Mfw its a memory loss episode
One of my fetishes tbh
This goes for most parody episodes as well.
The second american dad memory loss episode is hilarious
Homestar Runner made it work only because of Strong Bad
Only Megas XLR has ever pulled this one correctly
Source on that art?
Ed, Edd, N Eddy did everything right. Prove me wrong.
What would you consider one+one=Ed?
The Jimmy and Jimmy+Sarah centered episodes always sucked though.
Mature Navajo Bitches
I would very much like audio with this please
mfw Strong bad accidentally invented the grinning potato look that is used in cartoons today.
Only because Sarah was a bitch and Jimmy was an uninteresting fag. The only amusing stuff that came out of Jimmy was when people treated Jimmy like shit.
tumblr go home
But having the characters merely switch inflections would be too hard for the actors!
Jesus, what's up with those feet? They look like they're just flat with pads painted on.
Samurai Jack did this way too often.
I still marvel at the idea that no one has done so much as a fast and shoddy lewd based off this scene, or even using just the shown proportions on another character instead, at least that I know of. Just imagine what that fucking looks like without clothing over the top, and how having everything from the waist down on a woman suddenly magnified by double/triple while stuffed into stiff and soon-to-be-far-too-small clothing would likely flare up her sexuality better than even a top-quality aphrodisiac.
Too bad I can't draw for shit, or I'd do it myself. Debating learning how to drawfag in the most minimalist style possible that can be wanked to (i.e. the kind of "a few colored lines on a white backdrop" style some tumblr artists do, except with content that isn't retarded), honestly.
You know, that stuff really isn't all that funny.
B-but it's all that female comedians talk about, how can it not be funny if comedians talk about it?
Also fuck I forgot how much I grew to hate Foster's before the series finale.
To be fair, Blu was a piece of shit in the series.
Foster's should have been the movie and nothing more.
Can I say I actually legitimately hate this
I've noticed Seth McFarlane's team of hacks do this for 99% of their 'parodies' of Japan or its animation.
It's the current year and the only jokes they ever consistently use is the lack of frames in animation, the weird translations of titles (Super Awesome Happy Fuck or whatever) and tentacle hentai.
It'd work better if these stories didn't set up and then resolve that type of conflict in 22 minutes
I know it's a lot to ask of shows that aren't centered around continuity, but that's why you shouldn't fucking do those kinds of episodes when all it does is just infuriate the viewers
As depressing as it would be for CMC…
That's the cliche I hate THE MOST.
What, you've been my friend through thick and thin for years now? But this suspiciously perfect and nice seeming guy we met today just made you look bad twice in the past hour so YOU'RE DEAD TO ME NOW. NO WAY AM I GIVING YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. What? you have photo evidence he's fooling us? I won't even look at it because new guy already destroyed your years of credibility when you took his cookie or whatever.
memory loss episode done okay
2/10 too cliched
God it was weird seeing Linda and the rest of the family in the Archer style
Did they deliberately pick the lamest, most pointless guest star ever?
Farscape had the best body swap episode ever.
Holla Forums because puppet
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
Expanding from this but isn't there a running gag with sci-fi series that encounter time travel, that they ALWAYS have a Wild West episode?
More annoying, making the dinosaurs resemble the ones from JP. Or features dinosaurs in North America that weren't from NA. (Like the Spinosaurus which originates from North Africa or Velioraptors from Mongolia).
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
Expanding from this but isn't there a running gag with sci-fi series that encounter time travel, that they ALWAYS have a Wild West episode?
More annoying, making the dinosaurs resemble the ones from JP. Or features dinosaurs in North America that weren't from NA. (Like the Spinosaurus which originates from North Africa or Velioraptors from Mongolia).
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
Expanding from this but isn't there a running gag with sci-fi series that encounter time travel, that they ALWAYS have a Wild West episode?
More annoying, making the dinosaurs resemble the ones from JP. Or features dinosaurs in North America that weren't from NA. (Like the Spinosaurus which originates from North Africa or Velicoraptors from Mongolia).
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
Expanding from this but isn't there a running gag with sci-fi series that encounter time travel, that they ALWAYS have a Wild West episode?
More annoying, making the dinosaurs resemble the ones from JP. Or features dinosaurs in North America that weren't from NA. (Like the Spinosaurus which originates from North Africa or Velicoraptors from Mongolia).
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
Expanding from this but isn't there a running gag with sci-fi series that encounter time travel, that they ALWAYS have a Wild West episode?
More annoying, making the dinosaurs resemble the ones from JP. Or features dinosaurs in North America that weren't from NA. (Like the Spinosaurus which originates from North Africa or Velicoraptors from Mongolia).
"Could not purge" wtf does that mean
There's no actual competition like this scoring wise in real life is there?
Because most animated shows can't even mention that content in the first place. Also they probably don't want to mock woman as being in agony 24/7.
Expanding from this but isn't there a running gag with sci-fi series that encounter time travel, that they ALWAYS have a Wild West episode?
More annoying, making the dinosaurs resemble the ones from JP. Or features dinosaurs in North America that weren't from NA. (Like the Spinosaurus which originates from North Africa or Velicoraptors from Mongolia).
Oh fuck . . . can we get mods to clean up those duplicate posts?
server needs an enema
No just no. Someone obviously liked the movie bringing down the house since they stole and ruined a good joke from it. When Steve Martin finds his kid reading porn the kid asks "what's a rack?" Having heard Iraq Steve Martin replies: it's a country. God
Took him fucking half the series to actually stay good, though. And Katara still hated him for it.
SpongeBob did it
Shitty or not, they are always welcome.
Never watch The Simpsons.
The Phineas and Ferb take on this was amusing, they just stuck to formula and so you pretty much knew what they were saying even when it was caveman gibberish.
Also the creators showed up in cheap stop-motion to explain it for the idiots and join in the dance number. Better than it sounds.
Fucking hell I hate shit like that.
To this day that Spongebob+Johnny Depp movie is still unforgivable shit.
Well fugg you too m8.
This. So much this.
I am so disgusted right now that I have no more words.
Oh great. It ate my image again.