He listens to hip hop
I wonder who was behind the rise of rap/hip hop back in the 80's
Me too…
found the wigger
I'm proud to be white.
I will listen to jazz and rap as much as I want to nigger
good goy, embrace dat nigger lyfe
fuck this shit, I'm taking my digits and leaving
jazz is best genre… niggers now a days don't even listen to it.
wigger get
jazz is hippity dippity faggotry, it's a bunch of random technical "melodies" that don't amount to shit. It was created by niggers and is listened to by wiggers.
Classical is real music.
It looks like cultural marxism is really a thing after all
nigger are you even white?
I do listen to metal, I also listen to classical.
b - but that's impossible!
you must like one genre only, silly goyim!
also claiming another dubs for "le wiggers" xd
nice strawman, my original post had nothing to do with this.
typical wigger/SJW argument…
normally, I think those people would be laughing if you said you didn't listen to hip hop but okay.
they probably would be, what is your point?
exactly that I guess.
ITT: rap fans get buttblasted when they realize they secretly love BBC
they are probably Bernie supporters too
Nice use of the black and white fallacy. Suicide, I suggest.
Nice try faggot, all hip hop is shit. You can never turn feces into a diamond.
blame the hi-res pic for that, I fucking had that shit in the bag
also newsflash: SJWs fucking hate rap for its "perpetuation of rape culture"
Daily reminder Ice Cube called out (and continues to call out) the kikes. Who the fuck else in the entire music industry has done that without having their career destroyed?
That's incorrect, they target specific rappers in the past for this, they don't hate rap/hip hop as a whole, they embrace it. What better way to embrace multiculturalism than listening to rap? It's so progressive! Not to mention, most mainstream rap these days is against rape culture and embraces PC values, it's becoming more and more entwined with popular culture.
I mean fuck, even Anal Cunt got pozzed by the femishits at one point, and they were fucking untouchable with the craziest fag to ever produce music
can you honestly claim this is not a god tier song?
all the ones I've listened to have been targeted in the past, never bothered with listening to sheboons or any of the "new skool" shit coming out of the rich college grads (Macklefuck or whatever the whiny bitch was called that made White privilege)
Anal Cunt was an effort to troll the mainstream. Their endgame was met.
With both hands on her tits
yup they'd hate it
fuck off wiggers
the backlash in this thread is pretty lulzworthy, I never thought that so many wiggers browsed this site.
I often listen to it just for the nostalgia
I am 30 and I was a confessed wigger in my teens during the 90's. I grew up and realized that most of the shit I was listening to was just rehashed, dubbed and ripped off from the past. When I became an adult, I realized that combining jungle beats with melodies from the past was just stupid. Ever since then, I have been listening to the artists that their "work" was based on.
tl:dr: Rap is a fucking ripoff
Dude music in general is derivative…
derivative to what exactly?
I listen hip hop and love it. You're just racist faggots acting like you hate hiphop, actually you all listen to it
Keep telling yourself that goy.
Not only the associated culture is absolute cancer but it's objectively bad music too