The confrontation you've all been waiting for!

Storytime of
Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat! #5

For those who have been with us since the start, I'm glad you're here to read the brand new Hellcat! From Issue #1, we've been teased with the dramatic showdown between one Patsy Walker and one Heidi Wolfe over the rights to the Patsy Walker books! For some reason, this has not happened. But so many other interesting things has happened like Patsy having bedbugs and getting a tattoo. Not to mention currently being held captive by the deadly Casiolena–evil Asgardian amassing an army of young teens to…do..something. I'm not sure. How will Patsy and friends get out of this one?! And who will win the dramatic battle between Patsy and Heidi?!? Oh boy are you going to be surprised at the outcome of this one!

For previous Hellcat threads, check out these all-new, all-diverse links!

Issue 1:
Issue 2:
Issue 3:
Issue 4:

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh Jesus

Heidi Hedy Wolfe is ready to discuss legalities over the books, despite the previous owner of the license handing it over to her. But Patsy and company are trapped in the clutches of Casiolena who wants to use unskilled, untrained, inexperienced heroes to take over Manhattan! And the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, other Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Spider-Gwen, Daredevil, X-Men, Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, and SHIELD are nowhere to be found!

Casiolena's plan of "use the 4ft tall old guy to physically restrain 3 people, 2 of which are superstrong superheroes, with duct tape, despite them already in a magic cage" fails! What a close one! Meanwhile, She-Hulk is going to rescue them with the help of Ian and…and Tom.

A henchman doesn't do what supervillain asked.

That usually ends with a dead henceman.

Here though, it ends with supervillain going "oh alright do whatever you want''.

What a nice way to neuter your villains, Leth. There's just so much tension now.

All of Manhattan is under attack! But using her razor sharp wit, Patsy tricks Casiolena into freeing them! You go girl!

This fucking art

I've noticed all the action scenes in this series is someone being pushed over and then staying on the ground. But wait! Casiolena is going to throw a big rock at our heroes! But luckily it all works out in the end, thanks to the power of teamwork!


The entire army destroying Manhattan (shown off-panel) has been repealed with a phone call, thanks to She-Hulk telling this one dude that a credit score can not be fixed with magic. For some reason, blood is leaking from my ears and eyes!

The fag roommate has powers out of nowhere? Or was he a powered character from the start?

Patsy gives the villain a stern talking to about the goodness in people's hearts and how friendship conquers all and then everybody goes home. And Patsy finally gets her Temp agency started! You know, that thing that was what the comic was supposed to be about in Issue goddamned 1?

Also no one involved in the wanton destruction of Manhattan will go to jail because everybody makes mistakes lol

She-Hulk says that Hedy's case is paper thin, despite Hedy having a contract that shows Dorothy Walker handing over the license to her, so Hedy hires Jessica Jones to dig up some dirt on Patsy! The End(?)

yes, jessica appears in one page and has one line despite being billed on the front cover and if you think this is an underhanded tactic to boost sales fuck you you misogynist

I hope Kates yellow ass teeth fall out of her fucking drugged out maw

Oh yeah, the confrontation between Patsy and Hedy! It never happened, whoops! Oh well, maybe some other time. Be sure to spend some more dollars next time, Kitties! Why are the readers dropping!?!!?

I don't understand it. Especially with these testimonials from very real people and not Marvel interns told to fake fan letters for the sake of cross promotion/making this comic seem bigger than it is!

what sort of merciful god would allow this to happen

This is the end result of being stuck in the Direct Market for decades. It's just fan fiction and crude scribbles now.

This is a monument to your sins, user


Wow, fucking wow. The previous 4 comics were shit but somehow Leth manage to make it even worse, this is how she ends his first arc? with Pansy getting his job again out of nowhere and the most boring,bland and short fight that I have ever see in my life? Fuck you Leth, fuck you in every hole you have.
The only thing of this thread that makes me happy is the fact that one of my post ended in the collage. And fuck you again OP for remind me of the existence of this crap

I'm starting to like this, not because it has any quality, but because it is like seeing someone really evil and disgusting to have a gangrene and it's body is slowly rotting away.

When I woke up this morning, I took a very painful shit. The turds were massive and they refused to break, no matter how much I begged them to. It took me thirty minutes to get all of those massive turds out, and my ass was in great pain. It took a lot of toilet paper to clean my ass, too.

That pain is nothing compared to this comic.

I firmly believe that some time ago the world ended and we are now in hell

The sinners know.

The world ended long ago. Thank CERN.


Oh boy! More adventures of some quirky teenage girl who doesn't really do much!

I like how big guy(?) here in page 3 brushes off the whole "you can't magic away your financial problems" argument despite it being literally the argument that convinces him four pages later. See, that is what is called a consistent character.

The entire meeting up to this point is Wolfe arguing that Walker cedes all rights since she didn't turn up and then She-Hulk just decides to up and run without even bothering to suggest postponing the meeting. Not like that whole "Hedy vs Patsy" conflict was set up as the main conflict on the front cover or anything! Also somehow this doesn't end in Wolfe going "I my lawyers say that since you ran off Walker cedes all her claims to her own image in my comics forever". Instead she apparently just buggers off, presumably to wonder how much of her own time she's just wasted.

First off, I like how the evil plot falls apart the moment one of the random mooks sits down and thinks about what their boss can and can't do. This is a very clever narrative technique which is designed to prevent any possible tension from building up as it helps establish that all the bad guys are idiots with no commitment to their goals.

Next up, oh boy! Hellcat has baited the villain into releasing the group from the cage in order to rough them up! Will she and her allies be able to beat this powerful mage?

Oh wait we'll just have She-Hulk and Ian come in to take out the witch instead. Patsy can deliver the final blow after we've firmly established that the villain has absolutely no hope of winning the fight or even delivering a blow.

You know, I still don't get why that guy is called Poppo the Cunning. If I was him I'd have just called the police the moment my boss did something wrong then walked away laughing as her complete lack of social skills leads to her assaulting some cops, getting arrested and then eventually stabbed for pulling the same softball villainy on the wrong person while in jail. Still I guess if he'd called the cops instead of Ian we might not have got to see our favourite QT Gay Couple in their Gender-Norm Challenging earrings and She-Hulk wouldn't have been able to tell that guy that his boss couldn't pay him. So I guess what I'm saying is fuck you Poppo for subjecting us to this entire story arc rather than just snitching the moment your boss came up with her plan and then finding some Asgardian embassy or whatever and going home.

I like how Bag Girl and Ian are in the panel when Patsy is talking about people can change with "a lot of work" given that both of them (in fact everyone so far as far as I can tell) has been redeemed by Patsy or someone else going "Knock it off, that's mean!". Can't have nasty, morally grey characters in our comics now can we? Redemptions for everyone!

…Except that hetro-cis-male in the first issue who got assaulted for arguing with his girlfriend but he was a dick and likes vaginas so who cares!

Also unless that's some other girl introduced for just one panel, Bag Girl didn't know Patsy was Hellcat, even though the Patsy-Hellcat connection is public knowledge and BG was introduced when she attempted to kidnap Hellcat from her place of work (as Patsy). Honestly, the level of incompetence of BG is pretty impressive, if she was any less good at what she does she'd probably accidentally fall in her bag of holding and get stuck..

Finally Patsy getting her ego-tattoo is apparently a big thing to Ian and is the note they end her bit on, because apparently we were either supposed to forget or things that happened last issue are supposed to shock us.

And just to end this issue on a high note: Twitter trolls! Exactly the kind of evil that need to have dirt dug up on them for vaguely malicious reasons! Why does Wolfe need dirt dug up on Patsy? What exactly is there to dig up on Patsy? Why do we still suffer this wretched existence? WHO CARES! SEE YOU NEXT TIME KITTIES!

This is going to be a disaster. Emperor save us.

The amount of terribleness of this comic hurts my brain and makes me wonder why death isn't happening already if life is confirmed nothing but that painful.
I need a catharsis so I'll write a tl;dr about this shit's incompetence. It's spoiling the entire comic so ignore it if you want to enjoy this masterpiece of a story to the fullest first.

The fucking cover
>scene that is actually precisely opposite to what happens, since the main character isn't there when it happens, the case actually is much less likely to be "safe" for Patsy's enemy, and the cliffhanger about there being a very important character at the very end gets spoiled LITERALLY RIGHT THERE AFTER SAYING IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE UNEXPECTED

So we start with Patsy fucking up her lawyer friend's job; but it's not entirely her fault because she's actually fighting crime, although in a rather stupid way which could've been made clearer and easier to deal with as was shown the previous time. Also, it's explained later she could've taken the time to tell she-hulk she got into a fight or some shit and thus would be late, but instead favoured taking a GODDAMN FUCKING SELFIE
While sharing with the reader how the totally evil lady is so unimportant, undangerous and harmless that when she asks to get people's tongues cut off she keeps duct tape close just in case her minion would feel bad doing it (rendering all sense of risk and tension moot), they make her to also be literally retarded for sending some powerless dude over to them and nicely ask them to surrender.
Meanwhile, something that actually involves emotion, difficulty and challenge is taking place, and obviously that implies the main character isn't there to deal with it and take care of it. This would mean she is responsible and actually trying to make things right in her own life, but this would force her to not have enough insecurities to get a tattoo of literally herself on a fucking whim out of nowhere. We realize lawyers are the only actual "evil" characters in this entire story, which at the very least proves that there is one thing the authors can grasp from reality. Note that the mean lawyer is a white man, and the other lawyers that are actually trying to do their job right are females of colour. One of those colours being green.
However, we reach the critical height of tension when a cup of coffee gets bumped out of nowhere thanks to incompetent artists who do not understand perspective and movement (note that the cup disappeared from the desk on the panel right before); thankfully, magic-boy who's so totally gay it needs to be proven by slim shirts, pants and SKULL GODDAMN EArRINGS HOLY SHIT IS HE LITERALLY THIRTEEN uses his mind-powers to prevent the coffee from dirtying hulk's shirt, which would've been actually the biggest amount of pain she would've had had to go through in the entire comic. And no, this isn't a joke. Literally the worst thing that could've happened to her was a coffee stain.
We hear that the hero of the comic, whom we've barely seen so far and who's done no actual fighting, since her only accomplishment was tying up some worthless henchman, seems to have gotten into contact asking for help. This would mean that she has an actual brain and can realize when she can't get things done on her own, but don't worry, later on we realize she didn't fucking do shit herself, it was all someone else's job.
Also notice the immense talent of the artist of the comic when the three characters are leaving the office. This is something first-years in art school are taught how to avoid. So, obviously, it could only be used for a panel that was supposed to make them look cool. Brilliant job.
So, we follow them actually taking the subway to get to the bad guys, which is something so mundane and bland you would think no writer in their right mind would consider viable in a superhero comic, but here we are, when they accidentally happen to meet one of the bad guys.
Again, I want to stress how heroes in this comic either don't do anything heroic themselves, or find heroic things to do on accident entirely.
Also, once again, an actual happening, with tension and gravity, is found out when tons of enemies seem to wreak havoc in the town; but don't worry, as usual, it'll be dealt with literally without the heroes having to do anything, since one of the baddies will call up someone and it'll get resolved just like that.
After WORDS WORDS WORDS, our protagonist gets in a pickle because she's actually being a massive cunt who can't keep her mouth shut, and we are shown once again that no one was in any sort of risk, seeing how a single run and punch was sufficient to get the main villain down. A SINGLE FUCKING ELBOW-PUNCH. Not a fight scene, not a long dialogue, no blood, no torture or struggle or tension. One hit.

We then have useless one-panel dialogues of Thor acting like a gurl, lol, as if nothing had happened. Like, who cares, gurlfriend, we kicked her butt, rite ? Yet the villain is lying there, left alone to keep attacking as soon as she stands up, which is obviously totally both showing how frightened they are of her (and thus how, again, we, the reader, should totally worry for the heroes' safety !), and exactly what heroes tend to do as a reflex : let the bad guy just get back up after being defeated, who cares, ya know.
Then, as usual, only actual risk that takes place is dealt with by not-the-protagonist-of-the-comic, who so far has neither called for help, defeated anyone, saved anyone, fought with anyone, even HIT anyone, fixed her legal bullshit or done any other such thing. It was all always somebody else, and this includes her own enemy. This all seems to be relevant to the author and the audience of this story, who very probably are people incapable of accomplishing or even doing anything, and expect everyone else to do everything for them.
… but she will still kick the villain when her attack's been dealt with. Once there's nothing to worry about, she's totally saving the day you know ! Also, notice how she kicks the bad girl's right cheek, and then you see her left cheek being bruised on the next panel.
We have then a dialogue where the villain tries to convince a good guy of becoming a bad guy, alluring him with her ways, and all other people around him telling him "DON'T DO IT YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR", just for him to tell everyone "uh yeah I know why are you even saying that are you dense ?", so we wasted some more space for fucking worthless, indifferent drivel. Every single bit of tension, even purely internal conflict-related ones, are rendered worthless, unimportant and forgettable as soon as they're even introduced.
Someone was paid to write this shit.
Oh and by the way all the bad guys who were convinced to be bad guys and do bad stuff just said "oh well let's stop" at the first call they were given. You know. Because who cares, right ? Anything that happens can get dropped in literal seconds in this comic, and perhaps this explains the complete lack of focus, interest, purpose and sense of it all.
I also love the "why did it contact Ian's phone ?" part, because it is impressively obvious it was a basic "wait, shit, there's no reason it wouldn't contact hulk or someone else if she was in need of help… fuck, how am I supposed to explain that one ? Wait, I guess I'll just shove this fucking excuse down there", which is representative of laziness and talentlessness that goes beyond the pathetic.

We finally get to the end. Hellcat, being the brave, proud hero that she is, namely a hack, hands out a crammed up speech about what it means to be good or to be evil. Aside from being written terribly and clumsily, the dialogue has no purpose, comes out of nowhere from a character that represents everything wrong with helping a community or being heroic, and overall has neither class, panache, pride nor beauty to it. "I'll kick the butts that need kicking" is however a great lesson from an amazing role-model, right everyone ?
Note that, in short, her morale is : "if you're a person who has destroyed property, put lives in danger, considered killing, stealing, breaking, demolishing, but at the end you're totally cool with us, then you don't even have to deal with justice don't worry lol".
By the way no I'm not kidding. Apparently none of the bad guys who caused such havoc seem to be about to face the smallest repercussion.

We're then shown to everything left getting resolved behind the main character's back, as usual; from her temp agency that was taken care of without her even asking, to her case being apparently totally easy to win. And then, a "haha, here's a TOTALLY HUGE SURPRISE", that actually is drawn and told as if we were supposed to not be expecting what was to come, when, again, it was literally spoiled as a joke on the fucking cover of the comic.

So thank you OP, I can't wait for the next ones, and the numbers for this one's sales. The less it sells, the more cocks Kate has to suck to remain part of this shitty medium's workforce, and I can't help but smugly feel content knowing she is going through the pain of being a straight woman pretending online she's totally a lesbian having to suck dicks for a living.

>Saying your review posts will spoil the comic as if someone would read your summary first

Channel Awesome fans plz leave
I'm surprised you didn't introduce yourself like we all know Val, the Holla Forums poster

The hag really went for the low hanging fruit, didnt she?




… but I said at the very beginning this shit was my own tl;dr catharsis. Of course it's shit. it wasn't meant to be a review, but a way to vent off.
Chill, you nigger.

It's okay Val. I appreciate lengthy posts more than the average reaction gif.



So much rage. So much salt. So unfiltered.

At least Holla Forums promotes this kind of stuff. Cuckchan forgot what it was supposed to be.

Seriously, why does all the art from these SJW hipsters fucking suck? It's so bland and undetailed.

But it's so off-beat and colorful! Why don't you like it, user? It's so charmingly homosexual!

She was kicked out of Asgard for having a bitch fit, seriously?

The world actually ended in 2007 and we've been in hell ever since. Things are starting to add up now, aren't they?

Man, I'd like to know this too. I have a friend who used to draw a lot of really detailed shit, but within the last couple years, they started to adapt the "tumblr" style. It rustles me because they threw out all the fundamentals they knew and you could see their stuff degrade, so now everything is stiff, flat, and lifeless.


as She-Hulk said, Hedy's case is paper-thin

nothing because she's perfect

God is a spiteful bitch

and my fucking namefaggery was still on from the Holla Forums gauntlet. FML

I don't know how Hedy's case is paper thin, since Patsy's mom gave Hedy the rights. Was it a fake mom? Were there givesies backsies on the licensing rights?

Joining a cult tends to make you lose anything resembling creativity or skill.
It's easier to control you when you act like, look like, and produce the same shit as every other cultist.
tumblr version of Jonestown massacre when?

This seems increasingly likely.
At the very least we're in purgatory.

But you have'nt gotten to see She-hulk save the sweet dance building from the evil Fly Men who want to renovate it yet.

Who look at this and think "yeah! let's publish it! I'm sure our readers love manfaced manhanded monsters in their superhero comicbooks"?

What is that? No, really.

Why did they publish this?

Someone was paid real, actual money to create this.

Jesus, why is Marvel still in the comic book business? Nobody buys them anymore.

If Marvel and DC get their market research from sites like ComicAlliance, its no wonder why theyre continuing throwing their money away.

Makes sense. The Editor-In-Cheif is an insane gay canuck who finds covers featuring asses and tits to be vile, but desperately wants more homo porn in his comics.

The other day he published possibly the saltiest article in the history of the internet all because Frank Cho draws women's asses.>>573994

It sucks because it's the fastest and the cheapest.

Hipsters are the new wetbacks of the entertainment industry. They'll gladly do any shit job if it gets them "prestige".

Holy fuck.

Does /cow/ still exist? I think have someone in need of milking.

This site's /cow/ is compromised last I checked.

He is a literal faggot.

I wish someone would do a storytime of his comic. I want to cringe with you guys.

Oh trust me. We will always exist. We'll probably exist until the universes's heat death. Come and join us.

Sell us this lolcow with links.

You won't be disappointed.:)


Who said anything about God being merciful?

Wow, now I'm really at the edge of my seat.

God took one long look at this, saw the quality and, like most of Kate Leth's potential readers, fucked off to spend his time reading something of quality.



That's not even cut rate. Kirby Krackle is made to convey cosmic power. Those are just shitty dots that make the portal look like swiss cheese.

Also, nice sponge brush there. Nothing quite says quality like bad photoshop.

dear god, how could the SJW crowd be so retarded?

Did she just break that fatty's neck?

It's incredible that this comment applies to literally every panel.

The SJW crowd don't know what irony is.


Cleavage is sexist, shitlord!

Real women don't have tits!

You fucking shitlord

I like how the pitch for the comic is:

But during the whole run of this series She-Hulk has to mommy her and solve all her problems because Patsy's a bumbling retard that can't do anything right.

It's as if the character truly is self-aware and trying to escape the shit writers put her in.

You'd think if Kate Leth actually watched Jessica Jones she'd make 'Trish' a lot smarter and much more competent. But that would require respecting female characters I guess.



The sad thing is that there are Kirby Cackle brushes for Photoshop, and you can get them for cheap.

I got mine in a massive pack of brushes for $15. I literally just threw this piece of shit together with the brushes I have.

The artist in question either has no desire to improve their abilities or refuses to spend actual money on their craft.

Did fucking Dobson color this piece of shit?


Back in my day, gross was reserved for children talking about snot.


If anyone ever wondered why tumblr artists are shit, here's why.

Why kill them quickly when you can watch them burn with their own insecurity and hypocrisy?

tumblr artists are scared of secondary sexual characteristics and properly shaped human beings.

They'll never be good cartoonists if they refuse to understand anatomy.

Anatomy is gross.

Anatomy is problematic. If my character's hips make it look she has a extra bone above her right thigh then don't you bodyshame her!

Not who you're responding to, but I wouldn't find it so annoying if you weren't also a namefag.

In future, maybe use smaller paragraphs and avoid over using cursing or block caps.

Overall 6.5/10, made some good points, not the worst rant I've read. Just needed a little more direction. Quality over quantity.

What in the fuck is this bullshit?
Why the hell is She-Hulk an oblong shape instead of an amazonian supermodel? And don't even give me the shit that she's bulky because the Hulk is bulky, isn't the whole gamma transformation supposed to turn you into what your subconscious wants? Walters wants to be a hot chick, while Banner wants to be a fucking bull in a china shop!

Picking the place where Dr doom and Dr strange hang out is already retarded enough,but this plan would've been lucky if the punisher only killed 2 of them in the rampage.


This one panel has had more effort put into it than the entire comic this thread is about.

Yep, how fucking DARE Cho give money to charity!

How do these twats function in the real world? From the way this guy talks it sounds like he spends every single day on Twitter kissing feminists' asses and talking shit about straight white men.

No, you don't get it user. Being hot isn't empowering. She-Hulk needs to be empowering! Little girls who don't read comics and probably never will need to know that you can look like a green potato and boys will still find you attractive! And if they don't then they're just dirty misogynists!

Those are the wimpiest looking heroes I have ever seen…


They're both flaming faggots, is it any wonder?


Jesus Christ, did Kurtz steal that chewing gum from Wonka's factory?!

Oh YEAH! I remember walking by him during San Diego Comic Con a long time ago and I all I was thinking was "Wow. That is a big mother fucker."

Do they live in a van down by the river?


That would explain his depression. Thats a very unhealthy way to live.


Holy shit, he's TOTALLY Violet Beauregard!

I think it is less compromised and more that they are of the "Observation" kind, since the baiters/milkers generally go/went to /baphomet/ aka /baph/

So they want you to provide initial content they can discuss rather then dig it out or milk it out of the lolcows.

I think that may be part due just due CWCs milking ending up ruining his content badly due "HA I MADE CHIRS INCLUDE ME IN HIS COMIC" and "I MADE CHRIS INTO A TRANNY!" faggotry so they don't really engage with shit like Tamer to avoid repeating that.

It's telling when troll pictures of the author being fucked by a horse is better drawn than the book she writes.

I'd fap to this if her body shape wasn't so off-putting.

Meanwhile Black Canary has been retooled to meet a SJW clientele and is now part of a grrl power rock and roll band. Smash the patriarchy!

I can go and bully the lowlife trashbag, if I ever take a break from pushing Jeph "Smacked Some Queer 'Til He Was In Tears" Jacques into suicide genocidal berserker rage.

No promises, but the offer's on the table.


And yet I got complaints that she should be more unfappable.

Whenever I think of Kate Leth I remember her when she had dyed black hair and that straight cut, before her current appearance reasserts itself. I think it's because that cut is more recognizable and, daresay, "iconic" than her subsequent generic hipster hairstyles.

I wish I didn't hate myself enough to put myself through this shit but alas

So Hellcat is a superhero whose superpower is making actual superheroes rescue her stupid, useless ass


This reads like a fucking parody of the worst types of capeshit but it's not a parody jesus fuck end my life

I can't fucking tell unless they actually specify the gender with any of these fucking characters because the art is so fucking shit


bravo Letch

He single-handedly brought down his exponentially more powerful boss with a single phone call, without anyone figuring it out until he explained it himself. I'd hardly call him a retard.

On the other hand, as explained in his post, he could have done better.

He's in NYC and the only person he could think of to call for backup was one of Hellcat's friends rather than one of the 8 million actual heroes out there. What if Ian or whatever the fuck was just some non-powered retard? Then what would he have done?

To be fair, his much more powerful boss is a complete retard. Her plan was to recruit kids to destroy Manhattan by promising them debt removal and better credit scores via magic and then telling normal henchmen to fist fight superstrong super heroes. The only reason she got as far as she did is because everyone in the comic is monumentally stupid.

His name is Poppo the Cunning. Although the "heroes" are idiots, he did keep a flawless poker face until he outright explained his scheme to bring down his bitchy boss. He is indeed much smarter and more resourceful than he lets on. Who's to say he doesn't have extensive intel on those he deals with?

Hell, maybe Poppo is the brains of the operation and Casiolena is just a retard with too much magic mojo.

Now consider this: what if he brought down his powerful but idiotic boss not out of spite at being mistreated, but because she's too much of a liability for his plans. So he calls a bunch of gullible heroes and feeds them a line about being mistreated by his overbearing cunt of a boss, because he knows these idiots are all about defending the opressed and whatnot, plus he's seemingly harmless and pathetic.

Perhaps that's why he sent the message to Hellcat's associates, other heroes were probably busy or would stand more of a chance to figuring the whole thing out. So he judged summoning the retards to be the best option. If they defeated his boss and freed him, good. If they died, he gets rid of them and his cover stays intact.

Female power fantasies sure are lame. Constantly being rescued by others doesnt exactly make someone powerful. Unless shes Empowered of course.

I can't wait until we loop even further, and traditionalism becomes the new "hip" thing to go back to, in defiance of mainstream feminist insanity. They're quickly becoming the loudest voices and the ones who govern culture, which means they'll soon be in the same spot as traditionalists were over the past few decades, being seen as "the Man" and thus defied as much as possible by younger generations.

Holla Forums newfag reporting in. I've lurked in these threads before for laughs, but I always came out confused, so I Jewgled it and I'm even more confused now.


A superhero doesn't necessarily need powers, nor does a superhero comic need to revolve around someone with powers. One of Marvel's oldest "superheroes" was a detective who wore a costume but no fucking mask (The Angel)

Who cares, capeshit is capeshit.

I think a super hero at least has to have some extraordinary qualities. Like Batman's infinite supply of money. Without that he'd just be a vigilante.

Batman and the Punisher are valid super heroes because they both had decades of intensive training before they actually decided to go out agains't crime. Hellcat becoming a super hero because she was athletic is pretty stupid, but they tried to remedy that latter on:

No, from my research, it seems what qualifies as a "superhero" is a costume and a secret identity. The secret identity portion is almost integral to the entire genre of superheroes. There needs to be that aspect of a double life they lead outside the realm of normal people.

So yeah, you don't need super-powers to be a superhero. Superheroes are like furries, except one group engages in wanton depravity, and the other is furries.

I'm not really arguing that a person without powers is not a superhero. Batman and Punisher are as much heroes to me as Captain America and Spider-Man, even though they don't exactly have powers.

What I'm saying is that a hero with no power or training would be a shitty one and would be killed or permanently crippled in the first months. It's like the kid from Kick-Ass.

A man who had intensive military training for almost two decades, have a huge resolve to put the fight agains't crime above anything else in his life (The Punisher), is a way more qualified super hero than a normal girl who happens to do yoga and jogging, like Hellcat.

But anyway… like I mentioned in here: They at least tried to remedy this part of her origin.

You really gotta let that shit go when you're reading capes. To focus on how implausible that some chick who only does yoga and jogging is able to fight super-criminals is being overly captious when dealing with such stories. No superhero is qualified to be a superhero realistically, so that idea of realism is the first thing you ditch going in.

Now, I'm not defending Hellcat or fucking Kate Leth's super-slob, but getting hung up over capes not being the most practical in a real-world sense is stupid.

I'm not defending realism, but suspension of disbelief only goes so far. Punisher and Batman aren't pratical or realistic in any kind of way. Any guy who would do the same in real life would die.

But even in fantasy, even in unrealistic settings, there is a need for it to at least follow some kind of logic. It's not because something is not realistic that it would despict fire as being cold, without giving any reasonable or logic explanation of why.

The fact that this person and people like her works at Marvel comics makes me very sad. How long until the comics crash again?

It shouldn't make you sad. It should make you angry.

Kate Leth is the poster child for everything wrong with mainstream comics. She's an unprofessional clown who can neither draw nor write, but she has a steady gig working for Marvel.

It's like the universe wanted a living example of how far the medium has fallen. Her disgusting face can sum of decades worth of decadence and degradation.

Who…..who fucking likes this garbage? Seriously I've read Archie comics that were better written than this!

Remember that Leth says she's bisexual. So that would mean DC is catering to her sexuality by hiring Cho.

And it's almost as if super hero costumes are made out of fabric that doesn't exist in the real world…

Is it bad I thought this was Erica Henderson's art?

I mean, it looks almost exactly like it, except for the faces only being slightly less cringe

All this let me know is that getting in today's comic book business is fairly easier than what it seems. Even when I worked on PULP, our quality was and is much better than this "professional" bullshit.

Actually it's harder. Unless you're well known and have connections, you can't possibly get a job with mainstream comics.

The fuck is PULP?

Yes. This is what comics are these days.

Needs more wrinkles and pock marks.

What kind of merciful god allows such horrible cringe inducing writing to walk this earth. I always thought evil like this was confined to the hell of FanFiction.Net and Deviantart.

Even when I was just a 9 years old I knew the comic "figure" was just essentially naked people wearing paint. How much you wanna bet this fool hasn't been a comic fan for more than a few years.

She never liked comics to begin with.

Is she trying to imply that gay porn is somehow misogynist?

Man, Jacques really want to slide the ol' pork-clitoris into her, doesn't he?

where do you think Marvel found its current creative team, besides Tumblr that is.

Feminists hate fags, as the oracle of Holla Forumsphi has predicted they've started trying to remove the G from LGBT this year

That sounds like a sandwich.

Shouldn't they remove the L instead? Since Lesbians are Gays as well, but not every Gay is a Lesbian? I always thought having L and G was redundant.

no no, you don't understand.

2 men = double oppressor
2 women = double oppressed
So clearly, you need the L to stay in.

It is a sandwich.

This is ironically rich. Considering gay men as group have been historically butchered and actually oppressed more viciously and maliciously than any of the others.

Literally MS Paint quality

Can we get a storytime of the original Patsy Walker comics instead?