One pic is cum the other is a white person. The white person is not actually 'white' in skin color. He is actually a very light shade of brown.
So this cumskin meme is wrong. What we have her is a malfunctioning meme.
One pic is cum the other is a white person. The white person is not actually 'white' in skin color. He is actually a very light shade of brown.
So this cumskin meme is wrong. What we have her is a malfunctioning meme.
It's just one dumb nigger.
Agreed, The meme is just retarded
I agree OP. meanwhile black and brown people LITERALLY look like their skin is coated in shit. if a white person were to scuba dive in a septic tank, they would come out looking like a nigger.
I want Kennedi to forgive me, I was immature… I'll never hurt her again.
kek. Looks like someone got triggered
wtf are you doing in this thread kennedi fag. Jesus you are everywhere
You are a fucking autistic faggot for trying to analyze a meme, and a cumskin.
Most of the racial slurs are not based on accuracy. Welcome to politically incorrect 101
Fuck off Holla Forums