Do people really believe Jews can't be white or are they just pretending to be retarded?
Do people really believe Jews can't be white or are they just pretending to be retarded?
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Do you mean Jew the religion or Jew the race?
Clearly if their racially a Jew they can't be racially "white" (read western european).
If you ask a jew is you can be jewish, at first hell answer.
"Of course goy! Just convert!"
If you ask if you can really be Jewish and be allowed into Israel he will say no.
So no, jews can't be white.
They can have white skin, but they are still kikes, no matter how mongrelized.
Do people really think "Jews" refers to a race and not a group of religious affiliates? or are they only pretending to be retarded?
Nice bait
You're a dumb nigger that needs to kill himself.
Because I raised the point that many Jews consider "jew" to be an ethnicity?
Sorry I definitively disproved your shitpost faggot.
how can it be an ethnicity when the most common trait among them is their faith?
Read the article I linked, Jews have been arguing about what makes someone a Jew for millenia.
today it is religion, in babylonian rea maybe it was geographical ethnicity but by today their blood is so diluted and their genes so mixed you can't say it's ethnical, even though they want to say they're direct descendants from abraham or cain or abel or whatever they say the guy was called
technically who is white nowadays, specially in the US where mixing constantly happens. Pure whites are probably in Europe.
Jew isnt really a race as much as an ethnicity. But they do have similar physical characteristics. I say they are a sub area of arabs.
holy shit, that article is full autism.
Not that surprising, look at Holla Forums and how much they obsess over who is and isnt white,
>implying nigger penis
Not to say that Wikipedia isn't full of autism, but remember that orthodox Judaism is a religion of rulecucks which leads to rabbis giving babies hepatitis by sucking their freshly mutilated dicks.
The ones that don't take all that seriously are the secular internationalist types that think themselves above the law as they run your banks.
what if you asked a jew if you could really be jewish and allowed into israel and he said yes?
Jews classify themselves as Jewish, not white. This is kind of a recent thing. They used to want to be called white
Choose one, Chaim.
Only in the far reaches of Scandinavia, and maybe the Baltic. But they'll be extinct by the end of this century.
5 years ago I would say they are just pretending. But I have met these kinds of people in real life, and yes, they are actually that retarded
Then he'd be lying because they subject you to a DNA test.
Which "religion" do you think is responsible for the most nose jobs?
well fuck wrong pic
Where do you think they get that jew-fro from? Why their African ancestors of course.
Jews are followers of the star of david book, whether believers or not
Akhenazis are the ones that keep fucking shit up because they're smart, but not as smart as they think they are.
White is a very general term that even includes Middle-Easts, Ruskos, North Africans and even North Indians sometimes
Nords, Prussians, Slavs and Celto-Franks are western Europeans and encompass the ancestors of most "whites" around the world