I'm beginning to think Gail Simone took credit for most of Secret Six from other writers.
Name Good characters, that became one note
New 52 Catman probably has the worst costume I ever seen.
So he became DC Daken?
Pick one.
It's not that bad, it really just needs a color scheme other than solid bronze. Some of the yellow from his old costume would do it good.
You talking about the standards of new 52?
There are definitely worse costumes, and worse changes to beloved characters.
Need I remind you how they ruined both The Question and Detective Montoya in one one fell swoop?
But that's characterization not art style or character designed.
He looks like fucking Hellhound with an even MORE ridiculous mask.
My nigga. He was on his way to replacing the Bat in my heart when the Poo52 hit the fan.
Hang in there, guys. It's only a matter of time before this shit-serpent eats its own shitty tail and we start getting the next round of talent to fix their idiotic mistakes. It might take a decade, but they won't last. In the meantime, we torrent comics like sumbitches.
Just why? Nothing currently produced is worth saving. I say the ultimate insult would be to delete all evidence that it existed in the first place. Just have all the "new" characters be Skrulls and have the pre-faggot age characters locked away, safe from any and all continuity changes made by Tumblrtards.
Who the hell said anything about archiving?
Friendly reminder any live action version of Catman is probably going to based on his New 52 counter part.
So you what, read Marvel and DC? That is almost as bad as archiving it, because you are allowing that shit occupy your mind space. Torrenting it just further spreads their propaganda to immpressionable youth. You're doing the Devil's work user.
If it all gets deleted, future generations can't learn from their mistakes.
Dude Catman was ruined when Simone made him bi.
But Catman wasn't bi in the original secret six until Gail Simone retcon him on her tumblr account.
Is it true Gail Simone won more awards than Alan Moore and Frank Miller combine?
Gail Simone wanted to make Catman bi for the longest time to appease the Tumblr fans that shipped him with Deadshot. She even said that fans could think of him as bi, if they so wanted.
The reboot just gave her a chance to make it canon.
If this is in fact true, then… well…
What's the odds Gail Simone against deadshot being bi now because he being played black now? She probably rather ship him with batgirl now.
Probably untrue.
Moore's won about 26 Eisners and Frank Miller has won about 14. Gail Simone has never won a single Eisner.
Odds are good she's won a bunch of minor awards but they're probably nothing anybody actually cares about.
Gotta bolster that black masculinity.
White masculinity though, that needs to be cucked to pieces, per the sjw code.
Julie went from the quiet level headed reader to a dumb actress wantabee
Oh and they made her bisexual.
Oh and Luke Cage went from a larger than life small town hero who would chase down Doctor Doom for a mere twenty bucks to Bendis's self insert.
I miss pre-alias Luke cage.
Does she still get good porn?
Why the fuck doesn't Marvel let Genndy publish his Luke Cage comic?
Don't have my screenshots but half the Spiders in Spider-Verse. Im talking Sp//dr, Punk Spiderman, Assassin Spiderman, and some others. Sp//dr is the main one people are pissed didn't get a comic but fucking Spider-Gwen did.
didn't they also kill off a bunch of other spidermen because slott hates everyone?
Yeah and alot of it was for that filler death shit to make it seem like stakes are high. The Assassin Spider-Man was taken down in one panel after having this badass intro to how he's a Peter that doesn't fuck around. He got jobbed like 2 issues later.
Has this been anyone else's headcanon for a while? Seriously this could be the major way to revert shit back to normal if Marvel gets their heads on again. It would be one reboot arch I would not mind at all.
Have you seen what happens when Simone is on her own, instead of partnering up with a writer to rip off and steal credit from?
All of Batman universe.
Silly user, Bendis's self-insert is Jessica Jones.
Why is Bendis such a cuck?
Looking back on Ultimate Spider-Man, I can't help but feel that while he was writing the book, Bendis was just itching - And I mean, like, shivering with anticipation - to cuck Peter Parker.
In a way he sort of did
Of course, JMS laid the big time master cucking on Peter
The poster example. Even her design is now absolute shit
Harley Quinn was never a good character.
That's just your opinion.
And it's wrong.
She became a bigger whore that will fuck anything that moves. What's the problem? I love whores.
And by bisexual you mean only ever shown lusting after vagina.
On a side note, was I not reading close enough to realize that iceman would obviously be totally devoted to sucking dick in the future. All those relationships he was in before meant absolutely jack shit. Maybe he's bi, nope. Who the fuck wrote this?
I think you know what the problem is
Friendly reminder that it's canon that Harley thinks Farts are funny and she will probably give you a Dutch oven after snuggling
Wasn't Gwen suppose to be the virgin girl next door? I can understand MJ being a girl who regret not letting Peter be her first. But Gwen a whore seems out of character. Especially fucking Tommy lee jones of all people.
You'll talking 616 MJ or ultimate MJ?
Which one was the slut?
Welcome to 2004
Everybody absolutely hated the story for this reason.
I think 2004 was also the year that they did Identity Crisis over at DC so something must've been in the air in New York for the Big Two to turn out such character raping, terrible stories.
Civil War was also character raping and came out around then, if i'm not mistaken.
He was talking about 616, obviously. Ultimate never fucked anybody, at least not the last time I read it.
Wait raping figuratively or literally?
Figuratively, raping characters literally is DC's thing.
Oh thank god, one less comic series to be saddened by for being edgy.
Stacy was a bland and generic love interest in the original from what I remember. She was virgin next door in Spectacular Spider-Man
Civil War has no end of other, worse, problems.
Even if her character could have been more fleshed-out, you can't deny that pic related is still soul-crushing.
Try going out more you pathetic virgin
I have no idea what else you'd call it, other than whoring.
Especially when you consider that Spider-Man may have very well broken her neck.
Except for the setting and retarded tiny web hand, the way it should always be done is how it was in Amazing Spider-Man 2. You're supposed to not be able to tell if it was him doing it or the fall.
This was one of the two things that movie got right, the other was the costume.
1. MJ was fucking Peter Parker best friend behind his back and now a random black guy. 2. Gwen got knocked up by Peter Parker best friend father. That's beyond being a whore.
But they did it poorly. She hit the ground. In reality her head and most of her body would've been pulverised on impact.
In the original, Gwen never hit the water, so we don't know if either:
A) Green Goblin had already killed her prior to throwing her off the bridge
B) The fall had killed her and there was nothing Spider-Man could have really done
C) The sudden stop caused by Spider-Man's webbing actually broke her neck, thereby killing her
Conway did it perfectly. Webb not so much.
wouldn't her ankle break, not her neck?
Don't think human bodies work that way.
She'd probably break both.
It's a whiplash effect
But that one's obviously the fall
Wait, I'm remembering now. Didn't this lead to the whole Mephisto thing with Peter sacrificing his marriage just to save Aunt may who was ok with dying even though it seems kinda bullshit that no one could save her from a fucking gun shot.
Please tell me they undid this at some point?
Are you implying Mary Jane Watson not a whore? I can understand Gwen was a slut until spider-man cucking happened. But seriously MJ?
If they did, Peter would still be married to MJ.
So no. Marvel sacrificed one of the best marriages in comics for… I don't even know.
No, Quesada's convinced that One More Day was a good thing and stubbornly refuses to revert it even though it hurt sales and everyone hates it.
Civil War, on the other hand, was rendered pretty much moot.
What worst. The panel clearly shows a exit wound. But everywhere else it said the bullet was still in Aunt may.
Quesada's mommy issues.
Daughter issues more like. The first thing he had a newly single Peter Parker do was date a girl named after and modelled on his daughter.
Did they fuck?
For better or worse, Frank has always been one note. There's not much you can do with a character with a gimmick that renders him volatile in Marvel's sandbox aside from sic him on low-level gangsters and street scum. Even Garth Ennis essentially said that the Punisher is only as good as his antagonists.
Last I heard, the supervising editor left Marvel a long time ago.
Wasn't he dealing with a divorce or something when he decided Peter should be single? So he wanted Peter to be his self-insert?
And Peter, his self-insert at that time, fucked a woman that looked very similar to his own daughter?
As far as I'm aware Quesada's still happily married to the mother of his child.
One More Day was more of a 'fuck you' than anything.
In the Ultimate Universe when Wolverine took control of Peter's body he fucked MJ in the ass.
The user is right. Quesada was at the time split with his wife and in the story itself Peter looked like him (he was doing the art), then for some reason later Peter was fucking the self-insert of his daughter.
white people are so creepy
To be fair, we don't know what Wolverine did, and MJ specified she turned him down. All she said was "What you tried to do the other day, can we wait to do that until we're older?"
Clearly wolverine tried to sell a financial package that was beyond parker's scope of understanding
I'd like a source for this claim, because if it really happened:
A) I'd have heard it
B) It would be added to the long lists of complaints about One More Day's stupidity which seem to abound across every corner of the internet
Unless true, OMD's just another example of Quesada being a dick. Let's not forget it was his idea to add cuckolding to the already painful story of Gwen Stacy's death
No he didn't. He might've tried to, but he didn't.
Quick question, how accurate is this?
How's "Not at All"?
The Seven Deadly Enemies of Man, which that illustration is clearly based on, were Pride, Envy, Greed, Hatred, Selfishness, Laziness, and Injustice.
Anger, Sloth, Lust, and Gluttony weren't part of it.
I was asking a bit more character-wise but, okay.
That's because of censorship, dummy
So Gay Biker is the look they are going for NEW 52 Catman? Looks fucking awful.
Of course Power Girl would be Lust.
I bet she loves it up the ass.
I really hope she does.
She also loves to fuck the guy that looks like the man who raised her back in her own universe.
Power Pack got good porn?
They even killed MC2 Peter in the excreetable Spider-Verse to get rid of his marriage there.
They only say it because there's a few bits where she is attracted to boys in her original comic (issue 59, which is after the series changed creators and went to shit, as well as the mediocre but harmless "peer pressure" miniseries). If not for those they would have just said she's gay.
Is that the same hat?
An alternate universe version of it yes.
What happened to Madame Web? Did everyone just kind of forget about her? From what I remember she only ever talked with spider themed heroes.
She was involved in Slott's pre-Superior run. Her role was not very big though.
She died but she's coming back in the Dead No More arc that's coming up.
Old design > new design
Not even a problem because women don't fart right
Why doesn't Genndy get more work?
Probably because he's a stickler for expressive animation.
I'm certain that's the reason he was taken off Popeye. That shit is expensive.
Does she have porn?
So, you're saying the big film studios want to do movies as cheaply as possible to maximize profits?
What a bunch of Liebersteins.
Thats been the history of everything ever forever. I say It will take about 7 more years, and we will be back in action, when the creative people return, and the market is healthier.
When there is choice, people grow taste. When they grow taste, there is competition, where there is competition, there is more creativity.
At the moment the market is so shit, that people are just eating whats right in front of them.
Like Im reading older videogame reviews. Megaman Zero 4 (A Fantastic game) got panned for "Just treading water/ being more of the same" which it was. But that was from mainstream game coverage. Can you imagine that now?
Outside the fact that there are NO megaman games being released now, games have to reach at least sequel number 9 or so before people get tired.
Bendis wrote it?
You know…He…did it.
Brian Michael Bendis wrote that comic?
But user thats perfectly normal
Which comic?
think she was murdered by Kraven's family
Now there is some bullshit.
Fuck I would love to see Spiderman:Agent of DOOM now.
fuck off
Quesadilla is latino. That said incest is hot and you know it.