How did you first find this place?
How did you first find this place?
Your Mom screamed it while I was fucking her
I saw a submission on [spoiler]reddit[spoiler] saying that it was like 4chan but with reddit mixed in it. I had to see what all the hype was with the =kool memes.= So far, I like what I see.
I saw some one in 4chan talking about how savage this place was, then in Holla Forums some one was complaining about Holla Forums and I was like there is no Holla Forums in here, ten I got banned from cuckchan and poked my head in here.
the first exodus
I'm not sure it was the "first exodus" but whenever gamergate happened on halfchan I came here.
You are a real gamer like me, right friend :D ?
nope, I literally have a laptop from 2008 and never play games these days. I left because I realized that the censorship on 4chan was getting out of hand.
Basicialy, get banned for calling someone a kike, then get banned for a raid, and then I have got enugh and migrate here.
Also know about it from the half-chan.
It's fine i supose, still the change in the ownership here to the guy that is potentialy data mining faggot, make me worry a little.
i found out about it because of the exodus. now, why or how i started using it is a mystery lost to the ages
Was OP's mom calling out hotwheels name?
I found this shit hole when cuckchan and fullchan did a tumblr raid together.
I remember thinking what the fuck is Holla Forums,sounds stupid?
Then I was permab& from cuckchan maybe a week later for daisy destruction and figured I would see what this place is all about.
Man,that tumblr raid was fucking awesome.
I found it 5 out of 10
I came here from Reddit.
you have to go back
==fuck enzo==
I came here from
no u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I came here from
4chan Holla Forums
by stalking you
Are you telling her to fuck me?
I hope you disabled java
pewdiepie brought me here
I found /ebola/ when it first started gaining notoriety and laughed my ass off. At some point I checked the other boards and learned what this place actually was.
Can you elaborate? For research purposes, of course.
and violence
Rule 34.
No, I really want to fuck Enzo, but I hate cats IRL and the emotion wrangles muh dick
Why even go on kike shekelburg's millenial social engineering program, are you just filling out forms of credit card and social security information for fun? Everyone there has ACTUAL mental retardation, just from government garden hose brainwashing. The societal hivemind is just one global circlejerk.
Me 2 gaise. do u browz the are slash 4chan?? Only the best rage comic memes end up there! I herd the ebil 4chinner anoonymooses tokin shit abuot are slatch atechin and wow i couldn't wait to start posting!!!!!!!! Such a lovely, tolerant anonymous imageboard to discuss our reddit gamertags and upboat all each otehr's content for liberal equality :))) Can you guys add me on steam???? I ned more friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been posting on Holla Forums Holla Forums since it was created in 2002
got banned on halfchan for making a zunechan thread. my brother told me that Holla Forums was a thing. came here, got banned. decided to stay.
I googled "Holla Forums".
Sagek needed a champion. He has called for me.
It was in summer 2014. Somehow I found this place (must have been from ED) but I never visited regularily in the beginning. I was mostly on wizardchan during that time. The Zoey Quinn drama already was going on and gamerg8 followed in September.
Somewhere in October after all the shilling I started to browse 8gag on a daily basis. Those were good times. If you fags can remember we had Hail Hotwheels threads on a daily basis and he was actually around posting on Holla Forums and /meta/.
When I got banned from cuckchan
browsing tor/onion sites
I don't remember how I found 4chan, but found out about Holla Forums cuz they were talking about on 4chan. Holla Forums was so much better, now they are about as good as each other but different.
I first heard about 4chan when I was 14 (2008). A bunch of memesters tried to come on and bully me on Stickam, but I thought it was funny as fuck. Someone PMed me and posted the thread on 4chan that linked to my profile.
I went on Holla Forums and felt right at home.
Anyway, in 2014 I was looking for an IB that I frequented back when I was younger and came across Holla Forums. I liked it and stayed.
I got lost here trying to find some sonic comics from the 90s and now I can't get out
someone help
I have friends and a family of wife and kids who miss me dearly because I've been lost for so many years
reddit tbh fam
i found this place on reddit/r/funnyjunk
i found it on 9gag