
What's the stupidest thing that Trump has promised? The one LEAST likely to happen.

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I'll start small: he thinks vaccines cause autism.

I want to be forgiven by Kennedi and stop her cyber bullying on me.

Can't comprehend the question?

Man, you are a hardcore creep. Like, after like a year of this, I kinda fear for that kid's life.



I know that sounds retarded, but listen to the rational explanation: there are high mercury levels in vaccines, but the government says it's "safe", also these mercury levels have a tendency to fluctuate from vacine to vacine, and if there's a little too much you are fucked.

Fucked right in the brain.

The most glaring example is "the wall", congress won't sign off on funding it and if he uses trade restrictions to try and force Mexico to pay it will only lead to more illegal immigrants.

There is no way that is going to happen but at least it could actually work out over a much longer time-frame.

The dose makes the poison, water is fatal in high enough volumes.
Mercury poisoning has many symptoms, only one of which is even remotely close to autism

He said he wanted to Make America Smarter. Clearly he fucked up on you.

A great America

everyone knows that the only state that was ever great was Great Britain, and now even they're a nanny state

Great Britain was always a nanny state. Always. Before it was Great Britain, England was a nanny state.

His determination is kind of impressive, though. I don't think any of the other spammers from when he started are still here, yet he keeps going.

I heard it's because the high quantities of mercury clump together, and rape the capillaries in your brain.

I think that Trump actually could Make America Great, by deporting the people who vote for him.

That is true but it's not only in your brain, it causes rash and itching as it happens in your skin, it makes your teeth fall out as they are starved of blood and it causes liver failure.

Where would we be without him, I wonder?

people are shortsighted. yes immigration is in a mess, but they don't seem to get how antagonistic creating a wall is. Even if it sorts out the problem and at some point in the future Mexico is a proper and safe country, that wall will be there as a reminder about the time the US was antagonistic instead of willing to work together to sort things out.

The eVerify for employers should be implemented properly first. Do that and see how it goes first.

Throwing 11 million out -that's 3,5% of the population- is a herculean task. It would take a decade probably, cost tens of billions and involve a lot of gunfights. It would clog congress and the courts, alienate our allies and cause havoc in the service and agricultural sectors.

The worst part of this is that a Wall, as promised, is hugely inefficient.

For starters, people will find ways to scale it or dig under it. Look what happens in Gaza, it's unbelievable.

It's inefficient because you could use an army of drones with IR cameras, coupled with rapid response troops who would target any trespassers. I bet that would be cheaper and more effective than a wall. Did Trump take anybody's advice about how to do this?

Furthermore, the border is not the place to solve the problem. The solution is to make the USA unattractive. Whatever they're coming to get, eliminate it.

the american way of life? let's not turn into a place so much worse than mexico that the wall ends up keeping americans in once those who can have fled.

maybe he sort of meant it figuratively. like the "wall" its self will be nothing but a string of barbed wire but there will all that other stuff you mentioned (the troops, the drones etc etc).

so you want to be as poor as the refugees? you think they will only stop appearing there once the us is as fucked as wherever they came from?

What a solution!

It would be easier, and endlessly better to just annex mexico and make it a colony. Citizens of Mexico would still have to go through a legal immigration process, we would also have access to all of Mexico's records, so we could more easily pinpoint and deport felons. All the money leaving the economy through outsourcing, and immigrants sending money back home would no longer be leaving the country. Mexico's terrible hyper corrupt government could be abolished, and it's members tried for their crimes, and the cartel could finally be purged from North America.


Holy shit, 3 people, all each more retarded than the other. It's like the short yellow buss just rode in the wi-fi zone.

First rule of getting rid of roaches, rats and pests like that is to clean house and not leave any food on the ground or table. I suppose your first idea would be to burn the house to the ground and keep screaming that it was a shitty idea, which moron came up with that one, right?

I want to believe that you don't all exist and this was just a clever ruse, but this is the future we've chosen.

Name one reason we shouldn't annex Mexico.

Just imagine the whole southern drug market meeting with the money available in the northern suburbs without any resistance. Holy shit, that would be glorious. When Mexico with it's southern friends gets "annexed", Detroit will seem like a nice place to live.

It won't be given the rights of a state. It will be more like a giant detainment camp.

It's less swallowing the parasite, and more putting it in a jar.

'murricans seem to forget that they share the continent with latinos. Basically the whole southern block identifying as a whole and would get various other "underdog" support in case of trouble.

Mexico is just the tip of it. And getting it in a jar, well, you have 2 options.
1) ctrl+alt+deleting the local population to have their own. Impossible because of the sheer size and the backlash.
2) Keeping it in a jar for a generation or 2, then it is let out either by bleeding hearts of host country or by revolutions in their own population (backed by huge moneys from all the sides.)

It is a lose/lose scenario basically. I know we are just shitting and retarding around here, but the point of the matter - it would play out badly.
Hey, you all held blacks just as "slaves and workforce, lower than animals", now look at how the plan has worked.

This is an American Bernie suporter pretending to be a foreigner. Please move to Mexico before the wall is built.



I have contact with Kennedi and I call tell you she's as fine as she can be, with her mental issues and all. However, she doesn't come to Holla Forums anymore cuz this freak's posts stress her.

How about the part where everyone forgets how checks and balances work and anyone thinks that one man can accomplish anything by being elected President of the United States?

…but this is all a good thing. A deadlocked Congress is a safer Congress. The last time they were united and motivated to act swiftly they shoved the PATRIOT Act up your ass.

So people from Mexico are Americans now? : ^ )
Don't try telling me you mean "America" as continent, you ain't smart enough for that.

All of it, the constitution and international law stand in the way

woman or faggot detected

Yeah sure.

the least likely to happen is the core of his campaign

building the wall and ending/renegotiating nafta

It's full of Mexicans.

The wall will be a done deal friend.

The stupidest thing for someone to believe in regards to Trump is his NLP order: "believe me". Someone who tells you "believe me" all the time is full of shit.


Because your belief is required.

In science, belief is not required.

If you hold out your hand and let go of an apple, gravity will take it to the floor. (regardless of your belief or disbelief in gravity).

What is, is.

This is the real key. Cut off the gibsmedats and crack down on illegals working here and there is little incentive to cross that border.

Don't know but the stupidest reaction to Trump is to obey his NLP command: "believe me".

Protip: When someone says "believe me", don't. It is dual layered in meaning. Firstly is a command. He is telling you to believe me. "Stop that", "pass the salt", "take out the trash", "believe me" are all commands. It is someone telling you to do something (not asking).

Secondly, it is therefore implied that it would be possible to choose to believe or to not believe and that Trump's success depends on you believing him.

This is nonsense.

Science doesn't need belief.
If you hold out your hand and let an apple drop, gravity will drop that apple to the ground everytime whether you believe it or not.

What is, is.

The same is true of what Trump says.
It's either true or it is false.
So he commands you to "believe me".

Those who don't believe him, study what he says and then they realise why they should not believe him and become aware of why there is a massive problem in America.

People are willing to believe some professional liar. Then they say things like "even if Trump shot a kid in the street dead I'd still vote for him"… And even Trump repeats this type of thing like it is a good thing.

It is very very dangerous to have blind faith and biggoted bias for an hero instead of asking questions, doing research, and applying the scientific method.

I knew Trump was full of shit when he talked about Americans losing their jobs to Mexico. Has anyone actually been to his buildings and seen the illegal Mexicans cleaners??? I mean come on. This guy has made a fortune making deals with foreigners (and depriving American workers) and then defaulted (which further harms the American community and raises national debt).

So now we have a situation where two rotten cancerous people: Hillary and Trump sling insults at each other for months. And whoever survives it is president.

This is no proud future.

At least Trump hasn't yet done damage in office and Hillary has. That's the only thing Trump has going for him…. People giving him the benefit of the doubt and people hating what Hillary has already done in office.

But boy oh boy what a choice.
Asshole A or Asshole B.

This is why votes mean nothing.

Yes injecting mercury is perfectly safe go- I mean guys :^)