Massive weeb faggot with super strict rules on the anime board. Does not allow opposistion of lolis, and bans people even for the slightest grammatical errors.
Actually not that bad. He's the best I've seen so far. Maybe he's not harsh enough on shitposters, and sometimes too harsh though. Mark is also a great guy.
Doesn't do jack shit, and gave the board to a WTSnacks-tier 4cuck named Tiw. He removed spam… sometimes, and when so, very slowly. He didn't care about the board, and just circlejerked on the IRC.
Massive cuck. Globally banned for 6 weeks because his feelings were hurt. Worst mod on Holla Forums I've seen so far. Tiw is probably Jim, a massive Facebook hugbox SJW. I've called globals and Hotwheels faggots directly many times, but Tiw is such a special snowflake that he can't take it and he bans me globally.
Not that horrible, just gives 2 week bans for any sort of spam, whether it's 10 or it's 50, and doesn't come on to remove spam early enough.
Shits up Holla Forums with garbage memes and terrible CSS/stickies. Lowcard himself is pretty cool though. He's slow to delete CP, which is quite sad.
Garbage mod who circlejerks about his red raccoon, and fails to delete shitposts. He gets his handyman CriticalError to delete CP spam, and he forces unfunny garbage on his userbase. He's a furry though, so what would you expect?
Feel free to discuss any other Holla Forums mod and why they're great/shit, or add onto/object what I said about them.