When Trump wins what kind of party
do you have planned?
President TRUMP
Probably just attend a MAGA party with the family.
Certainly not a helium party. We'll leave that to the Shillarybots.
a foam party
I'll probably be attending my Cruzbot friend's pity party.
I don't. ANY of the current candidates from the left or right are shit and connected to buildiberg
Staying at home alone masturbating like every other day.
I'm gonna shoot some spics then make my way to the border to help build the wall.
I'm sure my friend will throw a great party. I'll just show up there, unsolicited, and hang around.
A Tubberware one
I'm going to masturbate, probably twice. Then I'll go to bed early so I can be well-rested for work in the morning.
Dia de muertos
12 year old scotch
Enjoying my free health care.
A funeral for the Republican party
We'll throw a party for Ted when we deport him back to Canada.
Get drunk, and watch chinese cartoons.