How come that women ignore me? I am at fault? I'm 22 years old and counting yet every time i talk to woman she either ignores me or laugh at me. Im not bad looking either. Where is the fault at?
How come that women ignore me? I am at fault...
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You are one or more of the follow:
Stop staring at their tits & drooling
Telling them to make you a sammich might not be the best opening line either…
ignore them they're assholes… stick to anime. Fuck 3D women. They're always annoying and bitchy about everything. Pretty much a good 80% of all women are this.
im not ugly or awkward actually i try to play chad every time even my friends who slay pussies tell me that i should have at least 10 girls on every finger but i do not.
Like the fuck is this i just wanted to make female friend i have many stories like this i had plenty of female friends in school but none wanted to date.
I'm sure they're just intimidated user.
this sounds like a classic self-image problem.. you think others see what you yourself see. you just gotta stop analysing everything basically.
How come they are intimidated i never did anything to scare them off i genuely belive they are making fun of me.
I am not analysing anything im simple person i just want to have some female friends and gf which i want to ficki ficki.
Perhaps they smell the desperation on you
you think the reaction you get from girls is due to negative reasons right away. its very basic mindset really. just dont think too much about it, other peoples problems are theirs, and your problems are yours. harder to explain than it really is.
brush your teeth lots, and stop trying to pick up 30 year olds
girlfriends are just expensive long term prostitutes
waifu is same, but wants to live with you until she can steal your money/live with you until you get wrinkly and die
Girl here, post a pic OP, ill tell you exactly why girls are ignoring you
no charisma and shit body language.
It sadly doesn't work like that now. You need to meet girls as they come. Shit I can't even find younger girls at the bar. They just sit on fb now and have dozens pf other guys to choose from. They aren't going to waste their time on strangers. The solution is to find a time machine to 1980
Valid point.
maybe that's because you use anime little girls as reaction pics
Ironically, that is perhaps the only pic that's oriented properly…
wonder if it was intended. Did he start this thread before this place got fucked up?
Yeah the thread was here way before this shit happened.
Also hitting the New Reply button is a lot of fun… I almost want to just press it manually instead of hitting Shift+TAB. Almost.
just fix the colour dawg
here's a mod on his head
Is that a colour swap? Like RGB → GBR or something?
fubuki is grown woman with big tiddies
Full conversation please. What were you wearing and how did you wear it?
How do you know? My sweat smells great.
Some people are just not polite, ignore it. Why are you looking for a female friend at a bar?
Sometimes I have sex with fat girls for my self-esteem. They try really hard and make me feel like a pretty girl.
Post pic xoxo
Because you're posting cropped porn bullshit on Holla Forums at god knows what hour, fag.
I was standing near bar with drink in my hand. It was James Daniel most expensive drink in bar. The air conditioning was blowing cold air into my golden hair. As i sipped from my JD the most beatiful girl came from ladies to bar. As she was standing next to me and disco lights were enchanting her beatiful dress i have asked most romantic question. "Have you had good poop m'lady?" After this question she frowned and my heart was shattered.
I will never get gf at this rate. What i am doing wrong?
Halitosis or you're a delusional fattard who thinks girls would bang your phimotic dick
you post on Holla Forums
you just need more confidence.