Holla Forums webm thread
Server Error count: 13
cripplekike let me fucking post 75757575757575757
Holla Forums webm thread
Server Error count: 13
cripplekike let me fucking post 75757575757575757
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is happening in this video?
It went to "Posting: 107%", cripplekike pls.
I 2nd this question
Based Seth Afreekans
The bungee chord was edited out for lulz.
Hey, wanna kill a Jew?
What kind of moron thinks bungee jumping is a fun time?
Wish I understood it, but I can guess.
Allahu akhbar
Bunch of orthodox skinheads asking guy questions if he supports putin, why he doesn't smell like vodka, what he is listening to, is he an orthodox. When he didn't said anything on a question if he's an orthodox and started running, they proceed to bully him, screaming "beat that blasphemer!".
What am I missing?
Poor kid, he spoke the truth on national television, looks like it's off to the reeducation camps for him.
In all seriousness I hope this kid can withstand the brainwashing he's going to receive in school, because he inadvertently made himself a target.
Here you go:
You mean right-wing death squads.webm
Sometimes i think its wrong to post webms here, because i won't have an ability to post them in other threads. But oh well.
I hope this guy still browses Holla Forums. Smart guy and not afraid to speak his piece.
Someone said he joined alt-right with ramzpaul.
How many fucking tries i must make before posting every single webm…
Doesn't exist, some cucked faggots made that up.
There's only the Right. If Right-wing parties act Leftist then they're not Right-wing.
Well. Alt-right is apparently hates white nationalism. Ramz flipped white nationalists. Said its a cult in his last videos.
Who is that? Is he a bad goy?
Well. Alt-right apparently hates white nationalism. Ramz flipped white nationalists. Said its a cult in his last videos.
Who is that? Is he a bad goy?
I watch the video weekly.
He still has 2 jewtube channels but with barely any uploads.
Leon Degrelle - We dreamed of something marvellous
Is laughing at your own webms as awesome as laughing at your own jokes?
No he's a very kosher good goy, edited in such a way that he finally speaks the truth.
Well I didnt see that one coming.
Why can't I post a god damn webm.
Use that Java solution code thingy. It keeps-autoposting against CrippleKike's faggotry until it finally gets through.
How person becomes a libcuck in russia.
Another example.
This is modern women
hahahaha i love russian culture.
New Reply
wtf is happening here?
is he mentally disabled?
fear? did they torture him with cigarettes, burning him?
someone translate pls
He's just a cuck home boy who fears to hit a girl.
I thought Russians were batshit crazy and wrestled bears.
The fuck is this shit?
usually the female is being protected by other males, like the ones you can see standing around in the background.
1 Try
2 Try
3 Try
4 Try
5 Try
6 Try
7 Try
8 Try
9 Try
10 Try
11 Try
12 Try
13 Try
14 Try
15 Try
16 Try
I'm going to keep on going until this fucking thing works.
21 FFS!!!! COME ON!
Fix your fucking site hotwheels!
then why is he so afraid?
I'm really curious.
pls, someone translate for context.
What did the boy say after he was asked why he would vote UKIP? I can't understand it.
Who do you think is filming this shit user?
10 rubles says the kid has a bunch of angry slavs breathing down his neck as
"like get all the foreigners out of our country".
I ain't clicking that shit.
Pfff, what a noob. I am at my 100th try.
Danke, user
Honestly this shit is getting so old. Mods bumplock all interesting thread here and the site doesn't even work. Where the fuck should we go from here?
Truly the worst.
It's already confirmed that this chan and board are compromised, so it's only a matter of time.
I hope she did not end in the wheel…fuck it!
I guess that's it then. Never been to endchan is it any good? Like objectively speaking?
sorry, I'm also the user who wrote .
I just want to know what they are saying.
Some russians are more like creative people, not everyone of them are fucking bears. Our betas are poets, writers and musicians.
I am animator for example and i can't call myself "batshit crazy wrestled bear". Modern society, what you want? I was bullied by girls too. I enjoyed it though, because that was the only time in my life when i was touched by girls.
Well. The sound is shit, i can only make vague translation.
Female voice - "Anya, Anya simply done (something) to his face, like its something serious, now he cries like a baby"
Male voice - "I'l upload that into internet, on youtube"
"You created fake accounts, and now you will be a star in the internet"
Other female continue to praise the bullying.
"Top model blyad!"
"He is in tears."
Boy starts screaming "No, anything but this, nooooo!", when girl brings cigarette closer.
-continued screaming-
"Nobody will do anything to you, your mother will come here"
Well, the guy is basically getting bullied for creating fake accounts of his friends on facebook or something like that.
Nigger what. I could be considered that and I never got bullied (atleast phisically).
Give sauce on song please. I don't know why it sounds it's from a videogame.
Nigger what. I could be considered that and I never got bullied (atleast phisically).
Give sauce on song please. I don't know why it sounds it's from a videogame.
too big for webm
Based Seth Afreekans 2
When did McAfee get onto 8ch?
it's a deadboard and very moderation heavy. also one of the admins was involved in subverting gamergoy. another is a goon.
i often highlight how compromised this place has become and all the mod/vol kikery. but we don't have a solution right now. making/migrating a new board on here is pointless because of the tech issues.
the ideal solution would be polchan, single-board chan housing the whole range of Holla Forums topics without fear of being silenced. transparent leadership, accountable moderation and pol-centric features like shill-flagging, anti-slide mechanisms.
i've got it all fleshed out in my head but for many reasons i will never be able to do it. i can just hope someone else does because there will be another exodus. right now dailystormer forum is really popular and i'm spending more time there, but i much prefer the imageboard format.
This guy is fucking awesome. I've never heard of him except from on Holla Forums. Smart ass fugg
The man in the vid is David Cameron, British prime minister. Good goy.
The maker of the video is Cassetteboy, a Labour-voting cuckold.
it is a video of bernie
dude go to polmeta, but i don't expect that to convince you because there's much more. just keep your eyes open and you'll start noticing odd things.
like the weev thread a few weeks ago, no complaints since but anyone in that thread will tell you what a pitiful damage control shitshow it was.
also no transparency report in 2 months? somebody impersonating HW on Holla Forums? wtf?
something ain't right.
I know that feel
So we're fucked. Dammit!
I sometimes wonder how anyone can see "odd" things in this big pile of shitposting that dominates most of the threads unfortunately.
As if the mods read it ever. I've been complaining about mods bumplocking shit for no reason for a while now. There's even a thread made by someone else in polmeta and no answer. This boards mods don't give a fuck.
People here like to give shit to plebbit which they should but there are some gems there like /r/european who's top mod I for a fact know is a polack and they're transparent about everything they do. Hell they announce the reason for every removed comment and ban etc. The only thing limiting that place are reddit site wide rules.
It's sad that we cannot have something like that here. With mods that don't cuck themselves.
There is a thread on /bmw/
/polmeta/ is shite too.
i told him to go to polmeta to read why this board is subverted. of course the mods are silent. iirc someone spammed it because they were getting pissed off, and someone cleaned it up! so they do read it.
i'll check out /r/european. thanks
So many things wrong with the physics in that clip, oh my god.
lmao. love seeing people being run over. second only to stampedes in my book.
Thanks based user!
Nice to have you with us Russianbro.
This never gets old.
I guess we all have to thank the Britbongs for this one.
What's the name of the composition being played in this one?
I lose my sides every time that kid starts crying.
I think that cat's dying.
I don't have source but I was reading a few days ago about imkampfy's antifa links. You can look at what he bumplocks too.
Many thanks friend.
David Cameron is a kike.
Sounds like a pretty good deal.
Yep, you're living the dream.
I wouldnt doubt to put a bullet in that thing. Seriously.
inb4 people accuse me of being MGTOW
What does this solidworks model have to do with anything
The way it's told on school books, at least in my country, is that the nazis somehow invaded everyone and kept them in line by force while maintaining a puppet state. They never mention that they did find supporters of natsoc ideology all around europe.
what a perfect summary of his run
what the fuck hotwheels, why can't I upload
He's the guy who made the collage of Jewish feminists.
The video still gives me goose bumps when I watch it.
It is a pretty shit movie as well. The physics in that clip are no where near as bad of the ones towards the end.
is this /k/ asmr
you're not wrong user. remember what Yuri said: these people's minds are literally malformed, the intensive rehabilitation it would take to fix them isn't worth it
Why did UKIP steal their chic from the Lakers?
His parents are definitely getting killed now and the kid's getting sent to Re-education camp
Why did this trigger me?
they're without empathy because of their mongolian admixture
also they haven't been pussified and brainwashed on anti-bullying their entire youth
pecka wouldd
attempt number 86
well fug I ain't trying this shit anymore, here is link to shichan webm: i.4cdn.org
Vice interview from yesterday, liberal reporter getting btfo by moderate muslim.
What a fucking waste of oxygen.
I fucking love this one so much.
Is that suit made out of vinyl?
hotwheels should at least implement embedding offsite webms smh
The last good African-American alive.
thats a fox m8
I fucking love Russians
Pristine, weaponized, distilled cancer.
Nuke it from orbit.
its a joke meme
No it wasn't. It's a cat.
well tell it to get off the fucking roof then.
Pay no attention to that fucker, he's from the 8ch staff.
You mean the shit ton of non-politics threads that conveniently pop up whenever a big political goings-on happens?
A dogshit,
*thank you for nothing , nignogs**
One of my all-time favorites.
Nope, it was in Run Ronnie Run! for some reason.
shouldn't they be used to shockwaves?
I fucking love how these guys allahu akbar at explosions.
I have a webm somewhere where mudslimes are hanging around doing nothing, then a guy fires some stationary RPG weapon at nothing and way in the back you hear someone say "allahu akbar".
Where is this?
Er Ist Wieder Da
His nignog nephew ended up dead not too long after this
What's so bad about it? Seemed to me rather neutral for what you'd expect in the modern political climate.
For real?
Sorry for not having faith in a kosher good goy faggot.
Judging from the flags they're waving around and the people shouting "Bulgari" i presume it's in Bulgaria.
Yea. Shot by an urban youth. Can't find the article but I remember reading it some 5-4 years ago
Fuck that's depressing.
Eh, something tells me his ass getting whopped wasn't enough to suppress his inner nigger and got what he was looking for.
polite sage for not being a webm
Nevermind, just got to the part where the old woman says no one died under the bombs but a gorillion jews were gassed. Enjoyed it before that though.
turks and kurds chimping out in germany, black car was late for his allotted eurotruck simulator time
Niggers are to blacks like Leftists are to whites.
Fucking every time.
I really fucking love these people.
I want to go out to them and tell them how grateful i am for all they've done for us.
She wants the D, and those idiots failed the shit test.
There is no reasoning with liberals, especially liberal women, the only correct response to dealing with them is to mock them endlessly and make them feel as bad as possible.
I know Ben is a kike on many things but hes got some good tips on dealing with these people.
This, but at least one guy passed the shit test OK, except apologizing for being white even in sarcasm. Trump would fire him on the spot.
All that was missing was the dude she was fawning over at the end to change the subject to herself, like 'what's your name btw?' She's so obviously crying out for a hard fash dicking so much her piggy face looks kinda cute.
based jew?
He's right. It's nothing but a retarded meme.
"White" is neither a nation nor an ethnicity, you can't be "white nationalist". That's just plain retarded. Not even mentioning that "whiteness" is pretty subjective to these people, because they don't count darker skin caucasians as white.
That's just the lowest form of stormfaggotry all over again, might as well just shave you heads, get drunk and start clashing with cops.
Yep, never apologize, its a sign of weakness.
When he isn't being a Trump hating white knight Cruz shill I guess hes a little based.
Bulgaria. IIRC some gypsy ran over a kid with his car so they burned his house.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
You failed the genetics test. The most basic natural test that all men can succeed if they're not dysfunctional.
I see where you are coming from,0 but "white" is a useful short-hand. You have to draw the line somewhere and given the vast similarities it makes sense to use european, western, white, etc. as a short-hand to distinguish yourself from rotten rest, who have considerably less in common with us.
It's nothing more than divide and conquer.
You can call anyone non-white, which they do. Even Hitler is not white by the standards of some "white supremacists", and people like Machiavelli definitely aren't, being olive-skinned black-haired and hook-nosed.
"white" is something you can't define. And if you can't define the Jew will spin the meaning for his own profit.
It's either you include all Caucasians including Indians and Berbers or you don't do it at all.
White supremacists are nothing, but jewish puppets.
Oh boy.
It's like you people really don't care about words and meanings and definitions.
Do you even genetics?
You're partly right. White nationalism is an euphemism for white racialism.
I am asylum seeker
That point on favoring IRC is still useless though. IRC faggots are 100% pure uncut cancer.
Does she have progeria?
I remembered seeing vhs tapes in the shops with this guy on the cover, I always wondered who he was. Don't see much of him these days.
Roy "Chubby" Brown. I guess he's too un-PC for people now.
You kidding me? That guy has a golden age coming up for him.
there's a nobodytm episode that has a dub over this about how fucked modern women are
there's a nobodytm episode that has a dub over this about how fucked modern women are
If caucasian=white, then Arabs are white. Also Persians. Also Indians. Also Ethiopians.
Are you pro-Arab/pro-Ethiopian?
Pretty sure the whole "white nationalism" thing is an elaborate ruse to discredit the whole thing.
Don't think the second one's her.
Why do you always post that second image and claim it's Sinead, it looks nothing like her.
Also I would say that your obsession with her is a bit autistic but it triggers the shills really hard so by all means keep going.
Anybody who still believes Sinead is legit is a fucking fool. Sinead (not even her real name) is a paid COINTELPRO actress
Are you that Next Hitler guy?
I said nothing about "caucasians" btw.
Caucasian is a broader term, we are talking about Whites(Europeans) only.
The "core of race" bullshit in your infographic includes Spaniards, who have a huge moor admixture and Russians, who are Asian/Finn-Ugric tribes mix, but doesn't include Italians or Greek. Also has some weird "palestinian" dot, which isn't even a real thing.
It only proves that you are a retarded stormfag, who doesn't know shit about history or anthropology.
Presented without comment.
Requestan the remix of Jeb doing calisthenics at a rally.
Next Hitler?
this guy
someone webm this shit
This video is fucking sick.
Anyone know who made it?
the african guy looks so defeated lol
This makes for wonderful canvas.
From 2014 Holla Forums
Spike milligan is my hero.
Wish granted.
I wonder where he is today. I wouldn't be surprised is Mandella sent his niggers after him at the first opportunity.
kek with a smile on his face. Only asians.
took me about 2 hours to post this…..thanks hot wheels
fuck, and i still couldn't post it.
Classic. I love the new music for it.
parts of this look like it could be funny but I just know it's gonna have those bullshit parts
Does anyone have that webm that uses "here's to you"?
I remember seeing it on Holla Forums once but forgetting to save it.
not that video but for some reason I felt like posting this
My life in a nutshell
I guess niggers are learning CPR just to resuscitate their victims and shoot them again.
That one?
fix this mess
best campaign video
it sucks that they removed it from facebook
Yeah, """"they"""" got triggered hard from it, 100%.
nice Medieval 2 Total War music my friend
for the contrast
I don't know, sorry.
How is Sony Music jewish?
Thanks though.
here you go buddy.
Key people:
Doug Morris (CEO)[1]
Edgar Berger (Chairman & CEO International)[2]
Kevin Kelleher (CFO)[3]
Clive Davis (Chief Creative Officer)[4]
[1]: en.wikipedia.org
[2]: German
[3]: en.wikipedia.org
[4]: Irish
That's just the surface.
Happy Days!
What is this?
This is my first fresh webms I made. Bully as much as you like.
To be fair, it was back in 93 so jewtube and the internet wasn't avaible to normalfags so they had shit like The Masculine Feminist to subvert. Back during that time it really wasn't too hard.
I want to shove her smug face into an MRI, and then dump her ass in the middle of Afghanistan.
She does want the D tho, you don't give it to her of course
No clue, the filename just says "Psytrance party in Israel"
Don't worry bruv. She's the type of woman that's going to die first when chaos runs rampant and she's no longer protected in her middle class neighborhood.
At least they make it easy to identify who is worth helping in a crisis and who isn't. Colored hair and face piercings is a blessing in disguise.
What a fucking shithole. That's GOTTA be Detroit
I wanna fuck the retardation out of this bitch.
and what do your dumbass piercings say when you go out in public?
Thought I'd found it, but alas no. If you have a link, I'd like to see it. This one is similar, but not quite it.
mouths of madness or something like that.
mountains of mouthness.
People getting fucking murdered like that is a pretty good reason to get triggered.
el oh el. What country is that in and what's the impetus for the interview? The YouTube channel doesn't say.
I hope based asian made it out alive.
My sides, can't stop laughing!
Legends. I hope they all have many Grandchildren that are ready to redeem Germany.
Ever since they started to roll this show i was loving her so damn much, that my dick pierced ceiling sometimes.
Holy shit
In My Opinion the day of the rope can't come soon enough.
It's like I'm watching filthy frank show again
I can watch a beheading while eating spaghetti.
But this is fucking hard to watch.
Why are you not in the real deal thread, that is if you are the real deal?
Who is that Cruz drone, again?
Most white supremacists are full of shit because they have no issue mating with Asians and Hispanics. A lot of them even like Jews and Muslims.
Basically the only thing they're passionate about is hating blacks. That's fine, but kind of misses the point, which I thought was to preserve western civilization.
Most white supremacists are full of shit because they have no issue mating with Asians and Hispanics. A lot of them even like Jews and Muslims.
Basically the only thing they're passionate about is hating blacks. That's fine, but kind of misses the point, which I thought was to preserve western civilization.
Most white supremacists are full of shit because they have no issue mating with Asians and Hispanics. A lot of them even like Jews and Muslims.
Basically the only thing they're passionate about is hating blacks. That's fine, but kind of misses the point, which I thought was to preserve western civilization.
The first black person I've heard in years who doesn't have the black voice.
Are you deafed?
I laughed. I cried. I cringed.
ain't clicking
Found it!
Starts at about 30 seconds. The voiceover is this old dude. It's not exactly what you remembered. It's not saying women are shit. It's saying everyone is.
fuck off cuck
Cherry picked girls and groups plus who is going to say "I don't like black guys" on camera to a black guy on Spring break?
We might as well resign ourselves to the fact the white race will be gone soon, white women prefer blacks
come on work
Making it look like you aren't cherry-picking while still cherry-picking is still cherry-picking.
It's Democratic Republic of the Congo.
It's from a documentary, "Empire of Dust".
Never seen someone quite so triggered.
I'd fuck all of them in there fat underage cunts
Quads of Truth
wheres the one with the white devil and south africa?
This idiot can't even form thoughts.
What has happened to our world?
That's so hot.
I cut out the starting and ending segments to keep it consistent with that scene. Source: youtube.com
Why does the singer sound like an angry muppet?
Source on the music?
We all do, a man like Trump having to read anything out of a teleprompter is a giant ball buster.
Makes my blood boil and I ain't even burger.
In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg
Anyone have one with the audio? The announcer got crucified for saying this shit.>>5705472
I found the YT.
…nevermind, watched the video
It really isn't anything. He's a populist trying to pander to the masses, including juden. He noticed he wasn't doing well with the jews before, and the numbers didn't change after this speech they know; That's why you won't see him pander to the jew vote ever again.
This is the one time he spoke off a teleprompter.
Can someone tell me please?
Perfect digit for that song
Because you Lack proper imaginative skills
Imagine them all as Jews, race-mixers, or degenerate scum
Is this gundam?
If so, its odd seeing anime with ugly characters.
thank you for this gift
It's Boku no Pico. Just pulling your leg man, it's actually Legend of the Galactic Heroes Holla Forums used to love the series a while back, with all this reddit influx I'm not sure anymore, on top of that we don't have any discussions apart from Trump threads
what is it with Holla Forums thinking Trump isn't for Israel?
What are these from?
wow. What's he mean about the tanks at the beginning, that they were soviet commissioned tanks on the cheap but the Germans still made them?
It's mathematically impossible that he's the zodiac killer.
Ed O'Neill is from my hometown. Feels good man.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes will always be amazing no matter our opinion of anime.
anyone got sean bean punching out that leftie?
Does anyone have the vid of the indians doing the sit down with the American army, and the general btfo there who premise that they were peaceful before the whites came?
Will this do?
Even when it's Hitler keeper should not beaten on his near post.
She wanted the D.
He says the germans sold the russians some cannons by Krupp in the 1930s which were then used in the T-34 and after the war in the pact countries.
The rest should be clear enough.
Fucking rolling laughing
Sauce on the song?
I see what you did there.
this one?
Oh look, faggot vic berger making hilarious light of white people being murdered
tim & eric vig berger so fahnny XD hahah he zoom in XD
What's the name of this anime?
Can somebody post that how2webm .webm?
Sorenson Squeeze bloats the file sizes way too much.
This one?
Trump junior bought the board a long time ago, 90% of the post you see cucking for trump are shills, 10% are from optimistic people that still hold onto the hope of turning the tide using the same system that enabled it.
and then there's me, I hate the establishment and want to see everything burn, and Trump is the closest we have to that
yea, thanks.
wouldn't let me post the webm for some reason
Yeah, right, totally.
Sauce? What movie is this?
The Believer.
Requesting the old lady toasting hitler
it's from "Civilization" by Kenneth Clarke
should be required viewing
You're going to give me shit for this, but what is this song? Can't go by lyrics because I don't speak nip.
around the 70th time and when you've seen it since 2011 it kinda does
red pilled british shota confirmed
what is the song
So who is paying her? Why did she do what she did?
Did anyone actually take her seriously?
The Merchant of Venice is about a nasty kike, too.
boy oh boy mc ride sure put on some weight lately
I found it entertaining.
Source this.
not all of those clips were from russia
this site gets shittier every day
Time for annudah migration
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
"Cash", I believe
Do you have the one for Helveta and the stoned Danish cartoon character?
Source this.
Is the site working better today or is it just me?
I'm kind of getting turned on by this, in a hate-boner rapey kind of way.
Meanwhile Russians make an "anime" parody about Natalia Poklonskaya.
There is a second part of Natalia Poklonskaya anime parody, and i can't re-encode it, to be less than 12 mb large.
I'l post link to different website containing a webm instead, if you won't protest that:
Maybe someone can convert it better.
Brave shores- Never come down
This bitch is a phony
I wonder who got this get
Muslim Magomayev - Best City in the World
More clever than anything other humor about Trump
This please
bumping to ask if anybody has a link to that video of girls twerking while narration was talking about the downfall of western civilization or pornography? it was part of a series and meant to be creepy and show off degeneracy
Can someone post the webm of alex from a clockwork orange forced to watch degeneracy?
got it right here
bumping for this still
There's something fishy about that 12 year old girl voice, but this shit is good.
It's the theme song to Knight Rider.
The pistol he used was even smaller than 9mm.
You could say that the Camera man was so startled / shocked that he dropped the camera…
I don't believe the news anymore ever since Robbie LYING MORMON Parker.
Thanks, do you mean this post?
Don't like wittle gwurls?
That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks.
I'm sure that one of the next movements is going to be stopping cuckold discrimination.
I hate the world we live in.
"Animals may run from animals, but you are men, and worthy heirs of the great heroes of Ancient Greece and Rome."- Constantine XI before going to meet the turkish animals who laid siege on the Hagia Sophia. Constantine had requested from all of Europe men of honor and duty to come help defend Rome. Only 8000 answered that call.
It's sad how aware the announcers are of their obvious addiction to the phones, while at the same time some crowd of 25,000 people watch 2 teams of grown men hit and throw balls around.
The irony is both bitter and sweet.
Source? For the love of god where is the rest of it?
Fresh OC boys, made it for the rally hype thread the other day.
I got a request.
I remember an extended webm of this where Hitler jokes that he'll never invade the USA and calls roosevelt a cunt for the obvious demonization.
That really depresses me man.
I feel so bad for YEBBY boy.
Typical Berniefag.
name of the song?
me too. i generally think leftist girls are hot
Fucking jewtube deleted that merchant video that had "I was holocausted by an evil Nazi named George Zimmerman, he holocausted me over and over again. With his Nazi luger, strait to the chest!"
fucking jews man
Music request please, goy
nah I think they're called grooming camps in the UK
I know this makes some people mad but I just can't stop chuckling at how retarded these bitches look
they're just never the right kind of hot
Got you fam
Oy Vey! This kid could literally become the next Hitler!
As the grandson of a World War 2 Royal British Marine who survived D-Day, I hope this cunt is raped by a pack of niggers and left to cry in the cold without a coat on.
The context is they are a jewish partyvan that goes around to cheer up depressed jews.
Jews are so upset nobody is shoahing them that they are literally committing suicide in large number in Israel.
You mean "Ca$h"
fug. that's actually "Constant Warfare".
its simply whites wanting nationalism and a mono racial society in their respective countries. The reason white has to be added is because most nationalist groups include which ever nigger/arab/spic immigrants that came to the country too. They need to be made to leave.
Last one.
Try too keep these off of jewtube, JAM apparently doesn't like his old shit being uploaded there.
better quality
Get out kike.
I kinda want to know which song is used here
This guy really hits home with me and he's a mixed race dude it seems. Whats this guys background? Never heard of him before Holla Forums
We we all go together when we go.
Some of his older interviews where he goes into his background/awakening are still online:
Nope, just jewish. She's Ramzpaul's mistress.
You mean this:
that I posted days ago??
If all black people were like this, I would gladly accept them.
Guys really, we have to realize this nigger behavior is the result of the 1. the Jewish slave merchants selecting the dumbest africans to bring over and 2. the Jewish media ecouraging nigger behavior for blacks in America.
Jews will always be the ultimate and only enemy, they have been ruining this planet for literally thousands of years, even before they came to Europe, they were Jewing in ancient Egyp, Persia, Babylon etc. We need all races to unify and get rid of the Jews and have international nationalism for all and promote positive eugenics for all races, this planet can be transformed in to a paradise within 2-3 generations, all it takes is the extermination of Jews + international nationalism + eugenics for all races.
He is half white and has an IQ of 140+, I have an entire folder of his work, he had a lot more on YouTube many years ago, but I didn't save them back then, couldn't retrieve all his work, but salvaged what I could. I will post them tomorrow in seperate threat and ask if anyone has his videos on when he was locked up by Jews.
In their reckless attempts at stumping Don they accidentally made the best campaign ad as of yet.
It's like no one ever realizes there's fucking over 6 billion people on Earth. 12,000 doesn't shit
Cute little faggot
Here is the full video of the nogs being nogs that you are praising
jackasses using the Rephram even
what the fuck did i just watch?
Looks like Revolutionary Girl Utena
Looks like Revolutionary Girl Utena
So? Fuck off Jew, Blacks have been fucked over hard in America, of course they are angry. We whites should have helped them make their own country in Africa, they did their job in the US, we should have repaid them and ended slavery and exterminated the Jews. Slavery was wrong anyway, if whites need slaves to do their work, they will become lazy and degenerate, the Germans build Germany by German labour and brilliance, we could have done the same.
The Aryan revival of this planet is coming to all the people, Jews will be exterminated globally and all people will prosper, especially us whites. No longer can you divide and rule us fucking kike.
ahahahahaah. oooh boy.
the quality of physical and non-physical substances over time can change into what they are not, thus existence is in a constant state of conflict.
such qualities are negated, or become contrary to what they were on a metaphysical level. regarding people, such qualities imply interests. an attack on those qualities presents an existential crisis. power in its many forms actualize the potential to secure those interests socially; and that's politics.
he's basically correct.
the thrust of his main argument is correct.
RIP her boobs :(
New here huh?
You will see about the nog and slavery if you keep your eyes open long enough. Read/learn about the ancient world and the origins of slavery. Whites don't need anyone to do their work but barbarians don't have a right to rule themselves.
As a glutton for punishment I went to try to find more videos about communism and the rise of the soviets, found this video.
It spent the first 8 minutes (all I could bear) humanizing Beria
So yeah.. if somebody has recommendations different than what the google search function reveals, please provide
This makes me happy.
How do you even link stuff from 8ch uploads sry am newfag, but I have a dank webm
What are you asking to do?
if you try to upload the same thing twice you can't, so how do you link somethin that's uploaded already
That ugly cunt is a jewish rat and the person behind the "communism kills" blog. She banned me from her kikebook site because I've shown to much of m powerlevel by posting merchant maymays.
music ruins it
Thank you so much for the second clip. It improved my life immensely.
This guy is a nutcase
did I miss that? wew
thanks for the webm chap, well saved.
the starting story is fun as always, as it was fiction written by more mature people than him.
but on the rest of the video this guy is just out of his mind and pretty much too intolerant to even my tastes. I won't hate jews as a race for making the "girls gone wild" series for example. is not even a example of zionism
wtf? why the hell would you post this?
must be somewhat nice to be able to speak the truth.
Asians must cheerish it while they can.
Nigger what? This guy is rather tame compared to how I talk about jews among my friends.
Here's a piece of something I've been working on.
If that bitch didn't want the dick she should have stabbed his ass, bitches need to be raped correctively from time to time i personally would have beat the bitch until she shut the fuck up.
Call me a nigger all you want but i have zero respect for women, if she was a virgin i might feel bad for her but she likely wasn't.
My real question is why do whores have such a problem with being raped, they were going to have a dick in them at some point anyways, they only seem to get mad because she didn't want that particular dick at that particular time.
they say shill? kek
did i just see a post complaining that a video is too intolerant? my god, this place has gone to shit.
HAHA, more pieces of the puzzle. I never knew the end of the Barbary pirates, or the reason for the shores of Tripoli. This will be greatly effective against dumfucks talking about religious freedom as the founding fathers intended.
"Zionism" isn't the problem, jews and jewishness are. Zionism is just political judaism.
more from this guy
name song?
idi amin dindu nuffin: the video
What is Liberia?
that's quite the selective historian. the barbary pirates and their antecedents were direct traders with the jewish merchants ever since before the spanish inquisition. blacks raped and enslaved each other, to trade to the kikes. the arabics enslaved the blacks, to trade to the kikes. later, when the british launched their 100 year war of the seas to end the disgusting slaving, they sailed against entire trade networks of african-arab-jew triangle trade entrenched for centuries (that had become the sole remaining source of trade/profit for the entire north and west african coast line).
jefferson sent the uss enterprise to stop the tripoli high seas pressing and raiding. raiding, which was itself a side effect of the 100yr war of britain against the 'barbarics': their trade was falling, and the dindus and snackbars thought they'd supplement it raiding white shipping privateering.
maybe someone else can chime in if jefferson was kike-aware, or snackbar-aware, or even nig-aware as he fucked some in his spare time. but from all accounts, the uss enterprise and her crew sailed to end the raids against us trade. jefferson didn't give two shits about didndu problems (other than being disgusted at the pratice, like most non-jew whites were at the time).
I've been hearing the word "shill" everywhere lately, even on local radio. Holla Forums meme'd pretty fucking hard.
Who is this? Why exactly did you post this? I mean it's hot but isn't this what >>>/wx/ is for?
I'm new to this board. Are we supposed to be as edgy as possible?
I would murder that rapist in a fucking second if I knew who he was. I despite feminism but rape and degradation of women is below white nationalists.
inb4 fedora/white knight reference
This is fake as shit.
Blacks have been fucked over so hard by getting more welfare and government support than anyone else, haven't they? Fuck off shill.
Keep telling yourself that
These people are fucking leeches on every great European nation.
song name?
Why are they both completely unclothed and with a camera.
It looks faker than shit because of that.
"That's it my mgtow goyim. Aryan women are worthless and not worth protecting. Better not procreate either lest you lose your valuable time with your vidya and trap porn."
An Aryan whore is still just a whore goyim, you better wife that slut user before she sucks another shvatsa dick, opps she already has one in her mouth, maybe next time user.
Was this boy taken away from his parents?
That's a good question: What the fuck am I listening to?
Hahahaha that's fucking awesome. Take it bitch! Take it!
This guy has apparently a shitload of books. What's the good one to get informed about Nazi movement in Belgium/France?
an old Parappa the Rappa incest parody thingamajig
Is there a torrent or something of these videos with Goebbels and Hitler? I've been looking for ages.
Meant for
Looking for Reich videos.
It's the FAGTOW crowd who think they are in good company here. They have a massive hateboner for all women. And also a considerable of them are simply kikes who are being kikes.
Yeah, shit movie.
Damn I never saw this
I'm so worked up right now
Disgust doesn't even begin to describe what I feel for these rat faced pieces of shit
Jesus Christ. That shit made me nauseous.
That bitch needs to be hate fucked.
It was rather good for a 'B' movie.
His uncle did that right thing but the kid didn't listen, its not anyone else's fault
fun fact: believe it or not that actress is a quadroon
Welp. Time to convert to Orthodoxy. Catholicism is cucked.
I love Tom Cruise spy movies (and Cruise movies in general). why the hell did he have to be such a kook
yea, true
I used to think dindus in S Africa were idiots for doing corrective rape on lesbians, but I'm starting to see the allure… =^)
A kikeshill if I've ever seen one
love how it concludes with "history" and "anthropology" when it also has zero knowledge of both. the HR department in the JIDF must be shit
Never seen these JAM videos before, thanks m8.
btw more "coloured graphics" to trigger you and the one graphic in the other guy's comment but in higher size
Are you triggered, hasbarat?
The post is one month old, stop shitting up the thread retard.
You should have retitled the video "how to stop feminism".
she probably grew up to be a rabid BLM activist calling for the death of all white men.
I'l never understand how Ramz got himself so cucked.
the obey hat ruins it
It's not. I remember when this video surfaced back in 2010/11 or so. Legit people doxxing the shit out of this guy for it. The video is much longer with vaginal for about 15 minutes before. He tries it once and she turns him down… I guess he was waiting to put the move on for his recording.
Honestly. Fucking disgusting. Rapists are greater degenerates than sluts are. Consent vs Non-Consent adds a flavour of degeneration.
::Rapists are niggers::
found the dying race.
listen kiddo, read up on "briffault law" whenever you feel like stop being a toddler, ok?
I hate to play devil's advocate, but none of these images look convincing. If you look at the first image and compare the absolute distance between nodes, it shows Italians are as distinct from Finnish as they are from Turks.
In the second image, Ashkenazim are closer to Greeks, than Greeks are to Russians. In fact, it appears to show that Greeks are almost equally as related to Jews, as they are to Italians. It also shows that Germans are equally as related to Turks as they are to Austrians, which doesn't seem like it should be true, unless Germany really has become New Turkey. On the left side showing the Negro groups it appears that Zulu and the Gambians are more racially distinct than Greeks and Ashkenazim.
The third graph shows S. Italians and Greeks being closer related to Jews and Turks, than they are to Russians. In fact, they're closer to Jews than they are to most Europeans, and roughly intermediate between British and Turks. There isn't a clear boundary between the White race and the Semitic groups in this graph. Rather each group blurs into the other as you move along geographically. The British are equally distant between Russians and Spanish, but the Spanish are equally distant from the British and the Sicilians / Jews.
The final image shows that the distance between North East Asians like Japanese and South East Asians like Cambodians and Phillipinos is bigger than the distance between Europeans and Arabs, Persians, and Palestinians.
Why should Europeans be considered a distinct race from Semites, if all the Mongoloid peoples in East Asia are considered one race? Given the data, it doesn't seem to add up. It seems that it makes more sense to talk about a Caucasoid race rather than a European race.
Also the final graph seems to confirm the claim that Africans are the most diverse race. In fact, it doesn't even make sense to consider Africans all as one "Black" race according to those genetic distances. The graph shows a bigger distance between Sudanese and Beja, than between Europeans and Palestinians or Persians. The distance between North/ East Africans and Central/ South African groups like Yoruba and Zulu is in fact bigger than the difference between Europeans and Pakis / Pajeets. In fact, it's almost as big as the difference between Europeans and Far East Asians. If you compare East Africans to the San and Pygmies, there's practically an ocean between them. Also, what's up with the New World groups? They're shown to be far different from Mongoloids. In fact, the graph seems to show that Native Americans are less related to gooks than Europeans and about distantly related to gooks as Australoids.
Anyway, I have to wonder about the validity of all this data.
Was that about him being a CIA plant tho?
With commentator comments.
Jews really are a special kind of evil.
They believe they can pass their sins onto innocent chickens and then immediately murder the chicken after. Not kill to eat or feed to other animals but simply throw away. You don't get kicked out of 109 countries for no reason.
fuck man i knew it was coming and still got spooked hard when it came
What the fuck?
>people think this is real why are they in bed?
>people thinks it's funny even if it isn't real, it's fucking degenerate pr0nz
This is Holla Forums, and degeneracy is unwelcome.
What kind of a sick fuck wastes good chicken?
Hitler really should have kicked it off with that tidbit. No one would have questioned anything after that.
These ugly motherfuckers are wasting chicken! You could be damn sure no American blacks would have gone over there to be cannon fodder for Shlomo.
Goddamn, I just finished watching Lain for the first time, and was amazed that I hadn't seen that clip webm'd yet.
What's does Briffault's Law have to do with anything?
Here's a chart from Wikifagia. It looks like Greeks and Italians are more closely related to Palestinians, than they are to other Europeans. What the actual fuck?
that ending
Source on the second webm please?
That sounds a little bit like Alex Jones
What the fuck are you talking about, kike?
What the fuck are you talking about, kike?
I was on board until they brought out the acoustic guitar
I forgot for a second I wasn't watching I Am Legend.
That's just fucking evil.
Is that a woman doing that?
not going to lie. the sound of the Fal gets my motor running
This is why all aid to Africa should be cut. All of it.
What the actual fuck is going on here?
this makes me emotional
do you know the name of the song?
Which song? Got link?
i've watched videos of infants getting crushed and felt nothing, but i just watched this and now i want to take a long walk of a short bridge.
Wonder Showzen
Murdoch Murdoch - They Sleep, We Live
The Jewish kind
Requesting webm of Who Controls Hollywood with the hardcore song on the background.
What I'm talking about is the difference between them, and Russians/ Swedes.
What the fuck is up with those numbers? If Italians and Greeks are more closely related to Swedes and Russians than Palestinians, the fst should be lower.
what the fuck is going on here?
Holy shit that's one dank webm.
Léon Degrelle - De Rex à Hitler
I don't know if it has been translated though.
this is really nice
Based French SS, fought until the end…
here you go Satan
that guy in photo came to my primary school when i was younger
does anyone have the burn baby burn isis video?
No, but then again we aren't supposed to have flagrant fag-worshippers either here or on Holla Forums either.
Though the jokey edge has always been with Holla Forums, though not like this. Here:
This is actual rape.
This is the natural reaction to a video of actual rape:
This is the natural chan reaction to a video of actual rape:
and a pinch of as the chan paprika
This is the OW THE EDGE crowd reaction to a video of actual rape:
This is the intellectually and spiritually retarded MGTOW (inverted feminist) reaction to a video of actual rape:
worst of all is this reprobate right here:
Look at all the words he wasted on his corpse of a thought
And then, when accurately called a nigger he posts
Or you are not a nigger with impotent rage.
This has been your crashcourse in rape reaction/consideration posts.
See you next week when we see how people respond to the statistics of rape victims and how some niggers think a woman getting wet and/or orgasming from a [gang]rape equates to them desiring and/or enjoying it!
You gotta love based niggas! They're the most redpilled and dont give a fuck to speak their mind. hahaha
What the fuck man.
Anybody in possession of the webm where the Chinese drop a nuke, and send soldiers rushing towards it?
From the furthest reaches of Frog Twitter…
The idea that, we were seduced into doing something so atrocious , is one of the most depressing thing I can think of. Murdering, people of our own stock, just because we've been told we had to. I wonder how many ww2 soldiers realized, decades too late, just what they had done. I can't even imagine what that must feel like. You killed the last great hope for western society. Now, you get to see what your sacrifice was for. Your friends, brothers , leaders, also shot dead, and for what? Your granddaughters are sluts, your grandsons are faggots, and the world you fought to protect , you truthfully fought to destroy. If any man from back then saw even a glimpse of today, they would be swearing their oaths to Hitler that instant.
tbh this film is pretty good lads, holds a fairly neutral position
What about did not constitute as a chan reaction? Holla Forums is above degeneracy.
This one did, why didn't mine?
Also, your own reaction sounds a lot like & .
Links for proof?
Regardless, I think I may just save it to scare undesirables off boards….
Made this as a test.
Are there any noticeable issues with the audio that should be adjusted or filtered before doing the rest?
I really really don't mean to sound like a massive new fag but I don't know much about South Africa, why is it good that he killed the niggers? What did they do?
I know that niggers NOW are insane in south africa, but back in those days were noggys as shitty as they are now?
holy fucking shit. making people who care about Europe look this stupid is just as detrimental as blatant propaganda on the other side of the fence.
You call this being a cuck? This is obviously little boys being ganged up on but the girl doing all the dirty work. The men are protecting her to seem cool. I'm sure you pussy's would have reacted no differently if you were 13-14 or something and in this situation. Don't even act like you would act differently because I know you people.
Wasn't even worried about cops. I pulled to the side and watched. I've literally been told by the cops here that they would congratulate me if I killed a robber in self defense.
Rural towns are based.
heh bumplocked now
Trips confirm. Badass.
has pathetic makeup and stupid piercings, and a 70IQ