When Trump wins and breaks all his promises, supports israel like every other candidate and speaks up for gays...

When Trump wins and breaks all his promises, supports israel like every other candidate and speaks up for gays, how will Holla Forums justify supporting him?

Trump's already pro transgender bathrooms.


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They'll ignore it like they ignored the failed shemitah.

That doesn't mean I won't vote for him though

Ask and you shall receive!

What is this?

I'm surprised Holla Forums supports him at all really. Nice d&c attempt though

Paranoid retards getting attention

You don't think they will just start hating him?



I'm a Holla Forumsack and I don't support that idiot.







Moar like this? My dick is diamonds


The most awkward porn scene.

Why do we even need transgender restrooms? I mean does anyone here actually get triggered if a transfag uses the same restroom as them?

I'm not even SJW. I just think making separate restrooms for transgenders is unnecessary and stupid.

After Trump fails them, a lot of those idiots, will be on suicide watch, but they will recover after some time, they will go back into being the paranoid Autists they have always been.

Fucking saved, I remember in September 2015, they spilled their paranoid bullshit, everywhere in the internet.

Forgot pic.

well if that does happen. It proves one very important fact.

Doesn't matter who you vote for. It always goes the same way. No?

how gay do you have to be to not want trannies to be removed from the men's room?

Nice meme

When did Trump ever promise not to support Israel OP? America supports Israel. Always has, and (God willing) always will.






No longer a meme when it becomes reality

It's true both parties have to compete for the centre but they also try to appeal to their base.
So there are some differences


Shemitah was the refugee crisis.


Don't even try. Just let it go.

Check em.





they'll just latch on to the next meme

don't give it much thought, they sure don't


pity that non-redhead is fuckin ugly

Honestly? He'll have still been the right choice with the information we had at the time. He may fuck up America, usher in 1000 years of darkness, and sell us out to the Jews, but the other three definitely will.


Trump is the best candidate we have right now. None of the other options will build a wall, deport illegals, bring back jobs etc. Some of his opinions may be trash but we need him now more than ever

lets put it this way

You can either vote in a non career politician. Who's not caught into the games yet. So can't call him a lying sack of shit yet.

or you can vote in a career politician, who's a lying piece of shit, no question. And shillary needs this presidency bad. SHe's too old to run again.

donald wins



This whiny little bitch of a post brought to you by Correct the Record, a Hillary Clinton SuperPac.




Holla Forums is full of low-iq whites and fbi agents. They'd jump on the first non-fat indian who'd open her legs for them.






What did OP mean by this?