ITT: Characters who don't deserve it so rough

ITT: Characters who don't deserve it so rough

Matt Murdock actually has it pretty good in the comics at the moment since his secret identity isn't public knowledge anymore. And he's a assistant DA now, for some reason.

Spidey typically had a hard life.
But now he's like a knock-off Tony Stark.

Anyone else surprise the question hasn't been turned into Rorshach in New 52? According to DC universe online devs. They originally had plans to have Rorshach in the game. Because they were told DC were considering bringing him into new 52 as a Alt right character. ( but of course that would too triggering for DC SJW demographic who don't buy comics )

Not really. Although I don't think many were pleased about the supernatural approach he was given in The New 52 either.

I never understood why Hammerstein seems to get the bad end of most of the jokes ABC Warriors, or why does the rest of the team treats him like scrap most of the time, hell, even Ro-Jaws talked with him on this at the end of Return to Ro-Busters

For being a robot designed for Atomic, Bacterial and Chemical warfare, he sure had a shitty life

So did people just forget about him or what? Was his secret identity just fad for the masses?

This version of Spidey really had the universe going against him.

Sure he's rich and good looking but his parents are dead. And nothing will ever bring them back

At least he spends his free time fucking hot bitches to keep up the "playboy" appearance.

And I'm not even talking about Selina, Talia, or Vicki.

Pics related

Reminder that Vicki left him for a black man


Basically, any version of peter does, thanks to his parker luck.

Batman will always be a fundamentally broken individual since his entire life is consumed with guilt, compulsion, and a thirst for revenge that can never be sated.

Yeah, but at least 616!Peter got have actual sex with his love interests before they inevitably broke up.

Well right now he seems fine but, his life before new 52 was shit.

Definitely a low point for him.
Wife was raped and killed while pregnant with their unborn child.
He didn't know she was pregnant, she was going to surprise him.

Thinking about suicide.
Cult vandalizes wife's grave.
Cult steals wife's clothes and ring for a dummy.
Dummy comes to life and crawls toward him while on fire.
He has a nervous breakdown.
Tries a few things to resurrect his wife, which all fail.
Then he dies and becomes a ghost detective with his wife.

He and his wife's corpses are possessed by black lantern ring.
People who died get brought back, except for him and his wife.

Well, he didn't have sex with Gwen. Norman Osborn did though….

Perfect example.

I still have no idea what Elongated Man ever did to Meltzer/Didio/Whoever's idea Identity Crisis was to piss them off so much

user, that's clearly Tommy Lee Jones, not Norman Osborn

Tommy Lee Jones cucked Peter Parker?

Ether way Peter Parker learned the hard way. He should of No hymen no diamond.


i'd say the universe was relatively fair to Batman. lots of people's parents die. most don't even get a tremendous inheritance out of it, or win a 1 in a billion genetic lottery. plenty of folks out there with no fucking upside to their life who are not as miserable as this fuck.


I'm no expert on Daredevil or his years of history and lore and shit, but doesn't that go against one of the central themes of the character? He punishes the wicked on the street as Daredevil then defends the defenseless in court as Murdock. Being on the prosecution side of the courtroom seems to go against that.

hurr durr he's a lawyer so let's make him district attorney

Well if they did get brought back he'd just cry moar anyway, watta fag

You don't see Shazam bawling do you

Except Spiderman lives a goddamn amazing life that is only periodically interrupted with unpleasant things when the writers remember that "oh wait he's supposed to be troubled".


He turned down the opportunity to have them resurrected in Tower of Babel

Some good reaction images in here I tell ya what

I'm still furious this was cancelled.

Look again.

Remember that time when Blackblood dismantled Hammerstein, tortured him for some Time, forced him to watch video-recodings of innocent people getting obliterated with weapons that Blackblood sold to mercenaries, and took photos of him torturing Hammerstein and send them to the other members of the ABC Warriors as postals, without any single one of them giving a fuck of what Blackblood was doing to Hammerstein ?

Originally known as Captain Marvel but, now known as Shazam due legal issues over who had the right to use the name. Marvel won so DC changed it to Shazam.

Head of million dolllar industries, suddenly being a mystical magical man of totems, getting to fuck like 3 different spider people who also exist all of a sudden, can't possibly be hated by the public anymore (makes no fucking sense that people hate Spiderman when he's a fucking avenger and FF member and everything), the list goes on.

How again does his life suck anymore? Because "the writers sometimes kill people he likes"?

Peter doesn't deserve the shit he gets.

Even when he was Spock, he got way more shit than he deserved. Spock was actually cleaning up the city, pieced Peter's life back together, had a loving relationship, and got his goddamned Doctorate, and yet everyone still rode his ass constantly.

No, look at the image again. It's Daredevil, not Spiderman.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Eddy deserved it maybe half of the time.

The other half was just the universe dumping on him. Some of those "scams" would've fit right into an amusement park. That's not even getting into the more legitimate businesses like the river cruise.

And of course the "Skipper" incident.

Parker should just realize that he has no life in NYC and move elsewhere. NYC has far too many superheroes as it is. He should also reevaluate himself, since one of his arch nemesis did better job at making the city safee than he ever did.

For someone who's motto is 'With great power comes great responsibility," Parker sure as fuck refuses to do what a truly responsible person would.
God, I hate Peter Parker.