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Pedophiles are scum. They deserve to be shot on sight

wew lad


The main reason Holla Forums failed is because of the pedos. If cripple kike had been smarter and banned pedos from the very beginning, Holla Forums could have actually benefited from the exodus

fam why did you downvote me

fuck you reported

The pedos only trigger the m-muh feels crowd.

-1 normie

Wrong you faggot. Not many people want to post on the same website that has /hebe/ and a daily pedo thread in Holla Forums.

You faggots ruined Holla Forums. I hope each one of your kills yourselves

Dubs don't lie

We don't need sensible people here anyways. Get triggered m8.

Forgot to sage, you idiot.

Me too lel

I despise the pedo threads, but we failed because Fred couldn't handle a popular website, simple as that.



One less pedo scum out there hurting kids

Only Bernie Sanders supporters hate pedos

Watch your Fucking Backs in Prison you Fuckin pedos

Pedos trigger the vast majority of humanity, including a great many people who might enrich this site but for the pedo safespace here

The site is insecure and yet the pedos go on deluding themselves that a naked kid pic isn't pedophile material when presented in a patently pedo thread on a notorious pedo IB.

HW seems happy to (not) admin a failing pedochan and Jim is just a sad, old Holla Forumstard.

When they get vanned and the site closed, most of the pedos here will blame the jews.

I don't even like little boys!

Hasn't it occurred to you all that you're pedos too, but you just haven't met the right child yet?


Why haven't you been Arrested already??

But no one can post naked kid pics here. I think even OBSCURE films might be banned although I'm not sure.

The fuck you talking about!? GTFO OF HERE ! ! !





there is nothing wrong with pedophiles

it's the molesters you people should be raving about

We're gonna round up you normies and gas you



i'd rather be a normalfag than a pedo
but hey, i'm neither

Kiddies are not for fiddling!

Still with that old excuse. I wonder how many idiots still buy into that crap.

Get the fuck off my board

Reported. :)

lmao +1

If you're not a pedo, you already failed :^)

Reddit cucks are engaging in full cuckoldry today, the quality of the board is down on the ground. Yet they'll blame the pedos who were there since the very beginning for the incredible amount of garbage in the catalog…

ahahahaha i agree fam +1

failed at what?>>5715408

an incredible amount of garbage

a kick in the cock for you

a 2pizzacoin donation to the cause

-1 go away pedo hating faggot

i hate those gays +1


You're either a pedo, or a cuck, amirite guise? xD

Upboaty mcboatface

me either. thats for fags

i love them ;3

boy posters are the best ;3

i h8 rin coz he is a butthurt faggot

asuka is not better

i'm more concerned with the unfunny banal content that is constantly being manufactured here. the so-called pedo's stay in the 1-3 actually less cancerous than the majority threads. but the niggers who make all this trash spew it on every fucking thread and slide this board daily with pure fucking cancer. OP fuck the fuck off to wherever you came from, then, when you get there, fuck off from there too

rin/lexxe and asuka are the cancer that's killing Holla Forums

Lowcard be a man and do something!

save the drama for yo mamma son. the rest of us don't care


after going through the effort of typing that

ur mum sucks dicks m8


its an open discussion m8. why would i want to censor it????

words of wisdom…

Shit b8; wouldn't r8.

Rin/Lexee banned me and removed all my post just because he does not like me

Is this a real mod???

i dont think so…

i was there. and i'm pretty sure your posts were all removed out of pure conveinience of not wanting to individually remove the 50 spam posts you made and leave the 5 normal ones in tact. stop being a fucking sperg and you won't have this issue :/

Rin/Lexee removes all post just because he is butthurt

is this a freedom of speech?


yes its protecting the rights of all the other users from being bombarded with page after page of nonsense butthurt spam from an autistic manchild

You are a butthurt faggot and my h8 for u will be everlasting!!!

another butthurt rin shill???

not rin. rin isn't even here during regular hours you retard. i only see that person here at like 4am est


and we all know it

good job rin

you will not fool me

Yup fucking hate em… they are the blights of society who need to be purged.

i dont care anymore for that person than anyone else here. this is an anonymous image board. i do care about having to filter through all the spam you post, its fucking annoying and childish of you to be such a little bitch about whatever in-fighting bullshit you have going on. consider the fact that there are only 5-6 people who even use those threads, Holla Forums has ~50 regular users. most do not give 2 fucks about what anyone else here does, but when it interferes with our enjoyment of the board i agree you should be censored, your posting is cancer

Pedos are the founding pillars of chan culture and you butthurt fags can't do shit about it!!!

good job rin shill

how much do they pay you???

i'm the shill but you can't even formulate a decent agrument other than "fuck rin, muh feels"
git rekt

Yeah they love using the black and white fallacy when confronted with issues they simply can't refute. Fuck em all.

no u m8

No, they came a little later. Unless you consider all Japs on 2ch pedophiles (which is probably right) But they are integral to the Holla Forums flavor of chan culture, and they keep normalfags and 4cucks away mostly

when rin/lexee will remove all my post that will be the ultimate proof

don't worry rin i keep all my screens

yea i kinda figured that
stay mad

you may well live to regret that statement

what a bitch

actually the 4 A's are the founding pillars of chan culture
Autism,Assburgers,Aliens and Aids
ayy lmao

That video was created by a jobless man

absolutely based

Pedos are nindus who think they can do what ever they want. They need to be forced back to /hebe/ and a wall needs to be built on Holla Forums. They've already shown they can't post in their own thread and should gtfo my board.

hey its there board too user

You've probably started believing it yourself, you sad fuck.

For the guy samefagging against Rin/Lexee, I'm with you. He or she is a normalfag mod who bans people for spam at slow times of the day for no reason, just because it's a "ritual" to delete spam. He or she is also too dumb to realize that most of the posts will just slide to page 6 and then go away, unless I post in them 10 times


That and ponyfags.

why are you even here if you feel that way?

nice thought, friend
i creked

Nothing better to do

if i was a mod i would take a few hours out of each day to just constantly ban you obnoxious shits. you add nothing to the quality of Holla Forums and make coming here a hassle

Who are worse:
The pedos or the furries?

fuck off.

because you will never win and I'll be part of your defeat.

You're wrong, kiddo.

For what Holla Forums is, 1 out of 20 posts of mine at least are far more quality than what's regularly on Holla Forums

its a random board. that means any content is allowed. don't like that? find a board that caters to your individual tastes then.

Pedos obviously at least the furries generally keep to their own board/thread same goes for the ponys.

[citations needed]

;) (Trigger Warning)

so lemme get this right….you sole purpose here is to combat trolls?
nigga you can't win BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Random isn't:

Consider that I use some grammar and create some interesting discussion that rarely comes to most of Holla Forums outside of Holla Forums threads

Even though most of my posts are spam, I am so dedicated to my spam that I make some extremely high quality posts once every 50 posts at least, and somewhat high quality posts every 20 posts at least.

Most of my quality posts are gone now, because of the faggot mods deleting my entire IP history due to my minor spam.

every single time we have a bash the pedo thread, the pedos get rekt.
when will vegwheels and Jimstein his overlord wake up to the fact that pedos make this place shittier than needs be?


Oh I'm sure Jim will purge them it's only a matter of time. It's going to be fucking hilarious.

I hope u meant that pedos are gods and that furries are "worse" as in demigods

Don't reply to people as if you're me, faggot.

nah m8 furries are far more degenerate

pedos love humans furries love animals

well then user.
keep fighting the good fight Holla Forumsro

Meh I know you're just a shitposter. You don't have autism… you just love annoying people… the pedos on the other hand.


actually yea thats whats Holla Forums is supposed to be like. what planet are you from again?

You're just a dindu who can't even be trusted to post in your own fucking thread. kys.

well you said fighting me was your sole purpose here.


i don't have a thread atm. last one i made was yesterday(asking when Holla Forums was confirmed nignogs)

lust =/= love fucktard


what about pedofurries?
they fuck adolescent animals

What's wrong with loving animals that know about sex and have modified proportions over children uninformed about sex with human limitations?

ok then. just like most people here you have no point.no substance.no purpose.



this holds true

never said i was or wasn't. none of your fucking business what my fantasies are. maybe i like cuck porn or traps.

so posting young girls outside of a pedo thread bothers you?
grow a set

oh dear poor souls.

I'm one of us, yes. But I don't fuck kids, nor want to.

this photo alone creates a future manhater.

any idea what software he used?
i have a few free video editing programs but they all kinda suck

i don't fuck kids either, nor want to.
doesn't mean i don't find young girls attractive.
why do people care if other choose to hold corrupt fantasies (which they probably would never live out) ?


because of the third word in your query

Why are memes not in "legal stuff"
Since when are memes illegal
Are they illegal pictures with text slapped in

They're not, I just want quick access to them

your virtue signaling is clear as glass, so desperate for validation, your probably a pedo yourself OP

well keep fighting your pointless white-knight campaign then user. you won't get anywhere with it


I winced

fyi there is a "hide posts" feature here on Holla Forums. it would be more beneficial to you to just hide posts you dislike, dont open pedo threads and in genral make your useage of Holla Forums a more "safe space" for yourself

can we keep the pedo stuff on hebe?

who's we?
i don't use hebe.

trigger warning


This is the most pedophilic picture on my entire computer.

cool cartoon Holla Forumsro


pedospammers are the scourge of the internet. their insatiable, unnatural will be the downfall of the free internet

I don't hate them or like them
I feel totally neutral

yea because its such a prevalent problem….i mean with all the busts happening because of posting cute young girls on an image board and all…

>the Scourge of the internet



-100 go back to reddit

Not realiseing that prior to the 1958/1960's when the UN called countries together to set minuim age of consent and marriage laws… that it was OK an normal in fact practiced all over the world since forever. In the original colonies of the USA a girl had to be at lest 8 to inherit from her husbands estate be he at least 4.

upvote? go back to reddit…

Way to not sage, dumbass!