Suicide thread

Suicide thread

I won't do it, you fag.

back to Facebook, normie.

You might be more comfortable there.

Go spend the weekend in Vancouver with your inlaws, Brad.

Dope, booze and a gun.
Fuck music.

Whatever, enjoy your creative thread as it dies without a sound…

Enjoy your Pinterest page, Mark.

You can be so cruel. Where does that come from?

No nice song to send yourself off with?

Probably play my favorite vidya
Some edgy shit

fucking chad

Bumping thread there, I see.

This is a shitty thread, that's all.

Carbon monoxide poisoning in a car overlooking somewhere scenic and secluded(So that no "local hero" tries to "rescue" me).
The finest most expensive prostitute followed by a fruit pavlova and a coffee at a cafe.
Not sure how long it takes before the long sleep so…
Into My Arms - Nick Cave
Make It Rain - Foy Vance
Perfect Day - Lou Reed (cliché I know, don't give a shit)

Are you sure you don't want to stick around?
You seem butt-suicidal.

not him just showing empathy towards a non normie

I don't enjoy anything, that is part of the reason why I am doing it.
I wasn't planning on listening to songs.

Tell me about this nitrogen method. Just going to ingest it?

Shotgun to the head deep in a wilderness area.

A nice long hike in solitude (kinda required for the above) and maybe a mushroom trip

As far as music goes, I don't think I'd listen to anything. It might make me change my mind. There's no songs that convey the message of 'do it Faggot ' that I listen to.

nitrogen gas, it should work like helium

Not that it will concern you after you do it but don't you care about the state you'll be found in? Or would you actually prefer to be found that way?

I'm going to starve or dehydrate. Preferably starve. I want that method so that nobody goes
Fuck that. It will be obvious I wanted to die. And if I can't make it then I really didn't want to die that much.

I'll probably have a really nice meal before I start. Hell it doesnt even have to be a nice meal just tasty. I'd settle for a feast at taco bell.

I guess whatever anorexics listen to to keep their mind off food.

That's why I want to go deep in the wilderness. I live in Colorado so it's not too hard to hike for a day and get somewhere that nobodys been for months. Also I'm not too concerned about how I'm found because I'm hoping to decompose and be missing long enough that they can't tell whose body it is. I won't be bringing my ID so that will be a big hindrance to investigators if I ever decide to go through with it. I will have a note that says that this was a suicide and not a murder.

bump because fuk normies

That could take many days and even if you want to die food will be irresistible.

You'll be a missing person and you'll be identified by your clothing.

and dental records, and DNA testing

Nobody will know what I'm wearing when I leave. Most likely I'll stop into a goodwill before I leave. Dna testing only helps if there's Dna to test against and since I'm not in any federal databases (at least my Dna coding isn't) Im not worried. Dental is the one I'm most worried about. Maybe it'd be better to go into the ocean. The blood would attract sharks. Plus I could sink my canoe or whatever by shooting a hole in the bottom then blowing my brains out. The gun, boat and hopefully me would be gone without a trace.

True, but it is possible with enough willpower. I forget what it's called but in some Indian religion (India Indians) starvation is the only acceptable way to off yourself.

Simple, just pull out all your teeth and break your jaw before you kill yourself, and leave the teeth at home.

Just kill yourself by dumping acid all over you. That should dissolve the DNA.

No detective would ever figure that one out.

relatives' DNA can be used

Dude Weed Lmao

might aswell barbecue himself then

But if they knew who my relatives were then they would already know who I was.

Okay then, just leave your teeth at a friend's house. When they find them, they'll think your friend killed himself, and not you.

You would be a missing person. They would ask your relatives for DNA if they found a body, to see if it was you. Just leave a note saying sorry. Whom ever you think you are protecting by hiding your suicide, you're not. Just let them find your body, so they can have closer, and move on.

u rusing bro?
Why leave the teeth at his house or the house of anyone he knows?

That way they won't know they're his.

The perfect crime.

Couldn't possibly toss the teeth in several dumpsters?

It would be suspicious if the police just started finding a bunch of teeth in dumpsters, wouldn't it?

It can take weeks, even months. No water will kill you in days.

They're unlikely to be found among the trash and people wouldn't think about it too much.
Set of teeth at someone's house? What are you going to do? Show up with a bloody mouth and ask them to hold on to them for you?

I was thinking he'd tell his friend he was keeping them there for safekeeping. Sort of like how you put your sperm in a sperm bank for later – he'd be puttng his teeth in a "teeth bank."

This fucking thread…


choke on Enzo's benis

alcohol and a shit-ton of diphenhydramine so I don't leave a messy and disfigured corpse
doesn't matter, probably won't enjoy it anyway
boku no pico theme song

swan dive off a bridge/balcony onto head


5/10 poor landing

10/10 hilarious landing