Holla Forums is my personal Holla Forumslog

I want Kennedi to forgive me.

What should I do fellow Holla Forumsloggers? I miss her sarcastic lefty remarks, her selfies she would send me, and the overall company she gave me that would brighten up my boring days.

I fucked up, and I would kiss her feet if it would me we could amend. I am not asking for anything else from her, there would be no need.

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*if it would mean

Forgive me Kennedi, I'm sorry :(

I would wash her feet in lukewarm salt water and dry them in a silk cloth. I would kiss her feet as I hold them and ask her to forgive me. I am willing to go that far for a friend.

Kennedi is a fairy that brought fun and autism to days that lacked them. If that isn't a friend, idk what is… I fucked up and now her absence is all I have.

What must I do to gain her forgiveness?

Maybe the question is wrong, what must I do to atone for my sin?


What the fuck are you talking about

you are going to have to be more specific

Do you wanna get punched in the fucking mouth