Blacks are better than whites. Period.
Black > White
both 3dpd to me
If you think the black girl is ugly you are a faggot.
Her beauty is undeniable. Its pure mathematics.
Nothing on this Earth is hotter than seeing a black skinned woman covered in contrasting white cum.
Your families are more like this
Blacks ruled Egypt.
This is King Tut's grandmother. Fact.
Is that why Blacks built bridges, highways, cars, airplanes, etc.?
Oh, wait. They never did.
Enjoy your mud hut when you get shipped back to Africa, nig.
Blacks do the most incest. Since the mothers are almost always both single and degenerate. And in general the whole race is immoral and lecherous.
Arabs might do more incest than blacks but it's probably close
All life started in Africa. Civilization came from Africa. LOL@ you.
While your people were crawling around on their hands and knees in caves, Blacks were inventing math.
Whites are like a evil alien species of hate. You wipe out everything you touch. You are parasites. You think domination is power, but cancer does the same thing. Whites = disease.
You realize this, right?
Ever wonder why whites have committed the most murder in the world?
Ever wonder why your people do the most serial killings?
Ever wonder why your people shoot up the most schools and movie theaters of INNOCENT people? That you kill the most INNOCENT babies?
Think about yourself. Ever wonder why YOU have thought to murder people? Its because there is something evil inside of you bro.
I wish Holla Forums could offer fun arguments sometimes instead of bait
Then go live with "your" people in Africa. GTFO of the USA. You're seriously not wanted and would not be missed. You realize this right?
So when white boys say "Fuck all niggers" its the norm, but when another thread pops up saying "Fuck you albino monkeys" its just bait?
LOL@ you halfwitted fucktards.
Ever wonder why the majority of mass shootings are gang related in majority black cities?
Ever wonder why cities run by blacks and populated by blacks are crumbling urban centers with the highest rates of murder?
I may be pure evil as a white man but at least I'm not a nigger. Your race is beyond useless.
White men definitely are not evil you complete fuckwit. Compared to 90% of humanity first world whites are vastly more moral in every sense
XD I know right, like tf chill out bruh lmao mad much? smh
I may be pure evil as a white man but at least I'm not a nigger. Your race is beyond useless."
HAHAH YES! This is what I was waiting for. This is what all white people think, and its the most hilarious shit I've ever heard.
Let me explain to you why you think this, and Ill keep it quick because I know you have no attention span.
Back in the day blacks and whites worked together and got paid shit by rich whites. So poor blacks and whites formed unions. Rich whites said fuck that, and took the poor whites aside and said "if you leave your union Ill give you a lil more money" Poor whites let rich whites break up their unions for the promise of money.
They would always tell poor whites that it was the blacks that were holding them back. Today its the mexicans or muslims. Romney, Trump etc, all rich white men, keep telling this to poor whites. They prey on your race and stupidity.
You believe them because, well, most of you are uneducated and stupid.
But being poor, you are more in common with poor blacks and latinos. Yet, you continue to vote against your own economic interests because you believe the lies rich whites have told you, that your race makes you 'better'.
Yet there you are, year after year, broke as fuck, stupid as fuck and mad as fuck.
Whose fault is it? It is yours, at this point. Stop being a fucking moron.
Okay, on a whole black people have acted irresponsible and like retards almost every time I have met them. And if that is how you think the average black woman looks you should kill yourself most are fat and generally unattractive.
Actually blacks tended to be the strike breakers. That's why SKILLED union workers supported a minimum wage to exclude the blacks.
Also you need to say more about what whites believe about niggers / spics.
They definitely and provably suck, and spics hold down wages
WE WUZ hahahahahahah
What blacks fuck nut there is more than one type. Just because they have dark skin doesn't mean they are related to all other blacks on the earth. In fact they are just Egyptian.
suck it jiggaboo
Wow. Seriously deluded you are.
Just because a white guy and a black guy are both broke, has NO bearing on their values, or ideals, or ethics. Black values are proven time and again to be shit-tier, while even poor whites have better ethics and values in general.
Your people are the ones shooting themselves in the foot (time and again). That pretty black bitch who got in Bernie's face? Shit. He's the only candidate who even recognizes her as human.
I thought science proved asian chicks are the most attractive
I love Kennedi… I crapped all over her trust, what should I do?
It's a KNOWN FACT that the Original man (African) built the very FIRST civalisations. Never heard of the pyramids? How about the sphinx? The door knob? I know y'all heard bout paper? And youv definately heard of a little thing called elacrity.
It's the Original Man who first stepped out from the darkness and conquered the element while your ancestrals stayed hidden in they're CAVES!!!
The word is out an we all learned the truth…..You ain't gonna get our melanin no matter how hard you try!
We built Egypt, Africa and Europe. The melanin belong to us an we AIN'T GONNA LET YOU TAKE IT!!!!
You're days is numbered now cause we know WHAT y'all want and we know WHY y'all want it. We harnessin the melanin for our own means now and we KNOW that got y'all runnin scared!!!
Soon enough y'all is gonna be facing the Original man at his full melanin level and when that comes y'all ain't gonna like it.
OUR people shoot OURSELVES in the foot?????? Have you ever thought what the effect off Gavin your melanin drained for over 200 years straight may do to a people????
We was livin peaceful in Africa an we made many great things then you cave dwellers descended on us.
We relearnin how to use our melanin to its FULL potential an when we do yous all gonna be runnin from our righteous fury!!!
stop fucking around commonwealthfag
Kill yourself
That's because nigger hatred on the chans is a meme, Nigger/mixedrace supremacists actually mean it.
I rate this bait thread a useless nigger/10
yeah that's why all your pscyho genocidal leaders in Africa are begging whites to come back. Even going so far as to say they'll accept colonization again. your continent is fucked up because we spread our evil society and building our evil schools and hospitals.
I really don't think you understand what the word "Fact" means.
Also most Egyptian rulers were Persians and direct ancestors of Alexander the great. They also though keeping it in the family was the only way to not ruin their superior genetics, so they imbred like crazy.
Haha! You dumb nigger. Whites are totally parasites on black civilization. This is gr8 b8, m8. You know why you think whites have commited more murders than blacks? Because whites have recorded their history.
You impeccably stupid motherfucker. Ancient Egypt wasn't the first civilization by a long shot. Have you ever heard of Sumeria? Mesopotamia? It's only those people coming to rule over the blacks that allowed them to do shit.
You know the life of a commoner in Ancient Egypt was more like slavery than serfdom?
You don't even know what serfdom is, do you?
Yes, blacks were first. Meaning they are the least evolved.
Way to prove the racists right you silly pubehead.
Of course. That's why niggers are proud to say that they are "half white" or "mixed". You'll never see one say he's proud to be a full nigger
That's the best looking nigger you could find to cherry pick for this shitpost? Go ahead and fuck a monkey, your children will be a permanent black mark on your name and lineage, and everyone who sees you in public, black and white, will hate and be revolted by you. Your family will secretly or openly disown you, and your the children you spawn will never be your own, and they'll hate you too.
hurr baiting about the race and not about the ugly culture of such area where you live.
If all life started in africa then why do whites share no genealogy with african tribes who've never breed with other peoples? If all life started in africa, then explain how the group of estimated 10,000 people who survived the catastrophe which covered the entire world, including africa, in 1-3 feet of ash, repopulated the entire world in 15,000 years to form the archeological remains we find, without boats, or the ability to hunt. Explain why both australian aboriginals, and Egyptians say all life originated in australia, a tale backed up by most if not all native tribes around the globe, and further tested by the unexplainable universal presence of the phonetic elements of speech in every language that are used by originals. Explain that to me, and I'll accept that we all came out of africa.
ahahahah I love reading all the replies from butt hurt, stupid, poor, uneducated, angry white boys.
You will forever be as poor as your parents and their parents before them. Forever as stupid. This is why you are murderers who lose your minds and go and shoot up schools.
No one else does that but you weird little white boys. "Waah waaah no one respects me"
You little whiners are nut jobs and you know it.
You are the root of all problems in the world.
If that were true, then Detroit wouldn't look so damn disgusting. Black gangs destroyed Detroit.
This is what I mean. Look at how stupid you are.
I talk about how shitty white people are as a whole and instead of debating it, you bring up detroit.
LMAO. Your ignorance is cracking me up.
Detroit dried up because of CARS you fucking halfwit albino monkey. Can't even have a discussion with you monkeys. You are the real social justice warriors, faggots in love with Trump trolling social media. SJW Trump Albino Monkeys.
it's no wonder Africa still lives in the Mud Age
Dude there's already a nigger thread going on
i doubt that you're being serious, but just in case you are; that sounds suspiciously like someone whos never had any power - let alone responsibility. having power over someone or something isn't inherently good or bad, idiot.
what you do with said power is what counts, and its safe to say that blacks have it just as good in OUR affluent and developed nations.
False. You're the only one being stupid here. Detroit has a history of crime that goes on for decades. It was one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. because of gangs, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, arsonists, thieves, vandalism and so much more. There are a lot of abandoned neighborhoods, with houses so damaged, that no one would want to move into it. Scrappers and arsonist destroyed those homes, along with the buildings all over Detroit. Stupidity of the black man destroyed Detroit, along with every other city they occupy such as Baltimore and St Louis. I'm not a social justice warrior, nor am I a Trump supporter. I simply speak the truth.
Besides, the downfall of Detroit's auto industry didn't cause this damage to the abandoned houses and buildings. Gang members did.
This is confirmed Holla Forums bait. Please report to the war room for more information.
Try harder intl
This is just hilariously wrong
niggers aren't people
only some 10% of blacks deserve to be a part of the human race
You useless uneducated white boys are so mad.
And I can understand, look at your lives. You are old enough to realize now how normal you are. How you will not be rich, you will not have fame, you will not have your own business. You are broke and depressed and angry and you have no plan for your life.
And you are WHITE!
You thought you were destined for greatness. But all you do every day is just play video games and jack off to porn, and the porn you find has to be crazier and crazier or else you can't get off to it.
You people are lost. So very lost.
I can help you. But you have to ask for my help.
Funny because I'm Latino, but I look white. When I dated a black girl, it was you black guys who gave me dirty looks as if I did something wrong.
Though not all of them reacted that way, some complimented me and told me "you're very lucky to have her".
Anyways you want to talk about not being rich or famous or being broke, depressed and angry? You may not realize this, but where I'm from, black people are on welfare and food stamps, living in the ghetto(and you can tell with how crappy the houses look), asking me for change every time I'm walking downtown. As for the angry part, the majority of U.S. gangs are black. They're always hating on white people. Instead of just hating the ones who are extremely racist, they think all whites are racist.
Luckily not all blacks are like that, because I know some who are working good jobs, making something out of themselves.
You need to realize that being broke or angry applies to everyone, not a specific race.
if you're going to also post Kennedi stuff, try to BOLD your redtext
YES ALL people have those that come from poor backgrounds
its poor white people who act like race has something to do with it.
white people think they are poor because of the muslims, mexicans, and blacks keeping them down.
white people also think blacks, mexicans etc are poor because they have small minds.'
THATS the problem here. Racist ass white people believing rich white people and keeping them in their place.
You have 30% of America trying to hold us back. A bunch of nutty MASSIVE FAGGOT fucktards.
It's always the people who have the most to lose who are the most racist. Meaning poor white people have higher social status by making black people second-class citizens universally rather than letting them earn their own place. Rich white people have literally no stake in race arguments (after slavery).
Rich white people have ALL stakes in race arguments. They need poor people fighting each other in order to stay rich.
If poor whites and poor blacks ever joined forces then rich whites would be FUCKED.
So rich whites keep telling poor whites to be scared of the blacks, the latinos, the muslims. THere is a reason they keep doing that over and over and over and over again.
And poor whites keep eating it up.
And yes, a reason they keep eating it up is as exactly like what someone wrote earlier in thread
"I may be a poor white but at least Im not a nigger"
they like to think they are not the lowest of the low…but they are.