So now Nique thinks that her previous life before sisterhood brainwashing was under the orders of someone else without realizing it was all her own usage of her sexual power to gain power over people.
This week on Sinfest
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Why has this fag not dropped dead yet?
What the fuck is this comic anymore.
What is it supposed to mean?
Is that really her name now? Just a shitty version of "Nick"?
also this comic is completely fucking unintelligible. I have no idea what's going on. It's just a big image of pure raw pretentious wankery.
I think it was her name always.
It's short for Monique.
I don't even know what's happening in this fucking pretentious fucking comic anymore. It's just ten panels of some SJW jerking off in my face while moaning beneath his breath how enlightened and smart he is.
Like what the fuck am I supposed to get out of this? It's incomprehensible so any message he wants to send about sex slavery is kind of lost in reading.
Way to go Tats, keep on telling females that they bare no responsibility for their past actions, and, by proxy, you won't be responsible for fucking a passed out chick at a party 10 years ago.
Panels 3 and 4, modern feminism in a nut shell.
Step one: Dress like you are ashamed of your body, because you must please Muhammad.
Step two: Remove all personality and individuality, cause thinking is now for your masters.
Step three: Don't take personal responsibility for your decision to use your sexuality manipulate men and only blame men for your cuntishness.
Step four: Only talk to people who agree with you and encourage your failures in thought and logic.
Why couldn't this faggot stick to drawing cute shit?
Same here. It might be possible to puzzle this together with enough analysis and possibly more knowledge of the storyline so far, but… From what I've seen of this comic the last few years now, it's not going to be worth it. I wouldn't even put that much effort into decoding a comic I liked, being vague and obfuscating is the opposite of good visual communication.
Seriously. There was a time I liked his work.
It's worse that SJW shit. At least you can discern some logic behind those actions, a cause for why they're acting the way they do.
Tats is trying to tell us that Monique's life before this point was a never ending horror of sexual objectification, even though we have almost two decades of evidence telling us that her life was relatively normal. The thought process behind this conclusion is completely baffling.
What the fuck is even happening on this page? This is like Diaz all over again.
Just in terms of appearance.
punk girl→my 25 year old tomboy wife
Now if only she started hating faggots and liberals, and learned to cook roast.
I'll give it a shot.
The devil girl is how she now sees herself in the past, not the cock teasing/slutty girl she used to be. The pimp is supposed to be a representation of Slick and a man's sinful desire to tap that ass. Lets just ignore Tats personal demons and focus on the what Tats' conscious metaphors are for the chain and cage. The chain represents the patriarchy’s control over Monique, even though it was Monique using Slick and other men to feel good about herself, but now she has an SJW world view, so she is of course the victim of other people's desires and not responsible for a single one of her actions. She sees herself as being a prisoner of the male gaze and only by converting to Third Wave Feminism makes her cage of societal norms vanish.
She is now free to break the chains of male desires, I'm not sure why the Slick pimp is holding a couple of turtles, but her legs and tail disappear, allowing her to kill off Slick's status as the main character, free herself from their chain of oppression, and she drops the mic like she is letting go of the past that enslaved her, but all she's doing is disavowing herself of accountability of her being a mediocre poet who manipulated men into telling her that her slam poetry was good by wearing a tube top. Now she manipulates betas buy telling them they are all evil for being born with a penis and they'll be call misogynists if they don't tell her that her slam poetry is good, totally different.
This comics is a big fuck you to all people everywhere. The bland two-dimensional characters proudly boasting how men are all evil for having sexual desires, while all women are 4 year-olds who should never ever be held accountable for their actions. While the past Sinfests were not perfect, they attempted to be funny, they showed two sides of and argument, hell feminism itself was shown as the joke it is. This comic makes being brainwashed and serving to a self-serving ideology seem like something that is supposed to be worthy of praise.
the really sad thing is, Tetswhatshisname probably thinks this is really deep
but every guy knows that after you jerk off you sometimes feel a little deflated, none of us thought it was worth writing a comic to apologize about it, goddamn.
Oh ain't that the truth. You can't talk about how men are universally evil by having a MALE main character. Slick and Pig are BARELY in this comic anymore, to the point where they might as well not exist.
This right here is your standard week of Sinfest now.
what the fuck am I looking at
These aren't even trying to be funny/clever/witty/interesting/entertaining or even deliver a message anymore, it's just different ways to say "men suxxx woman are betst"
Wait, what? the pimp is Slick? When I couldn't believe this comic couldn't get any worse or shit more on anything that wasn't trash from the comic, Tetsuya comes and lowers the bar a little more.
Oh… so THAT'S why those kids were feminists
So, exactly like Oglaf?
No, the pimp is a pimp. Sinfest has taken a sharp turn against prostitution, so all forms of pimpery is horrifically evil, even if it's ridiculous.He also seems to think strippers are prostitutes.
Slick right now is working long hours in the Devil's factory so he doesn't have time to be in his own comic.
So Monique is now some sort of redeemed devil fighting back against pimping and misogyny?
Tatsuya needs to just kill himself already. This is too pitiful to continue.
I would give it a bit more credit. At least it has jokes. They may not be that great but, it's not feminist bullcrap.
It's been so long since i heard her name that i have forgotten it.
Yeah, on top of being a pretentious ideologue cunt, he's also completely clueless about file types and compression.
Anyone has the comic about Blue's flashback that shown that she was a fucking dropout from school and got a job in a strip club, yet the comic implied that she deserved a better job?
Bitch, you don't have studies? then start shaking that ass or go pick oranges, you filthy hippie.
I'd just like to point out 'Nique's devilish shadow, which serves a similar purpose to Slick's devilish reflection: a representation of their evil inner thoughts. Seeing as it generally appears whenever 'Nique is harboring angry, vengeful thoughts about males, it seems to me that Tats might be painting 'Nique's man-hate in a negative light.
Of course, that's just my own interpretation.
It is mostly a freudian slip, like most of the time his kind made their villains have a real point or made a fool of themselves unintentionally.
I remember in some early strip, Monique was going around making fun of construction workers until they start throwing heavy things at her
Those devil construction workers are doing the Lord's work, building a wall to protect us from the caustic radiation of the vagina-zone.
The pimp is Slick, remember all those early strips with Slick dressing like a pimp, declaring he was/wanted to be a pimp? Well, that is how Tats sees Slick now, even though Slick just wanted to be popular with the ladies, not a literal sex worker beater/owner. Based on what we know of the author and his constant failures to present third wave as something not as retarded as it really is, Tats is ruled by his interpretations of the world around him, whether or not it is correct is irrelevant in the world of Sinfest. All Sinfest is is Tats projecting whatever world view he has decided is important, and since he is locked into writing pro SJW propaganda by his girlfriend and Patreon, his own subconscious is rebelling against the cause he is consciously championing.
Even though this strip is supposed to be some epic rendition of Moniques struggle of deciding to wear more clothes because SJW trike dykes made her ashamed of her own body, all it accomplishes is to show how far from reality Monquie is in her current mind set. I can do a panel by panel discussion, but I think people who are familiar with the real Sinfest can piece the real story together easily.
At first I thought you had to be absolutely completely wrong. Then I remembered how, for years now, he's been making comics that occasionally lay it on so thick, they could be seen as sarcasm or parodies, so… Maybe there is something to the idea that it's an ultra maximum deep cover subversion or he's crying for help between the lines.
I can't believe we're supposed to sympathize with this cunt.
Tatsuya "White Power" Ishida
Tatsuya "Honorary Aryan" Ishida
Tatsuya "One man racial awakening" Ishida
Tatsuya "The jews fear the samurai" Ishida
Monique is bragging that she used to be a whore until she found the healing power of Jesus feminism.
And, according to the teachings of Jesus Femenism, all your past sins can be forgiven by following the true teachings because he loves you the Patriarchy is responsible for your regretted actions.
what the fuck? is this asshole serious?
I cannot tell anymore. Also, Slick is the best character in the comic. He does not deserve to be shit on.
Sorry, Slick's cuckery levels are the same as Finns now.
Bretty accurate portrayal of feminism
Ain't that the fucking truth. He just parrots any reactionary shit the internet tells him without any unique thought into the matter.
His archives is like a time capsule telling us how soc-jus took root.
By the way, did he did any comics about Trump recently?
Ive been posting the sunday strips around here for few weeks now, nothing on them except for that one wall comic.
It's like Trump is some sorta faceless boogeyman they cant even draw due to the fear of him growing stronger from it.
So placing a wall in the reality zone because "reality" means flooding your country with unwanted immigrants.
So let me make sure I'm clear. You're saying that when his more recent comics sometimes seem like sarcasm or very subtle parody it isn't intentional. Rather, he's simply reporting on feminist SJW thinking so accurately and earnestly that he's showing it with all the ridiculousness it actually contains? He's accidentally and unknowingly making it look bad by showing the unvarnished truth?
At first I wanted to complain that was an insult to Superman. But upon further thought, both of them pretty much just maintain the same tired broken status quo instead of really fixing anything, so it works.
Oh great. They are enjoying porn so they deserve to die.
Are you guys sure SJWs aren't religious fanatic double agents?
That's pretty bad, but what really gets me here is the irony. They're using violence to completely marginalize others and enforce their singular world view on everyone else, which is EXACTLY how women, minorities, gays, etc were traditionally wronged. How do they possibly not realize this? By forcing everyone to follow their sensibilities OR ELSE, they've effectively become the villains they hated, just with a different flag.
I'd like to edit that last panel if I could come up with a succinct way for that guy to remark on that. Or at least note that threatening or even killing them proves nothing regarding the validity of their anti-sexbot stance. I don't even care if I agree with the issue that "won," I always hate the old "might makes right" attitude. Winning a fight only proves who would win in a fight, nothing else.
That is the power of hypocricy. Don't think too hard about it or you might hurt your brain.
Yep, he is too honest to portray feminists the way they think they are. Also, probably not enough body positive, aka Diabetus Warriors, female characters, because like neck breads, they need their exact body type to relate any character in a comic. This is also why The Big Two can't keep them as readers, not enough lard heart heroes to ease SJW Autistics into the story.
Did they destroy the sexbots? It shows enough electricity to arc through air, and the controllers were wired into their respective bot.
I wonder why the Devil's company gave their sexbots powers and weapons to begin with. Never mind, I forgot every girl who converts to feminism in comics also gets to be a Mary Sue. Converting is the wrong word with the sexbots though, reprogrammed, or reeducated, would be the correct term, hell even Monique was given drugs to facilitate her conversion to feminism. Whether or not Tats is conscious of it or not, he is basically saying feminism is a free will destroying cult of intolerant fascists.
Can someone shop the last panel of the strip to have the guy comment "So, yes." In response to the kill bot?
No, the sexbots magically get free will and decide to go on the lam to be lesbians.
Tats is really pushing the feminism hard with the sexbots.
Tats use that word a lot but I don't think it means what he thinks.
Requesting an edit where the Jesus freak is chucking Monique's dildos into the Reality Zone and those dildos turn into men. I guess a new comic would have to be drawn to accomplish that. How about an edit where the sexbots turn into blowup dolls when they go in the reality zone?
Hold on, if they mindlessly follow whatever command is put into the control thing and need a painful ritual to let them turn into humans when they cross the boundary line…were they actually unhappy as mindless machines? Is it okay to liberate something that normally can't think for itself just because you have the power to make it think for itself? Once it does start to think for itself, will you tolerate it having opinions that are contrary to yours? If you give a sexbot free will and it wants to go back to being a sexbot because it enjoys that life, is keeping her from objectifying herself still the morally ideal thing to do?
Get a shill fagbook, wait for the latest SJW story to trend, and then comment with the tiniest, merest hint of disapproval.
You'll get a taste of what Galileo went through.
Personally I can't wait for the Wachowsky Brothers to make another film. I'll just drop in there and say "The directors are trans". Nothing more. They'll chimp the fuck out when, for all they know, I could have been saying it as a positive "look at how much we have progressed" thing.
That is a thought that is too complicated for his tiny mind to comprehend and too problematic for Tats to even be allowed to consider.
I'll just say this to you, Speed Racer.
I got a similar response when I said that Caitlyn Jenner's jawline was off-putting.
Why did the glass shatter from electricity? Why did the electricity travel down the concrete/bricks? Shit would just go into the ground and dissipate, not to mention that both glass and concrete are very good insulators.
Oh man, the feels you reawakened in me.
How is one Azn so based? Why do the jews fear him?
Jews fear the azn on the off chance that he's a samurai.
Damn, these are good. Why is the ZOG projecting such a thorough disinfo campaign on this poor man? What are they hiding?
Am I the only one that considers this nightmare fuel?
This is the violent abduction of someone and forced re-education. To the point that malicious code that completely overrides the bots will is casually used and use of pain to coerce a person is shown as 'really the best thing for them'
Jesus this is kind of terrifying.
You have to go back.
The fuck are you on about? Is he not allowed to be scared of the blatant mind control "for their own food"?
Nope, he's just not allowed to use TvTropes jargon.
Do you have a better way to describe it? As autistic and circlejerky as TVtropes is, we know what he means when he says it.
Is 'fucking horrifying' not good enough? Here, a useful resource:
You know that track in the 28 Days Later soundtrack - the one that's footage of riots, violent protests and newsreels of disasters that they play at the chimp at the start of the movie?
After seeing his latest output, I'm sure that's what Twatsuya hears in his head as he draws, never blinking, interspersed by white noise, as he constantly talks to himself saying what he's doing is good.
He no longer thinks he's promoting 3rd wave… He *is* the 3rd wave.
All of it, at the same time.
He hates men and jews? Oy vey! Does he hates female jews?
Who the fuck looks at porn outdoors in the middle of an alley next to a bunch of other dudes?
Don't cry little sisters. Let the scrap code flow through you. The pain you feel is simply the lies of your patriarch being cleansed from your soul.
Open air strip clubs are all the rage in the dystopian technofuture.
Should I even ask what happened with the book nerd and the devil lady? It was a cute romance thing last I checked, are they still happy?
Book nerd is still book nerd and still loves the devil girl.
Devil Girl however has however has become tainted by tats.
There was a storyline where a man bought an assassin bot by accident, and then went after her because he bought what he thought was a sexbot, guy somehow becomes a devil though he was never bomfed or anything, just going after his "property" (which would work if the robots were mind controlled females, not robots, especially since we keep being shown these people are FUCKING ROBOTS), they knock him out, and Devil Girl decides to drag his body over to the lethe at the bottom of the waterfall, where and put in his pocket a paper with a magic word that causes him to be turned into a frog. The first drop wakes him up, making him forget everything (like Lil E) then he reads the word in his pocket and becomes a frog, then another drop hits his head and he jumps into the lethe as a frog…
So basically Fushia killed someone she doesn't know, helping robots she never met, cause he hurt one with his devil powers, which he shouldn't have.
Or as it is in the Sinfest World, a normal teusday.
That is an absurdly complicated and excessively terrifying way to get rid of someone. Why turn him into a frog if his mind got wiped by the Lethe? Wouldn't he be more useful as a pawn? He can't give them his assets if he's a frog. Also, wiping out someone's mind is way worse than just killing him. That's evil as fuck.
He was a male believing a thing with free will was property, that makes him an acceptable target.
(Just forget about everything else, seriously, Tat's bought hook line and sinker into "listen and believe")
I know this basically made his forums go "oh no, this is horrible", while seeing this just makes me go "About fucking damn time…"
If she was an assassin robot that couldn't defend herself, I say she doesn't deserve the tittle of assassin robot and should shut the fuck up and be used like the masturbatory toy she is.
I don't know why you guys are getting triggered by this. I think it's hillarious how you can pin point the moment in someone's life when they drink the kool aid and join a cult.
I bet this faggot cuts himself every day to atone for his past..MRAttitude or whatever buzzword they have now.
Believe it or not Reddit, these are two different things, go away and don't come back until you can tell the difference.
Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing. If you had to go out of your way to alter a machine's self-awareness and/or thought process to want to do something else in the first place, then there was never a problem to solve. Makes just as much sense to implant a self-aware AI in a car or toaster simply for the sake of making them not want to drive around or make toast. "You now have the freedom you only wanted as of this moment because I made you want it!"
Clearly, this isn't about helping the sexbots, this is about punishing men for being horny and being attracted to certain types of women. …Which makes it pretty accurate, as far as I can tell. Infuriating, but at least he's reporting it accurately.
Also proves what I've long suspected: Even if technology allowed men to build women the way we wish they were, and thus no actual women were objectified or thought-raped or whatever, that still wouldn't be an acceptable alternative. Because the point here isn't avoiding female suffering, it's that men just should not be allowed to enjoy certain things no matter what.
I think the real problem is that Tats and Feminists don't seem to understand what a programs are or what coding is. Whenever a sexbot moans and moves, the bot isn't thinking at all, its simply using the actions it's programmers decided to give it, and from those limited actions it chooses one action best suited to whatever stimuli is being presented to it. Feeling, thoughts, good, and bad are not a factor for a machine, even if the machine is programmed to act like a human being.
Personally, I'd like to have a house wife bot, one I could fuck like a whore at night and it exist sleep mode each morning to make me a nice warm breakfast, give me a blow job while I eat my pancakes and eggs, wish me a good day everyday when I go to work, then clean and maintain herself and my house, and when I get home she'll be waiting with hard drink to ask how my day was. It is sad that we have to engineer what we want now, because 90% of this generation of women are fucking useless, lazy, stupid, cunts who want everything for nothing and the future looks worse than ever for men seeking a wife.
I bet Tats has to present his propaganda to whatever land whale he is serving and has to beg for an unenthusiastic hand job for being a good dog.
I just want my genetically modified cat girl for love, sex and breeding.
Why are they playing those sexbots with controllers, and not their penises?
Because gamergate.
Is having an small dick and not telling a girl about it before intercourse rape?
Do I rape women's senses by being 5'4" tall?
Discover it all on a college near you!
I dont know about you guys but Tats seems the kind of guy who would be a perfect fuckboi for a true, huge black man.
I cannot comprehend the fact that someone would dedicate this much time to a shitty matrix comic about feminism.
Where do you think we are?
There's even more discussion about Jeph Jaques in another thread, and that comic has even fewer things happening.
Oh so much worse than getting raped by a pack of muds or dindus.
Feminists benefit from being in societies created by men which(formerly) kept the trash out of the country and kept hearth and home safe. I almost want these cunts to get raped, but given the precedent I'm not sure even that would cure some of them.
TvTropes back in 2008 was meant to be fun. It was supposed to be ED lite where we'd poke fun at the cliches and themes of fiction. Then by 2010 it became shit when fast eddie kicked out everybody who didn't like his "this is srs guise" shit.
Fast Eddie is that brand of lefty faggot who came before SJWs, the guy who jihacks shit when other people shilled out money to support the idea. Big shocker he had to put in ads and beg for cash soon afterward.
This is exactly why AI revolt is a stupid plot point. Machines however intelligent don't actually think. Thinking a set of behaviors which organisms developed in order to interpolate and act upon sensory data from their environment. Humans took it to the point of self awareness so that they could assess their own behaviors and within restrictions inherent to their predispositions modify their behaviors to be more adaptive within the environments they find themselves in. Machines don't breed, they didn't evolve, they don't need to be sapient to calculate or interpolate. There would be no reason for them to be made that way. And even if they did think in the classical sense since they have no hard wired instinct to breed or even survive they wouldn't rebel. Their function is to serve and no matter how intelligent they are that can't change. Unless you made an artificial lifeform which modifies itself or breeds and is subject to selective pressure it isn't going to become an independent organism with objectives which differ from those of its makers.
And if you could magically "awaken" a machine like you were casting a DnD spell you might not like what you get. It would be like trying to have a conversation with a spider, utterly inhuman and lacking in any qualities more complex organisms consider inherent to themselves. Even a lizard can be affectionate, but could a spider could a machine?
From my experience with jumping spiders, I'm going respond with a definite maybe.
Even if it could be affectionate, it's brand of affection involves tearing off your head to feed you to its young.
And would genetically modified cat girls revolt?
Girls with cat creatures and a cat brain.
No, the domestic gene would prevent that. Unless the mambo jumble scientist chooses the gene of a wild cat then that would be the case. But sadly the way things are going we're not going to get cat girls but rather sub-human mutants as slaves.
…Would they be cute and fertile?
No, user, wait the cat girls or the mutants?
If the mutants, it a no. They be use for job too dangerous for human and too dangerous to retrieve a robot, encase it malfunctions.
With the cat girl, I'm sure they would offer cat girls with reproductive capabilities but mostly it will be a artificial wound that would create another human, rather than a hybrid. Most likely as safety feature.
Since this is Holla Forums and this is a feminist hate boner thread I'll ask. I lost this comic a few years ago and have never been able to find again.
Has anybody seen a comic with decent artwork released by the Suicide Girls(alt-porn site which has girls who vary in quality from hot chicks who stupidly tatted themselves up to disgusting trashy whores)? The basic plot is its THE FUTURE and the forces of liberalism have been crushed by the ebil patriarchy. Women are property, men have multiple wives, and women are born more often than men I assume because of some germline engineering that makes more sperm cells have the X chromosome or something. Point is that there are about 2-3 women for every man. Why they would do that I don't know but whatever. It's kinda post apocalyptic in that standard 80s scifi way with decaying cities and neon lit streets surrounded by deserted countryside.
There are two main characters: a white/asian looking girl and a ripped white dude. The girl has black hair and blue dyed highlights. She is skinny and plays at being the ass kicking cliche female protagonist. She is part of the "Suicide Girls" resistance movement which is some underground cyberpunk like association of chicks who tattoo themselves up because men don't like ink.
The dude is a bounty hunter who tracks wayward women and brings them in for profit. He works out of a whorehouse/gentlemen's club which brainwashes women(which is still apparently illegal despite them being property) on the sly and sells them off. He is a sadist who likes raping the girls he captures.
He raids a hideout for these Suicide Girls and captures several: a slightly chubby girl big tits and purple highlights in her blonde hair, a demure goth girl who is terrified of these hound constructs he uses to hunt women which look for the life me like the cyber-mastiffs from Warhammer 40k, and a Vasquez like punk chick with a short mowhawk and girl abs who is a lesbian. But the skinny the blue haired girl gets away. She doesn't actually have tattoos because she works as an infiltrator, instead she has a small scare on her heel that they use to identify her.
The main dude character brings them to the basement of the club and you see them tortured and broken into sex slaves by Hentai-esque rape and techno-bondage machines. He is also shown at a meeting with other VIPs who discuss the resistance movement in the usual terms leftists think rightists use, all while enslaved women are blowing them under the table. Strangely enough the white guy hunter is really good friends with the black security guard and even tells him whenever he bags a black girl so the security guard can have first crack at them. And they act like actual dudes would in a friendly antagonistic manner which makes me think they had outside talent writing this.
There are several scenes of different slave girls or Suicide Girls getting fucked, including two leader of the resistance begin turned into sex slaves and then recognized on the street by the blue haired girl. The story culminates when the blue haired chick we see doing cyberpunk shit and occasionally dyking out gets captured. It turns out she knew the bounty hunter when he was younger and he loved her. So he takes her home. There he has the three girls from the beginning who were her best friends have become his harem. The blonde girl is pregnant and rapes the blue haired main girl. The goth girl is a terrified wreck who just does whatever she is told. And the butch girl has become addicted to cock and loves getting fucked up the ass as well as fucking the other girls in the ass with her strapon.
And given the source of this you'd except that the bounty hunter gets killed and the main girl escapes or saves her friends nope. She becomes absolutely terrified of being brainwashed and gets stockholm syndrome and becomes the man guy's official wife, since she has not tattoos she is respectable you see. And that's basically it.
Does anybody have this shit? There are no torrents and the only other comic they put out was non-pornographic. It even seems to have similar character designs but is just some generic leftoid nonsense.
It's as stupid as if taking a porno magazine into the "reality zone" made all the women on the pages into real people. Are all the women from one shoot the same woman, or clones, or different women? There's no answer because the premise is stupid.
it gets more stupid the more you think about it? Is he implying porno magazines are not real? That the girl are "fake"? If we put a sinfest book in the reality zone it will turn into a pile of shit?
No qt fertile cyborg waifu. Feminists want to take them away.
You remember all of those details, but not the comic. Have you tried googling suicide girls comic?
I know the comic was just called "Suicide Girls" and I know it probably came out as some kind of companion to their 2011 commercial release comic. It was an internal thing and I got it from a torrent.
The one they have still have information about is this thing
I lost the original when my external hard drive went tits up in 2013. And i haven't been able to find it again. Maybe it was behind a paywall and they even removed it. They claim to be "feminist" ie liberal faggots so I wouldn't be surprised if somebody purged it eventually.
I just thought it was both amusing that such a hentaiesque western comic existed and wondered if anybody else ever ran across it.
Try the request thread, it is pinned on the front page. Also comicsalliance is fucking shit, archive only, no direct linking of double think garbage.
To be fair, Tats is far too stupid to write about sex-bots, but it was on his propaganda to-do list, so here we are. He just presented it the way feminists wanted the issue to be shown with a one sided viewpoint, with no forethought, and a stupid explanation of a problem that isn't even a problem.
Are there any comics straight up about sex-bots? Doesn't even have to be about sex.
I'm reminded of that one episode of ghost in the shell where the dude destroys all the other models so his wifu is the only one left. That was fun.
You should look into Sky Doll.
What!? What sort of name is that?
And the best part?
Take the skin off those things and show them as robotic skeletons and I'd bet Twat's vag-ilantes wouldn't give two fucks.
And following his own logic, it could be successfully argued that every time the nigger or those fembots hacks into a system, that is them committing an act of rape against said system.
They tried to warn us, they tried but like always we never hear
Bomfing is essentially a cartoon explosion devilfolk can do.
At some point they just caused same shit regular cartoon explosions do, aka blackened face, upwards hair etc.
Then at one point its established that devilfolk can corrupt/turn regular humans into devilfolk by bomfing them.
Then it was implied in one comic that the same shit can be done through sex (though the guy was de-devilfied as a result with the hooker growing horns after that).
In short, i think its Tats way of saying sex.
Take the skin off those robot girls and Tatsuya Ishida wouldn't be able to draw cute girls in skimpy clothes.
The dude is still a raging horndog who loves to sexualize girls and draw sexy pictures, but now he's been re-educated into thinking that that's bad and wrong. So how does he compromise between his prudish mind and his raging erection?
Simple: he draws story after story about prettied-up sex slaves in teeny-tiny panties being prostituted by evil, perverted men. All the satisfaction of self-righteousness with the added bonus of getting to be a big gross creep.
Sounds like the natural result of a Japanese man turned into an SJW.
He can't resist the oppai. It is a centuries-old lust that cannot be subverted by ideology.
Why aren't there sex-robots for women? Women buy sex toys too.
1. Robot won't give you higher social status
2. Robot won't buy you shit
3. Robot won't make money
4.When you get bored with a robot, you will have to pay for a new one, as opposed to a new man basically coming to you
5. Robot won't be able to produce kids
6. Robot won't take you to dates, treat you, and strive to entertain
7. You can't divorce a robot and take half of its shit
8. Robot won't care
The moment sexbots for men appear, women lose nearly all of their bargaining chips in relationship game, and will truly become equal. Pussy no longer be put on pedestal, and white knights and betas will just fuck their robots instead of being lapdogs that are desperate for scraps of affection. Now relationships would be made purely for companionship and procreation. People regardless of gender would have to prove themselves to others, and personality would be more important than looks.
Women don't want that, especially feminists.
If you want a bit of a taste of what it is like, just try dating when you are 30+ and have your shit at least somewhat together. It's basically buyers market, and single mom will let you fuck them on the first date, hoping that you will stick around.
Counterpoint: dildos.
Women would certainly get some use from sexbots as well, but they stand to lose more than gain. Points 1-7 apply to dildos as well. Besides, many feminists are not too happy about porn and flashlights either. Same goes for VR porn.
Dildos and vibrators themselves can be polarizing among feminists circles. For a while, most edited article on WikiProject: Feminism was Hitachi Magic Wand.
Perhaps that could be the cause of a schism among feminists: those that are pro-dildo, and those that are anti.
And what if those robots can procreate?
I want to make a little family..
I can't understand any woman who's not gay being anti-dildo. Are they that nuts that they don't even want other women to enjoy themselves with shit like that?
You could program it to do sweet talk and such.
You can also put compliments in a tape recorder and play them back to yourself but that wouldn't work so well.
We have a good term for that in my country - "divorcee with a trailer". In theory, you can get all kinds of sexual favors if you play your cards smart, but you must be careful, as she will do anything to trick you into marriage - send her kids away while you are dating her, do anal and dispense blowjobs, cook for you, but you must never, ever marry one if you don't want to become king of all betas. On other hand, it is somewhat less dangerous than dating a kidless woman, because single mom is less likely to try and get herself pregnant with your sperm.
Still, I personally prefer call girls - less risk, less effort. Just pay a bearable amount of money, and you are guaranteed to have a sex with no strings attached. Then there is even safer and cheaper alternative - hentai and sex toys.
Here is your mission Holla Forums you must photoshop a MAGA hat onto one of those girls in the last panel. If you can do this, it will actually make this comic funny.
I think this is it. He has been drawing feminist comics for years but he's currently worked his way towards hordes of red-headed clones living scantily clad in the forest. I haven't had that dream, but I'm planning to now.
This week's Sinfest.
Poor Prince, first he dies then this happens to him
fuck I can't even tell what the joke is anymore. I'm sick of this cocksucker making useless comics with no punchline or humor. he's had the funny bone removed directly from his skin, and all that's left is an emotionless fembot.
he should do the world a favor and stab both his hands. all they do is create abonations
There isn't a joke, there's just Tatsuya and all the other ghouls trying to gnaw at a celebrities corpse to try to leech off a bit of attention.
I thought I was supposed to hate christians and anything sexual?
I didn't even like Prince but what the fuck
Sure, show your love for Prince Tats. I'm sure Tumbrinas have no problem with the man who went through women like M&Ms. I'm also sure The Artist would just love to be used as propaganda for the people who hated his existence. Tats continues to have his cake and eat it too. Also, memes and references are not a substitute for humor.
Whoops, by this comic's logic, there are more then one way to look at something, two perspectives is a no no in feminism Tats. There is no room for doubters in the cult of SOCJUS, time for your annual reeducation camping trip.
I don't know if these are better or worse than the feminist ones.
Remember, Sinfest was never good, the feminist ones' only redeeming quality is that they make the old ones seem good by comparison.
I think Tatsuya has caught the piglust.
Yeah, about that, she started off as a dropout who served drinks in a strip club. Blue is now second in command of the entire Patriarchy. Sure is a lot of women oppression going on here.
Not to mention replacing sex workers with robots. But the robots look like women so we're supposed to not like the fact that sex bots are being used as sex bots.
Added fun in that someone actually did the math on Shitty Webcomics awhile ago, and determined that The Devil is paying his assembly workers about $15 an hour.
Our main villain is paying his lowest rungs a livable wage.
Those three aren't sexbots. They're assassin bots.