So I moved to my own place a while ago. How to buy toilet paper without the cashier and other customers laughing? I've been using kitchen paper until now because I'm afraid.
So I moved to my own place a while ago. How to buy toilet paper without the cashier and other customers laughing...
You use toilet paper? fucking disgusting pleb, i can't help but laugh at how uncivilized you are. So what the rest of the modernized world does and wipe with your wet bare left hand.
t. the one troll here. fuck i remember that thread.
shit yourself so they know you need it
don't trust Pajeet here, he doesn't even use the loo!
How dare you! My toilet is 100x bigger than yours and is environmentally friendly since it cleans itself during a rain.
You're a fucking pussy
If you don't wanna buy toilet paper, get a bidet installed
You know, the french washing basins, for your bunghole
If you live in a civilized country, a bidet is even cheaper than the three seashells route
Maybe stop going to that shop full of retards?
Anyone who thinks the purchasing of toilet paper is laughworthy is mentally subnormal.
that's almost worse than 3dpd
Make your own just get a roll and keep scraping your head with a mnife until theres enough dandruff,one of dandruff's amazing capabilities is becoming toilet-paper like with the right amount
Can you not get your carer (tardguard in US) to do it for you?
First of all
Secondly, OP probably doesn't even know how to use the three seashells, lol
I know how to do it. I just think it's stupid to spread the shit around instead of removing it
If you're spreading shit around instead of removing it, or at all in any way, you are literally too stupid to figure out how to wipe your own ass. Congratulations.
That's really fucked up.
OP, I work in retail, and I want you to know that EVEN IF WE DON'T LAUGH while you're buying it, we take the CCTV images to the canteen afterwards and BUST OUR SHIT LAUGHING at you.
In fact we have a secret Youtube channel dedicated to people buying toilet roll, and YOUR video compilation got the most views. Everyone calls you "Rollman" but they know your real name and address too and they're sending an angry mob with torches to laugh at you tonight.
can confirm
t. another retail user
Here is a trick about life. Works for everything you do.
Gonna give you some magic here……are you ready?
Just don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
It's that simple
Let them laugh. Do you know them? No? then who gives a fuck.
You aren't buying toilet paper, because people laugh. Your thin skinned as fuck.
If they laugh, look at em and say "although your breath smells like dog shit, lick my balls"
"ain't laughing now, are ya, douche".
bam, you get last laugh.
Who the fuck gets laughed at for buying toilet paper? There must be something else about you that is causing them to laugh user.
this impostor of the grand master of the jedi order is not to be trusted. after all the real yoda died on dagobah.
Just buy baby wipes or something. If anybody thinks buying toilet paper is funny, then remind them that they are working in retail. Laugh in their face if it makes you feel better.
Personally I don't give a shit what others think of me. I don't know them so why should I waste my brain cells on people I don't even know? Let them laugh. It's only a matter of time when life fucks them over and they become the butt of a joke.
This isn't the post OP is looking for.
Cheaper to buy toilet paper online.
Just buy it off of Amazon, bro…
Seriously, is being laughed at for buying hygienic supplies a normal occurrence for any of you?
YOU are also a star on our Youtube channel!
We call you "the other Rollman".
Get some shitrags and bleach,user.
All you need is 14 goid shitrags.
You use them and wash them.
It's like wiping your ass with a babby lamb.
this is a more common problem then you think, just un ravel it and wrap it around your ankles all the way up your legs and walk out problem solved
What. you think the cashier and customers are going to say "HAHA THAT GUY POOPS! HE POOPED SO MUCH HE NEEDS MORE!"?
You're an idiot and should count yourself lucky you aren't a women who has to buy tampons.
You buy toilet paper, people think nothing of it because everyone poops every day. You buy tampons and everyone who sees knows you are on your period as you speak.
Good thing you'll never have to worry about buying condoms either, you'd have a full on panic attack.
I do it like once a week.
eat more vegetables
Who still uses that stuff?
Women buy tampons all times of the month because they aren't idiots. I typically get TP, tampons, and some snacks all at once because running out is for losers.
I was like OP once, then I stopped being a pussy.
Semmoset kakkapaperit sieltä
tits or gtfo
Next time I see someone buying toilet paper at the supermarket, I'm going to fucking laugh at them.
Even if I'm buying it too!
Buy flushable baby wipes
And a jar of baby food
They think you're buying the wipes for your dorty child