The End of Ted

Rest In Peaces Our Lord And Savior Ted Cruz, 2015 - 2016

You will be remembered, you beautiful serial killer, you.


Was there ever any doubt.


We all know, Holla Forums prettymuch pissed itself in excitement and the whole website died for 20 minutes

kinda like cripplejews spine



You're a piece of shit.

shitheads itt need to kill yourselves

Not in my thread, faggot! KYS

Indiana fag here. This is what we have to say to Ted.

*you''re' or yo'ure

Fuck off uneducated spic.

i just don't think that america was ready for a zodiac killer president

I can't believe I need to spell out such a simple goddamn think because you're too retarded to figure out what I'm trying to say based on context.

Actually, I'm not even going to fucking bother. Kill yourself nigger. See you in hell.

slurp shit cuck






It's over nobody can stop it now


'got butthurt and memed on' tombstone when



>Hillary could lose every. single. vote. from this point forward and still win the Democratic Nomination.






the problem with running a campaign on borrowed money is that it's all to easy to ignore the sunk costs and keep spending money long past the time that you should have given up hope

Ted Cruz was less electable in a general election than even Rubio, who was eliminated months ago.

contested convention or not- it was always going to be Donald Trump

the best case scenario for this election was Paul vs Sanders.

we live in the worst possible universe.


better than a bankruptcy factory who had to buy his wife from a communist country.

and feels the need to tell people that his dick isn't small - he never said that his dick was big, he just implied that it wasn't small.

It's two complete opposites.



Most Holla Forumsacks just judge candidates based on their personality and the way they look. They are your typical normalfags that think their opinions matter. They constantly attack baby boomers and genX faggots, but they secretly share the same ideology. They are the sheep that they hate.


but they do.

It's ironic that you post a picture relating to projection when you are obviously projecting.


Translation:I know you are but what am i nah nah nah boo boo


stop saving edits faggot

I swear these kinds of videos are satanic. Some of them by other uploaders have 300,000,000 views and hundreds of thousands of bots commenting with nonsense.