Everything sesms to go wrong today

Everything sesms to go wrong today..
Am i alone with this feel?

Also dubs gets next picture

Why is the coffee pot there in the first place?

Good question, it should have been a m$ cup today i guess..

That sucks op. I'm not having a great day either- but it's mostly my fault.

What have happened in yours so far?

i missed a bus despite being on time but that's about it

it has been actually a pretty great day for me

I feel you m8. I just got banned for a day from Holla Forums for dumping shota to trigger closet faggots.

I mean, it's a lot more than the 1-3 hour ban I get for posting furry and 3d gay porn but I guess I've been trough worse.

i feel you.
what helps me is to lay down, that way its hard to make any mistakes lol

at least you cleaned it up asap once you saw it instead of doing something else like getting your camera and taking pictures of it or something like that.


Why is those things even close you fucking manchild?

i cleaned it up

i was busy and discovered afterwards..

i think you replied to me on an accident, i said i had a great day

thats nice, hope it keeps getting better for you ;)

nice picture, tfs

thanks, same to you

Yes, in the all of the history of man kind, of over 40,000 years. YOU are the only one to feel this way

*fucking gives you the gun, and leaves the room. So you can do everyone a favour.

just asking if anyone had a good day
seams like your day sucked as well?

*so whats wrong pal?

Holy fucking shit, I bet he was a new mod or something

tech banned me for 4 days for porn