When did Comic Alliance become such cancer?


It's sad to see one of the biggest comic sites attack an artist because he doesn't fit into their new SJW vision of comics.

Pretty sure they've always been

I mean I guess, but it seems they got worse once SJWs started taking over all the major characters and driving them into the ground. They are defending this shitty behavior and while they make fun of Cho, his art is 100x better than any of the shit-tier art in comics you see today.

They've been cancer since forever.

Can you believe at one point Chris Sims wasn't an insufferable cuck? CA not even once.

I'd like to believe that when a site is willing to publish irrelevant childish whining like this, it's a clear sign that they're on a sinking ship.

So Art is only Art when it panders to white/hating, manlet/hating feminists and other leftist scum?

Then art is trash, I prefer to be an Ilustrator than an artist that muhces black dick.

I hope comics fucking die.


In their opinion yes. Art is only as good as how subversive it is. Obviously what they consider "subversive" is actually just the agenda that the elites they claim to be fighting against are pushing.

Remember when art was about beauty?


Holy shit, I'm going to get hypernatremia from the amount of salt Cho is generating today.

Keep going you crazy as fuck Asian.

The best part is that he doesn't give a fuck

oh wow like that so problematic shitlord what about the differently aesthetic?

I just want to die and take everyone with me.

This is new to you?

I can't remember what site was it that nuked its forums after users started trolling a female guest. Was it CA or ComicBookResources?

nice vitalism bigot

Go fucking figure…


It was always cancer.

Is getting this much negative press bad for Cho though? Will Marvel can him for pissing off their clique of sjws?

It actually increases his value.

Somebody say…

Frank Cho doesn't work for Marvel. Anything he does for Marvel or DC is freelance, as both Marvel and DC lack the initiative to hire real talent.

Remember this means nothing if you don't openly mock them, and support Cho.

The SJW are only confident when they feel like the majority, and feel like everyone believes their ideals unquestioning.

Make them feel like the minority they are, and have everyone mock and poke-holes in what they believe in, and they turn into a raving child- drivng away even more supporters.

And share good comics you've found so others can support them. Re-build the industry on the backs of new, good work. No point in sitting in a vacuum crying over the good old days as the worst days keep threatening to stay.

No, and SJWs either don't realize it, or just can't helps themselves.
If Cho needs $1000 or is just bored, all he needs to do now is just draw another outrage cover. Additionally, any cover by him will generate attention now. Press is talking about his new Wonder Woman cover. In case of Street Fighter, it helped to spread the word about a comics and for many people it was probably first time hearing about its publisher, Udon.

He had a contract with Marvel for nearly 15 years. Interiors for first four issues of the Totally Awesome Hulk were his last obligation. Now he is supposedly tied to two or possibly three new independent projects.

TLDR: Treat them like we used to treat emos back in the day.

This is very important. The mainstream publishers WILL NOT SAVE US. They're going to just keep publishing sub-par work until there's a major shake-up in the market.

This is going to be next trend in comics: Triggering SJWs for free press.

It worked for the new DOAX game

it's a sign