No names released yet. List of organizations/companies. No direct evidence of Cruz implicated… but if you read between the lines of what the attorney has been saying all along it's likely Cruz.

Other urls found in this thread:\15a1016.htm\15a1016.htm

So basically its fucking nothing? They need to quit fucking around and release the real shit.










from any former Minnesota politicians?

(Oh fuck I'd die laughing)


Literally fucking nothing yet again. I don't buy into this bullshit at all, release it all or fuck off and stop distracting us.

It's rent boys for Gaisch. Calling it now.

Why the fuck would they not release all of it?

Fucking faggots always having to tease shit like this to gain publicity. Ego masturbating fucks.

I'd join you in the early grave

Shut up Chiam.

This is brilliant. A hand list of federal money places that are in the call records.

Keep your paranoia to yourself faggot. I'm tired of them stroking their own dicks for the ego trip. Release it so we can nail this fucker to the wall and get Trump the boost he needs.

I'm getting real tired of

Then nothing ever happens. Fuck you. If you've got information, release it.

Sorry, I meant shut up Schlomo.

Then don't go into law, try politics. How is that working Ted?


Yeah it's getting old.

He's not releasing it because the court order from the prior trial put a gag order on him… meaning if he releases it, he goes directly to jail for violating the order.

He is challenging the order in court now. He is probably doing 'teasers' and speaking like this to increase public pressure on the courts to rule in his favor.

This. He said 2 weeks on 31 / 3, so 3 more days.

Hey Rick, looks to me like someone is seriously jacking your focus groups. "It's rumor unless they release the whole thing" concern trolling stopped working about ten years ago. Hire better people. Peoria sees through Canuck Elmer Gantry.

t. TTO

So he released a list of companies and government agencies that called the service.

We should at least see if we can connect Ted to any of them, particularly the law firms.

Cruz's days are numbered.


This shit needs stickied. The names are coming soon, we need to go grease up the hate machine.


I noticed out of all the companies listed only UDRA was in bold, maybe a hint

You got the wrong guy, chum. I just wanna see the rat get splattered.

The United States Secret Service - Uniformed Division Retirement Association (UDRA) is a retirement association for all active and retired members of the White House Police, Executive Protective Service, United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and other sworn law enforcement agencies and departments.

People are rightfully mad that he appears to be just jerking us around. But he's been stalled by the courts and wants to at least try and not go to prison for life if he can help it.

Like he said 30 days, and he's been trying to get legal allowance and not get completely fucked for life, but he also stated that he will release it regardless.



I just realized what this is.
This is the justification for not backing Cruz in the brokered convention.
Obviously Trump will not be their pick as they intend to frame him an non-republican. Cruz will have sex scandal, Kaisich only has 5 delegates anyway.
It will allow them to pick the candidate.
GOP will burn.



All things considered.. I dont think there could have ever been a better chance to accomplish what trump is currently trying.
He has seriously lucked into the perfect situation where he caught both parties with their pants down, during a time when ethnic tensions are all time high, and terrorism is on the rise…

If we cant accomplish this now, it would never have been possible.

Kek is smiling down on us.

Urban Desire Radio
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Unidirectional Dielectric-Resonator Array
United Drag Racers Association
Urban Design Review Board
Urban Development Review Board (Miami, FL)
Utah Division of Radiation Control
University of Delaware Research Foundation


UDRA, wat ezer culd iz meen?

even if Cruz gets rat-trapped, the GOP is done imo. They have bungled this delegate shit so bad, even democrats are wondering wtf is going on in the RNC, its clear the DNC was always going to Jew pick their guy/gal, but RNC is like watching two worms fuck each other.

Bingo. SS agents.


he's a lawyer. he has to follow as much proceedure as he possible can

they could take his house, his license and throw him in jail

Have some others.

The US economy has been bulls hit for the past eight years and completely cooked for the last four. There is some serious Weimar shut on the horizon. No one in the media will discuss it, but everybody knows.

With so little info and with how long Trump has played the game. I'd bet Trump knew this was going to be outed.

He has Roger Ailes of fox cucked and has for years.



Now with fresh double-posting!

Top Men are working on it goy

Please no.


How to not to leak important information:


How to leak important information:

I don't know why people struggle with this.

im thinking its

Uniformed Division Retirement Association (US Secret Service)

Because then you die.

Some more, not mine though….

im still looking into it but this is a confirmed lobbying group

I sincerely believe this is a red herring. This person isn't going to release shit.

It's interesting because this distraction had to be something negative enough to be plausible and garner interest. It also has to be less severe than what they are trying to cover up (or else there would be no point). It makes you wonder what dark stuff Cruz has been up to that they are trying to throw people off the trail of.

My guess is either child porn or some kind of weird violence/ritual stuff. Perhaps cases of physical abuse (not sexual) against women/children.

although I am now banned and actually staying away from this cesspool of cuck oldfaggots, check out their Rafael thread
When Cruz Makes His Move, Watch Out

My Donald Trump thread (147 pages)

with a little editing the little bullshit flame logo can be made to look like a dead rat lying on its back. blue is the head red are its legs sticking up in the air.. all it needs is a tail

.. oh.. wait

fucking stupid me…

a secret service association getting hookers? coke whore parties at the white house confirmed.

Somebody say "coke whore parties?"


I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the original.

By the way for those wondering why he's not releasting it all once and for all, listen to this interview:

he could go to jail over this so he wants to try to go through the legal channels before taking that risk.


Like this?

pedos? rapists for sure but pedos I wasn't aware of that.

More anti Rato stuff

Another new one……

I've gotten my hopes up too many times for something to destroy el Rato, especially after that kikebart reporter promised to publish a bombshell piece and never delivered.

I'll remain stoicly optimistic that this will be it but I hate how the lawyer guy keeps dragging this out. Cruz is the most disgusting controlled opposition "outsider" (personally bankrolled by Goldman Sachs) I have ever seen. He has no path to win the nomination outright, but the longer he is in the race the greater the chances of preventing Trump from reaching 1237 delegates.

Hopefully all the sex scandal allegations are true and he's done for. I'm reading for Dan Gabriel to be out of a job and Applied Memetics can finally stop shitting up our board.


He's a lawfag. The BAR is freemasonry and that crap about them killing you if you join and cross them or reveal the mind reading shit is real. Good thing I never joined.

why are you such a faggot?

This "soon" shit is pissing me off. It's happened dozens of times with dozens of leaks.

If you have information, then fucking spill it. Hanging on to it and dribbling it out bit by bit means you're either making money for the slow release or you're a fucking liar.

Just Fucking Release It!

The OC is out there waiting…

the Clinton campaign is probably going to hire him

"But she said she was 18" no longer works. Of course this implies that people are referring to kindergarteners but hey, the police do this all the fucking time when they 'nail' someone not connected.

I agree with you 100%, but it could have easily been tracked back to the lawyer and his life is on the line if any of this is remotely true.

If he released it without saying anything a source could have been found.

If he released it prior to law dates, it would have screwed him immensely and probably ruined his life including jail time.

And ofcourse, the possibility of hitmen.

It will really suck if the dude either sells out or is killed and the information doesn't leak.

But if we just keep memes up…

I'm hoping they do.

He could have been contacted by maskfags who would 'leak' it. I'd count on it.

keep calm, lets grab the pitchforks after his ultimatum date passes. He still has time to make good,

If nothing happen after that, I'm not gonna bother holding my breath anymore.

I've never seen a rat in Alberta. Just small mice. Whatever they did, it worked. They even got rid of Rato somehow.


The pro-clinton shilling will be amusing as fuck.



I'm really surprised no one has spoken up about Amanda Carpenter having a bad case of a lazy eye

This right here.
Just dumb kikes dangling a carrot. Low quality shitposting.

This is going to be another non-happening at least in relation to Cruz. I'm sorry, but you guys have been batting for zippo lately on this shit. Trump deserves better meme magic.

Dank OC m8y


I'm really surprised no one has spoken up about Amanda Carpenter having a bad case of a lazy eye

dubs of rato Truth

He'll have shot himself six times in the back of his head with a .45-70 Gov't Revolver, by then, user.


With all the additional rational thinking that goes on at 8ch, sometimes miss the stupid funny memes at half cuck.



From a scale of normal to Tracy Mcgrady she is a four.

oc while you wait for 3 days or figure out how to connect the dots with what's here.

What the fuck? Is his face bleeding low-key?

That's the point. Rejected by Alberta, Adopted by Texas Cucks.

I'm surprised more people haven't used this angle. Of course my dad worked in milling so I always heard stories about vermin growing up. Honestly thought the rat patrol easy better known.


Gadsden Purchase has no relation to the Gadsden flag.

The dude has been a slime for god knows how many decades, do you really expect him to not look the part?

Can we get a new version of this without the "fuck me daddy" stuff. Also delete Katrina. It needs to be normalfag watchable.

Nah dude, he appears to literally have blood emerging from his face and it's fucking weird. If this isn't part of the shoop maybe Cruz has some sort of condition?

Can we get a new version of this without the "fuck me daddy" stuff. (Also delete Katrina) It needs to be normalfag watchable.

Half-Chan has been after this shit like crazy chasing down each company for connections.

The thread's still going, but here's an archive.

"I found the link. Dept of commerce. He worked for the Federal Trade Comission and office of policy planning. I bet FTC is under Dept of Commerce." (it is)

Oh boy…

Cruz isn't a libertarian, you're buying into a Cruz attempt to snag the independents.

Don't be a useful fucking idiot.

thank you based user

what was indicative of paranoia


report and filter!

He said he was gonna release it regardless of the court order so what's the point of wait a few weeks…? When he said this a few weeks ago… Wtf.

found the Rachel Maddow show doing an episode on this new info. They already v& Rach though so there's a new host.

No need to release it yet, wait until we're closer to California.

Maddow is done?

I'm out of the loop here, but is this related to cults or that madam chick that was killed because she had big cats on her list or some shit?

People who lie usually speak about things in the third person, get defensive and use overly elaborate language.




no she probably just has the night off

following from half-chan:

2001-2003 is the key Hooker Timeframe

You have Cruz's campaign time with Bush,
and you have his time at the FTC.

All of which is Washington DC time, at the height of DC Madam years.

The Carvin thing works, as Cruz left carvin to be a Bushie, and then helped get Carvin the job at Jones Day, doing Bush work.

and Jones Day is on the company list…circle of life

Cruz began to wade into politics during his time at Cooper, Carvin. The firm focused its work on public policy issues. And Cooper and Carvin themselves were both well connected in Washington and working on a volunteer basis for George W. Bush’s presidential campaign. In 1998, Cruz began raising money for George W. Bush’s gubernatorial race. And in June 1999, at a fundraiser for Bush’s presidential campaign, a law school classmate introduced Cruz to Josh Bolten, Bush’s campaign policy director.

Part 1

“The next day, I met with Josh for a couple of hours,” Cruz recalled in his book, “and next thing I knew I had a job on the campaign, as one of the domestic policy advisors to George W. Bush.”

When Cruz decided to leave Cooper, Carvin to join Bush’s campaign, he did so “with our blessing,” Cooper said. “If Bush hadn’t prevailed, we would have insisted that he would come back.”

But Bush did prevail — to Cruz’s benefit. The young lawyer played a central role in drafting domestic policy for Bush and answering his questions about issues. Some of Cruz’s memos have resurfaced during this presidential primary, including one he authored about immigration, in which he urged Bush to oppose amnesty for undocumented immigrants “at this time.”

After the 2000 vote left Florida hanging in the balance, Bolten tapped Cruz, one of the few campaign aides with legal experience and who had worked for the Supreme Court, to help navigate the recount process. “Ted was at the center of it,” recalled Cooper, whose firm worked with the campaign on that legal battle.

“By the accident of being in that place I found myself, there was sort of a small leadership team that consisted of Jim Baker and Josh Bolten and Ted Olson and George Terwilliger and Ben Ginsberg and me,” Cruz told The New Yorker in 2014. “And I’m twenty-nine years old, this kid, and all of these other folks are Cabinet members and masters of the universe.”

When Bush eventually won the recount, and the presidency, Cruz hoped for and expected a role in the White House. But he was instead sent to the Department of Justice under Attorney General John Ashcroft — a result, by Cruz’s own admission, of having been “far too cocky for my own good” during the campaign, he wrote in his book.

To one associate who spoke to RCP, Cruz was even more blunt.

“I was an asshole,” Cruz told his friend.

Part 2

After just six months, Cruz moved from a job at Justice to the Federal Trade Commission. Although it was a less prestigious role, it gave Cruz the chance to work with someone he’d gotten to know during the Bush campaign, incoming FTC commissioner Timothy Muris.

At the FTC, Cruz was the director of the office of policy planning, a small think tank within the commission that reported directly to the chairman and focused on long-term policy development. The job put Cruz in the thick of the federal bureaucracy, and he took to it: Jerry Ellig, the deputy director who worked alongside Cruz, recalled him having been genuinely passionate about the agency’s mission and his work there.

“It is just great to wake up every morning and come into the office when I know that our job is to fight for free markets and competition,” Cruz would say, according to Ellig.

PArt 3

Lots of names to cross reference there [gentlemen], and a good breakdown of the Cruz hooker era timeline

Getter done

This. How hard is it to understand he's putting pressure on the SCOTUS to let him release it? Not one in 1,000 lawyers would even do what he's done so far, my hat is off to the madman. He could be imprisoned and disbarred for doing what he threatens to, so he's laying a legal framework down to justify releasing. If he does release it, he'll be able to say my hand was forced. He has to go through these steps to indemnify himself a little.

Again, it's a hell of a lot more than most lawyers would do if they were in the same spot.

Not at all.
If Cruz gets nailed, the GOP doesn't get its way, Trump becomes the nominee and the leader of the GOP when he becomes president.
If anything, this will save the GOP, although it may become radically altered.

And with the leadership of the Emperor, our country will become powerful and wealthy again, bolstering the membership of the reinvented GOP, which will crush the Democrats & their globalist/bolshevik allies.

Trump can literally save America & the world.

He already has the legal framework.
The DC madam case is cold, nothing is being investigated, no one is being tried.
By what justification do the courts believe they can ignore the 1st Amendment and lock away this man's freedom of speech when there is no court case being executed?

This is an individual rights issue.

Wait, these people were stupid enough to use their companies' phone number to contact the DC Madam?

Literally nothing is going to stop Cruz from getting the nom. You can't stop destiny.

IT was unstickied now it's being slid.

What is UDRA and why is it in bold type on page 5?

the often substitute for the word UBER, which is Super in german, Udra is a made up word for Ultra

Sorry, sperged a bit.

I seriously can't find anything on them.

Low effort trolling/shilling

I'll give it a pass because that episode from Kenny vs Spenny is fucking hilarious

It's the Secret Service retirement club.

The Rock does not lie.


The Rock does not speak the truth either. He speaks reality and reality obeys.


If I try and post on my real IP, I get the warning "flood detected", multiple times with edits so it's different. If I turn on my VPN, it posts fine - identical text to what I tried to post on my normal IP.

This is making me think there isn't going to be anything interesting in the leak.

What do you think about the triffin dilemma and the fact that the dollar could be supplanted as the reserve currency?

Do you think that's something that could help the public get on board with trumps nationalism plan? Or is it something that just shouldn't be mentioned because it would be a catalyst that causes public panic which would make it actually happen faster?

I never understood why no one talks about that fact… Like, world reserve currencys have an average lifespan of 85 years… But everyone thinks ours will last forever.

he called himself the people's champion. he wasn't

Record video proof.

Use OBS if you don't know what to do.

Well uncle Adolf, it is blackmail

There's nothing about Cruz or his father's story that adds up.

i love the little shekel yamaka

Wow that is extremely fucked up, this is turning into another Obama Birth Certificate fiasco.

IF that is all true, how can anyone claim this guy is an American citizen? I want to know how he's even in our Country ffs?

And Rato Sr. should be fucking deported

Ted Cruz is an astronaut.
He has been seen around several…BLACK HOLES

the .PDF posted here:

"The companies, agencies and organizations listed in Exhibit B of Sibley’s latest filing are not accused of any wrongdoing. There is no indication why any of those 174 Verizon Wireless account holders dialed Palfrey’s number.

The list of released entities includes the following government agencies: Department of Health and Human Services, FBI, General Services Administration, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Internal Revenue Service, National Drug Intelligence Center, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Information Systems Command, Department of Commerce, Department of State, U.S. Postal Service and U.S. Forest Service.

Others listed in the filing include the Archdiocese of Washington, Embassy of Japan, Bethlehem Steel, Constellation Energy/BGE, Hewlett-Packard, Johns Hopkins University, Washington Gas and several large law firms."


Why are you guys such hypocrites? Why is it wrong for Ted, but not for Trump?

You little bitches are just sweating profusely knowing Lion Ted is going to bite the head off of slithering snake Trump.

Noooooo, We don't care about Trumps affairs because it's out in the open and had time to air out.

Ted is trying to hide it while accepting the claims that he is anointed by GOD to be prez.

Go away shill.


We may know tomorrow. The names may be released.

Scratch that. I just check the attorney's blog.

Today, Justice Thomas – apparently disagreeing with Chief Justice Roberts' denial of my Application – has referred myApplication for determination by the entire Supreme Court at their Conference on April 29th.

"More waiting for Lady Justice to grind out her answer. But at least all of the Justices will be on record as to whether they will continue the muzzling of my First Amendment Political Speech so that We the People can govern ourselves accordingly."

FFS. We have to wait 2 more weeks. I wonder if the court is just humoring him to delay it. 6 more primaries happen between now and then.

I'm getting sick of this shit. Motherfucker has to realize that they are trying to run the time out on the clock on this. Just release the fucking documents and to hell with them - the fallout will be much worse for them then it could ever be for him.

It's possible that Thomas sees merit in the application, but yeah, this is getting ridiculous. By now, I fully expect the court to announce a further delay on April 29th. The question is, can they keep it up until the convention in July?

So let me get this straight.

He can't release the info unless a court says he can?

I thought the court already said yes and now we waited for a date.

If anything this is putting a target on him because people will want him dead so the info DOES get released.


The fact that this, or a similar sex scandal thread, is not stickied really says (((something))) about the moderation here.

spoiler that shi-


He's trying to avoid the possibility of being sent to prison. He has been ordered by a court 9 years ago not to release this information.


We're 2 days past the date he said he'd release them on [2 weeks - 14 days, from 31 March].

Fuck. So now what?

We care for a multitude of reasons…

1: we like trump and it's in our best interest to damage his opposition.

2: many of us personally dislike Ted whether he was going against trump or not, I personally think he's an ugly rat who is very dishonest and manipulative. I could put out a whole list of reasons why I myself hate him, but I think you get the point.

3: Ted tries very hard as do most politicians to portray a certain image. He tries to make himself look to voters as if he is a devoted Christian with a loving wife and kids, that he is happily married and that he is a strong driven man with high morals and a clear concious. That is why if he turns out to be one of the people listed in these records it would be very dmaging to his campaign. That's also why it wouldn't be damaging to trump. The media has already painted trump as the devil and I think most people already know trump is far from an angel. That's why this could come out and WE and most of his supporters simply wouldn't care. This simply does not change the perception of trumps image as it would the image that Ted Cruz progects.

Has anyone been following this closely enough to know wtf is going on?

Nope, court never said yes.

Will it even matter? They just need to delay from damaging Ted long enough for him to take enough votes away from Trump so that he does not hit 1237. At that point they'll probably take out Ted if he doesn't drop out on his own and throw somebody else into the ring with Trump

You see, the mindlessness of trump-posters on Holla Forums didn't used to bother me, because I always used to just assume it was a meme. People on this board say some utterly retarded stuff about Trump. I used to say "I prefer Cruz, but I'd vote for Trump if he got the nomination." The attitude of asshats on this board are a big part of why I can't fucking say that anymore.

That made me realize you idiots weren't joking was when this kind of garbage started getting stickied and people started getting banned for "shitposting" whenever they said anything negative about Trump.

And no, I'm not saying supporting Trump in itself is stupid, I'm talking about the rhetoric on this board, the forced memes like "el rato" the doublethink and utter hypocrisy.

"we like them" is the reasoning of a progressive. "It's okay when we do it." It's the same shit we saw from SJWs over and over. It's not about fighting fair, it's about not being a fucking sociopath and having some god damned principals you stupid fuckwits. And I respond like this because I know some braindead shill fuck is going to respond to this blankly naming the jew and then justifying acting like an amoral fucktard because "The only way to beat the left is to BECOME THE LEFT!" Fuck anyone stupid enough to believe that.

And no, it's not in your fucking interest to tear down his potential running mate (and I know, at this point that's an impossibility BECAUSE OF RETARDS LIKE YOU WITH THESE STUPID FUCKING ATTACKS.) If you actually gave two fucks about this election you'd focus all of your energy on destroying Sanders and Hillary, both of whom beat Trump in just about every poll. But you don't give a fuck about this election, you don't think ahead, another trait of progressives. "Burn it all down" is your retarded "why so serious?" edgelord creed, like your fat autistic ass would survive a nuclear fucking apocalypse. You can't simultaneously say "make america great again" and "burn it all down".

Here's the thing, you don't fucking have reasons, you have assertions, you have insults, you don't have any fucking charges. The reality is Cruz is everything Trump is claiming to be. Cruz wanted to build a wall years ago. Cruz fought the supreme court, the president, Mexico and the international courts to preserve Texas's right to fry Mexicans.

Cruz wants to put the most conservative person possible on the supreme court, Trump wants to put… his sister, who is an abortion activist.

Right, and Trump certainly isn't guilty of any of that, is he? Certainly never claimed he's "never done anything in his life to ask forgiveness for"? Didn't drop that embarrassingly trite "TWO CUHRINTHIANZ, THAT'S WHAT YOU LIKE, RIGHT?" line.

The issue is hypocrisy. You can't praise Trump for his affairs then attack Cruz for potentially having affairs. You can't praise Trump for saying he could get away with murder and joking about killing journalists, then act outrage when Cruz makes a similar joke about not knowing whether or not he'd run over Trump given the chance.

It's about consistency, principles, morality. Forgive me if I hold you fucks to a higher standard than you're willing to adhere to, and if I'm stupid to believe it's shills trying their hardest to make you look like frothing mouthbreather retards with no internal consistency, that's on me.

I feel like I spend my time online arguing with stupid people comparing Trump to Hitler elsewhere, and then I come here and am made to feel like defending him at all has been a huge mistake. I don't like what this election has turned you into, Holla Forums. You look like hell.

archive everything

See Ted goes out of his way to claim he's the strongest Christian in the race
Trump doesn't do this

Another scandal that never happened. Maybe the Cruz campaign paid him money to shit up about it. Fuck this shit man.

Umm yes we can because Trump doesn't go on about being the biggest Christian, Cruz does and as Adultury is a Sin he's going to get hammered hard

That's a nice wall of text you got there mate… first of all I'm on mobile so replying and quoting is a pain in the ass. And after reading
"we like them" is the reasoning of a progressive. "It's okay when we do it." It's the same shit we saw from SJWs over and over. It's not about fighting fair, it's about not being a fucking sociopath and having some god damned principals you stupid fuckwits. And I respond like this because I know some braindead shill fuck is going to respond to this blankly naming the jew and then justifying acting like an amoral fucktard because "The only way to beat the left is to BECOME THE LEFT!" Fuck anyone stupid enough to believe that.
It leaves me wondering if it's even worth going through the trouble of responding or even reading the rest of your post. No offence but this seems more like a raging ramble more so than a coherent arguement. And on top of that you wrote 2 god damn paragraphs responding to just 1 sentance. I'll just respond by saying this and leave it there… liking somebody does not make you a progressive and that's a pretty damn stupid statement on your part. Maybe that's not the point you were trying to make but that's the best I could get from it the way that you type.

I will agree somewhat with the first part of your post. There are alot of idiots, "mindlessness", and an almost cult like mentality on this board. But I don't think in anyway is that tied to trump because it's always been like this. I think that you only see it now because you disagree with us and now you see how most users here react to opposing opinions. If you don't like that then I'm sorry but Holla Forums never has and never will be a board for completely open discussion that accepts and encourages conflicting opinions with open arms. It's a politically incorrect eco-chamber made to be able to discuss topics that wouldn't be aloud in most other parts of the internet. Either you like it for what it is or you dont.

So nothing came of this?

OK, I decided to try reading through the rest of your post and you had some pretty good points.
Well to start off I have issues with who cruz is as a person. Petty? Yeah kinda, but I can't help it. First of all he sounds VERY scripted and VERY fake to me. It makes it hard for me to trust him tbh. Can't tell if what he is saying is genuine or if he's just pandering for votes. Secondly I've never heard him say he wanted to build a wall either, I only heard him say that AFTER he seen what it did to trumps poll numbers.but if you have a source please link it in fact Cruz didn't become popular until he started to befriend trump, back when there was all that talk about him possibly being trumps VP. I even started to warm up to him back then thinking "hmm wow, this guy is alright. Maybe he isn't the scripted, fake, candidate I thought he was." But then it was like after his poll numbers started rising he just stabbed trump in the back. Maybe you don't think that is a legitimate "reason" or maybe you consider it an "insult" but his actions and demeanor seriously make me doubt his character. I really genuinely used to like cruz when he was backing trump. It made me think he was a genuine guy and that it was unfair of me to judge him based on how he spokethe very scripted "ted cruz dot org, ted cruz dot org, type speak" but after he kinda started attacking trump it seemed like a really dirty, slimey move that really changed the image I had of him.

Yeah but the thing is that we all have an image of who trump is, and a perfect angel is not one of them. It's not so much the image that Cruz and Trump TRY to project, more importantly it's the image that they DO project. You see? An affair wouldn't really change the image that people have of trump in their heads, and I think even you could agree with that, yes? I think that you could also agree if it turns out Cruz had multiple affairs, and news that his wife has possibly tried to commit suicide, that it would drastically alter the IMAGE that people APREADY have of Cruz, right? I don't think that's biased either, Cruz and Trump are both different men and I think it's only natural for people to hold them to different standards.

However I can see your frustration with Trump on this board. I support trump 100% and it sometimes bothers me the way people here think of him here. The image I have of him in my head is that he's NOT very smart tbh, he says some stupid shit somtimes. He's more braun than brain but that's OK. I think that he knows his trade very well and is very smart in some aspects but he definitely is no deep thinking philosopher. And sometimes it's like if you even to try criticize the man you are get shit posted to death by /x/ tier Holla Forumstards calling you a shill. But again, I think that's more so the stupidity of this board that has always been here than it is something that trump somehow brought here. The rest of your post seems kinda emotional ramblings/hard to understand and somewhat insulting tbh. I probably shouldn't be talking though as I really fucked this post up . But I'm on mobile so I have a pretty gud excuse :^) this board always has and always will be a jew hating hug box, either you like it for what it is or you dont. I like it, it has is pros and cons.



You do realize that it's common among highly intelligent people to often say things in an un-PC and often socially-awkward way right? You also realize much of the 'stupid shit' he says is done DELIBERATELY? It's incredibly obvious when he gives a dinner speech vs when he does a rally. I realize in some interviews they throw gotcha questions at him that he then gets his response chopped to look bad but when you hear his full reasoning it's usually very well thought out and generally the most logical answer regardless of people's feelings.

I just find it odd you can claim to be behind Trump 100% but then think he's not smart? Wut? If you aren't smart you don't write The Art of the Deal for example.

Based on what evidence and what does being a deep-thinking philosopher have anything to do with intelligence? I've known legit schizos that could be considered deep-thinking philosophers but at the end of the day they are rambling on nonsense that just sounds good. Hell, there are a lot of people who'd say Bernie is a deep-thinking philosopher but so what? Pure philosophy and zero evidence of any actual intelligence behind that, if anything, Bernie's whole 'accept everyone and pretend this couldn't threaten the very fabric of society' is direct evidence of a LACK of intelligence.\15a1016.htm

The Supreme Court will discuss the case at their conference on April 29th for justices and consider Sibley's petition for the gag order to be lifted.

Sibley doesn't want to go to prison if he doesn't have to, so he is pursing legal means first. If the Court refuses to lift the gag order, he has said he will release the records anyway.

Any judge can add a case to the list of cases to be discussed during the Court's conferences.

Justice Thomas added this case for discussion after an initial denial by Chief Justice Roberts (you are able to petition individual justices).

Possible outcomes on April 29th:
1. Petition granted, info released legally
2. Petition denied, Sibley releases the info whenever he decides and is completely fucked for violating the original order
3. Date set for oral argument on the petition

All depends on how the justices vote… need at least 5 votes for anything to be done. A 4-4 split maintains the status quo (basically defaults to denial).

I think it is highly unlikely the court grants the petition or agrees to hear the case, given Roberts' initial denial, but you never know.

And since nobody mentioned it… when Sibley says the records have direct bearing on the presidential race, it's more likely he's referring to the Clintons than Cruz, imho.

So, let me get this straight.

There is a lawyer for the escort service.

A client of his mysteriously suicided years ago.

He knows this shit's fishy and has important information that could perma cripple cruz for life and other people.

So he put's the files on servers that have timer's stopped by password input.

In order for him to release the information legally, the SUPREME COURT has to OK it.

And the time limit on looking at the case was extended, right when Cruz has been stealing delegates.

Until the 29th?

WHY was it extended?
This just tells me that the Supreme Court is in on this and listen to the GOP or whoever the GOP listen to. The Supreme Court is HELPING Cruz.

Of course. Why do you think Scalia died? (((They))) knew that Scalia would not be on board so they took him out.


April 29 is in seven days


What's so special about this date?


I'm on an iphone 3 ;_;


Possible yes, but with all of this cruz affair business going around who knows.

"The Supreme Court will discuss the case at their conference on April 29th for justices and consider Sibley's petition for the gag order to be lifted."

Hmmm.... >>5781017

Four days left.

Nah Scalia was working on striking down affirmative action and king nigger can't have that

There are enough normies who think Scalia was offed that that it really doesn't matter if tgat'so what happened.

wtf, nothing is going to happen. this is gay

Two days left.

April 29 is tomorrow.

Now that Cruz is done, I sincerely hope this has to do with the other possibility: Clinton.

Please be >>>/pedowood322/

I'm not sure what to think of that guy anymore.

D.C. Madam Attorney Says One Ex-Wife, Two Ex-Girlfriends Have Election Bombshell Records

"Montgomery Blair Sibley, a former attorney for “D.C. madam” Deborah Jeane Palfrey, said Tuesday that one of his three ex-wives, two of his many ex-girlfriends and a close friend living abroad have CDs containing call records that could upend the presidential race.

If anything happens to him, he said, they would make sure the escort service records are widely distributed.

Sibley previously claimed he had stored the records on four servers around the world, and that a hidden website’s link would be automatically sent to reporters if he did not reset a 72-hour countdown clock. He now says that’s untrue.


The eccentric litigator insists he did not lie to media outlets, including U.S. News, when he claimed the records were already online and that “there’s a link right now, that if you had, you would have access to the records.” Instead, he says, he told an imaginative half-truth.

“Everyone assumed I meant computer servers. I meant people who serve me,” he says.

Still, the development adds further uncertainty to whether Sibley has the bombshell he claims or whether he has pulled off a successful hoax that’s titillated national TV anchors and given news websites millions of pageviews.

Sibley is seeking court permission to release two sets of records covered by a 2007 gag order: a set of raw phone records with an estimated 5,000 unique numbers and a Verizon Wireless subpoena response he says contains names, addresses and Social Security numbers of 815 of those callers.

The Supreme Court’s justices will discuss Friday whether to order a lower court to consider Sibley’s request to modify the gag order. Chief Justice John Roberts refused a request to intervene before Sibley appealed to Justice Clarence Thomas, whose referral of the matter to the full court may be intended to prevent sequential solicitation of justices.

Sibley says he may risk jail by naming names if courts don’t allow him to release information, claiming voters are blindly casting ballots in the presidential race.

Sibley disclosed his deception about a kill-switch controlled hidden website during a meeting at the National Press Club where people shared theories on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and pondered whether recent terrorist attacks were “false flag” operations by “deep state” actors. (…) "

How would I be able to make a countdown clock like the one he claimed he had? Any info would be appreciated.

I think the reason Silby is pulling this stunt is that the threat is the only thing keeping him alive.

I can't stand Maddow, but at least she has some journalistic integrity. A very little mind you, but it's there.



it's called a dead man's switch. i think there's software out there as well as a website. never used it:

it's called a dead man's switch. i think there's software out there as well as a website. never used it

Good tip, thanks.

Any link with >>5781017 I wonder


It's 6:30 PM Eastern Time and I don't see any updates anywhere.

This is the only journalist that's been following this from what I can tell. Here's her latest:

"I won't know until Monday or Tuesday when they announce their decision." - DC Madam's lawyer (re: #CruzSexScandal)-\15a1016.htm

Bump for tomorrow or Tuesday.

Teddy boy is thinking arby's


Supreme Court Won't Release D.C. Madam Records

"The Supreme Court announced Monday it would not intervene to allow release of phone records from the late “D.C. madam” Deborah Jeane Palfrey, despite one of her former attorneys claiming the records are “very relevant” to the presidential election.

Though he has repeatedly threatened to release the records if courts do not modify a 2007 restraining order, Montgomery Blair Sibley tells U.S. News he’s not quite sure what he now will do.

“I’m going to sleep on it and seek the counsel of people I trust,” he says. “It's laundry day anyway, so I’m going to be washing all my soccer uniforms from this weekend.”

Sibley says he likely will decide this week how to proceed and that he’s infuriated the justices refused his request that they stay the restraining order covering the records."


"In January, the then-chief judge of U.S. District Court in the nation’s capital refused to allow a clerk to file Sibley’s motion seeking consideration of the matter, writing he appeared to have no legal right to hold the records, as Palfrey fired him before her trial. Sibley disagrees, but his appeal to the D.C. Circuit federal appeals court yielded no action.

What purported bombshell exists in the records is unclear, as is the candidate who may be affected. Sibley is seeking to release two sets of records: a trove of raw phone logs with an estimated 5,000 unique numbers and a Verizon Wireless subpoena response he says contains names, addresses and Social Security numbers of 815 of those callers.

Sibley previously told U.S. News the bombshell is contained specifically in the Verizon subpoena response, but an attempted fact check yielded uncertainty about whether a presidential candidate is named." (…)


After Supreme Court denial, ex-lawyer for ‘D.C. Madam’ mulls releasing names


"With the political conventions nearing, and the Supreme Court’s refusal to argue his case, it is unclear what Sibley’s next move might be. “Now that I am at that bridge, I am going to figure out the best way across,” Sibley told WTOP in an email. “That will take a few days as it is a big decision for me.”

The list of released entities includes the following government agencies: Department of Health and Human Services, FBI, General Services Administration, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Internal Revenue Service, National Drug Intelligence Center, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Information Systems Command, Department of Commerce, Department of State, U.S. Postal Service and U.S. Forest Service.

Others listed in the filing include the Archdiocese of Washington, Embassy of Japan, Bethlehem Steel, Constellation Energy/BGE, Hewlett-Packard, Johns Hopkins University, Washington Gas and several large law firms.

In July 2007, Palfrey and her attorney released her phone records for public viewing. After the release of the phone numbers, Louisiana Sen. David Vitter acknowledged being a customer of Palfrey’s service.

Judge Gladys Kessler ordered Palfrey and her attorney to cease distributing her bookkeeping records.

Sibley’s license to practice law was suspended in 2008 for three years by the D.C. Court of Appeal. In addition, Sibley has sued the former chief judge and court clerk in D.C. for $1 million each."

That journalist is pro-Trump, too. Further evidence that whatever is in those records would help Trump immensely. I bet it's Hillary.

From the behavior of Cruz supporters thus far, one has to wonder if anything could dissuade them at this point. They obviously could not care less about the Constitution and the natural born citizen stipulation. Likewise, they appear unfazed by the blatant dirty tricks pulled off by the Cruz campaign team. The Republican leadership may very well be using Cruz as a stalking horse to derail Trump, only to jettison him in favor of a contested convention pick, but a sordid sex tape might not change much in the here and now.

I hope Glenn Beck's name on the DC Madam's clients list.

That would bring forth much salt, but Beck strikes me as more of a pederast than a player.

Here's the attorney's latest:

TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2016

My next steps . . .

Yesterday, the Supreme Court docketed the denial of my Application. They gave no reason for the denial of my request to review the refusal of the District Court Clerk to file my Motions for Modification of the Restraining Order which I believe prevents me from releasing information relevant to the present election cycle.

So now what is my next step? Torn as I am that I should not be gagged from First Amendment political speech by a restraining order that I am being denied the opportunity to even asked to be dissolved, I am a Doctor of Laws and cannot flaunt the Court's authority easily. Hence, I will continue to press Obama Supreme Court nominee Chief Judge Garland of the D.C. Circuit Court to expedite the resolution of the Petition I placed before him on March 9, 2016.

Chief Judge Garland and I have tangled before which is why I believe he is hoping I will release the records so I can be arrested for criminal contempt of court. That most certainly would silence me as there are no keyboards or Internet in jail. Notably, the underlying determination of what Chief Judge Garland has permitted on his watch is deemed "confidential" under Rule 23 and thus sealed from public view. Of course, Chief Judge Garland has the authority under Rule 23(a) to: "disclose the existence of a proceeding under these Rules when necessary or appropriate to maintain public confidence in the Judiciary’s ability to redress misconduct or disability." How about it Chief Judge Garland? Will you release the existence of the proceeding I initiated so the public confidence can be restored? I thought not.

My "confidence" is shaken in the Judiciary's ability to redress misconduct. How about your confidence? And how convenient for the nominee to the bench of the unaccountable, non-elected, super-legislature running our Country to keep his misconduct in the shadows.


Officially: He's going to try to get t he documents released legally by petitioning Merrick Garland.

Unofficially: I believe he wants to release the documents where he will not go to jail. He'll probably either release them anonymously, or someone will "hack" his computer and release them.

Here's the deal though, Cruz lost tonight, and he's officially gone. If he Sibley continues pushing this, then it's likely Clinton that is implicated.

Bump. In case the documents are released one way or another.

preservation bump

I wonder if this guy's problem is that he's an old fart who can't into computers. His so-called "kill switch" turned out to be his ex-girlfriends, and the call records are on CDs (nigga hasn't heard of flash drives?). He probably doesn't realize how it easy it would be to put the files on a burner laptop have it hacked by wikileaks.

Hell, he could just leave them on his coffee table, go for a walk with the door unlocked, and come home to find them missing. File an immediate police report to cover his ass, and someone else releases them.

Since he still seems bent on pursuing the case, it's got to be one of the Clintons.

preservation bump.

bump. in case there's an update


Updates posted:

so.. tldr:

shut it down

page 24. preservation bump

Bump May still be relevant

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we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever