You call it cheating, I call it relationship pipelining.
Computer Humor
Computer majors only, "techies" stay out.
You mean computer science aka mathematician that can't earn $300k starting?
Getting a computing degree is pointless as most employers prefer a portfolio over the "I turned up and kissed ass" that most non-STEM degrees are.
Useless arts major detected.
I am considering aerospace engineering as a mature age student
You wasted money on a liberal indoctrination center? TOP KEK!!!
Why?!? I make 120k as a truck driver, with pension, benifits, 401k, and stock options. I also make an extra 10-20k (depending on the year) doing free Lance Web Development. The web development money's goes to an account linked to my financial advisor, who gives me a 5%-8% return per year, for almost 6 years now. When i have the money (most likely another 4 years unless I hit it big in the market) I'll be buying an apartment bulding. That should bring in 100K-120k after I pay it off in 30 years. I have a GED. Tell me again how much more a college degree earns you over a life time again?
Computer science and engineering.
There are 10 kinds of people:
those who understand binary, and those who don't