RMS thread? Dump all of your RMS images.
RMS thread? Dump all of your RMS images
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Did they fix the mediaserver? Let's find out.
Seems to be ok, but I'm still getting 503 from time to time.
I'd just like to interject for a moment...
What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
-- Stallman about how to pay for hookers
Is it real?
Do you have any brain cells?
What's the purple sign?
Laughing Bill's Ass Off
Abv. An expression used when freetards try to change society in any meaningful way
Does anyone have the picture of RMS giving a lecture in a squattted house in south america (if I'm correct) ? thanks
The top sign says "alto", meaning "high", so he's put down "bajo" meaning "low".
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Real, is in fact, Real/Ideology, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Reality plus Ideology. Reality is not an ontological doctrine unto itself, but rather another free component within the ontological fabric, knitted by the hegemonic systems of representation and reproduction, comprising a full ontological doctrine as defined by Plato.
Many people run a modified version of the Ideological system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Ideology which is widely used today is often called “Real”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically an Ideological system, developed by the ruling class. There really is a Real, and these people exist within it, but it is just a part of the system they experience.
Reality is the state of things as they actually exist. The truth is an essential part of an ontological doctrine, but useless by itself; it can only be experienced in the context of a complete Symbolic Interpretation. Reality is normally used in combination with false consciousness: the whole system is basically Real with Ideology added, or Real/Ideology. All the so-called “ideological conceptions' are really distributions of Real/Ideology
He got raped by a bird?
Oh shit. Is that a personal tracking device? I don't think this guy understands it at all.
What kind of laptop is that? I know RMS uses a X200, but they make them in white?
That was his old laptop.
quick save the memes
Theo and rms together, what a nice picture.
Does he even have one?
Good question. He used to live in his MIT office, but I don't know if he still sleeps somewhere on the campus there.
please keep adding images, i need to add to my sticker library
That's an error message I haven't seen before.
best pics in the thread
I heard he rents an apartment now.
I also heard a change of administration kicked him from his office at the AI lab. It was Marvin Minsky who allowed RMS to live there
Is the bird in these pictures RMS's bird?
I want pictures of where RMS lives. I bet he's a hoarder.
Should I send him an email about it?
good shoop tbh.
they have actually met in the past. that Linus Torvalds award thing that is seen in the final scenes of Revolution OS
Professional neet Richard Stallman just got awarded 35'000$.
I'm picturing RMS sitting inside a burger king eating about $40 worth of chicken nuggets, french fries and onion rings. A nigger family sits nearby and spazzes out, loudly singing and screaming at their iphones. RMS, of course, interjects.
tech should stop worship this piece of shit of a faggot who doesn't contribute to anything from decades and spend all his egomaniacal efforts into being a preachy autist who steals the credits for other people's achievements (see the whole gnu\linux bullshit)
wget -e robots=off --no-check-certificate -nc -nd -nv -ERhtml -Ajpg,JPG -r rms.sexy/img
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as GNU/Linux is in fact GNU. Linux is not part of the operating system itself, but is the kernel that is not covered by the naming system of an operating system as defined by common sense.
Many users run operating systems such as Windows, OSX, and a variant of BSD yet do not use a cumbersome naming system that includes the kernel, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, GNU has been the exception to this for no reason and has just been called "Linux" for no good reason, and many others use the insane, cumbersome term "GNU/Linux", mostly because the GNU project doesn't want you to think that Linux is a part of GNU.
There really is a Linux, and it's not part of GNU, but it's a kernel, and no one really specifies using it. GNU is the OS; the actual base system you interact with, and is useful with any compatible kernel; it can function with many different kernels such as kBSD or even NTOSKRNL.EXE, so the whole system should only specify the kernel when it matters, because all these kernels are really irrelevant regarding GNU.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as FBI/Yourmom is in fact FBI. Yourmom is not part of the operating system itself, but is the kernel that is not covered by the naming system of an operating system as defined by common sense.
Many users run operating systems such as Windows, OSX, and a variant of BSD yet do not use a cumbersome naming system that includes the kernel, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, GNU has been the exception to this for no reason and has just been called "Yourmom" for no good reason, and many others use the insane, cumbersome term "FBI/Yourmom", mostly because the FBI project doesn't want you to think that Yourmom is a part of FBI.
There really is a Yourmom, and it's not part of FBI, but it's a kernel, and no one really specifies using it. FBI is the OS; the actual base system you interact with, and is useful with any compatible kernel; it can function with many different kernels such as kBSD or even NTOSKRNL.EXE, so the whole system should only specify the kernel when it matters, because all these kernels are really irrelevant regarding FBI.
does RMS know people shitpost about him constantly on vietnamese anime boards
Lurk Moar you newfag fuck
He made these comments before Holla Forums was a thing but since he's also commented on GamerGate (he's an SJW faggot by the way) then he certainly knows Holla Forums exists as well
/r/ing rms mails
Home of rms?
>>>Holla Forums
This isn't Holla Forums.
rms gets more pussy than us
thank you user
Reminder that faking is a thing.
>>>Holla Forums
You know what's funny? I've only ever saw the RMS version for many many years and thought it was real, how many other lies are freetards spreading?
Full speech:
/r/ing sauce
Above 72 fahrenheit (22 centigrade) I find sleeping quite difficult.
(If the air is dry, I can stand 23 degrees.) A little above that
temperature, a strong electric fan blowing on me enables me to sleep.
More than 3 degrees above that temperature, I need air conditioning to
pic sauce
Please don't be surprised if I pull out my computer at dinner and
begin handling some of my email. I have difficulty hearing when there
is noise; at dinner, when people are speaking to each other, I usually
cannot hear their words. Rather than feel bored, or impose on
everyone by asking them to speak slowly at me, I do some work.
Step on a lego.
Where do I get this fat beautiful motherfucker to sign my Thinkpad?
Were you born retarded, son?
Where in the world is Richard Stallman?
President and founder of the Free Software Foundation Richard Stallman has an extensive travel schedule and frequently gives talks about free software all over the world.
If you would like Richard Stallman (RMS) to speak at your event, please contact [email protected].
If you would like RMS to come to your school and speak, try asking professors in IT-related departments if they would like to bring him. They can contact [email protected].
You can find video and audio recordings of many of Dr. Stallman's speeches and lectures at audio-video.gnu.org.
May 25, 2016 10:00 AM Tangiers, Morocco Event Richard Stallman - "Logiciel libre au coeur du développement numérique" (Tangiers, Morocco)
May 28, 2016 03:00 PM Monza, Italy Event Octet Stream Richard Stallman - "Copyright vs Community" (Monza, Italy)
Jul 24, 2016 01:00 PM New York, New York Event Richard Stallman - "Freedom and Privacy in Our Lives, Our Governments and Our Schools" (The Eleventh HOPE, New York, NY)
That one in New York looks like it'd be a good talk. Wish I could go.
Will you guys grow up and get over this communist nutcase?
+10 rupees have been added to your account
Post 'em, lazies.
Dam this takes a lot of self control to try and continue arguing intelligibly while having some other guy spergling like a retard
I would gone berserk on the guy and ridiculed myself
do you have the sauce? please
video is at the bottom of the page
Holy shit! He actually speaks like a cartoon character.
why do you people idolize this sperg?
Now it's called rape
but in that time you could ban anyone no one would come crying and say the he/she was raped just because they felled bad after the event.
You seem lost.
So nobody's going to post the foot eating video huh?
I guess it's up to me then.
because he and lost of others was right from the beginning.
Without some of his work and coworkers you would not have some technologies like printing files over network or advanced AIs (artificial intelligence) or not in the actual state that we have it.
He helped creating a world/tool where free speech stands a chance against very bad entities.
If the software world had saints, Stallman would have been beatified long ago
-Steven Levy
Nobody's perfect user especially those who goes on image boards.
Stallman had a really tough life to assume.
When he proposed the idea of the free software movement in the the cold war.
Where anything that didn't look American/capitalist was immediately considered has communism witchcraft.
He was mocked for his ideas to the point where any one of us would have committed suicide.
Even if he is eccentric, even if he is weird or acts weird
he fight for you and is freedom.
I lost it at the furry one. Holy fucking lol.
webm pls
Not sure if he really eats something here. I've watched some speeches and he sometimes chews just randomly. But well, I'm not sure.
Then again, eating yourself is natural. Cut your finger? Put in mouth, suck the blood.
Not him, but Holla Forums is right, never trust a kike. His philosophy and license is also pretty communist and degenerate.
nah, go back to your shithole.
Shut the fuck up. Stallman is way too autistic to be evil.
My whole life feels like a fucking lie right now.
thank you swnpai
Feel free to go back to sucking microcock then, friend-o. We'll be over here enjoying not getting spied on by our GPL software. Go on, get that Windows 10 update already; it's only free for another couple weeks now.
You're trying way too hard to sound superior.
And you're not?
Kill yourself, (((stallman))) is going to be hanged come day of the rope along with the rest of the degenerate GPL faggots
I still don't understand why people complain about degeneracy on a degenerate imageboard.
Holla Forums is working hard to purge the degenerates. Soon, this site will be for the master race only. That means no more (((stallman))) or GPL.
Holla Forums or just a really bored shitposter detected.
That's fucking retarded, naming Holla Forums doesn't make me Holla Forums or a shitposter.
But that won't come til after the fucko squad breaks down your door and rapes you to death after Microsoft tells them you've been a bad goy. Don't worry though famalam; I'm sure Officer Tyrone will be gentle.
breddy based btw: youtube.com
That's from the "Alternative Freedom" movie.
I highly recommend watching it.
"Richard M. Stallman interjecting live on stage"
Sorry for being such a faggot.
he just has one big belly, the rest of his body is not fat, unlike
Krita mirror tool?
these are excellent. what free software are you using darling?
music educator
the true face of cuckman
I'm sure he felt the bern plenty after le outsider endorsed hillary
i am amazed that Stallman and Chomsky managed to be in the same room together without creating an autism singularity that would destroy the universe.
so tell us about it. all i know is that he explained why you can't parse html with regex
Not really a cuck if hes the other guy
I don't get it.
Made me chuckle a bit.
Forgot the cover. That's all for now. Enjoy.
>but systemd is ok, redhat is your friend XDDD
I've been following that doctrine for a while, why learn or do something when others do it for free
He has SJWish tendencies, but he's usually reasonable about them. He says things like this:
But how is it related to that video?
Anyone got more of these or knows (if) the generator?
curl -s stallman.org
Love that color glitch, how to reproduce?
what a worthwhile thread so much technological discussion let's sagebomb all technology threads so we can keep posting and bumping a 4 month old thread about some ugly obese pedophile jew
Someone should harvest his semen so his genes can survive since he seems to have followed the wizard path.
He's not a virgin, but he doesn't want any kids.
Damn, I guess the GNU project will be his legacy, his way of leaving his memory in this world. Not through genes but through his work...
do you have any proofs to back up those claims?
He will be the first to upload his brain to the internet.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Brain, is in fact, GNU/Brain, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Brain. Brain is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Brain”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Brain, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Brain is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the body’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Brain is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Brain added, or GNU/Brain. All the so-called “Brain” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Brain.
This was missing this picture. For god's sake.
-3/10 reddit tier meme
He's jewish by ethnicity. That's easy to verify and not secret.
He wrote on his site that he thinks it's possible to give meaningful consent if you're under 18 years old, so he must be a pedophile. There's no other explanation.
it's trollface newfags
I thought Holla Forums would be more intelligent. Since when are thoughts about moral, ethics or politics related to sexual orientation?
Read a bit about his thoughts on sex with parrots to get him/his humor right:
>>>Holla Forums
I thought "There's no other explanation" would be sarcastic enough to get, but I guess not.
I see, my fault.
Dude, ur dumb. That's like saying you think there's nothing wrong with gays makes you gay. Are you retarded?
That was sarcasm. Notice the "There's no other explanation".
Vid related to first one.
The amount of cringe is unreal.
Absolutely the worst Holla Forums WEBM ever posted, without exception
got some more interesting ones
aaaand that's enough
RMS is speaking nearby on Oct 8th and I was thinking of attending. What questions should I ask on behalf of 8ch?
When is GNU/Hurd finished.
Does he drink proprietary beer?
I can give you his answers.
He's not directly involved with it and it's not important any more.
He doesn't drink beer at all.
no idea if these were already posted, have some gnu ascii stuff
#### A Virtual Richard Matthew Stallman## from mail~AT~philipnewborough~DOT~co~DOT~uk##$the_cow =
This makes Donald Trump's Rosie O'Donnell webm look like friendly banter.