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No thanks.
Ah, that's not good…
Well that's fine!
I can still but you your first drink!
Yeah I don't know what I'm like with alcohol so I might pass out
youll be fine!
And youll have me and nat looking after you!
we're experienced drunks
Is best if you do pass out first. I hear things about Sky!
Okay Ill trust you!
Ive done nothing noconsensual with ANY breaders~
Really its nat you have to watch out for, hes the one who keeps talking about threesomes…
I'll take it all back if you will just agree that the Chrysallis system is the best temperature measure.
Sqsq! how're you?
That video is literally a documentary of faggots trying their hardest to get feel insulted for a bunch of shit that wasn't even meant for them.
Just off from work. Hot sweaty and stinky. How about you?
I'm fine just relaxing and in pain from lupus.
hey khan
I guess it'll pass an hour for me
I'll watch out for nat but he won't dominate me right?
That does not sound good. Sorry your in pain.
Me? Lie?
Sure, not in the traditional sense…
you harlot!
Thanks but I'll be fine just gotta take my pills and wait
Well what do I have to worry about :3
heh, with nat, even I dont know~
Well goodnight mirry, i gotta sleep
hopefully youre in perfect form tomorrw!
Okay night
Oh noes! So many ones!
I've got some pics for you!
just those two
The second is jay jay the wolf girl you like :3
Yep didnt have either of those.
Had our pathfinder game last night. My ratgirl is pissed off as heck now.
Just watched new Captain America, not bad, but not super wow also
Dont say anything I havent seen it yet!
Why's that?
What happened?
Hey Canon
Hiya Sqrl!
no worries, I don't spoil stuff
I would recommend it for anyone to watch
Stupid satyr girl seduced the minotaur she was after. Never mind she is only 3' tall and he is 14'.
Didn't she speak up at all??
Hiya Rap!
how's u?
also check out the countdown page again, i's now zooming in into the city of the event, but I ain't good with identifying these.. maybe it's San Francisco or Seattle.. ah I just don't know.. maybe you'll know
She was off stealing stuff from pirates at the time.
Hello raptor how's it going?
Thats the golden gate bridge if I were to guess
but thats totally seattles tower as well, isn't it?
but what about when she got back?
tricky bastards, it's seattle.
I'm ok, how're you?
Well there is still the problem with the minotaurs dick being about the same size as her,but the satyr had better not wander any dark alleys for a while.
That's the Tacoma Narrows, lol. I've been on it a few times when I was younger. It's not so wobbly these days.
but you've got that potion!
Maybe Ratgirl should wait till minataur is good and drunk, pop the potion and take advantage of him!
I'm just going by what google tells me
Homer Simpson for prez!
I'm fine my parents limited my coffee usage because of something online about it making my arthritis worse kek.
Seattle has some similar looking bridges, but looking at the surrounding scenery, that is without a doubt the Tacoma Narrows. To put things into perspective, Seattle may be called the "emerald city", but it's still huge and full of sky scrapers that can overlook the I-5, which in turn overlooks the rest of the city. You won't see as much "200 foot tall wall of farm green" in Seattle as you will in the rest of the state. Tacoma is a little bit large too, but a lot more flat, so it's easier to see the trees.
Through these trialss we will overcome
Don't blame me! I voted for Kodos!
Probably accurate
Right, fair enough
Aw but I love coffee
We keep all our green in town because everything around us is Tatooine.
How's u? :3
And it only took me this long to remember that method….. uh…
Maybe it's still going towards the city?
I mean toronto and san fran are basically on opposite sides of the states
Fine just listening to music yourself?
Apparently yesterday was Pinkie's birthday
Didn't that happen yesterday?
Yesterday is always Pinkies birthday!
I only just found out about it today!
Yeah it seems like it, from the timings it was first Toronto then SF, guess we'll have to wait for what other image they put on there, but looking at the image names you can see at which point of the countdowns which images were set, the first being at 99 days(far from earth) then 3 days (close to earth).. seems like Nvidia's planned this since quite a while and no one knew about the site until these past few days when they got their briefcases with codes to unlock the shards…
But this time it's canon!
So she a may day poni!
Yeah, definitely.
It's super exciting!
aw, i forgot to get her something.
Pretty much. This was all founded on that episode A Friend in Deed where Pinkie said her birthday was in 75 days
Hello smokey how're you?
Ate dinner, listening to some musik myself, chillin about, all is good!
Oh yes, the way they're presenting it is just epic, do hope this means a paper launch when the countdown is done and availability at(or even near) computex!
Hiya Smokey!
Is this how people think after watvhing too much of CinemaSins?
So do I!
I'm so fucking ready haha.
the only concern now is what sort of cards are they going to announce? will they follow the names and be akin to 1080 and 1070 or something else entirely?
will a 32gig card be available?
So many questions!
So much hype!
Just don't get her cupcakes!
That's good :3
How do you surprise a pony that knows all of the party tricks in the book
Hire an expert to help out!
i'm good. just watching tv. how are you?
hey canon. what's up?
i would steer clear of baked goods since she lives in a bakery.
Ooh! I din have that one either.
But pinkie is the expert of the expert
Fine listening to music slightly in pain from arthritis
Well I know baked bads are clear out!
mmm tv err trips are good
Hire a bunch of experts then!
Or hire a party planner on par with pinkie
Oooh! I know I know!
aren't you a little young for that?
even the trips heil you as king,. Hows it going?
so many pinks!
No its lupus a form of arthritis its literally a 1 in a million chance for me to have it.
sea salt
make me thirsty
lemme just embed that for you
have you been to see Doctor House?
If I embed it I cant post a poni pick. Thats just silly.
well that sucks. i know the feel, got arthritis in my wrist. on the plus side i always know when it's going to rain.
it's going to rain, by the way.
i'm good, just chilling out after work. how are you?
u should
k, just posting for u
He was ded the whole time! The boy was seeing dead doctors!
Really you know when its gonna rain?
Maybe later
I always wondered about all that tickling.
Chickun is in it to Win it!
I will defeat Colonel Sanders and his Bucket of Fried Chicken!
90% of my wardrobe consists of black shirts and pants.
Steam Sale…
mmmmm colonel sanders
Literally all of my wardrobe is black pants and white collar shirts
In my case everything is black. Socks, shoes, shirts, pants, boxers.
So… by the looks of things, this election is going to be between Trump and Hillary… and I hate both of them.
Come to think of it I dress exactly like the rat from Flushed Away
Hey, bread. What's going on?
Big nose and all?
Glad I could help :3
What about your sombrero?
Fluttershy is the only reason I'm a ponyfag
same here. I have like 4 shirts that arent black, and those are pony shirts.
you have my vote!
Nah, but other than that I usually wear a blue hat since I'm too lazy to comb my hair
That was also the most cancerous video I ever watched, and I'm pretty cancerous.
All my shits black cause I'm always ready for your funeral. It'd be rude to wear the hat.
what's your opinion on Yugioh? The original show, not the millions of spinoffs
Also hey
Yesterday weren't you saying that people think that you're unfriendly until they know you? Your clothing might give off a negative emo-faggot impression.
I thought your boots were tan coloured. Are your chains black too?
Guys I'm kinda worried I get this weird headrush when I stand up after a long period of sitting or laying down and what happened is everything gets blurry and my head feels light and sometimes I twitch its kinda scaring me what it is
I do hope they choose something like X70, X80, cuz naming their top card a 1080 would be funny cuz you know… 1080p while the card would be designed for 4K lol
and I doubt 32gig card will be, as there's no signs of HBM2 memory being used(where you can get that much VRAM in a card), I'm guessing we'll most likely see 8GB GDDR5X for the top card, and maybe later when they release a X80 Ti then maybe that might have HBM2 with alot of VRAM
and yea, lots of questions, tick tock :3
also check this webm lol
Oh nm, chillin after dinner, might head to bed earlier today, watched new Captain America movie okay, good stuff!
how bout you?
I'm playing. The majority of my cloths is white-t's and khaki pants, a couple of long white sleeves, polo booties are my favorite
low blood sugar or blood pressure issues or maybe you are just a little bitch
I really like the ones you have but I can't find them in a good size. I will get them though
sounds like you need to workout more, that usually happens when you have a weak heart that can't supply your brain with sufficient blood
I didn't actually watch that much Yu-Gi-Oh, and the little that I did watch was when I was a kid, so I don't really remember much.
Sup, there, Blewberry?
Oh, hey, it's Raptor.
I'll vote Bernie when he comes back around. Also, hi.
Too much coffee(Not enough water usually)
AIDs. No doubt about it. Sorry Miracle. I dont think I can pet you anymore.
I walk a lot though
I'll keep that in mind
just scootin. You?
I though that was due to gravity?
That too
Definitely, and you know, that might be why they're running with the whole '10' thing you know?
10x the performance, 10x the power, X would make sense in terms of roman numerals.
Kek, he's lucky it didn't shatter the glass.
Did you see it stumble that little bit though?
That's cause the kangaroo can not take a step backwards :3
Hey man, how's it going?
walking a lot? how many miles a day?
le sage has arrived
Just got back from dinner. Was holding a cat up until just a second ago.
How about you?
well that was fun. my dog must have stepped in a paint can when she walked through my shop, now there's blue paw prints everywhere.
oh yeah. when it's going to rain my wrist always tenses up. and when it's going to snow i feel it all down my arm.
I don't think I like those steroid kangaroos!
I'm ok.
Stressed, but I'm ok.
They're definitely scary up close :P
mmmm Celestia cake
What other animals do you find scary?
yep yep
oh btw, open the countdown now and see where it is! :3
and yeah, those kangaroos sure are some buffed up creatures when you look at them close up, like they hit the gym every single day!
and yeah I did that lil stumble, makes sense given the shape of their legs, yay for learning new stuff!
Isn't stressed the new normal these days?
💯 👌
Is 2 miles good for heart health or do I need to walk more?
Where is computex being hosted?
that might be where it's going?
in each frame those triangles appear lower in the image…
Mhmm, it's also why the kangaroo and emu adorn the crest of australia, because niether can take a step backwards.
it's supposed to be symbolic of always moving forwards.
I'm only scared of bears cause I read that one story about a child talking to someone in the internet and it turned out to be a bear :(
God only knows.
my eyebrows are turning white
I'm no doctor but maybe it's not a fitness issue? Idunno. Like that other person said maybe it's low blood pressure.
I looked it up online and the fancy science word is orthostatic hypotension
definitely a symptom of aids.
Nothing like getting your red wings
Haha yep! :3
Computex this year is being hosted in Taiwan, so getting pretty close if that would be its next destination, but I'm starting to feel they're going a "round the whole world" thing.. guess we'll see what image they put next
nice, pretty clever actually!
our symbol is pretty much the Cedar tree you see on the flag for its long history, being high in the mountains, covered by snow in the winter(hence the white in the flag).. alot of cedars have been cut down throughout recent history but there's been a good deal to preserve them and grow new ones
Who is your fursona?
what* even
You could be right, and that'd make sense wouldn't it?
It's so awesome hahaha, I'm so fucking excited!
New series of cards will be so cool haha biggest nerd thing to say, right? :P
That's cool, I didn't know that :3
this is our coat of arms / crest :3
theres a skitty
Transexual advark
Kill yourself
Whats a fursona?
i meant my fursona is a were-skitty
as in like a were-wolf
so on the night of the full moon i break into people's houses, sniff their faces and steal their beans and cocaine
you dont like it? what about this one?
Ok, don't kill yourself, this gives me a why boner
haha that was fast, they already put the next image, Tokyo! and the shards are on the left side are green, pretty close to Taiwan now.. guess the next image will be really the deciding factor :P
and maybe it is, guess that depends who you ask the question to! :3
here's our coa, simple as can be lol
I was quoting something from Young Frankenstein
there wolf!!!!! Best frankenstein!
I want to fuck your mom
the best movie
200% offended
Get out.
That reminds me of this clip from firefly haha :3
Nice, nice :3
Simplicity is usually the best way to convey a message.
It was wasn't it?
Maybe they'll go to china first?
What is gross?
Hello Holla Forumsread
hey hey
shitty anatomy and composure
the horse pussy is also drew wrong
Oh ok, critical critque
I liked it, btw
It's barely 9PM and I think I can hardly stay awake.
Hello shiny how're you doing?
Hey hows it going?
Come sleep with me, I'm tired too. ;)
About to sleep, and
i drove out into the country and saw tons of dead armadillos on the roadside. very odd to see so many here in georgia.
I think we should leave the lekking to Reece and Ruby tbqh 😥
Good night bread
They know climate change is happening and are trying to run from it, leaving us puny humans to die.
its the armadillapocalypse
Anyways, good night for realsies.
they can't run very fast though. sucks to be them.
the armadillo's natural habitat is apparently the roadside. i've literally only ever seen them there.
lekking is when birds engage in in a theatrical ritualistic mating dance
I wouldn't call what they do theatrical.
I'm pretty sure theater is supposed to be entertaining.
I am so turned on right now.
As well you should be
hehe yeah, guess best to avoid confusion :P
Would make sense if China was next.. like maybe Hong Kong or Beijing
Had a feeling I saw something like this before
well iirc the definition for it isn't much about amusement or enjoyment and more about attracting attention and exhibitionism
It was a joke, at any rate.
make me a sandwich you're bread for it
Maybe, that's if they're going around the world, seems a little odd that they skipped over everything in the islands and pacific asia to go to japan if not, right?
Why do they call them apartments when they're all stuck together?
i was right about the rain.
Why haven't we blown up any planets in our solar system? We've got a bunch of them, we're not using them and 90% of them are pretty much useless. Also if any aliens are watching us it'd show them to back the fuck off and think twice before fucking with any of us, destroyers of worlds.
Called it! :P
Nighty all!
good night
whats wrong with milk?
calm down its not like its a….
sounds like you are a total faggot to me.
The kind of faggot that is totally annoying and has no friends. So you do something nice to them because you feel sorry for them and then that faggot sticks to you and wont leave you alone anymore.
People don't owe you anything, just because you were friendly to someone doesn't mean that they have to return it. Life your life and don't take everything to seriously. If someone ends up liking you, like them back, but don't force yourself on them.
this💯 tbqhfam💯
I like you a lot. Want to be friends?
Are you still there? Maybe we should get to know each other, what's your favorite color? Do you come here often? Sometimes I like to look for satellites in the sky at night. What do you think about forks? I think sporks are better don't you? I have a can opener shaped like a tuna fish.
nice grammar. I'll remember to life my life and never bring everything to wherever seriously is.
I'll be your friend, user. but I've made a pact with the Pacific whales to reduce humanity to ~1,000 humans so I might need to kill you eventually and harvest your soul in my bag.
Not enough energy. Even if we detonated all of the planets nuclear weapons at once, we couldn't even split our own planet in two. We would, however, irradiate everything.
we need to make a planet destroying thingy
so we need a really really big hammer and splitting wedge.
can we move the planet out of the inhabitable zone?
more bunny cunny
best bunn
someone hasn't been reading their books.
And we don't need more cosmic cataclysms, much less have the necessary technology or conscious state. Our existence alone means we are also 'udder spaic allens' to them in relativity as an expression of life, plus the pleiadians have kept us safe for millenia from invasion and take-over.
C'mon, don't be like that man. I said MIGHT. plus that's a long time from now, following some global catastrophe so large you wouldn't even notice or care.
It's okay, I don't make friends easily
too many humans!!!
kek, my grandfather's told me about that one.
So why would you make a pact with whales? Do they have some secret knowledge? Can you share?
obviously to keep Sedna from claiming him.
Can't humans fuck the rabbit?
swapd hard
of course but not nearly as fun to see as the fox or maybe a poni or two.
should I hit the hey? lol I said hey
oh it's spelled hay wtf
making sloths 20% cooler
sleep sleep
Go to bed, fam.
yep, I'm going to bed. but I have my phone. you can't escape me that easy.. i kno u want me gone fkrs
Hahaha, nice nice :3
i want to paralyze you and slowly push a knife into your chest
Am I really that bad?
mom please, mom stooop
Night all. Have fun.
Dont forget to take your castor oil before bed.
Goodnight Squirrely
you are not bad at all
but this changes nothing
Mixed signals. Why do you want to do all these things than?
Oh, you should have asked.
Oh. Well then I guess I don't need to be taking things so personally and getting self conscious for nothing.
I feel like you two have had this interaction before, perhaps more than once.
well, now you know what to do
That's up to you. I got a quote to paint my truck and I think it is sort of ridiculous, they said it could be as high as fifteen thousand. wtf. this and the engine upgrades (parts have been ordered) and the lights bars are starting to get a little pricey. should I skip the paintjob?
Next time.
Well… If by interaction you mean some user talking about how they want to kill me in a pretty horrifying way or trying to offend and insult, yes. Absolutely. If you meant about how I actually asked for a reason behind it before, I don't think so. Not that I could recall at least..
endless summer is good
you ever surf?
you're a rude boy
Are you painting it gold? wtf
Never heard anyone getting one over 4k, even at lowrider carshows where they have all the neat portraits on the hoods and sides of the cars go over 6k or so that I know.
The beach here sucks, I'm just an hours drive away but the waves don't go higher than 2 or 3 feet year round. I have been told that irl a lot. I can't help it, it's an impulse sometimes. When I say rude its for stupid things I say sometimes without thinking. My friend had a friend over for a BBQ the other day, he is kind of dark and I noticed he had Vitiligo and asked them about it, I told him it was just his credit score going up. His friend kept asking me why I would say that.. I don't know.
I know, it sounds fucked. probably need to get a quote from somewhere else to see what's up. alternatively I could go the opposite route and get a matte black wrap, pretty sure that would be about 2k which is how much I thought the painting would cost.
That blows, you gotta go find a wave and get pitted, nothing else comes close to that feeling.
And that is a pretty great joke, it is a bit rude though because it sounds like you didn't know the fellow very well, still worth it. You are like a rambutan, spiky and rude on the outside but soft and sweet on the inside
Hey Holla Forumsread, how's it hanging?
Hey Rubles, how're you?
after submitting that post I went outside for a bit to see some truck was just parked there in my driveway next to my truck, once he saw me get out they just leave to the neighbors, then come back and then reverse back to the neighbors.. no idea what they were doing so I took my .357 and blocked them, got off and asked them if they were lost.. they got all scared. some drunk kid looking for my cousin, apparently he was secretly trying to sneak her out since she's under age and I just catastrophically cockblocked him by calling absolutely everyone in the ranch about that suspicious truck and confronting them. how awkward lol
Good work!
That'll teach that scuz bucket for tarnishing your cousins name!
Doing alright. Pretty much just chilling. Had a due date bumped from Friday to Monday, so I'm pretty much just taking some me-time. That said, going to be working on the assignment tomorrow anyways.
I didn't know wtf was going on.. confused because I wasn' sure maybe they left someone to get off and go steal something from around the back so I ran around trying to see if I could hear anything, then started calling people as I loaded the revolved, grabbed my keys and went to go find them.. then when I got off I was expecting to get shot or something.. you never know in this area
and then it was a dropped ford f150 2007 extended cab with 24's so it looked like I was going to find the most ghetto people inside
Glad to hear it, you've been run pretty ragged lately from what I can tell
He's just lucky you didn't shoot his ballsack off so he couldn't use it on your cousin!
dat pic tho
This post sold to Pedigree.
New PEDIGREE® Adult Complete Nutrition Chicken Flavor is perfect for your best bud. The meatier recipe is made with the right balance of whole grains and protein with vegetable accents that will keep your adult dog healthy and active. It is 100% complete and balanced for health and vitality. The unique kibble is just the right size and has a tasty chicken-flavored crunch in every bite.
You should consider getting a .44mag. Its the gun I have with me now and its the same one I played roulette with. Tomorrow its purpose will be bear defense while I scout the miles of swampland when the sun comes up. If i see one i hope it is aggressive so I can yell "Get out of my swamp" to it and hopefully kill it before it can reach me. better turn it in, a man needs his rest in this rough country, see you on the other side
I said I was going to bed 3 hours ago, goddamn it. Better do it now I guess.
Do it
How're you lot?
Im good.
Journeying to work~
Had a weird conversation last night at the pub with friends
Okay skye, are you more of a reddit or 4chan kinda guy
Just fine?
Should have followed up with, but I do enjoy the good side of reddit, /r/circlejerk and /r/fatpeoplestories. Such a shame the removed /r/fatpeoplehate
I just said reddit.
Wasn't worth the argument.
They were all being moody already because I wanted to talk about work because things are going well.
The friends with degrees are mildly displeased that I'm doing so well and 'got lucky'
Well I wish you both to feel better soon.
Why're they displeased?
Skyes arrogance about where he/the company are going despite only being there for 3 weeks~
But I had a very good day yesterday at work~
What are their degree's in?
now in betterer form
i wonder if rerunning that would do any more better
When did my name fall off
when the dinosaurs went extinct
Accounting, and 'sound design engineering' though he claims he's doing his masters year on 'neural networks and AI'…
Going to bed. Farewell.
sleep tite
Ponus r ghey
Tetra I'm a drug dealer now!
Whoooa. Really?
And even better, the legal kind!
How so?
And damn! I was really excited to have a fellow illicit salesman/woman. It sucks being the only one in this community. :c
Work for a pharmaceutical distribution company.
I'm a commerce executive~
Office work, tea breaks, dicking around in my phone at work…~
But yeah I work buying and selling drugs for clinical trials and shit
Ohhhh wow! That sounds like a really great position. Congratulations!
Tetra tetra tetra.
You scheming minx.
Alas, we don't deal in narcotics (believe it or not there's not much money in legal distribution of narcotic classed drugs) and don't have the license to do so, and even if we did, I never actually get involved with the product.
We source it and sell it to people who have approached us and requested specific things, so I couldn't skim as we buy exactly what our customers request…
How're you?
It's been yonks!
I assumed as much~
Handling narcotics comes along with a lot more regulation, naturally. And it seems that you only are involved in pre-approved or in-trial drugs. I was only playing. ~
Sure has. On top of my entrepeneur work I now have proper employment. I've been mega swamped. v.v
I know, but I like talking about what I do :P
I'll let you know of I need anything weird from America~
godamn i cant enjoy vidya
its just a moving picture
Throw us an email!
You have mine :P
It's good that you're busy, though it sucks you're run ragged.
May I ask, whats your proper employment?
Which vidya?
Oh don't misunderstand me. I'm very proud of you. That sounds like a wonderful job that might even bring about career opportunities.
To be fair. We really have nothing "special" over here but ifyou come across anything, lemme know~
God. I haven't used actual E-mail in ages. lol
And I work at a table-top game store, nothing fancy.
It's a small business and I'm being groomed by the owner for upper management….~
I'll pester you if I think of anything!
Sounds cool :3
How can I keep in touch with you then?
Have you tried something different?
Reading, for instance?
OO. Someone's on the fast track to the top huh? :3
I could send you a huge box filled with baggies of meth.OH yes. And run it thru a plain postal service so everyone can know who's got the good stuff. ;3
Its alright. Cool boss. I hate my coworkers though.
And I'm entirely sure.. Although I am starting to use Steam more often.
Not even kidding
But yes, Skye hit the big time~!
I'll ask if we need a 'source unknown supply of meth for non human research'. Don't expect any orders soon :P
What different have you tried?
Ok, good, good.
I missed talking with you, you were gone for a really long time
the ineffective
Gotta go to sleep, goodnight Holla Forumsread
Have a good one
Time to beat a dead horse thread
nah, u were just too fast
whats up?
Gotta go fast!
Not important, but a big deal in the works.
Have you ever played spanking simulator?
Tin Khan!
sounds neat! no I havent, but I have a good few pony spanking pics
My work is neat!
And ok, thought you may have played, I don't think I understand the game and just wondered if you'd had experience with it.
sounds like it.
How do you fail to understand a spanking simulator?
whats up
I played it and it wasn't fun so I don't know if I wasn't playing properly or if I missed something.
Working, being bored. Chilling.
im guessing you just didnt master the spanking dynamic
Well that's why i was asking.
try spanking more?
It's just made the girls cry and run away.
Anyway I'm at work now so I'm not playing at this second…
im about to scurry off to work here myself. so I'll see ya around
just chilling and being bored and looking for some music
Well at least I'm being paid for my boredom!
Stupid windows 10 updates…
I just bought some high performance beating sticks, take one, lets go
Checked, and witnessed and hiiiiiiiii
Bad reece.
Sort your bedtime out!
morn Holla Forumsread
Hello Lil ipsi daisy
Hello Skye ;3
How goes the day?
good good
also, power rangers
Why power rangers?
They have weird suits for the new movie
Uh, awesome?
how you?
If life ever has you down, just remember you're taller than the world trade center towers.
About to finish work.
Had another wonderful day~!
I don't know why I like this one… that slow pace, those small intermediate effects, that guitar.. just so pleasing to listen to
Hey beautiful~
I'm about to finish up.
How are you?
How nice!
Going to chill and catch up on the season of game of thrones that I'm currently behind with….
how rrrr u?
noo noo noo, I've been awake since 12pm, just felt like doing a lil shopping for the afternoon soo I'm back now and settled. How's you?
I don't watch, but the characters are cool! I like Tyrion myself :3
Tyrion rocks!
I've got to catch up before someone spoils it for me though!
Okie dokie.
I've had a great day thanks, been trained on the actual enquiry and sales part of the job, may have a couple hundred thousand pounds of sale to my name by this time tomorrow….
Morning, Holla Forumsread!
Doin well, had some coffee, found out I got atleast 80 on my other course so that's good! now I just need to know about the grade on the last one…
also prepare to be enlightened!(see which city it is on now!)
How you've been?
good good, all is normal.
It's morning, but is it good? No, no it isn't.
any thoughts about the e621 site?
I'm on mobile so no links.
Glad to hear you're having a nice day and your education goes well~
Yay for porn?
made an account recently, like it so far
How are y'all?
Heyyyyyyyy buddy~
Doing good :3
Why would you need an account?
I thought she was farting
wanted to see what it was
That's pretty much what its doing tho
But you don't need one to use the site?
I forgot what fun feels like
I'm at physical therapy and it hurts :'(
Their tag system is retarded
$('document').ready(function () { var animateGif = function () { if ($(this).children('').attr('src') != '/static/spoiler.png') $(this).children('').attr('src', $(this).attr('href')); } $('div.file').children('a[href*=".gif"]').each(animateGif); $(document).on('new_post', function (e, post) { $(post).find('div.file').children('a[href*=".gif"]').each(animateGif); });});
Auto animate gifs
thanks! looking for this script for a while
hope you're good today
good to hear
aw, oh well
thx! how goes ur work?
Doin good, just chillin, a bit more tired today given I woke up earlier
I'll keep that in check for the day when I won't have potatonet
I am doing rather well, although I will be spending a good portion of today working on homework. Yourself? How are ya, good buddy?
Well, hopefully you'll at least get some more sleep tonight, yes?
you're always so busy nowadays
Read the second half of the linked post below.
You too could be busy
I know this great video game with hundreds of hours of content..
Oh yes, only reason I didn't sleep enough was to wake up earlier to go to uni to see one of my instructors about my final grade on a course.. but I couldn't find him so I went to another instructor and found out I should get atleast 80 on that course so that's good news
how's it going?
haha sounds like you're already making a name for yourself! knock em' dead!
No deaths!
That's be super bad!
lol, I'll get round to playing it with you eventually, hol' up!
*metaphorically speaking
I'm catching up On GoT tonight instead anyway.
It's going real swell though.
You don't know any chemists or pharmaceutical wholesalers in your family do ya?
its going good just watching youtube videos and downloading some music
Yeah, grad school is a bitch, although I should be much more available over the summer.
Hopefully all of the work I'm doing will pay off with a well paying job…
Nice explosive campaign you got there, what's that song though?
Hmm nothing major, but I got someone from my family who runs a pharmacy near the center of the city….and my biology teacher from School opened up his own pharmacy as well
… No shit?
Remind me where you live again..
wrong link, I was listening to that guys playlist and posted that instead lol
yeah the missing stuff I dont have
How much are ya missing!
Oh also my dad knows a guy who owns a pharmacy in the old city as Alprazolam is pretty high in demand and is commonly out of stock so he keeps some for him to buy
We have the most refugees per capita on the planet, figure it out
Führer Trump
Syria :P
Well, I might harass you later on for things…
Will the Liberals learn their lesson? Will Trigglypuff have a stroke? Will trump win the election? Weill Reece and Ruby quite lekkin in this thread?
I'll rephrase my statement, we host the most refugees per capita on the planet
It's cinco de mayo and the sombrero just got 10 FT WIDER!!
Same pony time, same pony channel
le Holla Forums user
Yeah yeah I know~
So you'll be even busier? Not that I don't want you to have a good job, just hope you'll be working when I'm sleeping
Get a room.
Hush yer yap…skitty? It's not like we're getting lewd in the bread.
I finally got this webm done
Why is twilight a jellyfish
Oh I see the brush now. It looks better knowing why she's moving
Nice! Is Twilight your favourite ponemon?
I will venture to you neck of the woods one day and locate you. I will spend whatever amount of time it takes to find you, I will never give up and I will find you. When I do find you rest assured I will repetitively dose you with LSD, for weeks, months. I will turn you into my own flesh interface device and utilize you for my strategic & methodical shitposting and you will enjoy it. You can meet some of my cruciform interdimensional critters so at least you have something to look forward to.
Skittles what
I'm playing with you fag
Ded thred zed
I know… what about my webm made you think I was being serious?
Also K
📂 nothing
└📂 seriously
└📂 pls
└📂 stahp
└📁 no
└📂 stahhp
└📂 ponies
nothing, I just got border than I already was and didn't feel like keeping it up
Actually, chances are I'll be working less. I've often joked that I can't wait for the workplace, because the maximum I'll be expected to work is 60 hours a week. STEM in university can be brutal, especially with the homework.
I think it's topically like… 40 during a normal week, and 60 when you get close to a deadline. It really depends on the company though. I probably won't do game development because graphics isn't my strong point, and the hours are shit. If I do government work like in the DoD, I'm almost guaranteed to have a 9 to 5.
Hillary Clinton just tweeted:
>“I love Hispanics!” —Trump, 52 minutes ago >
This woman is laying down the offensive tweets like napalm at Vietnam today.
She really is a cunt.
no one is deporting my skitty
She literally just equated my racial heritage to illegal immigrants, as if illegal is a race and not a crime.
Jesus Christ she's being insufferable in two languages now, when the heck is she going to prison already…
I thought you said your racial heritage was Spanish, not Mexican…
Shillary will never hurt you, Skitty. Come live in my attic where it is safe! I will bite her if she comes near u!
Not sure how you're coming to this conclusion tbh
Ruby what she's pretty much doing is taking two of Trumps comments about immigration and his view of Hispanics, taking that and equating Hispanics to being criminal immigrants as a whole. Implying everyone that is Hispanic is an illegal criminal. Mexico and Spain have nothing to do with it. she's just being an insufferable cunt and taking everyone for being idiots.
To be fair… most Americans ARE idiots… I mean, look who the top two presidential picks are.
Because you've mentioned in Holla Forumsread that you were Spanish, and that your family came here from Spain several generations ago…
Where in the post you responded to does he say otherwise?
Yeah, but where are you coming to the conclusion that I'm saying saying my family is from mexico?
Because we don't really have illegal immigrants coming from Spain. We do from Mexico. Both Trump and Clinton are talking about people from Mexico and other parts of Latin America, not Europe. So when you say they're talking about your heritage, it confuses me, because you have previously implied being from Spain, thus European.
we need to do something about these viking immigrants. nordic people are coming here and raping everybody and lewding and all sorts of naughty stuff.
Now you understand why I find Hillary's comments annoying. Though that is not the only reason.
Let me explain it again. Hillary is pretty much taking two comments by donald trump, one where he says he loves hispanics, and another where he says that illegal immigrants need to be deported.
what hillary just did was take these comments and equate hispanics as illegal, implying that we should all hate trump, implying we're all from mexico and everybody else that is hispanic should hate trump because he wants to deport us all. it's a legitimately offensive comment because she's taking people for stupid animals that can't make the connection in their head that these comments she took were out of context and warped into something that it is not. it's literally offensive on multiple levels lmao
idunno how you're coming to all these other conclusions tbh
she's basically suggesting all Hispanics are here illegally
idunno whats so hard to get
It's a simple strawman argument.
Its absurd to suggest that Trump's vitriol against illegals doesn't equate to racism against hispanics and those viewed as being hispanic. It's naive to think that his hatred against that racial group will only effect illegals. You think his brownshirts will check IDs and greencards before they stomp somebody's face or smash their store windows?
I think this is probably because I associate the word "hispanic" with the people to the south of me, rather than with the people on the other continent. Otherwise my quarter Portuguese ass might be considered hispanic.
Hello Holla Forumsread
Hillary's insufferable comment already made it to the top of reddits the donald
Canon!! How goes?
It goes pretty well! took a nap, then ate dinner, now chillin, gonna watch Nvidia's "special event"(which is said to be unveiling of Pascal cards) tomorrow at 6pm pst, should be interesting
how's you? :3
How tf do I disable twitter on my phone lol I made a comment on twitter and it fucking exploded and my phone wont stop beeping
I'm fine relaxing waiting listening to music.
Bend the phone in half.
Hey guys
hey hey
Hello raptor how're you doing?
How're you Blewbles?
I'm fine
im pretty good, my favorite massage place closed down though = (
Anyways hello Holla Forumsread
Hillary Clinton wants to be trusted with the entire USA yet she can't even be trusted with an email because she'll delete them.
What would she do if she fucked up with the USA? DELETE IT TOO???
I'd be more concerned with how Trump would communicate with foreign leaders the moment he needs to talk his way out of a conflict.
No more happy endings for Blewberry?
She reckons she can satisfy the needs of the people and the country, but she can't even satisfy the needs of her own husband
He'lldeal them to death
nothin like that haha I just like the human contact
I noticed Hillary stopped tweeting shortly after
came out
she had been tweeting an insufferable 1 tweet per 10 minutes
May I ask, do you have a partner at all?
She better go to fucking prison for 50 years.
fuck that cunt.
I play with a few guys, but no real partner, no.
I literally got yelled at and told if I get on the computer before 7:00 I will not be allowed to play on it today just because my alarm didn't work I just don't know I have 4 manipulative assholes in my family and I'm not sure if I want to live anymore because they keep telling me everything's my fault
how much would it take to get you your own computer, Miracle?
Im being serious. I dont have a spare laptop, but I can probably help you buy one
No it doesn't matter they'll limit it anyways
just keep it in your room yo. they cant say shit if its your own laptop
I've just been trolling her twitter all day.. I should find something better to do….
What kind of laptop would you need? What do you generally use it for?
I'd either use it for gaming or posting
What kind of games do you play? I cant really get you a decent gaming laptop or nothin, but I think I can find something you could use for funposting
she's very annoying
Could you get me a. Chromebook
I think my room mate actually might have a chromebook she wants to sell. Let me talk to her tonight and I'll get back to you. I'll take care of it and if you get a job sometime you can pay me back or whatever
I'll see what I can do. It'll be nice to see your smiley little self around bread more often. if not my room mate, I'll see what Smokey has around.
if I can work it out, is there a safe place that I can ship it to like a friend or relative's house where assholes won't get ahold of it?
Yeah but in an hour I'd need to talk to you or tommorow about this
I tweeted at the scum, asked her when her trial was so I could watch the conviction on TV :P
Thats fine, take your time and I'll ask around. Just keep your chin up, you'll be fine
Do you want a partner?
That sucks man
I do. but aroudn this city people are just so damn busy, and I have rather niche interests as well.
Yeah, true enough.
like my skitty fetish
That's a new one ~ :P
it is my greatest shame
I thought it was liking Atlas Shrugged.
Sqsq!! How're you?
Why's that :P
Heya Squirrel
Good. How about you?
Hi Raptor.
Could be better really
but I hate Ayn Rand and all her books
just checked, i can get you a chrome book from my roomie.
forbidden love for skitty. some shamefur! dishonor to my ancestors!