stop being so sexist berniebros
it's time for you to do the right thing and drop out
Don't be a sexist
why live?
let me guess, you were hired in your college club to make money by shitposting stale propaganda on "social networks" right?
no you capitalist pig, it's called doing the right thing!!!!
you are a disgusting sexist your mother would be so ashamed of you
check your pretzels non-faggot scum
stop with your hate speech
isn't she lovely
strong women for Hillary little bernieboys go home
Shes a wrinkled old cunt who will only do something to benefit humanity when she dies.
go back to Holla Forums you fucking sexist
Im good here faggot
One could argue she's already provided offensive humor and numerous memes user. So there's that until then.
a sexist and a homophobe just kill yourself nazi
Does anyone actually LIKE Hillary? I don't think I've ever come across an user who unironically supports her (and that includes 4chan). I see a lot of "well, I'll vote for her over Trump", but I've never seen anyone even attempt to make a compelling case for her.
Is this shitposting or 8ch is being raided?
I don't need shillery from le global establishmentarianism I have le dolan Trumpf as le innurnet meme man and hes gonna build a wall 50 feet tall and catapult the pacos across it all
OK I won't
look at OPs file name on his pic and take a guess
Fucking awesome. I wasn't sure until now maybe, but I'm voting for Trump that old lech.
It became very clear now that she'll be the next US president.
She's going to destroy Trump with 70% vs 30% score. It will be terrific.
Trump supporters just killed the Republican Party and the conservators. Good job !
So, to all trump supporters : enjoy your 5 years of Hillary Clinton, it's all thanks to you !
yo is that triggly puff holding the hillary sign?
why 5?
Benghazi is NOT the Libyan Consulate, it was an outpost.
Consulate is in TRIPOLI you idiot
The "cables" have nothing to do with Benghazi
also lower part of your photo shows PRO-AMERICAN Libyans trying to get Stevens to a hospital
Actually Donald will Trump Shrillary's girl card. I can't wait to stick it to you libs.
she so coooowll