How come you don't have a Girlfriend, Holla Forums???

How come you don't have a Girlfriend, Holla Forums???

They do, here's her picture.

i want to have lgf. take her to her icecream. clothes and panties. then make sweet love to her loli body

Cuck detected.

Newfag detected.

Fucking pig.

If Anybody (your Friends, Family) ever Finds Out about your Dirty Little Secret, you are In Deep Trouble, okay

Ugh, too many faggots already!!!

I was born gay.


I do…?



I do though. Although idk why I'd talk about it here. Braging about having a girlfriend online negates you having a girlfriend.

no,you are just another idiot who believes that there are more than 2 genders.pls off urself

I don't know how to talk to girls. Don't know what they think, where to find them and what they want. It's hard to imagine me with some girl.

Instead, I think it would be nice to buy some android loli, Giftia or something like this… Unfortunately they does not yet exist in this time line.

Right you're so superior for being a loser.

good 3d stuff there user


personally i dont have a gf because its a big hassle to deal with them. havent had one for almost 2 years. not interested in one at the moment.

that loli looks like is about to hit fourties disgusting

thats a post menopause after 4 kids mom

I can't choose a waifu.
I don't want anyone to be sad.

I'm single
who wants to fuck?

I threw up in my mouth a little. Fatties and skeletons are gross.

I don't have a gf because I spent the latter part of high school and early college with the girl I lost my virginity to and never really recovered when she left me because I was overly jealous and secretly wanted to cheat on her.

Now, I don't want a gf until I get my life in order and make more money. And to further conflate my animosity with dating, I have developed a stronger sense of morals and an echoing thought that premarital sex is likely going to take place if I were to date–a spirit is willing type of thing.

I am just going to chill until I'm stable and ready for marriage. That is the plan, at least.

well user its like this.5% of the reason i don't have a gf is i have a hard time connecting with chicks. 10% is because i'm very shy. 5% is because i dont look for girls.and the other 80% is **because i'm a level 80 paladin"

Waste of time and money. I could get a hooker and accomplish the same ends while using less resources. Plus I'm going into the military - I have neither the time to go out with women nor have a desire to get cucked while I'm deployed.

kek is she wearing socks on her thighs?
