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Holla Forums's resident medfag here again to answer all your grueling medical questions.

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How do I stop tonsil stones from developing?

how do i force a woman to make love with me?

not just sex, i want intimacy too

Start with good dental hygiene, don't use a mouthwash with alcohol, and if needed, gargle with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water.

see pic related

What the fuck do I do about chaffing in between my balls and legs?

Apply talcum powder daily, as needed.

What kind of Doctor are you?

I've had a discoloration to the left of my shaft on my inner thigh for at least a year now. it is similarly dark like ringworm, and occasionally has light skin shedding. it never itches or burns, and has remained constant in size and color. What is this?

By who? The faggot ass vols who probably haven't even graduated highs school?

its maybe .75 by .6 inches in size btw.