goodbye Holla Forums
Goodbye Holla Forums
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lucky bastard
he is serving a life sentence in prison
how is that lucky?
Pedo Superman. He takes it in the ass in prison now though. No pussy is worth that not even the hairless variety.
alpha ken isn't anyone's bitch
I’ve gotta say… he looks like quite the catch.
what kind of douche bag takes off his shirt and dances at his own wedding.
The brides relatives must been thinking exactly the same thing
Whatta douchebag
yeah, and he listens to smash mouth too
The kind that's got a great body.
do you want to be friends on reddit or tumbler instead?
HAHAHAHA. silly fingers. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
don't fuck with Alpha Ken
We should get a petition started to free Ken ;_;
♫hit me baby one more time♫
Kylie had fond memories of that song
it's the wrong song
Wat? I could have sworn it was Britney Spears' hit me baby - maybe that was one of the other vids. I haven't seen them in ages.
Well, I stand corrected.
It is "Hit me baby one more time" all right, but not on the salty milk video. HMBOMT appears on the video where she is tied up on her knees.
Daughterfucker was a cop. smdh.
Why are pedos stupid enough to videotape shit? Why not just enjoy the moment? Chances are she would have turned on him anyway but still. Especially a cop, god damn moron!
He filmed the rape because he wanted to trade the videos in exchange for more child rape.
This is why free speech for pedophiles shouldn't be tolerated.
Pedos dominating the comments kek.
tl;dr on this one pl0x?
She is Kylie Freeman, a.k.a, Vicky, star of the most downloaded CP video ever (at the time.) Her Dad was caught on America's Most Wanted. In one video he asks her "What does it (his cum/cock) taste like?" She responds. "Kind of like…salty milk. It doesn't really taste like anything."
But user picked the wrong song that way playing in the background here. It's the song from his wedding videos in the OP.