Holla Forums's only one and true Queen
Spiderchan is Holla Forums's one and true queen. This dumb cunt didn't even post on here.
it looks like a dude and it puts spiders in it's ass
A cumdumpster can never be queen.
go back to your trap threads on 4chan
at least Spiderchan is actually related to this site and actually posted on the site, not some random girl who is mediocre looking. I've seen traps that look exactly like Kaylee tbh, saying that a girl looks like a guy is a subjective opinion.
oh fuck off faggot go back to 4chan
don't faggots on 4chan worship this cunt too?
That's like being a Christian and telling someone to fuck off back to church.
*wat? kaylee is Holla Forums-exclusive as far as I know
That still doesn't mean she has anything to do with Holla Forums, other than the fact that two autistic faggots spam her picture here.
you clearly weren't in the first thread therefore you're new.
I actually was but being in the first thread means absolutely nothing. 2 people can seem like 100 people if they are dedicated enough.
You clearly don't know how imageboards operate, therefore you're new.
gtfo new fag tbh fam
found the newfag
Then you would know that she does have a particular link to Holla Forums because it's the place where all of her content first appeared.
lol ive been here since 2009
First appeared where? On the internet? You realize that's a fucking retarded statement, right?
If someone spams a picture of someone, it doesn't automatically make it Holla Forums™ OC.
I've been here since the first exodus in 2008, newfag
her pics wasn't "spammed" faggot
lurk moar
yes they were.
You clearly weren't in the first thread. We're back to the previous post.
Stop posting. You're new and a retard.
Prove it, faggot. That's right, you can't.
nice try, newfag
I don't have to prove anything. You've proved to everyone that was here that you were not here for the first thread. You are new.
You're both new and retarded.
Ok I'll spoonfeed you the story just because this argument is painful to read and you look retarded.
So yes the original thread on Holla Forums was the first instance of her lewds being on the internet and that's why they're particular to Holla Forums.
Nice try, newfag
successfully derailed.
Well done user-kun, I hate Kaylee faggots.
less autism, more of this qt
less autism, more of this qt
Newfags don't know Kaylee and based swat city.
What the fuck happen to Swat City?
fucking newfags
Prolly got a ride in the party van
I want kaylee to shit on my chest
Lumpy or runny?