What do you do to get by?
Mommy/Daddys bank account?
Minimum wage?
Actually an adult?
Lets share our experiences and see if we can get some of these neck beards out of the basement, or at least making an income whilst down there
What do you do to get by?
Mommy/Daddys bank account?
Minimum wage?
Actually an adult?
Lets share our experiences and see if we can get some of these neck beards out of the basement, or at least making an income whilst down there
Oh, come on. This shit is too obvious.
Min wage till the end of this month. Then I can hopefully get a better job. At the very least I get my associates degree after the fall semester so that should open a door or two.
I don't.
I collect empty bottles and cans from parks and such
I'm a truck driver…I make good money but uncle sam and the local court jews me up big time since I squeezed out a little demon spawn with a whore that I should've never been involved with.
I live with my mother, so I don't have any bills. The only thing I really spend money on is food, and my mother usually pays for that.
should of used a condom
Actually Im in the office of my fathers business. Does that count?
sorry to hear user. bitches…
how old? and do you plan on doing this until she dies?
No, plan on an heroing after I get enough money together for a painless method
not him but I live with my old mother and yeah I plan on living there. she ruined my life bringing me into this world when she was 40.
The hope of one day earning Kennedi's love and affection.
OP here:
Just some points to those living with your parents and no plans of leaving,
almost everything the internet and media tells you is a lie. How can you possibly fathom reality when you have no 1st hand real world experiences. To those who are in these situations and want to an hero, i have to point to pic related and say just get out of there and try life for yourself.
Right. But what about getting the money to sustain yourself when you're a high school dropout and aren't going to university?
well it all depends on what you consider to be acceptable isnt it?
Heres an idea recently given to me. Join WWOOF. Basically, when you sign up for the membership (which yes youll have to scrounge up the money for that) you are setup up to help out Organic farms and you are given room and board for your work, and sometime a small stipend. This is an oppurtuinity for you to get some real life experience, have your living costs basically zero AND have some free time to go and look for what you really enjoy or sell drugs or whatever the fuck you want. I can say Ive had grueling 40+ hr a week jobs that hardly paid enough to keep my rent and bills in line and forget about extra money or time. I had just enough free time to wind down, eat and sleep before i had to go in again. You dont have the time or energy to escape the situation
There's obvioulsy many many choices. Theres a man who lives without money completely and lives in a cave (google it) there are hippie communes where you live with a bunch of people you dont know and you all work together to get by.
Those are reasonable things. Hell you could rock a homeless life or illegally live in the woods.
Also, look into getting your GED so the system doesnt completely reject you. Its become so easy these days youd have to be unfamiliar with the language or mentally disabled not to achieve it
get fit (free) get an apprentiship in a manual trade (free). Work in oil, construction, water, electricity.
If you are american, go to church.
I was considering boat life while I try and build up freelance careers with software development and photography. But I'm just not sure. I'd still have to earn the money to buy a boat and have enough buffer cash to spend while also earning more somehow.
I'm working on it, but what difference does that even make? Big whoop, nigger can count to 15 and has some literacy in that head of his!
please elaborate on this church bit
Do I know you?
go to sea, bro.
Navy, merchant or pleasure sector, it's a great life.
Don't get me started on that. My father wants me to join it, but I just can't. I don't think it's for me at all. Boat life and living in a giant metal box with a bunch of sweaty guys telling you what to do all the time aren't the same.
I should start going to the Synagogue, right down the road from my house. Get some Jew connections.
I know the Rabbi. My grandfather converted.
there is your answer, op. look no further.
at least he'll be cut
I'm on SSDI, but still work ~14 hours/week. Actually crippled, not on aspergerbux.
The problem with OPs solution, basement dwelling NEETs are that way for a reason: mental illness, MR, pure laziness. Nothing anyone can say will change them, they are mentally children and should be treated as such. Like children, they form a clannish in-group and look upon the outgroup (adults) with wonder, unaware they will have to grow up when the time comes.
NEETSOC is cancer, actual cancer: siphoning off resources and contributing nothing but pain and misery.
I don't really get church, probably because I don't believe any of it. There's truth to this, though. There are lots off good connections to be made, especially if you can stomach the "real men love Jesus" tripe.
I did it. Fucking sucked, but knowing what I know now, I'd do it again. It's usually good for your resume. In the US, you can do 4 (or 6 sometimes) and move on with your life. Just don't buy into the "im a vet'r'n" shit. I've never understood patriotic hard-ons.
It certainly can be. I was there for a few months when I dropped out of college. It was not a good time in my life and I won't return. Thankfully I didn't have to live in my mom's basement or there would have been another murder-suicide in the news.
Are you me?
Do I know you?
At the ripe age of almost 19, why would I want to sell my golden years to a giant metal box and men telling me what to do?
lol Believe me, your "golden years" have yet to come. Being 19 isn't as great of a deal as you think.
I think it is becoming increasingly common. So somehow it shouldn't surprise you… or me. This mental attitude is completely understandable and predictable. Cause and effect.
What I'd be more surprised of finding out is someone like us who has a fulfilled life Outside.
sorry for missing your post
not the religious type either but in a way being a believer helps a lot I've seen it first hand when volunteering at a shelter in a summer. too bad I can't believe in anything anymore.
I want Kennedi to forgive me, I've learned my lesson
that's right. the golden years are before you hit puberty. after that it's all down the shitter.
I get unemployment
Upon your suggestion I checked out the wwoof thing, and it actually sounds like a great idea. The biggest problem for me is probably my allergies, which are mostly only prominent during the spring, but that's a whole fourth of the year where I'll be sneezing nonstop, eyes itching like a bitch, throat unsettling. That is to say, if I was situated entirely in a rural environment.
Oh. And internet. How does that work with them? I didn't look into that part yet, and I'm not sure how many hosts would have/ provide a connection.
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
How do I apologize to Kennedi (the one from North Carolina)?
Beggars cant be choosers man.
If you want some real life experience and possible connections to a better situation then dealing with allergies and lack of internet is seriously a small price to pay.
If youre so worried about a connection to the internet then you have some personal growth to work on.
If youre in this thread thinking "How can I stay at home and make an income and still play vidya and watch youtube all day and not risk my body to the elements" Then you have to wake the fuck up.
Internet isn't even close to everything, I was just curious about the common application of the medium itself. I'd like to use it, sure, but I'm not addicted to it like I was 5 years ago.
I'm not saying I wouldn't do anything because of allergies, I'm saying it's a large issue 1/4 of the years cycle, and it might take work finding opportunities that are around less allergenic regions.
I'm not looking for "real life experience", I'm looking for a way to sustain my livelihood, while remaining happy and satisfied as a human. I'd love to travel and experience lots of new people, places, cultures, etc.
who the fuck would kill themselves over the media says?
Thats great man, and I'll be an adult here and retract my negative comments. From my look into wwoof most of the ops are in california/west coast but i'd be curious to see about ops in arizona as its notrious dry heat climate attracts many with allegeries due to less issues year long.
If youre just looking to travel and meet new people I would suggest getting on a cruise ship. I hear being a massues is fantastic and theres a whole culture of sex with passengers but it does require some schooling. Im sure theres laundry or kitchen positions that dont require experience.
Wwoof is great if you want to learn about farming 1st hand and if you want to make connections with growers of a variety of products: Especially cannabis
Strangely I was mostly looking at listings outside of the USA, and found a handful of interesting hosts that looked like great places to stay. But considerations have to be made for mutual languages, length of stay/ VISA requirements, and travel/ related accomadations/ fees, if going outside of the USA.
In addition to this, I was planning to use boat boat networking sites to do a similar thing as wwoof but on different boats traveling around the world. This would somewhat negate travel expenses depending how you set it up, and could almost be paired with wwoof to negate it entirely. Just my thoughts. In each situation, you can get living and shelter without paying for it, and get to travel, experience tons of people/ places, and occasionally get an income.
Also, add things like travel insurance to the list of considerations!
i cant really comment on outside the US as all my research has been confined to the US specifically. It sounds like a great adventure but I'd be wary of the complexity that arises from intercontinental travel. Passports, exchange rates, language barriers etc
I speak enough German to make related regions easy enough, but many of the listings I looked at had both their native tongue and English as usable languages, meaning the people there would be fluent.
Starting in the USA might be the best path though, due to the relative simplicity. What can you tell me about vineyards?
I speak enough German to make related regions easy enough, but many of the listings I looked at had both their native tongue and English as usable languages, meaning the people there would be fluent.
Starting in the USA might be the best path though, due to the relative simplicity. What can you tell me about vineyards?
(Did posting go to shit again?)
._. yep.
I dont have any relevant info on vineyards. From the person who turned me on to wwoof he mentioned that you could do an op for a few weeks and move on to a new one until you found one that was doing what youre looking for
How would I go about making money while working those?
again, just from what little I read these jobs arent full time so youd have a certain amount of free time to spend either looking for jobs in that area, doing maybe extra work for pay on the farm or just your run of the mill under the table incomes. The big thing here is your eliminating rent and food costs completely so any income you do make can be saved easily or spent on personal things
Looks like a variety of them can go long term though. I suppose mostly you'd want to plan the next farm/ trip in advance, so as to avoid any between stay issues.
right and my reasons for wwoofing are fundamentally different then yours.
And what might those be?
Poor white Ameri-trash that's been going to college for 8 years now, get free grants / scholarships cause I'm poor. also get food stamps & SSDI cause I'm "mentally disabled" due to sex abuse when I was a kid.
The Face When Life on Easy Mode Cause Family Raped Me When I Was Young
Finding a cannabis garden that would basically take me on as an apprentice and be able to supply a newly opened dispensary in a state that just legalized medical but wont have shops for 12-18 months min.
Because of the experience, monetary gains, or nigga just wants to get high?
All of the above. East coast weed is overpriced and usually lacking in quality unless you live in NY or a leaglized state with clubs. We've missed the cali boom and we've missed the colorado boom. Those who were succesful out west are jocking for position to "franchise" clubs when the east opens up more. Im trying to jump in before I miss the boat again
Cripple neet reporting in, life is pretty shit but bearable so I don't an hero.
Not my speed, but if that's what you're about, I support you and wish you luck.
As to you user, in all your endeavors.
Appreciate it. I'm glad you've shown me wwoof. I think it provides great opportunities, and would like to see myself start using it within the next half year.
Asshole, your mother loved and supported you all those 19 years and the you take that away from her. You really are a piece of shit for wanting to kill yourself like that.
I've got news for you.
NEET for life, bro. Live with mom, and my father sleeps here occasionally.
Daddy says we can never tell where our money comes from… but I get to meet a lot of nice men along the way…
Mom got married when I was 11 by 13 I was homeless/ in Juvie/ in rehab until 18.
Turn 18 and get GED a month later while still homeless, get security job and work/ live in building for 6 years.
End up meeting a woman and we get an appartment together downtown SF.
Spend all my time working or at home smoking and gaming.
Get a misdemeanor domestic violence charge and loose my job.
Start drinking.
Get DUI.
Loose appartment.
Loose girlfreind.
Now I can't get a security job and have been in welfare for 2 years living at grandmas house.
Get over it
Datamining thread?
From a certain perspective, sure, you can say I am taking away one of children from her. A child that is never going to do anything that would make him be able to be financially dependent, and will continue to be nothing but a parasite to her, but her child nonetheless. This would a blessing in disguise to her. She wouldn't have to spend money on me, or have to be perpetually disappointed, and I don't have to do anything ever again, and I don't have to be sad anymore. Everyone wins.
neet life with stable family, pretty much free to do whatever I want and have pull in education for extra support for job pathways at the end of it.
Sponsored by a big company to study in uni, getting money from them every month. Will work for them after graduation.
You know you'd swap it for not being raped if you could…
I don't.
Please help, oh god, I'm homeless, jobless, savingsless and without prospects until I go to university in a few months.
just Holla Forums yourself.
I actually was considering checking myself into a psychiatric hospital for a few weeks. I heard you can check yourself out whenever, provided you weren't sectioned. I have a life set up and waiting for me in September, I just need to last until then.
I could use the free food and shelter, I'm running out of money.
I work in our family farm and will inherit it, but thanks to the retarded EU/Russian sanctions, which are effectively killing dairy producers in our country, the whole thing might sink into the ground real soon.
Good luck getting hired with having written loony on your file…
Fuck, that's bad. I'm sorry user.
Country? This seems really neat.
my legs hurt
to be fair, if you're a farmer in Europe, the only reason you exist is probably subsidies
My father cut me off of all funds and help after one month from now, and my mother kicked me out/ refuses to do anything for me.
I get paid by the post to defend Israel and discredit National Socialism in online imageboards
Wheel and deal in a major city. Run around all day serving and buying making money. Also, I'm maybe the only dealer that does this but I buy up gold, silver, old silver certificates, junk silver. Anytime anyone has foreign money I trade them out just so I have it. I make enough to make ends meet as well as enough to collect all this strange shit.
I was born in 83, I had my first job at a place called rocko's pizza. I was 13 years old. I moved out of my parents house at 16.
19? Get your shit together.
no thanks
Wow, I have a job, I'm such an adult, I'm so FUCKING mature and so much better than you… boo fucking hoo…
I am a professional masterbator, and I receive $45/hour for it
Water quality specialist for a small city. I bullshit all day in a work truck and test random samples of water from around the city for 12 an hour, plus all the overtime I want. I live with parents at 21 cuz of a year in jail and 2 years probation fucked my shit up. Smoke weed all day to pass the time. Fucking stuck here until a dealership lets me get a car due to no credit.
Truck driving now, but I'm about to quit. After that I'll have to do some loser job until I can figure something else out.
Actually an adult on 152k ausfag $ a year as an electrical supervisor.
Advice for the neckbeards get a trade plumber or sparky. People will always pay to have power and somewhere to piss and shit.
I cook meth and sell it to
What do u actually do big guy?
What is plumbing like? I may have an opportunity to start an apprenticeship in a couple months.
As far as I know it's a stable, decent paying job that's physical and often smelly.
What is plumbing like? I may have an opportunity to start an apprenticeship in a couple months.
As far as I know it's a stable, decent paying job that's physical and often smelly.
Not too sure about plumbing but trades in general are a pretty solid career. Im only 5 years post trade and are earning a fairly good amount. In reality the work is easy and we overcharge customers based on what we think they can afford to pay.
Mom make 70k a year and she got a bachelor's in sociology.
Meanwhile dad make 68k and he got a phd in Engineering
I Will soon start pree university 3 year program in business administration before atemping economics at a real university. If I fail a session before getting there My mom promised to kick me out of the house. Im 18 years old.
They are both directors in non profit organization.
A 3 year course before uni? Is it a prereq or are you doing it because you didn't fly so good at school. Not sure about other countries but in aus there are a ton of alternative pathways to get in to uni if you fucked up at school.
It's a prereq in Quebec (tabarnackle frog here) that you do at least a 2 year cegep (college in canadian english) program. As our highschool equivalent is one year shorter, and for this reason cegep is also free unlike in other provinces (even if I took one in Ontario because of it's reputation.)
Or you can wait until you are at least 21 years old and has at least on year full time experience in a related field of work.
Since I took 3 years program instead of a 2 years one, I can get 1 to 2 years already credited for the bachelor in Buisness adtministration and or marketing. But I'm really more interested in economics as this was my best class in some other useless program I failed. The only thing I to get my last grade highschool maths from an adult class, and I will have to fallow some extra french class (english if you studied in english in cegep) because ontario language class bar is set so low it is laughable, both in french and english.