So I moved to my own place a while ago. How to buy toilet paper without the cashier and other customers laughing? I've been using kitchen paper until now because I'm afraid.
So I moved to my own place a while ago. How to buy toilet paper without the cashier and other customers laughing...
You're autistic and shouldn't be living on your own being this autistic
Just buy some shitrags washcloths at the dollar store.
Then you can just bleach them once a week and you can wipe your ass like a king.
It feels like wiping with a babby lamb.
Say you're buying it for a friend who has chronic diarrhoea, that's what I do. I change the place I buy it after I've been there three times.
Since you posted this again I honestly don't know how else user can help you. You could kill yourself.
What the fuck is this thread?
You're ashamed to buy toilet paper? the fuck?
Kitchen paper will clog your pipes. Pretty sure everyone has to shit sometimes so I doubt they will give a damn. Cashier see weirder shit on a daily basis. And if you're Pajeet and this is not the norm, I still think you have the high ground here.
If you have to go for an excuse, just say that it's for your chronic fapping disorder.
You could just poo in the designated streets then.
Dear user,
Nobody gives a shit about you buying toilet paper. They won't care if you buy it.
t. user