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It's the second of the seven signs of 8chans endtimes. Repent now and leave your shitposting ways, before it is too late and judgement will be passed on you.
Jesus fuck the post quick reply box feels like an unending acid trip.
So where do we go?
The regular reply box at the top is just as bad
Dunno, leave your computer, start working on a life?
Already doing that, but sometimes I need my shitpost fix…
Look at all this other shit happening behind the scenes.
such a pain
Heh, no problem on the Overchan app for Android.
Could give less of a shit.
Where to, anons?
Basically this is part of a internet-wide trend of trying to give people who aren't fucking retarded no place to go to talk.
It's literally the government/military/corporation structure pretending to be retarded admins and censoring everything intelligent right and left as college kids get done with classes.
The botnet is real. Total surveillance was just the very beginning of something much more evil.
I can tell you can care more, so why not?
The head admin giving out global bans for disagreeing is also a dumb move.
I. don't. care.
I'm leaving and I want to know where to.
Are you for real?
That's the first sign I was referring to, the end is coming, repent and leave your shitposting ways.
You could try boards that aren't designed to be shit?
Would be hilarious if someone did a cp dump cuz it would be upside down and blue and nobody would know what to do LOLOL
get the fuck out, what is this shit
Well it would still look like CP, I think.
They're banning dissidents behind the scene.
Just like Sandy Hook false flag was used to cover up Obama's horrible foreign policy
This, They're creating confusion and chaos in order to ban people without being noticed.
But wait a second, look at the board log.
They did exactly fuck all.
The whole website is dead. Even Holla Forums has weeks' old threads.