I was permanently banned on 4chan for posting this pic. What do?
I was permanently banned on 4chan for posting this pic. What do?
wait till the kinderschutzpolizei or something come knocking at your door. enjoy jail faggot
Enjoy your last moments with an unscathed ass.
1. open command prompt
2.Type ipconfig /release and press Enter
3. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter
sudo dhclient -v -r eth0
sudo dhclient -v eth0
$ sudo dhclient -v -r wlan0
$ sudo dhclient -v -r wlan0
or call your isp and request a new ip
hot, would put my penis in
ye. thanks for not being a massive faggot yourself user.
enjoy 4chad
Welcome to Holla Forums
post link to full set pls
Welcome to Holla Forums
Funny thing is, if she's from Eurotrash, she's probably already married. Oh my, is that a wedding ring? You know somebody is fucking her regardless.
BUMP because I wish it was me
You could post more OP
Welcome to Holla Forums.
Have fun in the pokey, faggot
Clear your cookies. too.
fuck off pedo
in the gas chamber
expect a visit from local law enforcement who will ask to scan your hard drive..
ist it crazy how a mere picture like that is means to have government finger men bust down your door kidnap you throw you in a dungeon abuse torture probably kill (via proxy) lol its like we live in the 15th century Europe with the church n shit, yet we have iPhones n shit, what a trip
have fun m8
You'll never get banned for cp here
Thank you, I've been wanting a version of this picture since forever.