modem back in, should get a new IP.
guess I'll go back to ponychan if it dies here. I might anyway because I really hate cyclic thread.
My Ip is Static.
What about trash?
I found you a new AJ!
How are you Squirrely?
Doubt it, you have to pay extra to get those.
hi again
oldchan. The only place I will go there is Holla Forums
a lot of ISPs nowadays are actually doing static IPs to save space
or they have something like you only change once every 30 days
Ooh! I like!
You haven't been to /trash/? It's practically a furry board.
hmm, probably explains why I have the same IP from 2010 right now, I can change it but it eventually goes back to the old one.
I dont go to furry boards either
/trash is the new b. its not a bad place but I'd try b with you too
I thought you might~
How are you today?
I did get everything fixed
My feet hurt. Wore new shoes and ended up running all over the place today.
Nigga. You need to go there. You need to pull your panties down, grab your dildo, and go there. Now.
I don't want to lose scsq on trash tho
I tried every single thing, the only thing I can do to evade the ban, is by stealing the WiFi signal of my neighbours, but I wont ever do that.
I do miss /mlp/ Though I had awesome Threads in there.
Sweet as
At least it'd help break them in, amirite?
Pls go there?
there's no problem with posting in ponychan either, I personally post here and there and think its absurd to care so much about where you post. I will continue posting wherever I feel like it tbqh
I did my fair share of shit posting there too tbh, there I gained the Nickname of Discardio, maybe the Flutterfags still remember me though.
I understood.
OMG Trips in my two posts.this is Hilarious.
I know I am but what're u
Just so you know, this is the other thread some of us here also post at
I mostly go there when this place is extra dead really
Those songs are Sluggish AF tbh.
Mad ScSqientist
!!!! pls don't turn me into newt!a!
i care about where i post because i prefer posting with people i know and i don't feel like getting to know a whole new place filled with a bunch of people i barely know
Can someone tl;dr what's happening because everyone around here is like ITS HAPPENING
Check em!
same here
Well I guess everyone is different.
people suddenly started thinking this place is dead despite it having relatively the same activity for months now, even if it was more active in the past
also Holla Forumsread is cyclic now, it will never die
Here you go:
We have the technology, We can rebuild him.
pls do
Thats what I hate. It was cyclic before and we were dieing because of that.
Checked and Saved.
Hmm then there isn't much to worry about then
But anyways if this place does die I'll be on the discord till someone announces where new bread will supposedly be
What needs rebuilding?
pls do>>5746764
socks does
so he fucked with pedos and spammers on /operate/?
meh, it's not like it's against any great cause like what started the exodus here
i still haven't really found any real difference between dead times from when we were cyclic to when we weren't
i mean sure some people hated it for the sake of hating it and that could make some users post less, and there was no thread creation posts and the first posts after it that usually happen, but aside from those minor things i haven't found any hard evidence
i would dive into the archive to compare posts per hour but i can't be arsed
There was another problem with cyclic that I had and that was the lag god I remember the lag
that never bothered me as i was rather stringent with refreshing
i like the idea of the site using as little resources as possible so i did that all the time even when we weren't cyclic, when we had +50 mode anyway
two things. It is easy to perma filter a cyclic thread so less people even came in to tell us we sucked. Second it was large enough to kill my phone whenever I tried to get on here that way.
Only Pedos and VPN users are upset, [spoiler]I have even seen pedos in antoher Chan cry and rage because /hebe/ is Getting Nuked.[/spoiler)
I really see no Reason to leave, I'm not a pedo and I don't use a VPN, but I guess it's a little fun, to fuel this YUGE Drama.
It's the apocalypse, who cares if we're being filtered now?
We can just make a new thread at 1000
spammers/trolls are somewhat rare nowadays though
actually come to think of it cyclic without +50 mode sounds rather annoying
i'm officially anti-cyclic, but i'm not arsed enough to move anywhere about it
I welcome the beginning of another cyclinic age!
But won't we have a lot of anons mad at "special privileges"
Hai, what's going on in this threa…
Like last time
Only Travis poster is cool in my book, Enzo, Bani and Tomoko posters are fucking annoying, god I fucking Hate them.
Is this working?
Mmm! Nice knight boobs!
i forgot cyclic stayed at 300 posts and didn't go all the way to 750
yep yep
i welcome all posters with open arms
The end times are upon us! We have inherited the chan!
Is not special privileges. Is being put on the short bus. oh wait guess it is Special privileges.
[b] Fetstil [/b]
yes it stays at 300
People keep saying that but I see no evidence, care to explain?
Yeah and the last time this happened we had a bunch of butthurt anons
[strike] Genomstruken text [/strike]
[h1] Rubrik [/h1]
Low card and other vol and mod's are jumping ship.
ugh. what a week.
we can only hope
Is it you or not?
So it's true that HW is leaving?
I'm sorty
hey smokey
Wtf, end times surely is close indeed
Yay Izawubs!!!
This guys from the pony bread did that to me, I changed my attitude towards them, afterwards.
but I still post some wicked webms in here from time to time.
I thought he left awhile ago. I don't know shit nigga.
hey. how's it going?
The speculation is jim might just pull the plug on the site since he's basically paying for problems, there is some drama going on that you can't see here. There's probably good reason why hw isn't around or has been seen for a long time, jim is probably fed up with the DOST thing (if thats what its called) and DMCAs. Anyway if anything does happen, we know where to go, and thats what matters.
hey there.
Hi Canon, sorry about not answering your question the other day (it was very busy at my workplace)
It's all good in the hood mane
Smokey, if the chan falls, we're going to trash and ponychan.
Yay CaNoNwubs! ♥
it's going well, just nomming some cookies and watching stuff
what about chu?
hah, yes you do have some good .webms
i don't know where to go.
i'll get doxed at ponychan, so that's out.
and fuck 4chan and its new jap owner.
its going good just watching youtube.
anonthony doesn't een post there anymore
ponychans been taken over by macil, you know macil. he's pretty cool.
Trash is ok man. It may be run by a nip, but it's alright, the new regime over there doesn't even remember you.
It can't be seriously so bad it warrants another exodus, right?
well i'm sure as hell not.
i'd rather stay out of anonthy's shitty kingdom. i'll die before i make even one post there.
i don't believe any of that.
i won't submit to their mods, and i wouldn't trust the place if they made me head admin.
for all you know anonthony can still see everyone who [posts there.
i like Holla Forums more than any other chan, so i'm staying here as long as i can.
no, it isn't ok.
anyway you can post there, i sure won't tho.
ayy khan
how have you been?
it is pretty overhyped, at the moment anyway
I been good and how about you?
how are you?
That's my thinking, no need to do anything drastic just yet
Yeah you are right, only an insane person would be the owner of Holla Forums, tbh.
From what I have been Reading Hotwheels has serious health issues and is supposedly suffering an addiction to pain killers with is a very sad situation in my book but I have even read that HW himself started hating the userbase of Holla Forums, so there is that, I thought he was an angel compared to Moot and Mook, but we have Jim here that supposedly did some shady things with Mook in 2chan, there is a lot of speculation, and it’s hard to catch up with all of that.
I will drop out if Holla Forums really sinks.
How's it going?
Hiya Scotch!
no worries, I tend to miss some questions from people myself when I'm busy, don't even remember what I asked you lol
how are ya doing?
Sounds like good stuff :3
I'm doin pretty good, got my grades today and I got 80s in all my courses so I'm happy about that, and also I won a round of risk with my friends so that's a bonus haha
also was wondering why my laptop lags alot while playing games recently and I found out my GPU hits 93C and it throttles the clock from 950MHz to 645MHz and even moments of 405MHz!! so that's the main reason that performance drops, I better open my laptop and clear out the dust from the fans sometime soon
also waiting 4-5 days till gtx 1080 benchies come out
and just noticed the happenings here.. so lots of potential and excitement around :3
how's it going?
Doin good! my grades showed up and I got Bs in everything, went with some friends and played 2 rounds of risk where I won one with the help of a friend.. was a good day, how bout u? :3
ooh fun!
I'm just hanging with my frat, drinking and celebrating the last day of class
I'm fine, just watched The Incredibles for the first time in years. That's a pretty dope movie
hello. guys i've been thinking about this cyclic thing and ill be staying here as long as i can and i sort of respect the cyclic threads because thats how i found you guys after the migration due to GG and i didn't see you guys on 4ch anymore in my lurking days so i can say that the cyclic things are a problem but who the hell is jim?!?
dead tired. long week at work.
how about you?
i'm alright. just got off a long day at work so now i'm trying to relax. and of course the board is panicking. how's it going with you?
i got no place to go anyway. i despise 4chan and ponychan.
he basically sold some analytics data on the userbase which is hardly an earth chattering thing for someone to do imo
iirc hiro did the same thing (current admin of 4chan) yet somehow ppl think hiro is the worse of two evils
lel what do we do, meet up at reddit??
the cyclic things aren't a problem*
this is it. The End.
i've been pretty good as well
starting to plan a build for when the Nvidia's 1080 comes out
wow, that's some really good grades
ouch, ya my laptop does something similar, not sure if it throttles the CPU as well but i hear it's possible
so i end up having to put on a fan next to my laptop to run games like GTA V, or some other games if it's summer
oh nice, i didn't know they would be that soon
i'm hoping they do directX 12 better this time
owner of 2ch and the owner of the servers 8ch runs on
so pretty much the owner of 8ch
i like a cyclical thread. less work for me, less for me to worry about.
what sort of cpu are you considering?
G'day Canon, how're you?
We will never meet again after this. So long, ancient friend.
i like butts
Is that good or bad , relative to lately
shup u faggo
u too
Don't you give up on me, we just met dammit!
Reminds me of my youth in elementary school when I imagined kidnapping the family
its going good, i'm still testing my computer on things and working the the bugs out and ect
thats good to hear I hope it the build turns out good
i'm just geting stuff ready for blogtv when it comes back and working on /pone/ on endchan
maybe so the only reason the last cyclic thread got taken away was the anons complaining about special privileges.
as long as jim doesn't go nazi on me im fine with him i go by the logic of a bee if you leave it alone it will leave you alone.
one of the only ones worth considering for a high end build, the i7-6700K
i need muh 4Ghz
unless i fuck up something it will be good
if anything i'll be spending more time than necessary to figure out the best parts
So you are a bit like syndrome. he sort of kidnapped one and inventing is kind of like mechaniking. syndrome is a dumb name tho
I'm no faggo I'm a doggo
you ain't muzzle@
I won't miss you, though. You, sir, can go STRAIGHT to hell.
Nah, I just imagined stuffing them all in my backpack to be my slaves
A little lewd,but cute as heck too.
k. see ya later.
it got taken away because those tripfags got their own cycle and it got massively bombed to the point that it slowed the whole site down. they ruined it for everyone by flying too close to the sun. that's when the whole "privilege" crap started. people were fine with us having one.
this too will pass. our group has been through deeper shit than this.
but i can say for certain you won't catch me dead at ponychan any time soon. fuck that site and the dick riders who run it.
you tsundere little nerd you
way too lewd for me
Ur sugoi moe
Ur sugoi moe
you know me, I don't save no lewd or explicit pics on purpose
Come to trash, you know it's our home
The white board tells me I should draw Muhammad as a puppy monkey baby.
If women get paid less than men for the same work, why aren't all corporations using an exclusively female synced period workforce?
I dunno. What kinda subjects interest you?
this, and many other reasons brought to you by common sense
There should be for the ones who complain about getting paid less than men while also having a degree in gender studies and spending 90% of their lives on youtube and tumblr.
I dunno… art and music? Keep meaning to learn some basic programming actually
are you busy?
What kind of art?
Got any instruments lying around? Alternatively, practice singing. Anyone can do it, although most people are too pussy to try.
You don't want to learn BASIC. It's a shit lang and good for nothing. Common first languages are:
C : Simple syntax, but easy to shoot yourself in the foot because it allows you to do stupid things (like accessing arbitrary memory addresses). I consider this a good thing though, because it teaches you a lot of shit about how computer programs and operating systems work.
Python (or Ruby) : Very simple syntax. Very easy to not fuck up. Large standard library at your fingertips. Also allows REPL-based development (REPL = Read Eval Print Loop. Basically like a command line, but in that language).
JavaScript : Simple, but with some dumb catch-22's. But there's a shit load of libraries available for it, and you can run it in a browser. That said, see this talk to understand some of the nonsense in JavaScript (and also some nonsense in Ruby):
I think I triggered someone with that comment already
I like a lot of different art, used to draw a little but I can barely put a pencil to paper now.
don't have instruments, but have FL so I guess better than nothing… I actually love singing btw
Oh I didn't mean basic programming as in BASIC. I just meant learn some simple scripting, might come in handy
Indeed it is. Holy shit!
Also, I wish I could sing as well as this guy… I'm way out of practice
that's pretty cool, what songs did/do you sing?
Whatever I felt like. Used to like singing a lot of classic rock stuff.
kinda wanna hear you sing now
Maybe later. Not tonight though. It's too late, and if I started singing, my mom would be telling me to knock it off since the walls aren't THAT thick and the neighbor has a baby.
aww kay understood. What you been doing tonight?
all'a'yall're a bunch of faggots srs
i need to bite down on something before I read any of yalls posts
I'm going to stab myself in the dick
The person who made this video really ought to take a little more context from the American national anthem. It's a bit more than just a song about a flag. More specifically… it's a song about a particular point in our history when the British tried to shell the ever loving shit out of one of our forts in the War of 1812, claiming that they would stop the shelling and accept surrender if we let the flag fall. We didn't, and when they started targeting the flag explicitly, people started holding the flag up with their bodies, with new men replacing old men who had died, just to keep the flag from touching the fucking ground. And so it is to the surprise of the viewer who had written the song that despite the bombs exploding fucking everywhere, the flag was still there.
The Marseillaise may be a pretty bloody and brutal song if you just take into account the lyrics. But really, what is more brutal than voluntarily getting shelled just to hold up a flag and let the British know that we'd never surrender under any circumstances?
Who crapped in your cornflakes?
south park taco
Don't tell me everyone's gone to sleep already
not for another 14.5 hours at least
why are you trying to stay awake for an entire 24 hours?
Oh thank god, I thought I was going to be up all night alone here
it's just after 8am here.
you probably will be, once i find something legit to do today
You feel like doing anything in particular?
G'day guys, how's it going?
New episodes of Steven Universe. Must watch before heading to bed so I can watch new episodes of My Little Pony in the morning!
been fiddling about with something I'm making, it's starting to get a little annoying so I wanna do something fun till then
Hey, I was going to ask you. Do you consider yourself an articulate individual? I've noted you're rather fluent on the keyboard and easily capable of fathoming these text walls in a relatively short amount of time relative to the majority of posters in this thread.
hey raptooorrr
I drank three straight mugs of coffee, worst mistake I've made all week. How is you?
What kind of project do you have brewing?
puppers haha
I'm an avid reader Skittles, I devour books very quickly since I was very young. As a result I'm able to keep up, type, and follow conversations pretty well.
I wouldn't say I'm the most articulate person you'd ever meet, but I am decent in my mastery of the english language I believe.
That being said, people like yourself are by far more impressive than I.
You bi and multi-lingual types :3
Heya Reecles, how're you?
Isn't it late night for you?
Why'd you drink 3 cuppa's before bed like that?
it's going on one here. My friend brewed a fresh pot and I have no self control, it isn't like I was planning on sleeping anyways
So the Bible to you was just an average 10 page kindergartner book?
a pony music video technically, have some great music that really fits what I'm trying to do… nothing fancy
I'm okay thanks, lil bored. How's shoe?
It's the truth, I swear!
I was thinking I'd develop some news publishing site, but I suck at writing stories and I figure I could use someone like you to write very far right anti liberal stuff, I imagine someone like antics would also be great at that. You know I stopped playing with that 3 dimensional globe project some time back due to my realization that I didn't know enough linear algebra and ended up asking too many questions. Fuck that, 3d programming is not my area.
Started thinking I should just try and run some shitposting news website that targets the SJW and feminist agenda and fund it myself just for shits and gigs.
Would you be interested in something like that on your off time?
being sober on a friday night sucks
a email I got
will they answer if I call?
I dont know but try it
i didn't notice they said SMS, they want to add your number to a call list in india, screw that lol
record your conversations with them
Why Khan, you pervert.
I would but nah.. I like to call drug dealers and pretend to be an investigator sometimes. or just skim over family watch dog dot com and find local pedo's to harras while I impersonate a cop
Where did that come from?
I'm glad to hear you're well :3
I'm not sure I believes you!
Hell yeah!
That'd be awesome :3
you went to bed very early.
as in how'shoe…how'shoo… how's you… was a play on words nvm
How's you then?
go back to posting Luna plz just sayin'
I think I might start sending clop to those people
went to bed about 8pm-ish I think so not crazy early mang….
how do?
You said you could read well. Was just curious.
Pretty early.
Im good thanks, had a shit night at magic, lost all 4 rounds.
But hey, you cant win em all~
The real problem was drinking the coffee without eating and now I feel like vomiting, but enough about me, what are you up to?
Kek, I figured it out after I asked.
I do apologise about that Reeceles :P
Only for you~
I love AJ and luna equally afterall
Truthfully? I've never read the bible through.
protip, never drink coffee again!
I think I'll head to bed now. Gotta get at least a little sleep for MLP in the morning!
Huh…I read from Genesis to Psalms if I remember correctly. And that's, like, 10+ books in one.
I guess we'll talk more about it later. I need a new hobby and shitpublishing sounds like a fun endeavour.
Make a new religion skitty, noone reads the terms and conditions anyway, they just click accept.
Trying to chill out.
Not doing too well honestly.
but doing well none the less.
I got off work a few hours ago and I've got stuff on tomorrow, otherwise, nothings up with me :3
just watching deep space nine and trying to figure out what game I wanna play.
Lets be honest here, something like 2/3rds of it is just a history lesson, the other third is the stuff I've read, not all of it mind, but part of it.
and that's the important stuff in it.
I do'nt need to know whose father is whoms and what wars happened when, and what ancient laws were.
I read gen through duet I think.
Parts of psalms a decent chunk of the new testament as well.
but other than that I'm not sure.
I'm the perfect man for the job!
why have you been so quiet? Thought you WERE sleeping. Gnight anyway!
thanks! just looks weird when you don't post best Princess!
i should have read your terms and conditions, now i have aids
Lets be honest here, youre a conspiracy theorist who refuses to take anything at face value but have willingly sold your immortal soul into a binding that you dont actually know anything about, as youve not read what your beliefs actually are.
My terms and conditions explicitly exist to prevent the spread of aids~
Twas quite mentally exhausting…thinking back, I don't even know why I actually bothered to read all of the Ark's specifications. I'm not gonna remember how many cubic centimeters the interior is.
But it's so damn delicious
Do you have Starcraft?
Coffee is icky!
I switch between then based on mood.
I started with Luna cause blue :P
royal blues are my favourite.
but she also has that gamer persona attached to her so I just fell in with her.
and I started with AJ because i found it upsetting that no one liked her for no discernable reason.
and I though, if no one else shall carry her torch than I shall!
and again, as with Luna, just fell in with her and now I like them both :3
That's false.
about 10 years ago I looked through other religions and belief systems.
I picked something up from a few of them, most notably Buddhism.
I have since, and continued to reaffirmed my faith since then.
The implication that I don't know what I have placed myself into and don't know what the concepts and beliefs and values are is just false.
You admit to having not read the history and core concept holder of your religion.
There could be a sentence in there stating 'all women should yell if they are being raped, and if they are unheard, the rape was their own fault for not yelling loud enough', and you wouldnt know.
There could be parts saying its not ok to wear clothing made from 2 different materials, parts claiming that a woman entering a temple on her period has tainted that temple for 28 days.
You'd fail to know what the fuck your belief system is, except the very narrow view you WANT it to be.
Protip, thats not christianity, its fucking heresy
Obviously someone's been giving you some pretty shit coffee
Yeah man, exactly!
KEK when given the measurements, because I couldn't remember what the fuck a qubit was I thought it was the ark of the covenant they were describing hahaha.
that kinda stuff historically is important, but in the grand scheme of things such as your spirituality?
Not so much.
SC2 yeah?
I do, but I'm not certain it's installed currently.
Also, I'm in Aus, I'd be happy to play on occasion with you, but If you're not in Aus I'd lag out consistently, or rather, just have high ping.
i have tried to like it, but even the scent makes me retch…
that is some extended petting.
Learn your fucking scripture.
so who's your favourite favourite pony then? I'm terrible at picking favourites for anything, food/movies etc. but I deffo know who my fave pony is!
If only the sexual parts were written in more detail instead.
Is it derpy?
Its IS derpy RIGHT?
Yours is Fluttershy :P
It's a toss between Best Princess and AJ.
I think I side a little more with AJ, because honesty is one of the things closest to my heart.
I can't remember which, but if you follow it one of the psalm songs is actually entirely erotic.
I don't actually have it myself yet, I'm just looking for potential teammates for when I do get around to purchasing it
You're from Australia? I'm no aboriginal, but my family's more Australian than a dingo on a didgeridoo But I live in California
Nope, not everything at all.
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)
you're a derpy!
Oh right I remember you saying that before, yea Applejack is a fine pony, she's definitely in my top 6 fave main ponies
fluttershy is a solid top 5
We can give 'er a crack then california might be playable, but I can't promise anything.
See what I mean?
This verse is central to the debate over the relationship between the New Testament and the Old Testament first begun by Marcion of Sinope. There are several parts of the New Testament where Jesus can be read as rejecting some tenets of Mosaic law. Issues include the traditional understanding of the Sabbath in Matthew 12:8, divorce laws in Matthew 5:31, and dietary prohibitions in Matthew 15:11.
The antinomian viewpoint holds that, because Jesus accomplished all that was required by the law, thus fulfilling it, he made it unnecessary for anyone to do anything further. Proponents of this view believe this view was described by the Apostles in Acts of the Apostles, and that the Jewish Christians overlooked such teaching as they continued to worship in Herod's Temple as prescribed by the Mosaic Law, even after the resurrection. According to this view, anyone accepting his gift of salvation would not only avoid consequences of failing to live up to the law, but is no longer expected to do any works of the law for any spiritual reason
If jesus fulfilled the law and made it unnecessary for anyone to follow it, sin is absolved, evil no longer exists, and all men go to heaven now. Hitler included.
Religion is no longer needed because original sin was removed when jesus sacrificed himself.
Ipso ergo sum, we dont need religion anymore, because religion itself told us it has finished what it wanted to achieve.
I suppose that's fair.
So we also need to abolish new age religions of the self, such as atheism and feminism as well.
Lets start with the violent and dangerous ones like islam.
Nice, although it might be a bit before I get around to buying it on account of my whole moving thing
Atheism isnt a religion.
Its the absence of religion.
That is the entire point.
I'd happily bomb out the mudslimes first though.
I vaguely recall, when are you moving? Where to?
troglodyte for life!
No theism means belief with a god, Atheism is just a belief with a lack of a God or gods, it's still a religion, with structure, beliefs, concepts and codes.
It even arguably has leaders.
Gentle reminder that arguing religion over the Internet always results in euphoric posting. Always.
It's gonna be over the summer, and I'm going to be shifting around a lot because i'm joining the AF, but if I'm in a place where the connection is good I will be sure to mention it
So what is a person that doesn't concern themselves with religion?
… so politics is atheism?
Maths is atheism?
Farming is atheism?
Because the beliefs involved dont have a god?
Every time i think, and dont think of a god, my thought is atheism?
1. the belief in one God as the creator and ruler of the universe, without rejection of revelation (distinguished from deism ). 2. belief in the existence of a god or gods (opposed to atheism ). Origin of theism Expand.
Theism | Define Theism at
Yeah Raptor, just No.
Atheism is a lack of belief, not a belief in the nonexistence of gods or supernatural things. Also, religion implies that there's a uniform idea on what an afterlife is and what happens in it.
That's agnostic
nope, agnosticism is doubt, or unsureness over wether gods exist.
Atheism is just 'not believing in a god/gods'
So technically agnostics are atheists until they say 'yes i believe in a god/gods'
Kek, is true.
How is socks?
I've not spoken to you in yonks
The AF?
Cool cool, keep us in the loop
It's entirely rare.
I don't think I myself has ever met someone who hasn't had one religion or other.
Politics could be counted as atheism the way people treat it.
Maths isn't a set of beliefs, its a set of rules.
as is farming.
now you're reaching
as opposed to
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Is a religion in an of itself.
It's the belief there is nothing after death, and it's the belief that we're the highest form of intelligence in all the universe, among other things
So does anyone actually believe in a God/Creator here? Not exactly sure what ya'll debating here.
I believe in Princess Celestia.
Praise Her.
Isn't atheism a confident belief that there is no higher power?
I was asked if I've read the bible because I said I was an avid reader.
Skye decided to attack my beliefs as soon as that happened.
Now they're trying to defend their own religion :3
I'm pretty sure we've hit an impasse anyway.
Also that there's nothing after death.
Some Athiests also believe in Aliens TOP KEK!
What's this? Some strayan word?
Yea I've been fine, currently watching CLG v FW with a frat brother
doubt- 1. A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
conviction- 2. A firmly held belief or opinion.
I really don't feel like arguing about religion right now
I'll be sure to!
Yeah, it means a bloody long time basically
clg? Fw?
How can a lack of belief be a religion? Belief is part of a religion's definition.
No it is not. You're mangling definitions and adding in your own to fit your biased worldviews on how non-religious people view the world.
No it is not. It literally means lack of belief. When you believe something, you have faith something is real. There is no faith in atheism.
Hmm. Well I am not atheist nor religious and much less superstitious but I don't have many doubts there may be extra terrestrial life somewhere out there and if there is some spooky God somewhere I'd rather not spend time thinking about them when I can't see, interact or know for certain they're there.
Fucking weirdo
Competitive LOL
i believe that planting potatoes will result in potatoes growing.
This belief doesnt involve god/gods.
Therefore it is atheism according to you.
Everything is beliefs, even math, rules are still beliefs. Quantum mechanics proves maths wrong occasionally.
Disbelief in gods is not a religion.
Thats a two bit claim made by religious nuts who cant accept someone thinks something they dont, without comparing it to their own belief system.
Its not the belief we're the highest intelligence either, aliens could well exist.
And its not the belief there is nothing after death, I accept that I have no idea what happens after death, but my guess is nothingness. Its not a belief, its a guess.
raptor does
Its a state of mind that does not involve a god in its thinking.
I believe the world exists.
I do not believe a god exists.
Trying to call atheism a religion is a last ditch attempt.
so agnostics dont have a belief either way, which makes them atheists, until they decide to believe in a god.
No way around the fact it's a belief that there is nothing after death.
Or the belief that we're the highest order of life in the universe.
It's a religion, you just don't like the realisation of it because you want to be right in your beliefs and others to be wrong in theirs.
There is no evidence for what happens after death, you cant just tell people
'If you dont believe in god you dont believe in anything after daeth'
People have their own thoughts on what happens, guess fucking what, that isnt tied to an archaic belief of a man in the skye.
They can believe in gaea, reincarnation, nothingness or one with the cosmos, without having to buy into your shamanism
As an addendum to that I also like to think people created scripture and ways to store it in order preserve their ideas so that spent so much time thinking about, I'm almost certain all these religious stories and books probably came from people with a lot of time on their hands and an idea to impact people through a persuasive and elaborate story. Religious literature is like a loud viral thought embed deep in the mind the more you expose yourself to it.
There is definitely a difference between Atheists and Agnostics
It isn't, and I just explained to you why. And you're responding with circular reasoning and assumptions of someone you don't even know.
No one is arguing this. its a strawman.
Yes, religion is a form of control made many many years ago to make people scared of a 'something', in order to act how the authority wanted them to.
A meaningless one.
To take them at their most literal meaning though,
an atheist doesnt believe in a god.
A theist believes in a god
An agnostic does not believe in a god, but does not reject the idea a god /could/ exist.
If they believed a god does exist, they become theist, until that time, they are atheist.
No way around the fact it's a belief that there is nothing after death.
You literally said that
Dont fucking act like im strawmanning when you made that exact argument
You literally just said this.
So atheism is pretty much like religion isn't it. It's the idea that there is for certain no higher form of power, omnipresent deity? It implies you know for certain? Sounds very religious to me.
No, its just the idea 'life is life'
and when someone says 'theres a god', you say 'i dont think so pal, ive seen no evidence to imply that, so ill continue without believing that'
Heres an equivalent.
What do you call someone who doesnt believe in aliens?
Since you're so unsure yourself, I'll impose the same question on you: how is a lack of belief a religion?
The difference is that both Atheists and Theists commit to an idea while an Agnostic does not
The original argument here is remove religion and then implying that any belief without a god is atheism and not religious.
You're equating a lack of religion to atheism and that isn't the case, atheism is without a god, not without religion. in itself it is a religion.
I correct myself in saying that it is a certain bleief in nothing after death, but reassert that it is not a lack of belief or religion.
I know what it is you fag. You can sheath that pony themed fedora away thank you.
So you're telling me you don't have a confident belief that there is in fact no god but rather just don't care for whether there may or may not be one?
The middle ground is atheism, until such point of theism
You did not make the arguement you claim to have been making.
Atheism is without a god, correct.
The term is inherently meaningless, every person not a theist, is an atheist.
Every action and though without reference to a god, is an atheist action or thought.
IE math, farming, politics, woodworking.
we are inside a program, our god is some pathetic NEETlord who codes shit programs in his spare time
my goal is to break our laws of physics which will crash the program and force the system to be restarted
I want to smoke what you're smoking
Now you're getting it. I'm willing to accept the existence of a god, but it has to be proven beyond the words of a book.
that's false because not every action or thought is a set of beliefs, and the argument I was making is that atheism has become a modern new wave religion with its own belief system.
Math, farming, woodworking, are not religions, politics could probably be seen as religious though.
The others aren't because it isn't a belief, its a confirmed set of laws through trial and error and experiment
Prove theres a god and there will no longer be 'Theism', as there will be no belief involved.
It will simply 'be'.
What do you call someone who doesnt believe in aliens raptor?
Someone who doesnt believe in gravity?
Someone who doesnt believe in oxygen?
so are you a Christian/Muslim/Jew?
I haven't been reading the bread tbh
your creator is a 9th dimensional loser that has no friends
hes a catholic
What if God is real and he actually does get mad with atheists when they die? Imagine being in line at heavens gates, when some bouncers pick you out of line and tell you to go to a special line, god wants to meet you personally. As you get closer to the booth you see a room where god's inside shoving pineapples up peoples asses, all the way, no lub and everything, you're surrounded by huge bouncers who would never let you get away, then he puts you in a room for a month and calls you back out to shove another pineapple up your butt every other week.
If that was the case, they are not a god deserving of worship.
What kind of being would demand worship, but fail to provide proof they deserve worship?
What would they gain by being worshiped other than having their cosmic ego stroked?
Also, upvote for little nicky reference
Did you even read my sources?
Here's another, but at this point it's like throwing mashed potatoes at a wall to see what sticks
This is the LITERAL definition of an agnostic:
A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God
They don't not believe in god as they believe that you can't prove the existence of god
I don't know, but what I do know is there sure are a lot of unreasonable people out there. What if he was one of them? Just an asshole with a lot of power and ability on their hands.
I don't know, but I'll gladly take 10 ounces of whatever you're smoking right now.
Oh no ive not clicked any of your links at all honestly.
If they are as you describe, I'm not wasting my time thinking about them, why would I want to please such a being?
if a god of an infinite timeline and universe actually gave a single shit about what a specific organism does then that god probably has some kind of deity-tier autism
I'm smoking cock. My cock. I'm pretty flexible. I'm no scrooge like curmudgeon, I will share if you really want some.
You're on a tangent that's wrong in and of itself
A belief is something that you hold that is not demonstrable or proven to be false.
A God is not something you can hold repeatable evidence for in an experiment.
Oxygen and gravity are.
So anyone who 'doesn't' believe can be empirically shown to be incorrect.
G'day Az, how're you?
Well then, no evidence, no god.
Thats how the world works buddy.
Glad we managed to finally cure you.
I never said that there was no Evidence, I said that in an experiment you couldn't repeat it.
You can repeatedly show oxygen, and gravity and mathematical concepts, and farming, and wood working.
It isn't, though.
Religion is like a dark room with two men, one tells the other 'there is a being here who will smack you unless you have a tennis ball in your hand'
the other man scrabbles to find a tennis ball, but cant.
The first man smacks him, and keeps smacking him, until the second man lies about having found a tennis ball.
No tennis balls exist, no being exists.
More and more people are added to the room and told the same thing.
Isnt it funny how the things that exist, we can do experiments to prove?
While the thing that doesnt exist, we cant do experiments to prove.
brain tumors didn't exist before modern technology
Further more, the fact you've managed to completely derail the thread through your religiously hostile out of no where attack is just further proof that atheism is in fact a modern new age religion that its followers never stop to question.
'It's true because I say it's true, I'm right because I say I'm right.'
Don't try to sway his opinion, I tried to put together a thought out and reasonable argument with outside sources to support my claim but just based on the fact that he said he didn't read any of them indicates that he is unwilling to listen
Oh look, its not even the same
The derailment came from you admitting you havent actually read the bible, yet consider yourself to be following the religion within it.
You only know your own religion from secondhand sources, and yet fail to see any reason why that is a bad thing.
Atheism had nothing to do with it sweetheart.
If you have something you want saying, post it in the thread, im not reading pages of crap to find the 3 lines you wanted me to read, even i have the courtesy to cut and paste the important parts.
that just appears after people die and you remove the brain sometimes
You're advocating misrepresentation of facts, as an arguement?
Just like a preacher.
How did you get that from what he said there.
He was saying you could not have known it was there before the person died.
Because i have no clue what the fuck he meant.
I DID. All of the information I got from the sites is RIGHT THERE in the post. I just included the sources so you could confirm it for yourself. Most of the pages I linked were just definitions of words if you bothered to read it, and the one page it wasn't had what I was referring to in THE FIRST SENTENCE.
Where do I begin?
If the information was in your posts, whya re you angry i didnt click the links…?
I don't mean to burst your bubble you bloviating baboon but pretty much everything you're going to come across, the information you have now, what you've learned over the years and what you're preaching now is all second hand, 3rd, 4th, 10 to the 1e+100th power hand knowledge. Unless you're God himself or much less likely, an actual philosopher with any ounce of credibility than it's safe to assume you're just another guy o the internet pulling up Wikipedia articles and spitting them out at others in bits and pieces.
I'm not sure, but do I have you on Steam Reece?
I think it's time to let that conversation die at any rate.
So what're you up to currently scotch?
So how about dem ponies doe
my favourite pony is the yellow one
what is your favourite pony?
That's a hilarious joke.
The bible is the most accurate 'source material' anyone has available to them regarding christianity. To follow christianity, you should have at least read the bible, as thats the combined explanation for everything you should believe in.
We're just going to drop you admitting you selected a random set of thoughts, and have called them christianity, without even knowing whether thats correct or not?
I just want you to know youre no better than the 'feminists' we have nowadays who are nothing but scum
Congrats, youre part of the lowest common denominator raptor.
Dat yellow one is cool.
I agree!
Why? I don't follow?
We've already established that you're wrong about that.
Thanks, I needed that post. I could have argued forever and not gotten a single point across, it reminded me of this quote from George Carlin, may he rest in peace; “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
if im not christian then why do i celebrate christmas??????
No, no we havent established that at all Raptor, care to explain how you yet again managed to be wrong?
Never argue with christians, its like playing chess with a pidgeon, itll strut about the board, knock all the pieces over, shit everywhere and then still look smug.
In hindsight, maybe it's not that funny.
He does not use Steam, however.
Because you are a scoundrel and enjoy the free stuff. Let me guess, are you backing Bernie this election?
on one hand i like bernie giving me free stuff but on the other hand trump will make anime real
im undecided
it was funny to everyone who understood it
If you knew I was a Bernie supporter, would you still tow my car to the nearest repair shop?
Oh, that reminds me, you said AF, but I missed if you said what it was, did you mean Air Force?
If so did you mean RAAF or USAF?
Right, I didn't know that, I just assume everyone uses it kek.
just because its so integral to my own computing experience you know?
noop, kind of lost the mood for vidya recently. haven't even picked up Uncharted 4 yet. maybe it's my time of the month again
Indeed, I think you are in the right to assume that.
where all the communists @
USAF. I'm gonna be going in as a mechanic, I can't wait. Other than that I'm trying to develop some mods for Project M, and basically small side projects to occupy my time. I don't know if you've noticed but I try to bring new images to the thread whenever possible to keep it fresh, so it's the next step to include some OC in the future
Yes… irl I'm mostly confirmative, non confrontational and respectful. Doing something like that over something that negligible wouldn't even cross my mind, or maybe I'd think about it for amusement purposes.
You going in enlisted I assume, as you say mechanic rather than engineer?
That was funny as fuck.
And the coverage of it was ridiculous too.
being against private businesses denying service to people makes you literally a communist
If you knew that all the machines you've helped build/repair in there contributed to the death of a million foreign babies, would you still do it?
Did you hear about the redneck who thought the complete opposite when it came to helping a woman who needed a tow? A big lesson on why we don't put our political beliefs in the form of car bumper stickers.
Damn, didn't think you of all people would get that since you're not even from here haha.
Not really lol
Are you calling me a commi?
That's fair enough.
I was just curious
Though it does make an ass of yourself on occasion. :P
What's projection M ?
Cool, I try to find and share new pics when I find em, but it's not overly often honestly, I rely entirely on people in Holla Forumsreads to expand my collections :P
Yeah I saw about it bud.
i wasn't then but i am now
I'm going in as a mechanic while I'm getting my engineering degree because the USAF offers FAA certified degrees, meaning I would have two instead of one when finishing.
Did someone watch Apocalypse Now one too many times?
Project M is a mod for Super Smash Bros. Brawl (I would be modding it further) I usually find some stuff on 4chan's /mlp/, I'm not the type to completely condemn 4chan for the mods
All those traits will vanish the moment a situation calls for it. I am not blindly or indiscriminately contrary to that mode of behavior when a situation doesn't call for it. That would make me an even worse person than I am now.
Got to love the freedom of a free market society.
Maybe…but that's not the point!
Thats a pretty awesome way of doing it.
How does training fit around your degree?
Is it a sponsorship scheme where you do some aspects of training while studying, and then complete it afterwards?
How come you need a degree if youre not an officer? Isnt the pay entirely not worth it?
Damn right!
Its funny, what he did should be exactly what bernie supports are for right?
Freedom of expression, the right to act as you wish?
bernie supporters aren't for freedom of expression or rights
I need more music like this…
Oh true, I've heard about that actually.
I haven't played supersmash in a while now that you mention it haha.
I seem to recall a skitty saying 'hey you, I fucked your mother' to a guy randomly one day repeatedly :P
but theyre american~
they're globalists
I was drunk. Hence, situation called for it. That's why I try to stay away from drinking at places that aren't my house and instead invite people here to spend the night. I have a few friends staying on the second floor right now. Though I later didn't feel like drinking and remained here. I dunno why but once I get to a certain point I apparently will talk shit to people and use words they don't understand while I do it and it makes some people think I'm making fun of their intelligence so it adds an extra level of rudeness.
Are you saying that's not what you're doing~ :P
We already have freedom of expression, it's called the first amendment. Also the right to act as you wish needs to be limited by the law, otherwise it would be a system of Anarchy.
Then what is your point, that the U.S. deploys the military for the sole purpose of killing civilians?
The training is the degree, and it isn't a scheme since both the USAF and FAA are federal organizations. You can get degrees regardless of position. The pay is fine and the Pension is global tier.
Which ones have you played? Most people I know make it their full time hobby
What do you mean? Are you asking if I am drinking atm? I'm not. I'm quite bored and listening to synthwave in bed.
the original on 64 and the wiiu version :3
Freedom of expression?
So you can walk up to a police officer and say 'fuck you i think youre corrupt as shit' without experiencing any negative repercussions?
Hmm, so you dont undergo any military training?
Its odd that the US employs mechs who are civies, but fair enough.
I suppose if youre happy with the pay and pension woo
That's awesome, growing up I didn't get a chance to play much video games, so I'm making up for it now, did you know you can download Melee and Brawl onto a PC?
I did, but from what I've heard brawl isn't too good, and melee is just a glitch fest
you mean emulation? Or an actual PC version of the games?
we both know he only got away with it as he was clearly filming.
And yes, obviously everyone does, but you just said the training is the degree.
No military training?
No basic?
No officer/aircrew selection training etc?
I think Brawl is the best just for the story, I've never had trouble playing Melee even with a VB
It's Dolphin Emulator. All you need is a Brawl ISO, which is extremely easy to get
and I don't mean its unplayable, I mean you play using glitches to move and stuff
Brawl was the only game with a story mode, it was called The Subspace Emissary. Hands down some of the coolest stuff to come out of 2008.
Yeah, Melee snobs work them into their strategy and still claim that it's the best game, but they will do what they want to do
o right, yeah, I just thought you were talking about some official Nintendo PC release lol.
I've played some on some emulators before, ony for the multiplayer plugins tho. Do you play online with the Dolphin emulator? I've only ever played online with the Mupen64 emulator (n64 emulator)
As far as I can see no, but to be fair it isn't like you can use the internet on the official Wii version anymore either
you can actually play online with Dolphin. Fr the gamecube titles anyway. Was just wondering if YOU played online with them yourself
how many cookies can you autistically click
Why would you link this.
Oh, really? The only games I have for Dolphin are Melee and Brawl. I never knew so my answer would be no… do you have to go into the settings?
I didn't know that.
I don't think they're all snobs, Silence, a poster here, he isn't one, but he enjoys melee the best.
but I can see some people definitely having that attitude about it.
I say snobs because I know some people irl who refuse to say anything positive about any other game, I'm sure Silence is cool. So what games do you usually play?
there should be something like "options → network settings" in the emulator. It can be difficult setting things up for multiplayer sometimes
Oh yeah, I completely know the sort of person you're talking about.
Silence is defo not like that, he does say positive stuff about the newest smash the wiiu one~
From memory he likes project M as well.
but he has a local melee tournament thing, and yeah he enjoys it :3
As for myself, man, I'm a hardcore gamer, I play everything, and by that I mean there's at least one game in most genre's that I've played and liked.
Though I should say, I dislike most mmorpg's
Probably should have used this image earlier
Yeah, I've found Dolphin to be quite challenging at times. I had to custom program my ps4 controller to work like a makeshift GC controller. I still haven't been able to get PM on it, even after a straight week of dedicating all of my time to it.
cause imma steal all the cookies
That's awesome, I used to hold Smash tournaments at my high school and it really brought a great community together. Every meeting someone made a new friend.
I wish I had the time and money to play everything, I haven't even gotten the opportunity to play any Valve games
I remember there was a point where that game was very popular in this thread and people manually clicked their way through thousands of cookies, hailing screenshots of large numbers are medals to honor representative of their time to waste and autistic dedication. I never played it. That horses forehead appears to be protruding over the left eye.
I waste the time :P
You would certainly have more time to do so if you just invested a little less time inspecting Ruby's penis and butthole over discord and cybering with each other.
Time is a luxury I can't afford
I use an xbox360 controller for my laptop and it works fine for pretty much every game i've played… non-emulator games too. Maybe it's Windows not liking the ps4 controller?
lmao I thought that was reece, missfire kek
what, thats not reece is it
You replied to the wrong Fluttershy poster.
things are too small on this screen
Do women who llive together menstruate together?
yes, synchronized periods os a thing
I have no problems with it now, I just had to get over that first initial step so it's all good now. You have any good recommendations to expand my library?
Aw man, and here I thought I was a Celestia poster
I would prefer it if you were.
So would I, my fear is that my images would get stale over a while
that's disgusting
why are vaginas so disgusting
Skye imagine aliens just got to earth and made first contact and meet two naked humans. One is female, the other is male. The alien was sent on a mission from his home planet to have oral sex with one of these humans.
Which one do you think he would choose?
This is purely scientific, no homo
hmm… Killer7 is pretty good, Timesplitters 2 aswell but you can get those on the PS2 emulator too… umm Animal Crossing? Mario Party 50…
oo, the Gamecube WarioWare was pretty fun
Uhm, well, personally, ive never touched a dick with my mouth, but i have a cunt.
even one that was bleeding, but to be fair i didnt know at the time
I have not, actually I have been awake all night. I'm about to head to bed really.
I'll just have to get you new ones.
20 Burpie push-ups! Go!
No, you are the cunt
That's the thing I need, a ps2 emulator, I haven't been able to find a reliable one
I'm down with that
I'll do that tomorrow.. I'm way too sleepy now, plus I'm in bed wtf
show us your timestamp bitch
why do you always get called the cunt, I started trying hard since 2015 to be a cunt yet you steal the title all the time
Fucking cunt.
Hardly means anything coming from you.
No it's not, tomorrow is the next day after this day.
of what?
tits or gtfo newfag
Yeah, times expensive alright
Im a dude, fucknugget
Yeah, the sarcastic affection works wonders~
yeah right you're a fucking animal skye I known you long enough the sexual tension with you is so thick I'm literally getting pregnant
Anything past 12:00am is a new day. The sun is crawling over the horizon. No time for sleep! Time to wake up, run around in a half awake daze before the weak cunts are fully consious, doing all manner of physical activity!
don't try and fool me bitch
He means he has a hole to store his meat.
I'm heading to bed guys, have a good one.
I do exercise a bit but screw that, you're reminding me of my JROTC teacher, oh god no
Lol, skitty you are soooooo not my type baby.
I have put my lips on a cunt, i have not put my lips on a cock.
I apologise if my meaning was unclear~
nini raptor!
Nighty Rap!
aww byeee raptor
Bye Raptor, see you soon!
When did you get here Canon?
Don't wake up. on the wrong side of the bed
You're a predator, anything with a pulse is your type
Get out of bed to the smell of my glorious nutsack in the morning sunshine!
I'm not ruby
Oh please. You're alpha sapphire.
Heya fam
What's the current Holla Forums political situation for dummies?
Right now actually, Hai!
Hai Skye!
We have decided to move to club penguin for our safe spot
What are you up to?
I like it
How's things buddy boi?
I'm going to bed too. Don't kill yourselves without me.
Goodby skye, my only friend ;~;
gnight, you're not staying up for the new episode ?
Literally going to kill myself.
Oh nm, woke up a while ago, decided I've been waking up way too late so I decided to slash an hour or two, and slowly move back to a more stable sleep cycle, probably gonna get some breakfast soon, how about you?
Not bad, wanna try to fix my sleep cycle a bit, I took it a bit too extreme but now I'm slowly moving back to order
also it's pretty bloody hot today, and they say temps are gonna hit 36C for a few days starting tomorrow! uh…
Nighty Skitty!!!!
I'm currently blasting linkin park and slitting my wrists vertically
Wanna fix your sleep cycle.
That sounds like a good idea that I wholeheartedly support.
I'm cool, got to start deck testing for the Manchester magic tournament in 2 weeks. Gonna watch GoT and do that this afternoon..
Maid outfits or secretaries?
I don't watch the show actually :I
Depends on my mood. Generally maid outfits
Sounds good to me!
Nurses or police?
when/why did you stop?
Yea, better to fix it gradually as I approach the start of the summer semester(1 week left), doesn't have to early though as my first class starts at 2pm
Season 3 got dull
Hah. Wow.
Well better to ease into it I suppose…
Pirate or ninja?
Unusual, but pirates have the best booty
Spots or stripes?
Stripes seem more elegant
You are a smart kid.
How about.
Ice or fire?
Without any context I would say ice.
Agreed, but then season 4 was better
I'm not that way off course, for instance I woke up at 5pm yesterday, today at 3pm, if I can get 2pm tomorrow and go down bit by bit to stay… 11am that would be great
There is no context! Im just playing.
Chastity cages or ring-gags?
Maybe, never got back into it after I quit.
Canon you fucked up real bad
good morning
Season 4 was really good yeah. Haven't actually watched any of Season 5 yet. Worth it?
Never seen it sorry…
Chastity cages are far too high on the cuck-scale. Ring-gags are alright though.
Hmm. Fair enough~!
No more questions your honour!
Nah, I'm used to waking up this late during vacations, the one time I was real messed up was in 2006 when I was waking up at 9pm and sleeping at like 12pm
atleast you seem to have a good early sleep cycle
You dummy.
Get proper sleep!
haha yeah even when I went to bed at 5am this morning
define "proper sleep"
I used to do that back when I had early classes
9 hours a day! 2200 till 0700!
oo half an hour away! pancakes and maple syrup are the best for watching the show. just a little tip…but shh! you didn't hear it from me okay? wink wink
You should go to bed!
How aviation a nice walk outside for an hour?
If I sleep anymore than 6-7 hours I still feel sleepy when I wake up
well actually there's an hour and a half till the new epi starts
Lucky you that you work in such little sleep!
There's a sticky on /pone/ with links to streams btw
You don't have to sleep much and you're still okay!
don't worry I get those two words mixed up all the time too.
wat, i thought it was 3:30pm gmt when the new episodes came on… that sucks
Phone autocorrect
My life is a complete lie.
I will just kill myself then.
oh well, was fun while it lasted
I think it was a joke for Friday the thirteenth.
Yea, the 6 hour mark is quite the perfect one for me, if I can manage that I wake up pretty fast
I always remember it here by it being 6:30pm GMT+2
I know that date is known for bad happenings rather than jokes
Well I don't know
You should do a thing
I will do a thing
What thing may I do?
I dunno.
Do the thing though!
anyone got a link up for the stream? really need to add it to my bookmarks
Howdy CanoN! Hows ya doin? You scootin?
yeeeeeeeeah I know you scootin.
Can't remember what stream you guys use. I always use the stream that /mlp/ and /pone/ use, which is
But Smokey and friends hate that shit, so they've got their own. Wait a bit. Smokey will be hear with your stream.
so, bread, basically?
hey you
you all cuddly with your plushies now?
Howdy Reece!
Doin good, ate lunch, had coffee, almost time for new poni!
how bout u?
My potato connection doesn't allow me to watch hd streams, I tried an SD one but for some reason that began to buffer alot for me as well.. so I'm trying this and it seems to be working fine
Sounds nice!
my scootanigga!
Im having breakfast and considering going down to the bank to see if I can scam them out of some money.
If this was RK I'd take that term literally. I think Poland incorporates potatoes into their internet services somehow.
Yes, but especially Smokey.
Incoming pony
oohkay time to heat up some pancocks with maple syrup while I watch
Whats up?
Smokey is Bread. Bread is Smokey.
Chat stream is exploding
We are died
shh! the show's starting
What you missed before the commercial:
Glimmer has decided to skip Heartswarming.
Okay, now someone post the BronyState link for this fag.
enjoy your show!
why are there so many adverts, mang
American TV!
11/10 - it was okay
At least we don't have to pay a license fee to the government to own a fucking TV in the first place.
You poor poor things.
Can own a TV, just not be capable of receiving state funded broadcasts.
Such is the cost of impartial media~
If it's state funded, it would be taken out of your tax dollars, not paid as a subscription fee. If it's paid by a subscription fee, why is it not run by a private corporation?
The state funds the programming.
It is paid for by taxes.
You know it!
Make that money flow!
I'd love to have their potato connection for $20/month(pic related) than the 1.7mbit/s download for $50/month I have here
sort of wonder why they made a Christmas episode mid-way through May
Yea I know, this would have been perfect for a near Christmas time release
It's not even july 25, so the release date can't be a joke
Game of thrones.
you missed a show about colourful talking ponies for that?
I don't watch ponies any more
I should be deckbuilding anyway
50 a month is a little pricy yeah
Didnt she already do that? Also, I mean, duh. No one expected Sir Friendzone and Westerosi Deadpool to go rescue her on their own.
I'm watching the finale of last season now.
I'm behind, so don't worry, I'm not spoilering
Ah ok I was gunna say LOL. But yeah I'm sure she'll be back on a dragon before too long.
Hopefully nothing more sad happens
am i the only one who watches talking ponies now?
Also I think it's time I stopped making cookies for a bit
Smokey watches.
I know your braindamaged boyfriend does too
It's the only real unlimited plan, thx to the monopoly ISP that controls most bandwidth in the country (all other ISPs have some sort of FUP when you download alot on their "unlimited plans")
yay kek!!
boyfriend? nah, he doesn't love me anymore
git gud boi
do you have the new episode link?
Congratulations on this meaningless victory, my friend.
That's time well wasted.
I am saddened to hear it…
oh hi
I should get breakfast, but I don't want to get out of bed.
ah thats kinda shitty. well at least you got unlimited.
Oh yeah, nothing sad happens in season 6. Jon comes back to life, everyone decides to worship him, he forgives Ser Alliser and everyone and then reigns over Westeros as a God-king bringing peace to the land and ushers in an age of joy and rainbows for all…
…Sansa still gets smacked around and raped a lot though.
Don't move ever again.
Lings included.
That's actually a pretty old, like 1 month ago
John is fine at the moment…
yeah he hasn't spoken to me much or posted naughty flirt messages here in almost 24 hours… I think he's found a younger, more prettier boi tbh
I'm glad that you haven't decided to spend your time on something more significant.
We can only hope he stays far far away from natsoc then, or you will find yourself replaced.
That sounds very likely.
I thought you'd finished the last season?
Its the way of the world, kiddo. We dont stay young and pretty forever, and once you're not anymore, society spits you out and leaves you to die on the slag heap of absolute reality. The only benefit to dying slowly to scavengers is that as the seagulls have pecked out your eyeballs you won't have to look at the hideous wreck age has made of your body.
It just runs in the background, collecting more cookies. Once in a while, I kill the brown worms to get large sums of cookies, then it runs some more. It collects cookies even when it isn't open.
The only time I've wasted on it, is when I reset and I have to build it up again, which takes no time up at all.
well it's absolutely shitty but I got no other choice, telecom minister made a plan to roll out fiber to the entire country by 2020 but talk is pretty damn cheap
I am Watching the finale….
still wondering if you think I'm being serious…
You seem to be in need of attention…
Perhaps my indifference was unclear in the first two replies.
I will try to avoid this in the future.
Of course I know you are not.
Natsoc wouldn't touch the mentally challenged, so your position is secure~
We do not.
Lebanon is a nice place, and I'm sure they plan to do the fiber internet thing. I mean, it could be worse, Israel's plan for 2020 is to have all Native people in camps by then, and Syria's optimistic plan for 2020 is to still exist by 2020.
natsoc's your bf right? don't think I've seen him post here
oo so you haven't forgotten about me, or are you coming home to give me sloppy seconds?
He is.
He rarely comes here any more though.
It uses a lot of his small Internet allowance.
Australian problems.
why's that?
I only woke up a couple hours ago, mate. My brain's kinda dead at the moment.
How's you?
coffee helps that… yo
Well blew.
It's happening.
oo I'm fine thanks, feeling a lil tired actually. need to stay awake for another 4 hours at least tho.
Mmkay. We'll see what we can do to keep you awake until a proper bedtime. Also, you wanted plushie pics, right?
4 hours would be smart pal.
On fire, along with you and your house.
Rate today's episode
You leave spitfire out of your porn
yeep please
late for Christmas/10
no but srsly it was pretty good
Godfuckingdamnit blew
Never, I love her hot pussy
Why so low? The songs?
I thought 10/10; great remake of a Christmas talw
it was great!
i'm fine, feeling really good
Let's not do the sexy pictures
I'd post moar if I had it but theres hardly any good spitfire diaper out there
Why not?
Fuxking lol
yep yep, like I said this would have been perfect for Christmas
how's u Shiny?
I agree!
woho, glad to hear that! :3
do you really like wearing diapers when you were a baby/toddler or something? not judging just asking
did you*
Is my 4th name.
Good, I'm getting all healed up. How was school
Kay, check email.
Oh reece.
Poor innocent sweet reece.
Hope you heal up fast as possible then!
It wasn't bad, I got 80s in everything on my 1st masters semester so that's good, and I start my summer semester on the 23rd of this month, and luckily I'm taking 2 easy-ish courses
the future happened too fast
The site is full of color again. Does this mean…
done. Didn't know you had a Chrysalis too, or… you told me and I forgot
It means it's time to wake up.
I'm serious tho. a lot of fetishes are born in later life because of how your childhood was… nothing wrong with that right?
Stay pure, little buddy.
Saved and consider those dubs checked.
I can't believe the lack of checking in this Ponybreads.
Glad to hear it! What country is your university? You mentioned Poland?
I think I've mentioned it to you before, so you probably forgot.
Anyways, I'm thinking chicken quesadillas for breakfast today. Can't program without protein.
You need to stop spying on me through my webcam.
i knew you had a second plush tho
hope you enjoy the chicken squallalaaas, never tried those before
accidentally hit reply before typing the rest
le checked-aroo
Absolutely checked.
It's actually in Lebanon, but I am Polish as well
Halfbreed scum
Quesadillas, Reece. Think Quesos (cheese) + Tortillas. Don't ask what the D is for. I can only guess Doritos.
Poland the Land of the MLP Life size plushies.
mfw I will never get my pone waifu to hugh at night.
Qusadillas have cheese and a lot of other ingredients, well you can make your own recipe, as long as it has tortilla and chesee.
Skye pls
Having more than one nationality has its benefits
I know that feel ;-;
Confirmed checked.
life size plushies could be fun, but they'd take up a lot of space. By "life size" does it mean the size of the ponies on the show? Apparently on the show the fully grown ponies are about 3 and a half feet.
I prefer something I can just hold in my arms. I love my little Flutter plush
sounds veddy nice
LEMME POST Holla Forums
pesky heatwaves…
what's the weather like where you live?
it keeps going
Hello Holla Forumsread
Absolutely checked and feels. ;__;
life size plushies could be fun, but they'd take up a lot of space.
It's worth it imo, I would have to explain my mom, that I like ponies but it's worth it too.
Uhmm no, but they are huge, like the size of a Little pony, no pun intended.
I would love to hug her all night.
Life size plushies are typically the size of ponies from the show. So yes, 3.5 to 4 feet.
we would like some of that.
woof woof
I'm not going to watch this, but I'll assume you posted it for a reason.
How dare you!
why you don't watch the show?
it's dancing dogs
It's cute AF.
Seems I made the right choice.
The show kind of makes me feel strange when I try to watch it… I feel less strange just posting the characters :P
I just cant believe it, I love the cute Flutterpics you post.
You should give it a serious try.
its time for me to go I have push the magic throttle with some cookies.
See ya care pony bread.
Farewell, guy that actually posts Discord.
hope that works out for you… my mother discovered I was a "brony" she thought it was cute… but then told my dad and a few of hers friends about it. Sooo… but she buys me something mlp related every christmas and sometimes just randomly through the year so I can't complain.
getting tired… you gonna be doing anything for the next hour or so?
oops meant to link
Do you even DYEWTS the show?
Well, I could get started on my work, or I could hang out with you for one more hour. Got anything in mind?
I've watched every season except 5, and I still like watching the episodes so yep
was thinking video hour in the secret clubhouse… if that's okay
just don't post anymore emulator vids plz
I watched the show until the "pals" I used to watch it with betrayed me– in January, 2014.
They are the scum of the earth and should not be trusted.
What manner of betrayal wounded you so? What flair for dramatic event did you grace upon them?
Oh, me too.
That's a rather specific time.
Don't worry, I won't. Not trying to put you to sleep immediately.
Anything you wanna watch?
Why? Why the fuck is he still asking for money?
umm… anything funny that'll pass an hour… you post i watch unless you want more toons or something
It's fake. Also I wasn't supposed to link that to anyone but Holla Forums decided otherwise.
Funny? Alright, I'll look for something.
You like Lewis Black at all, Reece?
haven't even heard of him/that let's watch and see
hello Holla Forumsread
Didn't you already say hello today?
that was yesterday or at least before i slept
Uhn huh…
Welcome back, anycase.
He likes to say hello at least once every 3 hours of the day.
That's kinda cute.
Post more of omnivorous shyhorse
Oh, it's captain coarse isn't it. I have a gut feeling you may be one of the infidels from the other place.
I am from my mother's uterus.
All our mothers are essentially 3d printers that printed us out through their vaginas. Life greets you with distress at all corners doesn't it.
Not really
brb, just gonna crawl in hole and never come back out
tell me who wins the election when its done
Look, Skitty, I didn't mean you necessarily…
But whatever. Sorry.
I've been looking for a centipede to keep in an aquarium as a pet. I wonder if I can just purchase one from petsmart. I haven't checked.
What're you up to lately aside from this?
Feeling dumb and lonely.
Why a centipede? Do you have a foot fetish?
Is it really you?
I'm curious how you attribute the centipede to a foot fetish. Elaborate?
u can always call me
or I'll go to dallas with one of my friends, I have family there I can stay with
It seems our cyclical nature has been removed once more
How are you guys?
What do you mean?
I'm sure I'm me, but I'm not sure I'm the me you need me to be.
Centipede literally means "100-footed."
2 shy.
Just watched the new episode, now I'm just killing time until I see Civil War
Wrong user
It was quietly removed yesterday night, we'll have to keep an eye out for the bump limit. At least we don't have to spend all eternity posting under worst horse now.
We've got a few millipedes around here, they come out when its rained for a few days. I'm not into feet, much less bugs feet. Christ.
Ken or whatever Shiny calls them usually posts fur and foxes, I don't believe he is much of a fluttershy poster. He posts RD frequently as well.
Just watched the new episode, now I'm just killing time until I see Civil War
Wrong user
So why do you want one?
What the fresh hell is this?
How about a cold one?
The centipede is a nimble navigator, it is a predator.
New episode?
Cool, have fun!
Who are you seeing it with?
You mean best horse!
You mean IAP?
Oh shucks I forgot I loaded those pics
Yeah, scotch seems to confuse a lot of anons for him.
That's the factual contrary to what I just said, yep.
but :(
It's nimble..
I'm going with my friend, but we had to postpone it because the other person we were going to see it with decided to be a jackass and watch it without us without telling. So what are you up to today?
It's creepy.
I wont deny that. It clearly is. so do you have any plans for tonight?
You a such and such!
Sounds like a dick.
I'm seeing the mid seasonal invitationals with my father, they're being broadcast on certain moviet heatres across aus and one of thems nearby :3
For league of legends that is.
I havne't played in al ong time but It's a chance to hang out with my father and I do enjoy watching the pros :P
Well have fun! I need to get going now, see you later
Not really, no. Maybe I'll drink.
What about you?
Have a good one Scotch
Just snorted a roxicet, it burns and I don't feel anything. Also it's dripping down the back of my throat
It's raining today so I'll probably stay home and invite someone to drink with me later, maybe. I'm not sure yet. We'll see.
Sorry, got overly aggressive for a sec.
Benis butt vagina nose ear shitter cum on a tee shirt! Lucky licky flick my Dickie, chicken's sticky!
But.. what?
Heya Aku, how're you going?
Discord you here?
It's Saturday night movie night
I'm bout to cum peanut butter!
I wonder if IAP is gonna show up ~.~
I changed my mind I want to watch Coralina not pan
Pan seems gay
Looks like it's just me and discord again though
5 post get
You don't wanna play outside in the puddles?
6 post get
My cat from hell is a good show, to bad I don't have the patience to watch it
Don't meme on me bro
Comercials suck balls
4 post get
5 post get.
6 post get -111
7 post get cause I push my luck
8 post
9 post
I win
Would be fun.
I promise.
One of the weird things I remember from playing out when it was raining was running to my cousins barefoot because why not, you'd cut your foot a little and didn't even notice until you stepped inside somewhere. I wonder why that happens. Don't even feel it.
Well Saturday night movie night was fun while there was good movies to watch, this week sucks anyways
You fucked a spider?
No. I'm not that kinky. But clearly the spider was feeding off of the jizz rags.
One of my friends is becoming a retard and taking some outrageous risks. Invited me to go to Mexico a few hours ago, I denied and it's a good thing I did. Now he's calling me he was confronted by a narc and ended up threatening them with a gun along with 3 others, made them leave and immediately crossed back to the US. Now he's coming to stay at my ranch aka "the safehouse" as they've dubbed it. Not sure if I should let them stay after all this retarded stuff they tell me.
That spider wanted the dick.
You gonna get raided.
Mexico is such a weird place, very contrast of America.
namey name
Impossible. Mexico has absolutely no say so or power in Texas, I am aware that municipal police and narcs will call in to the local county SD and talk all loads of shit, and they will just let them go on a tangent and completely throw everything to the wind as soon as the phone hangs up. You can't trust them, so what they say has no credibility hear. Plus if they do call about something related to me and my friends they will call me and ask about it intentionally just to inform. Even the police on this side are like fuck the police on that side. Majority of them on that side are losers bought by the cartel and everyone here knows it. Worst part about it is my friend was obviously armed and guns are very illegal on that side.
ppl liked my cheesy tweet lol
I'm vote for Trump just so I can tell Blew.
ugh. what a week.
I have done nothing productive all week.
Something bad or just long?
or both
Oh and my auto update doesn't seem to really update thread for some reason.
always an option I guess.
Why would you? Their lifespan usually only lasts 2-5 years max unless you're someone like el chapo guzman. Though I guess if you did date one, once they get them you are pretty much ignored and end up with a large portion of the wealth they accumulated. I have a twitter account where I follow a few of these guys, it's funny how they use social media like nobody's business while posting all this shady crap & nobody can do anything since they're on the other side and always use hot phones. A small few of them are even those progressive types which was surprising to me, openly gay & working for C.D.G, posting all kinds of menacing crap while simultaneously being complete faggots but nobody will say anything since they're way up there.
money and talks
Because it would be dangerous and fun, right? IDK I was mostly joking.
just a weird week. lots of bullshit at work. i covered for a guy who decided to pick this of all weeks to go on vacation, and of course that meant massive power outages, equipment failure, and the moving of an entire office worth of computers. then i was on to my next adventure, where i was responsible for deploying all new computers at a bank. of course, the faggots who imaged the computers didn't do it right, so all day long i had machines fucking out and not having the critical shit they needed to pass validation with the bank. and i have to wake up and deal with that shit again in the morning. but of course my neighbors are playing loud music. so basically just a big clusterfuck.
Probably not good music either. Most people who play music too loud have crap taste too.
except for my loud music.
people need to hear it.
A few ppl have been running the idea through me that I should enter that field of shade but I am not eager to know anything about it tbqh