Where can I ask for advice on depression, is there a board regarding ?
Help me out here guys…
Where can I ask for advice on depression, is there a board regarding ?
ask your local doctor, he's the one most likely able to help you
if that's not an option >>>/kind/ might be able to help, if those faggots are still around
Holla Forums is the best board for that. Other boards might try and talk you out of suicide, but we will tell you how to do it when you inevitability ask.
Yes, because coming to a random channel where no one gives a flying fuck about you. Is the EXACT place you should come to ask for advice.
So either you are a complete and utter moron.
Who's simply looking for attention
Or you really don't have depression. Which is it?
Eating those struggle-o's bother.
Life is awful it is better to be dead. You should be deppressed, it is the inevitable consiquence of expecting anything out of life. Take refuge in those moments of absorbtion, and escape from reality. LIfe it's self is suffering, it does not get better.
Here's what I did.
Start walking for at least an hour everyday and start lifting.
Start trying to eat better and drink lots of water.
Self improvement or at least trying helps ….that and weed
Don't ask a doctor. Ask a psychologist. Anyone who is a pill pusher, will always have ulterior motives.
Not sure about that, see
I try seems like wasted time and I give up… again.
this might help, thanks
Find a local AA meeting if you're an amerifat. Sponsor someone.
Let me tell you something OP, those people who say it gets better? They're fucking liars. You see an opportunity you take it buddy.
Opportunity of an hero ?
this tbh. if you got a good chance do it.
There is no help.
All you can do is learn to cope. That's it.
Don't jump down that chute. You'll bounce against the metal bars all the way down and most likely survive it, but crippled and in constant pain.
I am like you
Find the desire to learn, look within
do spiritual practices especially meditating to just get an idea
Then find good DMT and freely travel out of body, heal, love, learn amazing knowledge etc.
Don't kill yourself! Fight the good fight
Use our spiritual earth helpers, the plants, to guide us to where our heart needs to be. The next dimension is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU if your vibrations are at the right frequency
I fucking floated right into the next dimension
It was the most beautiful thing ever
DMT vision should do no more then increase you sense of skepticsm about reality, not that it is good. The hells that could await the universe could be infinitely painful.
The old age of lies should be disregarded. No more imbalances. No more manipulation through ego
once the pole shift happens people ready for 5th dimension will be able to go maybe
Now is the time to open up, we are seeds ready to grow out of duality!
this is the SAME SHIT high level masons study and abuse
Hell is a place yes, those using DMT that are prepared dimensional inner explorers with an open mind and heart will most likely not visit that place. It is more of a void in many reports, nonetheless very terrifying.
Described as "being disconnected from the light of source" is a common description by people who had terrible setting and inner commotion when using it. Only a fool would play with DMT like it is shrooms or acid.
The void is an infinitely wonderful place, where there is no pain, no past, or future, of indescribable stillness and clarity. The light is a lie, it can questioned, it is not the source, it just another question.
smiley gtfo
True. But don't disrespect shrooms and lsd. They can be very enlightening as well.
Just listen to some good slasherwave before going out Breivik style
DateTimeOriginal 2015:03:05 11:57:54
CreateDate 2015:03:05 11:57:54
ModifyDate 2015:03:05 11:57:54
next time erase the exif faggot
smileys ded bro
lol who is smiley? I'm stoned
I never post. Only lurk
hell void is more like darkness, solitude, fear, regret, panic, no measure of anything. That is what I was referring to. But there is like a place deep within us, which is just a flow of geometry and peace. That is like a resting place to visit from time to time but not to linger. As the meaning of advanced life consciousness (us) is to always experience and learn
no disrepect, I love them all equally :)
They are all natural plant based guides
I have never tried them. I went from weed to DMT explorer after 6 months of research and many weird synchronistic events taking place in my life
Not to mention look at the filename
Not even trying
there is one such board
Get off imageboards. See doctor.
Stay the fuck away from psychiatric medication. It's going to fuck your shit up.
join the wizard path if you are not a norm
that green thing has a chad dick don't trust you
Nice try you fucking asshole
this like sleeping without dreaming, disregard everything
just go into the pony thread, those guys are so fucked up, half of them is probably depressed too.
there was a /suicide/ board but they all killed themselves
I made a board MONTHS ago. Itbis called /helpme/ I believe. Noone ever posted there, because I never advertized it. Have fun with the advice in the sticky I put up.