Can this be called a triangle?

Can this be called a triangle?
It has 3 sides, however one of them overlaps the other two.
It has 3 angles, however two of them are equals to 0 degrees and the last one is 180 degrees.

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expert here

Points are not a real thing

So, that is essentially just one line.

You saying it has three sides
I could say it has 20 (just make more points)
It also has one angle which is 180.

you have autism

Wow how fucking dumb you are… maybe read a book nigger and come back.

rekt screencap so we can remind op of his humiliation

It's an abstract polytope equivalent to a triangle, but not a triangle.
A triangle is a polygon, and polygons must have edges that don't occupy the same line, ie. have non-zero area.

Is this what you normally do when people touch you in the prostate?

Points are not the same as corners. There are infinitely many points in any polygon. A triangle need three corners.

It's called a vertex, and I would assume that op meant that each of the three points is supposed to be a vertex.

calling it a triangle would be a step over the line

OP here.
I can see your point, I always thought points exist at the same time they kinda don't.
I mean, you could draw a ball and kind it a point, but you could fit infinite smaller dots inside those, and infinitely smaller dots inside them. They exist but they're so small they don't. That's how I see it.

But then what do you call that part of a polygon when two lines meet?
A triangle has three of them.
For the sake of not calling them points lets call them "meme balls".
What if what you see is not one line, but three lines, each of those meme balls being the delimination of the end of a line.

So clearly, we have an AB BC CA polygon.


They don't necessarily have to have a area greater than zero.
Imagine a XY graph.
On the positive side of the X axis there's a line that stretches from (0;0) to (0;7).

Imagine a point somewhere above that horizontal line, cordinates (4;3).

Now connect this point to the both ends of the line below. You now have a triangle of cordinates (0;0); (0;7) and (4;3).

Now what if this was done for negative values of Y?

What if the third point was (4;-3) rather than (4;3)?

If you imagine it it's like the symmetrical equivalent of the first triangle, but a negative variation of that one.

So it could be said its got a negative area.

By saying areas can't be negative you're esentially applying modules over different shapes (following the analogy of the chart, it would be like you're looking at it from a different perspective).

I'm so sad right now :^)

Well, not really.
In order to have a real triangle anyway your memeball A has to be touching your memeball C.

For me I just call two lines meeting each other an intersection/corner.

Also, all polygons have areas.

in standard euclidean space, the area of a polygon is always non-negative by definition. If you want to work with objects of negative area, you're basically leaving the common geometry, and going into a place where such a concept as a "triangle" is no longer valid and cannot be reasonably considered.


OP, 4u

However, it's still not a real triangle.

wakaramisen lol

This will inevitably end up hitting the stepstone that we will disagree on either polygons can have overlapping sides or not. I still see it is a triangle, think of all the properties of a regular triangle and it still will be a triangle. (ie: sum of inner angles equals to 180 degrees, outer angles equal 360, etc).

Also, it has an area.
But its area equals zero.
You might be thinking nothing = zero, but zero is a value, its a number, whilst nothing is nothing at all.

I did not imply in my OP that negative areas can exist, I was just ranting as I normally do every now and then.

Will check this at some point of this day, very likely.



Whether or not zero is something (a value) is really debatable.

However, if you're going to be picky on your inner and outer angles, then
The real outer angles of your memeballs are
360 180 180 and 360, by your mathematical thinking.

Also, the outer angles do not equal 360? Where did you pull this info out of?
The 60 60 60 triangle would have a 900 outer.

Maybe you should stick to shitposting and watching anime.


it most definitely does have volume

Are you having a jolly hearty giggle, mate?

It has volume because it fills space.

Not everything in space occupies space in the space.

I was actually expecting you to be smart enough to realize I'm right but apparently you counted 180 twice, which ruined the whole purpose of that bait. An angle can only have one exterior angle, baka. That being said, the external angles are 360, 180 and 360.

Now try this: 360+180+360 and compare this to the result of the sum of the exterior angles of every triangle ever. It's 900 degrees here, and it will be 900 degrees everywhere else.

If you think of any other triangular property ensure that you check it out and if you find any discrepencies then I'll be glad to point out why you're wrong.

I never said that but I could, not only because a memeball is a concept I created myself but also because people already said that points themselves don't exist in this thread, in the land of the absurd absurd is the rule.

In fact a memeball (point) might have value and its valor may be 0.

Well, that is a triangle?

A triangle is a 3-sided closed polygon. Every triangle has three sides and three angles, some of which may be the same. ▲

All its sides are connected.

There are many different kinds of triangles but that is not one of them.

You're wrong retard the first pic isn't even a shape at all… it has spaces in between the black line so the sides really aren't connected.

pruv it


what if you are viewing it from the bottom then it would appear as a straight line

Does anybody know how many faces/edges/vertices would an abstract polytope have, if each face is shaped like an octagon and each vertex connects three faces?

you can't go wrong with the basics.



Can this be called a woman?

It's Jennifer Anniston!